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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 184
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Chapter 184 Missing Mu Zhi’s Reliance on Him

Lu Jinye had never prepared breakfast for a woman before.

Besides, he had never displayed that much affection for any woman in his life.

To his surprise! He had the urge to care for Mu Zhi and spend some quality together with Mu Xiaomu.

But what was she crying all about?

Coaxing women was not Lu Jinye’s strong suit.

Lu Jinye was instantly at a loss. He turned around to look at Mu Xiaomu.

Mu Xiaomu was contently munching on the breakfast Lu Jinye prepared. She had no intention of

getting distracted by Lu Jinye.

He frowned as he pulled a piece of tissue to wipe the tears of Mu Zhi’s face, then said, “Alright, stop

crying now. Why are you crying by the way?”

His question put Mu Zhi in a daze.

Why am I crying?

I feel resentful, perhaps.

But why resentful?

She had been handling all the adversities alone. Meanwhile, it did not occur to her that she was

physical and mentally exhausted. Besides, she did not notice that she needed to rely on Lu Jinye. After

witnessing what he had done for her, she became emotional.

Lu Jinye’s family business was currently facing numerous threats. Thus, it was understandable that Lu

Jinye was unaware of her mother’s passing.

Mu Zhi bit her lip, rubbed the tears off but resentment continued to flood her.

“It’s fine, stop crying. Why are you so tired lately?”

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Lu Jinye reached out to wipe her tears and asked once again.

Mu Zhi suddenly raised her head and said dolefully, “Lu Jinye, my mom’s gone.”

The emotions that she had just managed to suppress came gushing once more.

She started wailing, exhibiting no control over herself.

She was convinced that she was strong enough to face everything alone. She had never shed a tear

before Jian Xiaoning, Mu Xiaomu or anyone else.

But for some reason, she became a helpless, meek lady when she was around Lu Jinye.

Lu Jinye straightened his back after listening to what she said.

His furrowed brows were relaxed. After faltering for a long moment, he steadied himself, “What


He had researched about the hospital and the procedure of the treatment.

Knowing that the success rate of the treatment was high, it was difficult to believe that Mu Zhi’s mother

would pass away out of the blue.

He even sent his personal assistant to enquire about her mother’s situation. Wasn’t she… Doing fine

not long ago?

Lu Jinye caressed Mu Zhi’s back and gathered her into his embrace.

Mu Zhi could feel an indescribable sense of security with his arms around her. She thought that all the

years away from Lu Junnian and delivering Mu Xiaomu alone were enough to make her an invincible,

unwavering woman!

However, little did she expect that she would find a sense of belonging in Lu Jinye’s embrace.

She was clear that the feeling would not last long. But her greed had stopped her from leaving his


She cried for a long moment before finally collecting herself. She unhugged Lu Jinye and said, “I’m fine


Mu Zhi even squeezed a bright smile when she said that.

Lu Jinye gazed at her emotionlessly.

He seized her hand and brought her to the bathroom, “Let’s wash the tear marks off your face, we’ll

bring Xiaomu out for fun after breakfast.”

Mu Zhi had returned to her usual poise. “Ok,” she responded.

She headed into the bathroom, twisted the tap open, allowed water to run into the basin before cupping

her hands underneath the flowing water and splashing it onto her face.

Mu Zhi displayed no sign of having cried earlier when she walked out of the bathroom.

She came to Mu Xiaomu, sat next to her, and poured a glass of milk each for Lu Jinye, herself, and Mu


Lu Jinye watched her slowly approaching and sat down.

This woman… How does she manage to put all her thoughts away in such a short time?

Lu Jinye even started to miss the brief moment when Mu Zhi had relied on him.

Spontaneously, he moved next to Mu Zhi, cut a piece of the sunny-side-up egg while Mu Xiaomu raised

her face full of runny yolk towards him, “Papa, do you think we can take some photos at Disneyland

today? I want to show Tingting and Haoran that I finally have a papa now.”

“Who are Tingting and Haoran?”

Mu Zhi asked Mu Xiaomu as she wiped the yolk off the corners of her tiny mouth.

Mu Xiaomu looked up at her with adorable, round eyes, “The people who always tease me for not

having a dad. I hate them!”


Mu Xiaomu pouted her lips before carrying on with her sunny-side-up eggs.

Lu Jinye was sitting across her. He frowned and said to Mu Zhi, “I heard Yunzhan mention that he’s

looking to enroll Jieyi into an overseas junior school. I’m thinking to have Xiaomu follow Jieyi’s

footsteps when she’s graduated from kindergarten.”

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Lu Jinye was aware that Mu Zhi had given the best she could to Mu Xiaomu.

But the school was still not up to his standards.

“I’ll think about it and let you know.”

Mu Zhi tilted her head upwards with knitted brows as she pondered.

Lu Jinye was seemingly not in a hurry for an answer. He nodded and gulped down the glass of milk.

Meanwhile, Mu Xiaomu was obsequiously munching on the food.

It was… A mysterious feeling.

Mu Zhi had never felt the same way before, where Lu Jinye, her, and Mu Xiaomu were together like a

blissful family.

After breakfast, Lu Jinye hastily rose to his feet and headed out the yard to pick a suitable car for their


His garage was boasted with numerous sports cars. He had a luxurious RV in case he felt like a road

trip. But it was inconvenient to park at the theme park. Thus, in the end, he opted for an SUV.

Mu Zhi put on a casual outfit for Mu Xiaomu and herself while Lu Jinye also went to change after a

vigorous car selection process.

Despite not wearing matching outfits, the three of them looked harmonious together.

Mu Xiaomu was the most excited person in the car.

She asked for a photo with Lu Jinye as soon as they got into the car, then sent to her little friends to

brag about her father.

Mu Zhi was busy lecturing Mu Xiaomu while obliging to the little girl’s requests.

Looking at their interaction, Lu Jinye let out a beaming smile but felt a twinge of heartache.

Because… He could not help but feel that he was indebted to Mu Xiaomu.

After sending the photos, Mu Xiaomu cheered jovially for a few minutes before gradually nodding off.

When Mu Xiaomu was asleep, Lu Jinye said to Mu Zhi, “Does Xiaomu have a hobby? Do you think we

should plan for a trip to the Maldives?”

Mu Zhi was astounded…

What’s going on with Lu Jinye?