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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 181
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Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 181

Derrick pats Andrei on the shoulder and Andrei growls but lets Clive go stepping away from him, his canines

protruding and I take a step toward Andrei before Derrick yanks me behind him.

“At least one of  you is smart” Dominic  says nodding to Derrick before looking at me over Derrick’s shoulder, he

smirks before his eyes flick to Andrei. There was something off about this man, the vibe he gave off made my skin

crawl and it was more than his Alpha aura it was him in general.

“Tell your man to bring the boy over, ” Dominic tells Andrei.

“No, have you seen his record, he doesn’t want  him, he just wants what he gains by taking him?” Andrei replies.

“Clive has every right to file for the boy, he is family and a rehabilitated man, now hand the boy over”

“Is this because of the Alpha meeting? I knew something was going on because there is no way a judge would

award custody to a piece of shit like Clive Steed. What do you want, Alpha Dominic? I will take this to the courts, you

can’t award this man custody”

“It’s amazing what power and money can buy, just like you trying to buy the boy back. What  I want, I’m  about to

get   the moment   you hand that boy over. See Clive here owed my Casino a  massive debt, but then little Jonah 

needed a home, so  when I found out Clive  was  his uncle  I made him an offer. I would clear his  debt and find  him

a pack  to join, in exchange for him taking on the boy. Your sister made an enemy of the wrong man, so when I

received an email the other day looking for blood relatives of Jonah and that you were seeking to adopt him, I

couldn’t help myself. I was planning on signing  those documents   for you, well until Katya yesterday decided to

humiliate me, so I made a few calls.  I don’t  like to waste an opportunity  to get revenge and since I can’t get to

Katya right

now I went after the next best  thing, her family”

“You would   really  give an innocent   child over to this man, you are a f*cking father, would you trust your kid in his

possession?” Andrei asks him.

“Not my kid, not my problem. I couldn’t care less what becomes of the boy, all I care about is showing Kat who has

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the real power. She may be Queen now but  she will never be able  to rally  the packs behind her, she will never

have control and this is just one way I am showing her that”

“You f*cking bastard, he is a boy” Derrick spits at him.

“And what about you Derrick, you are hardly winning father of the year, didn’t you toss Andrei here aside. That

alone shows me what kind of man you are, you are no one to judge Clive. I have the documentation here ” He says,

clicking his fingers.

“Fight all you want in the courts  for the boy” A man  gets out of   the car passing him a folder and Dominic hands

the folder to Andrei.

“You will  never  get him back,   not unless you tell Katya to rechallenge me and stand down from her title, that

folder contains Clives references saying he is a reformed man, the parenting courses he has completed or it   says

he completed anyway,  times and dates can be changed with a little influence, records can become lost. On  paper

Clive  looks like a very respectable man and a good candidate for little Jonah. I have even written my own

recommendation on what I think is in the best interest of boy and that is Clive. You have money Andrei, but you

don’t have the power I have to change what I have done. Now you want the boy, tell Katya to admit defeat and

announce that she is stepping down, then and only then will I have the ruling overturned, until   then” He looks over

at Malik, his Alpha aura rushing out.

“Bring the boy” Dominic demands and Andrei steps toward Dominic, his hands clenched into fists.

“I wouldn’t recommend doing whatever you are thinking of doing Andrei or would you like me to show you what

having true power is. I could command your entire pack to kill themselves and they would have no choice but to

obey, or I could order you to give me your lovely mate, and you would be forced to watch me take her away from

you. Don’t tempt me, because I could destroy  you in ways you never thought possible. The boy isn’t even yours,

don’t make me take everything from you just to prove a point. Do as I ask and I will have the boy returned back to

you, until then he belongs to Clive” Malik was drenched in sweat by the time he walked the short distance toward

us. His movements were painful and robotic as he tried to fight the command unsuccessfully.


Jonah reaches for me and I take him from Malik. Malik lets out a breath, Dominic’s aura slipping off him. “ I don’t

want to go” Jonah whispers and I clutch him to me.

“I know,  it’s only for a little  while”  I tell  him, while glaring at Clive. Jonah hugs me tighter and I bite my lip to stop

it from trembling and squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears from spilling. We break and it was going to scare him

more than he already was.

I rub his back and after a few minutes Andrei takes him. He looked so small in Andrei’s arms but right now we put

the entire pack at risk if we disobey. But now we knew who we were up against, we could figure out a way to get

him back.

Casen  brings his bag over  and  I hand it   to Clive. “ There’s clothes in there and some toys, also his vitamins the

pack doctor recommended he take” I tell him. Clive snatches the bag from my grip and walks over tossing in the

window of the car.

“Hurry up, I haven’t got all day” Clive tells Andrei who growls at him. Andrei places Jonah on the ground and pulls

the phone from his pocket.

“I will ring you everyday, make sure you charge it like I showed you” Andrei tells him. Jonah nods, taking the phone.

Andrei also slips a small piece of paper folded up with his number in Jonah’s pocket. When Clive grips Jonah’s arm

and yanks him toward the car. Andrei moves quickly at the man’s harsh treatment, punching Clive in the face

before his father jerks him off a stunned Clive.

“He has to leave with him, don’t make it worse for him” Derrick growls in Andrei’s ear.

“Are you just going to let him do that?” Clive spits at Dominic before opening the door and pushing Jonah toward it.

Jonah gets in the car and Clive slams the door. I step past Clive  to try to calm down Jonah who was crying

hysterically and open the door plugging his seatbelt in and wiping his tears.

“Shh, you will be ok, it’s not for long, we will get you back” I tell him. He nods and I pass him his bag and he hugs it

to his tummy.

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“Don’t forget to ring us if you need us” I tell him.

“I need you now” He whispers, glancing out the windshield at his Uncle.

“I  know, I know buddy but for now we can use the phone ok, we will see Kat and make this all better? But for now I

need you to be on your best behaviour, and stop the tears because it’s  only for a little while” I tell him.

Exactly how do you explain to a child not to provoke the person that has now been given custody of him. Those are

words that should never be said to a child, they shouldn’t have to fear the person caring for them, we are meant to

be their safe place, the first person they run to. Not

the person they hide from and cower from. Yet I knew he wouldn’t be getting cuddled  and  his tears wiped by this


“That’s enough, get away from him” clive calls out.

I press my lips  together  to stop from saying what  I  truly thought of him,  I didn’t want to make  things worse for

Jonah but Andrei gripped Clive’s shirt, ripping him to him.

“ If you lay one finger on that boy, I will hunt you down and you will meet the man I used to be” Andrei growls at

him before letting him go.

“Get your hands off  me, what still nothing, what use are you if you are going to let him toss me around like that?”

clive spits at Dominic.

Dominic’s aura  rushed out at the disrespect  he was shown. Clive drops to the ground clutching his head. “Don’t

forget who you are speaking to mutt, but most of all don’t forget I am also a father and I don’t like child abusers, so

heed his warning Clive. I let you have the boy, I never said hurt him” Dominic spits at him before looking at Andrei.

“ Speak with Kat, then you get him back, you and I both know the boy stands no chance at a future with him”

Dominic says as Clive gets up and walks over to the car and climbs in.

“And that’s exactly why my daughter is better off as Queen, she would never sacrifice a child for her own gain”

Derrick tells him.

“Your daughter  is a small  girl that entered into the game of politics with men she will never be able to compare to

or control. There are other ways to dethrone a Queen, I  am offering her the easy way out. Tell her to do what I

said,  then you get the  boy back” Dominic  says, turning on his heel and getting in his car. Clive smirks starting the

car and reversing out before taking off in a cloud of dirt and dust. Taking our hearts  with him as we watched
