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Falling for the Contract Bride

Chapter 230
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Chapter 230 The Appearance of Her Birth Father

Based on her knowledge of Xie Xiu, he was not someone to sit around waiting for opportunities to


Xie Xiu did not seem nervous at all. He was insouciantly touching up his ink painting while saying to

Secretary Rao, “Did you know? I love how you used to handle everything for me with poise. Unlike

now, where you seem to be constantly overstepping your boundary.”

Upon hearing what Xie Xiu had to say, Secretary Rao immediately hung her head.

However, she tried to defend herself, seemingly upset with his remark.

After suppressing her emotions for a couple of seconds, she blurted out disgruntledly, “Mr. Xie, you act

differently from before this time. You’ve never treated women like this in the past.”

Xie Xiu held the brush in the air. Without completing the elegant phoenix drawing, he raised his eyes to

look at Secretary Rao, “Are you saying that I’ve lost myself in front of a woman?”

“Not really.”

Secretary Rao immediately kept mum.

“Enough, I’m tired, prepare the bath.”

Xie Xiu made it clear that he didn’t want to speak of it any longer.

Secretary Rao seemed to have more to say, but the words did not ultimately leave her tongue.

After getting his bath prepared, Xie Xiu suddenly ordered her to search for a man who had the slightest

resemblance to Mu Zhi’s facial features and bring him to Xiao Qingqing.

Secretary Rao complied, not knowing what Xie Xiu’s intentions were. However, when Xiao Qingqing

received the man who had a dash of Mu Zhi’s resemblance, she seemed over the moon and expressed

her gratitude to Mr. Xie.

On the way back to Xie Xiu’s place, Secretary Rao suddenly remembered something that made

everything fall in place for her.

Mr. Xie Xiu was not passive. He was a master at utilizing his pieces on the chessboard.

He knew from the beginning that Mu Zhi and Lu Jinye were not going to get married.

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It was late when Mu Zhi reached home. The photo from Mu Xiaomu’s embroidered bag was trapped in

her head, and she could not sleep as a result.

Tossing and turning in bed, she wondered whether her mother’s death was man-made or it was purely

a medical accident, which was common in the medical world. She replayed the whole incident in her

mind throughout the night and only managed to catch some sleep when it was dawn.

It had barely been an hour since she slept before the morning sunlight pierced through the window. The

car engine’s vrooming sound made the day’s first noise, followed by footsteps of someone entering the


Mu Zhi got off the bed, put on a jacket, and headed downstairs only to see a maid from the Lu’s Manor

visiting them.

The maid smiled at Mu Zhi and explained, “Master wishes to see Xiaomu, so he hopes to bring Xiaomu

to stay over at the manor for a few days. I will be in charge of sending her to kindergarten.”

Mu Zhi stared at the lady with a frown, and she was distracted by Lu Jinye, who just headed out of the


“What’s the matter, Madam Liu?”

Lu Jinye looked at the woman and asked.

Mu Zhi reiterated what Madam Liu just said to her. Lu Jinye thought for a few minutes before saying,

“Why don’t we ask Xiaomu? We’ll let her go if she feels like it. I grew up under Madam Liu’s care. She’s


Finishing what he had to say, Lu Jinye grabbed a jacket and hastily set off for the company to deal with


Mu Zhi waited until Mu Xiaomu was awake in the bedroom and asked if she wanted to go to grandpa’s

for a stay-over.

To her surprise, Mu Xiaomu was exhilarated to hear the news. She scurried back to her room and

grabbed the bag full of snacks, then skipped towards Mu Zhi and said, “Bye mom, I’ll miss you.”

She could not be happier.

“…” Mu Zhi was left speechless.

Without any other option, she could only oblige.

Besides, it was a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with Lu Jinye.

After Mu Xiaomu had left with Madam Liu, Mu Zhi headed out to shop for the wedding gown, following

Lu Jinye’s arrangements.

As soon as she arrived at the fashion designer’s doorstep, a Mercedes-Benz MPV came to a halt

beside her.

It did not catch Mu Zhi’s attention. She was about to reach out for the doorknob when a man with a tuft

of grey hair left the MPV. The man looked to be in his fifties, but his temperament was younger than his

peers due to his well-groomed appearance to go with his vehicle’s elegance.

Upon seeing Mu Zhi, the man’s chauffeur held up a photo next to her as a comparison, as though

trying to confirm his suspicion. Then, the chauffeur turned to the man with a delightful expression.

“Mr. Mu, this should be young lady.”

Mu Zhi caught a glimpse of the chauffeur’s actions.

Thus, his words were astounded to her.

Following that, the man strode towards Mu Zhi and said, “Mu Zhi?”

His voice was shuddering, and he could barely hide his excitement.

Mu Zhi was flummoxed. She stared at the man doubtfully.

But the man took out a photo from his pocket. It was Mu Zhi when she was a little girl.

Looking at the man’s trembling hands, Mu Zhi’s intuition told her that the man was here for her.

“How can I help you?”

“Mu Zhi, is that you? I finally found you!” The man held both of Mu Zhi’s hands enthusiastically.

Mu Zhi immediately shook him off.

“May I know who you are…”

She asked after taking two steps backward.

The man said to her eagerly, “I-I am your father! Look at me, don’t you see the resemblance?”

Upon a closer look, he did share some similar features with her, especially his brows and the lines of

his face.

Meanwhile, the chauffeur showed Mu Zhi another photo.

The photo portrayed the man carrying a little girl in his arms. The girl was smiling jovially, and Mu Zhi

could tell that it was her when she was little.

“Young lady, Mr. Mu learned the news of your wedding these few days from the internet. As soon as he

saw your photo, he scrambled to look for your whereabouts without getting any sleep last night.”

Mu Zhi had no memory of her father whatsoever.

The only memory she had of her parents was limited to her mother.

When she was little, she used to ask mom about her father’s looks. But mom chose to keep mum.

Her father did not show himself during all these years.

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Mu Zhi stopped bringing up about dad because mom was reluctant to discuss the topic.

Thus, the idea of having a father eventually diminished from her life.

She was astonished to see someone calling himself her father out of the blue.

At this point, Mu Zhi was flustered and did not know what to do!