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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 188
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Chapter 188 Mu Zhi, You’re Gross!

The headlines were along the lines of –

‘You won’t believe that SHE was the reason Lu Jinye was absent during his wedding!’

‘The most despicable mistress you will ever see!’

‘Not only did she steal Xiao Qingqing’s man, but she also shoved Qingqing to the ground, leading to


‘Mu Zhi, the malicious woman!’

‘Mu Zhi, you’re gross!’

Out of the top twenty searches on the browser, Mu Zhi made the top five!

Mu Zhi opened the first link on the list. The article accused Mu Zhi as the culprit for Lu Jinye’s absence

to his wedding. There were even photos of Lu Jinye having fun at Disneyland with Mu Zhi and Mu

Xiaomu! Moreover, Mu Xiaomu’s face was not censored out.

Further down the post was a photo of Mu Zhi without any makeup on. She was malevolently compared

to Xiao Qingqing and it was concluded that she had gone through contemptible means to win over Lu

Jinye’s heart!

Mu Zhi was enraged. She tapped on the second link furiously – ‘The most despicable mistress you will

ever see!’

It started as a detailed recollection of the beginning of Xiao Qingqing and Lu Jinye’s relationships in the

earlier years. Everything Lu Jinye did for Xiao Qingqing made their story look like a perfect fairy tale but

it ended in melancholy due to the interference of Mu Zhi, the mistress!

The post was flooded with numerous explicit attacks directed at Mu Zhi!

Reading through the comments, she was even starting to be convinced that she was the real paramour

here, stopping Lu Jinye from chasing his true love!

Mu Zhi was restless. Oblivious of her feelings, she tapped the third link open, with mentions of Xiao

Qingqing’s miscarriage.

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In this post, Mu Zhi was depicted as a flirtatious woman who seduced Lu Jinye with a series of pictures

in a collage that conveniently supported their narratives! The most jaw-dropping aspect of this post was

that the photos were taken recently!

The poster went through great lengths to divide the photos into several chapters. The first chapter

portrayed Xiao Qingqing confronting Mu Zhi, and that was followed by a seemingly annoyed Mu Zhi

after hearing at Xiao Qingqing’s jeering earlier. Combined together, the pictures suggested that Xiao

Qingqing came to Mu Zhi in good-will but the bitch, Mu Zhi gave Xiao Qingqing the attitude in return.

Then, Xiao Qingqing looked troubled after an exchange of words!

In the end, Mu Zhi ‘shoved’ Xiao Qingqing ‘violently’!

With seemingly solid photo evidence, the audacity of Mu Zhi would get under any reader’s skin!

Mu Zhi became increasingly infuriated.

She could no longer coerce herself to read the following contents. Placing her iPad on the table, she

was preparing to wash up before going to bed, to get away from the vexatious accusations.

After washing her face, Mu Zhi felt a little hungry, perhaps from the sheer amount of walking she did

earlier in the day paired with the unusually early dinner that evening. Thus, she cooked a bowl of

ramen for herself.

She had just put down the piping hot bowl on the dining table when Lu Jinye entered the house. His

face was cold as ice. Glaring at Mu Zhi, he questioned, “How do you still have the appetite for food?”

“I’m hungry.”

Mu Zhi did not turn her face to Lu Jinye in the beginning. Thus, she did not catch a glimpse of his grim


However, Lu Jinye’s voice astonished her. She promptly raised her head.

Lu Jinye was already before her eyes. He said, “Do you know about Xiao Qingqing’s admittance to the

hospital? Why would you do that?”

He had expressed his choice for her and Mu Xiaomu. Why would Mu Zhi attack Xiao Qingqing, leading

to her miscarriage?

“Xiao Qingqing has miscarried?”

Mu Zhi frowned. To her knowledge, it was unlikely of Xiao Qingqing to have injured the baby in the

womb from her fall. But by the looks of Lu Jinye’s anxious reaction, the situation appeared to be more

serious than she thought.

Lu Jinye jeered spitefully, “Isn’t that what you wished for?”

His words killed what appetite Mu Zhi had in the first place.

She left the ramen on the table, stood to her feet, and stared at Lu Jinye unwaveringly, “Is that what

you think of me? This is a misunderstanding. She was only gone for a few minutes before I became a

hot search!”

Mu Zhi was trying to knock some sense into Lu Jinye.

“So, you’re saying that Xiao Qingqing had arranged for someone to snap photos of you? Are you

accusing her of fake falling to make the headlines?”

Lu Jinye scowled.

Xiao Qingqing might be mischievous at times, but in Lu Jinye’s eyes, she would never hold malicious


She was frank and sometimes a little self-centered. But the combination of her frankness and self-

centeredness made him hard to believe that she would bother scheming against another person.

For instance what happened years ago when Lu Jinye broke up with Xiao Qingqing.

Lu Jinye gave up the entire family business just so he could date Xiao Qingqing. He joined her in her

venture overseas as a blessing to further her career in the States.

However, the ordinary love they had ultimately crumbled in the face of reality.

Xiao Qingqing did not separate with Lu Jinye due to the interference of a paramour like the

melodramas would depict, nor was there a flaw to their relationship

It was in the middle of the night, years ago, when Xiao Qingqing left the movie theater with a heavy and

elegant makeup like a superstar. She asked Lu Jinye, “Am I pretty?”

“Yeah,” Lu Jinye uttered.

Xiao Qingqing continued, “Then, what do you think of my acting skills?”

Lu Jinye acknowledged in a similar note.

Xiao Qingqing pressed on, “Do you think that I will be a superstar one day? To be the most famous

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actress in the world.”

Lu Jinye nodded.

But in response, Xiao Qingqing said with mixed feelings, “Let’s break up.” Because Lu Jinye was not

able to help her achieve her dreams. She thought that she would climb higher and faster alone.

Lu Jinye gazed at her. He did not say a word to persuade her to stay.

He respected her decision.

Lu Jinye had never been one to plead with someone else to change their minds dramatically.

Regardless of how much he loved Xiao Qingqing, he ended up burying himself in despair as he left,

adamant to hide his feelings from the people around him.

At the end of the day, Lu Jinye and Xiao Qingqing were not meant to be.

Xiao Qingqing’s frankness had nonetheless been branded to his mind.

Even though she had returned in the present to salvage their broken relationship, he was certain that

Xiao Qingqing had not changed.

Someone who was adamant to be the top of the world would never resort to despicable tricks.

Thus, Lu Jinye did not believe Mu Zhi’s surmise.

However, he did not pursue further. All he did was glance at Mu Zhi, rubbed his temples, and said, “I

have work to do, let me think about it.”

Sure, whatever suits you. Mu Zhi thought to herself.

Mu Zhi grabbed her bowl of soggy ramen and dunked them in the bin before heading into the bedroom

to sleep.

After all, she had been through several backlashes from the internet community earlier. She figured

that the rumors would eventually die off anyway.

The following day, Lu Jinye had already left for work by the time Mu Zhi was awake.

She checked the date and realized that it was time to respond to the job offers from the previous


Mu Zhi decided to reach out to the companies.

But when she called the first company, the representative did not listen to a word she said after she

introduced herself. “Apologies, Miss Mu Zhi, after careful consideration, we think that you might not be

suitable to work with the company. Best wishes to you!”

It was the first time she was rejected in that fashion.

Mu Zhi followed up closely with the second call…