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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139 Mr Lu Is Such a Cold-Blooded Creature

Mu Zhi curved her lips upward involuntarily to let out a scornful smile.

She thought she had Lu Jinye figured. But it seemed like she was too naïve to think so. The truth of the

matter was, she never understood him.

“Go ahead.”

Mu Zhi’s tone was calm and composed.

“Umm… Secretary Mu, Mr. Lu said to settle the debt and move out from the apartment as soon as

possible, which means he can’t wait for a week.”

Linda’s voice became increasingly softer towards the end. She too, agreed that Lu Jinye had gone too


But it did not seem to bother Mu Zhi. She responded indifferently, “Mmm, ok.”

“Umm…” Linda started stuttering once again, “I understand that what happens between Mr. Lu and you

are personal, but I think you shouldn’t be too adamant, Secretary Mu, that is humiliating to Mr. Lu.”

“Linda, thank you, I need to go take a shower.”

Mu Zhi felt every bit of strength drained out of her. She could hardly manage to keep on with the phone

call, so she wanted to hang up the call.

Linda did not pursue further and hung up right away.

Mu Zhi entered the bathroom, carefully avoided her injured elbow as she took a shower. After that, she

went to lie on the bed. Her mind was completely blank throughout the process.

She did not ponder on Lu Jinye’s actions. Why he chose to do that and what his intentions were. She

could not even bring herself to figure what was going through his mind during his decision making. Her

mind was as blank as the eyeballs of the dead.

But she struggled to get some sleep. Her eyes were gaped open throughout the night until the first

sunlight pierced the sky. She only managed to get a little sleep at dawn.

Mu Zhi was woken up by Liang Yunzhan’s call. He chivalrously invited Mu Xiaomu to his home for a

play date. Realizing that she did not have the time to take care of Mu Xiaomu under the circumstances,

she agreed to his invitation.

Liang Yunzhan sent his man to pick up Mu Xiaomu. It was around ten in the morning.

But less than half an hour after Mu Xiaomu was gone, Mu Zhi heard a series of clamoring coming from

outside. The noise grew by the minute.

Following closely, the sound appeared to be right by her doorstep, “Here, it’s here, hang on, let me

open it.”

Mu Zhi’s apartment was the only unit on the floor. Listening to the noise, she could not help but come to

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the door. Before the person outside managed to unlock it, she had opened it from inside. She stared

and frowned at the fine-looking lady who rocked a youthful outfit, accompanied by an exceptionally

arrogant demeanor.

The lady had plenty of servants following behind her, carrying her luggage of various sizes.

“How can I help you?”

Mu Zhi took the initiation to greet her.

The lady sized up Mu Zhi with a contemptuous smile, “How shameless of you? Why don’t you move

away? Didn’t Ye abandon you? Hurry up and pack already.”

In between her words, she did not even allow Mu Zhi to invite her before brushing past Mu Zhi and

headed into the room, oblivious of anyone’s presence.

She then comfortably sat on the couch, and waved a hand at the men outside, “Move them in, move

them in!”

“Who are you?”

The moment the words slipped her tongue, Mu Zhi could not help but regret.

Who else could the lady be? She must be Lu Jinye’s new paramour.

The lady scoffed proudly, “It doesn’t matter who I am. All that matters is that you are nothing but a

deserted woman. And what you need to do now is to quickly pack up and leave, I’m moving in!”

She lifted her watch, and added, “It is ten in the morning, I’ll head downstairs for a spa session,

followed by lunch. I will be back around twelve. When I’m back, I hope you’ll no longer be around, Miss


Mu Zhi raised her captivating eyes to look that the woman, then said with a smile, “Sure.”

Then, she turned around to return to her bedroom and gave Liang Yunzhan a call.

Luckily… Mu Xiaomu had been picked up, so Mu Zhi had the time and space to pack.

It also saved her from having had to explain to Mu Xiaomu.

However, one of her arms was plastered while the other had graze wounds. Alas, in an awkward

fashion, she had no way to tidy her belongings even if she wanted to…

Despite not having too much stuff, and most of which were daily necessities, it would take a while to

pack them up.

Just as Mu Zhi was struck by trouble, Linda suddenly showed up at Mu Zhi’s doorstep. She entered

with an apologetic expression, saying, “I didn’t know Mr. Lu would be like this. Let me help you.”

Mu Zhi displayed a listless front. There was not a tinge of fury on her face. All she did was nod at

Linda, “Appreciate it.”

Linda did not waste another second… She hurriedly started tidying Mu Zhi’s belongings.

The curiosity within her was itching. She had been dying to ask Mu Zhi about what happened between

her and the chairman. It was obvious to Linda that Mu Zhi was irreplaceable in Mr. Lu’s heart.

How did Mu Zhi get ousted by a random woman?

But looking at the apathy on Mu Zhi’s face, Linda swallowed all questions that were on the tip of her


Because… Mu Zhi did not seem to be bothered.

With Linda’s help, Mu Zhi managed to pack up all her belongings and called for a truck to move

everything away. It was difficult to find a place to move to in such a short notice, so Mu Zhi ended up

moving her stuff to a hotel.

While maneuvering the stuff around in the hotel room, Linda did not forget to show her disapproval for

Lu Jinye, “I think Mr. Lu has pushed too far this time. You didn’t even ask to move into his apartment in

the first place, he was the one who insisted you to move in. How could he chase you guys away like


With one hand, Mu Zhi carefully opened the zip of a little pouch to take out the facial products she was

supposed to use during the day as she looked at Linda, and said gently, “Do you need to report back to

Lu Jinye? You should get going, it’s almost twelve now. If his new paramour catches you here, she

might snitch on you.”

“Oh damn, I should run now. Mr. Lu told me to observe your behavior, and report my observation to


Linda seized her bag anxiously and then stormed out the door.

She shut the hotel door behind her with a bang as she left. She had little awareness of how much force

to assert. The loud bang echoed in the room, contrasting its desolation and bleakness.

Mu Zhi stared at the shut door for a long moment when the words ‘out with the old, in with the new’

flashed across her mind. But very quickly, she managed to dismiss the hilarious thoughts in her head.

She was not the ‘old’ because they were not lovers to being with. It was just a listless, contracted


Of course, she did not wish to cry.

She made the bed herself, so she had to lie in it. She must not cry over it.

Mu Zhi sat in the gloomy hotel room for a long moment before making a call to Liang Yunzhan,

informing him of her new address, telling him to send Mu Xiaomu back to the Yunteng Hotel.

Shanze’s building spanned into the clouds of the sky. Lu Jinye stood by the window, gazing down at the

hustle-bustle of the city with a frown.

At this moment, Linda knocked on the door, to report what she had seen.

Lu Jinye did not turn back. He ordered her to come in, and when she did, she had her eyes on his back

as she reported, “Mr. Lu, Miss Milan has moved into your apartment.”


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Lu Jinye answered clearly, yet there was no trace of emotion in his tone.

“Mu Zhi has moved away too.”

Linda added. She glimpsed at Lu Jinye, hoping that he would turn around so she could see his


But he didn’t. Disregarding Linda’s remark, all he said to her was, “You may leave.”

Linda could not help but comply.

She felt sorry for Secretary Mu Zhi. How great was Secretary Mu! Regardless of looks and intelligence,

Mu Zhi was superior to the Milan lady. Milan was nothing but a fine-looking vessel. She… Could not

even compare to Xiao Qingqing!

Why? Why did Mr. Lu suddenly take a liking on another woman, and choose to drive Mu Zhi out?!

That was unfair!

Mr. Lu was such a cold-blooded creature.

After Linda had left, Lu Jinye finally turned around. Showing no emotion, he sat by his desk and started

going through the documents.

He was barely two lines into the document before Xiao Qingqing’s figure appeared by the door.

She walked into the office slowly, and then gently said to Lu Jinye, “Jinye, I miss you, so I dropped by

to see you. I’ve just finished my check-up, the baby is doing well.”

She let out a dazzling smile.

However, before Lu Jinye could say a word, a series of rapid, clanking sounds arose from outside the

door. Following closely, an alluring figure entered his office with a wiggle in her walk.

Oblivious to Xiao Qingqing, Milan made a beeline to Lu Jinye, wrapped her arms around his waist, and

said in a coquettish tone, “Ye, I’ve moved in. Thank you for the accommodation.”

“Take your hands off him!”

Lu Jinye had not shown any response when Xiao Qingqing uttered the order apathetically.

Her voice frightened Milan.

She seemed to have just woken up from a dream as she turned around to glance at Xiao Qingqing,

provoking her with scorn, “Yo, when did you come here? I didn’t see you. Sorry, you are…”


Xiao Qingqing did not even bother letting Milan finish her words. She pointed at the door and


“Who the hell are you to tell me to scram? Do you have any idea who I am?!”


Milan was just asserting her dominance over Xiao Qingqing when…

Lu Jinye’s voice sounded behind her.

In this instance, Milan hurriedly spun around to look at Lu Jinye in disbelief. Her gaped eyes were

paired with a pair of expressive, dark pupils, thinking that she had heard wrong.