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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 166
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Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 166

Sage POV

Everyone was excited to have a few new faces around the pack, everyone was buzzing as they finished roasting

marshmallows and were cleaning up. Yet looking around I couldn’t see Andrei anywhere and he had been missing

for about 20 minutes. I knew he was struggling with bringing them here. I could feel his guilt but also hatred but

then the guilt would return a never ending tug of war within him.

Feeling someone tugging on my shirt I look down to find Jonah. He had sticky marshmallows all over his face. “Have

you seen Mr Andrei?” he asks looking around and I was quite surprised by how taken with Andrei he was, up until

Andrei snuck off Jonah had been attached to his hip. Zane tried to explain that it was normal for children that have

lost their parents to seek higher power, higher ranking wolves for safety, that it is inbuilt in children’s DNA.

“No, I am looking for him, you can help me find him if you want?” I told him. He holds out his hand and I look at the

sticky mess of melted marshmallow attached to it before taking his hand.

His hand sticking to mine with its gooey goodness and I smile at his hand sticking to mine.

Walking over to Casen and Malik who were sitting on fold out chairs by the fire I stopped. Malik smirks at Jonah

when he sees his face covered in chocolate and marshmallow.

“Have either of you seen Andrei?” I ask and Malik nods toward the packhouse. I look over my shoulder, the door is

wide open still and my brows furrow wondering if he is alright.

“Come on Jonah” I tell him when Malik clears his throat making me turn to him. He stands up, holding his hand out

to Jonah. “Come on little man” He says.

“He was looking for Andrei, I was-”

“Not tonight Luna, he didn’t look like he was in a good mood. Probably best Jonah stays with me and the boys

tonight” Malik says.

“Come on buddy, let’s draw you a bath” Malik says, swooping down to pick him up and tossing him over his

shoulder. Jonah squeals loudly laughing. Well at least I know he will be safe tonight. I wasn’t really sure where we

were going to put everyone because Andrei walked off but Zane I knew would look after his mate and her siblings.

I walk around picking up rubbish when Clay comes over to me taking the rubbish bag from my hands.“ Go on Luna,

we got this. Get to bed” He says and I go to object and help but he shakes his head.

“Go check on the Alpha” He says walking off with my rubbish bag. I sigh before going back to the packhouse. I

needed to wash my hands, my fingers were sticking together from Jonah and I had a big hunk of marshmallow

stuck to my pants that looked like snot, maybe it was but I wasn’t taste testing it to find out.

I shut the front door and listen as the locks click into place before trudging up the stairs when I see the surveillance

room door open and the light on. Walking over, I push the door open. “What are you doing?” I ask Andrei who was

sitting at the desk there.

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“Nothing, just checking the cameras, where is Jonah?” He asks.

“Malik took him back with him and Casen” I tell him.

“Probably best” Andrei says, running a hand through his hair. I lean over the back of his chair and wrap my arms

around his bare chest hugging him.

“Everything ok? ” I ask him, feeling his emotions are everywhere.

“Jonah’s parents worked for Jackson, the man whose pack was responsible for killing mine”

Andrei says. My stomach sinks wondering what that meant for Jonah because mate or not he won’t be hurting that

bubbly little boy.

“That’s not all, though”

“What more is there?” I ask him, praying for some good news.

“That rogue I killed, Lior. That was the man who was entrusted to look after Jonah. I killed his guardian and Jonah

lived in a cave for months by himself until they found him” My stomach sinks at his words. Jonah had no one left?

“I’m sorry I am having trouble reading you, you feel angry but sound sad” I tell him.

“I am both, I killed his only family member that we know of, but I am also angry because I have a murderer’s son in

my pack territory” he says with a sigh.

“So what’s that mean for Jonah?” I ask him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean are you going to let him join the pack?” I ask him and he grabs my arm pulling me to sit in his lap.

“I can’t let him join my pack-”

I go to tell him no, that he couldn’t abandon him to be rogue but he waves me off.

“Let me finish, I am not a monster Sage, he is a child. But he is too young to join a pack without parental or

guardian permission. We have laws to prevent underage people from joining packs, could you imagine how many

runaways packs would have if it was allowed. He can’t join and I will have to see Kat to get her to override pack

laws to allow it”

“But she will, Kat wouldn’t abandon a child, she has kids herself” I tell him.

“Yes but before she can override it, there will be a call sent out looking for any relatives alive

through all the packs in the country so, it may take awhile, then we just have to find him a home, there are plenty

people that would take him if we can’t find a relative” Andrei explains and I sigh.

“So he can stay, until Kat overrules the law?” I ask him.

“Of course he has no where else to go”

When will we see Kat?” I ask him, running my hands up his chest to his shoulders. His skin is warm but sticky under

my palms when Andrei clears his throat.

“Ah what the heck is on your hands, that you rubbed all over me” He says, grabbing one and looking at his chest. I

snort a laugh, forgetting the marshmallow stuck on my hand and now it was stuck in his chest hair.

“ Sorry Jonah was holding my hand, it’s just marshmallow” I tell him trying to pull it out when he jumps.

“Just leave it before you rip out more of my hair” He says, rubbing his chest.

“We can see Kat after the Alpha meeting” He says before standing up and I quickly jump off his lap.


He starts flicking the monitors off and I walk out toward the bedroom before walking into the bathroom. Grabbing a

face washer and wetting it then scrubbing my hands. I turn around just as Andrei walks in. He strips his shorts off

before turning the shower on.

“Remind me to never give him marshmallows again, bloody sticky shit” He grumbles as he steps into the shower.

“I should make you lick it off,” Andrei taunts.

“God knows where you have been” I tell him before his arm slips out of the shower and hooks around my waist. He

drags me into the shower with him.

“I still have clothes on” I shrieked when he shoved me under the water, making me sputter and choke. He laughs

and I shove his chest.

I start peeling my clothes off, dumping them out the door and they make a slapping noise as they hit the tiles.

“It’s good that Zane found his mate” I tell him reaching for the soap. I start washing his chest. “ Hmm, it is” is all he


“You don’t sound too happy about it” I comment.

“No, I am but it bothered me when they were talking about marking each other and I have had you here for

months and you still haven’t allowed me to mark you, that’s why I came inside. All their lovey dovey sh*t was

driving me nuts when they only just met, but I am happy for him, just a little jealous” He says and I chew my lip

nervously, concentrating on washing myself.

I go to say something but close my mouth. Sierra pushed forward, her voice sad as she spoke to me. “ Hasn’t he

waited long enough, Sage? I know you are worried about going into heat but most mates mark each other as soon

as they find each other, he let them come back and he hasn’t hurt anyone.

What are you scared of? Is it really him or more to do with us?” Sierra asks me.

“He will expect me to have sex with him” I tell her when I feel fingers grip my chin. Andrei’s face comes into view as

my vision refocuses as he tilts my head up.

“Talking to your wolf? I was wondering why you were so quiet, did I upset you?” He asks.

“No, it’s not what you said. Well it is but also not” I tell him.

“You still don’t want me to mark you, do you?”

“I do.. I just- ” I don’t finish not knowing what to say and suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

“He won’t hurt us Sage, hasn’t he proven that? Please you’re not only denying him but you are denying me by not

letting me be with Donnie” Sierra says and her sadness bleeds into me.

She had grown rather attached to Donnie over the last couple of months and she adored Andrei but the thought

scared me, she may have been present for what the rogues did to me but it wasn’t her body they did it too, she

doesn’t fully understand the fear I have when it comes to sex. Just his touch sometimes is enough to plunge me

back there and we barely do anything and definitely don’t do anything below the waist. If just touching me brings

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back horrid things, what would the act itself do?

“Sage, talk to me please. You can’t keep me guessing on what you want or how you are feeling” Andrei says. I rinse

myself off before stepping out and grabbing a towel. Andrei turns the water off also hopping out and I could feel his

eyes boring into me, feel his questions writhing within him.

“ Sage, you never answered me and what was your wolf talking to you about?” Andrei says.

“ She was talking about letting you mark me” I tell him, drying myself. I walk into the bedroom before rummaging

through the closet for one of his shirts.

“She wants me to mark you or she doesn’t?” He asks.

“No, she wants you to”

“But you don’t want me to?” He asks and I could feel his hurt through the bond, like I just stuck a knife in his chest

making mine hurt in return.

“No, it’s not that.. But if you mark me ” my words dying out in a rushed squeak. My cheeks flaming, it was horrifying

to me yet also embarrassing I wasn’t one of those people that was comfortable talking about s*x, or anything

intimate for that matter. Then there was the fear of it too, so it was just a jumble of all kinds of fucked up in my


Arms wrap around my waist before I am pulled back against Andrei, sparks rushing over my skin aat his touch. “You

think that if I mark you, that means I will have s*x with you” Andrei says and I nod turning in his arms.

“I may be part animal Sage, but I am capable of controlling myself, I wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t

want to do, especially that. I don’t expect that of you just because I can mark you”

‘See, please Sage’ Sierra begs me. I nod my head wondering how badly it will hurt when he does.

“Are you nodding to me or your wolf?” Andrei says bring me out of my head.

“Both of you” I tell him and he pulls back, turning his head to the side to stare at me.

“So I can mark you? Sage you need to spell it out for me because I can’t feel you like you do me” He says.

“Yes you can mark me, but can we hold off on the s*x stuff?” I ask him. He doesn’t answer, just smiles, his eyes

flickering and I take a step back when I see his wolf come forward but he quickly recedes as Andrei reaches for me,

pulling me back to him.

“Really?’ he says, pecking my lips and my face.

“Yes, really” I tell him, cringing away as his stubble tickles my face and neck.

“Nothing else but I can mark you, like right now?” he asks, pressing closer his lips kissing and attacking my face

down to my neck.

“Yes, I have said yes” I tell him before shivering when he sucks on my skin, a shiver runs up my spine and my legs

feel weak. Sierra was bouncing around in my head excitedly and Andrei sat on the edge of the bed pulling me on

his lap so I was straddling him. His excitement bleeds into me through the bond and I find it a little bit contagious.

Andrei pulls me closer, his arm tightening around my waist while the other tilts my face to his before he brings his

lips to mine. I feel his tongue trace across the crease of my lips wanting access and I kiss him back. His tongue

pressing between my lips and warmth floods me as he deepens the kiss, his hand tangling in my hair and sparks

rush everywhere and I moan into his mouth pressing closer to him.