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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 I Have Investigated You

With her hands behind her back, she continued, “I have investigated you very well. The reason why

you got engaged to that girl from the Donat family is because your father didn’t know about it. He

thought you couldn’t marry a wife, so it could be regarded as buying it for you in a hurry.” A fiancee of

yours. Unmarried men and women are unmarried, you are nothing. I will not count the two or three

months you have been together.”

“Donat family’s identity needless to say. Gail also has some capital, but Monica is useless at all, you

can’t extract any value from her. But I am different, I am the sole heir of Sky Entertainment, the wealth

behind me Not something Monical can match.”

“You have endured for so many years and strengthened your own strength. You must have great things

to do, right? What you need is a wife who can help you, not a foolish woman who doesn’t understand

anything and needs your protection. You don’t have to You like me, but it doesn’t matter, you can marry

me. Our relationship is slowly developing, I believe that with my personal charm, you will definitely like

me in the future!”

Cherry said confidently, because she does have the capital of self-confidence.

Regardless of her background or her prestige, she is far higher than Monica.

The two are incomparable.

Chapter 101 | Have Investigated You

There was a light in her eyes, a light that was bound to come.

Leo couldn’t help smiling, this girl is really interesting, she spent a lot of thought on him.

Seeing him smile, Cherry felt happy, thinking she had succeeded.

A successful businessman will naturally choose a deal that is beneficial to him.

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“When will you drive her away and marry me?”

“The door is there, you can go.”

Leo turned and went back to the office chair without looking at her again.

Cherry was a little stunned, not understanding which step he took wrongly.

“What do you mean? Isn’t my condition attractive enough?”

“It’s not a good thing for a woman to be too smart.”

Leo gave advice, and then let Martin see off.

Cherry was shut out, her face flushed with anger.

She still doesn’t understand where she went wrong!

Time passed by, Martin came to deliver the documents, the door opened, and Cherry, who was waiting

outside, tried to look up and look inside.

But Leo never looked at her from the beginning to the end.


Chan 101 | Have Investigated You

granddaughter away, be tactful, or he will speak ill of me outside again.”

“Just let him ruin your reputation outside. Is this what an elder of you should do?”

“Don’t teach me, I’m already self-reflecting. If you send her home casually, just cut off contact. Don’t

think that Cherry is good-looking and has a good background, so you’re going to mess with me! Since

you You’re already with Monica, so you can’t abandon her, understand?”

“When you were ugly and poor, she didn’t abandon you, and now you can’t dislike her being poor or


Leo was speechless upon hearing this.

“Dad, please be careful with your words!”

“Probably that’s what it means! If you dare to be sorry for Monica and abandon her on your side, I will

adopt Monica as a Go d daughter and let your children call your ex-girlfriend’s aunt!”

“Understood, I know in my heart, who is right for me, I can see. it, my eyes are not blind.”

“That’s good, then I won’t bother you, you can figure it out. I’ll go out for a month, so he won’t always

look for me!”

Andrew hung up the phone helplessly.

After he finished the meeting, it was already past eight o’clock, and Cherry waited helplessly until eight

o’clock by himself, and finally hoped him out of the meeting room.

“You’re out!”

Chapter 101 I Have Investigated You


“You promised grandpa that you will send me back!”

11 Wouchers

The more difficult this man is to deal with, the more he will arouse her desire to fight.

She is not such a person who is easy to let go!

Leo frowned tightly when he heard this, he didn’t expect this woman to be so troublesome and patient,

she actually waited from 1:00 noon to 8:00 pm.

It seemed impossible for him not to send her home.

“Let’s go.”

He said lightly.

He got into the cab, Cherry opened the door and was about to get into the co-pilot, but was stopped by

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“Go to the back.”

“Why, isn’t this place vacant?”

“The seat next to me is only available to my fiancée.”

“I am!”

She quickly got into the car, fastened her seat belt, and looked at him flauntingly, her face was full of


She thought she had won, but she didn’t expect Leo to get out of the car in the next second and let

Martin drive.

She was in a hurry and wanted to get out of the car, but

Chapter 101 I Have Ivesbasted You

Martin locked the door and window.

She couldn’t open it, and said angrily, “Leo, I’ve been waiting for you for so long, are you still doing this

to me?”

“It’s because you don’t know yourself.”

Leo said coldly.

He doesn’t have to be nice to anyone except his wife.

He is not a gentleman. Except for their own wives, other female creatures are automatically classified

as male creatures in their eyes. He won’t smile at anyone who provokes him.

He opened the partition directly, not wanting to see Cherry’s face.


he said.

Martin started the car, Cherry gritted her teeth angrily.