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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 116
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Sue's condition continued worsening with each passing day. It even came to a point where she could

no longer take care of

herself at all. Because of that, Charles had completely lost interest in her and had no plans to visit her

whatsoever. As a matter of

fact, he even ordered his servants to have Sue moved out of her place and take her into a relatively

remote house. But worst of

all, there were only two maids taking care of her right now.

In order to make sure that Hailey would stop looking into the fact that Sue had been poisoned, Charles

forbade everyone from

paying Sue a visit—including Hailey, of course. The way things stood, it was rather apparent that he

had totally given up on Sue

already. Apart from that, Mavis steadily and persistently refused to register Hailey as Kelly's daughter,

leaving Hailey feeling

extremely irritated and worried. If Sue succumbed to the poison, Hailey knew full well that her chances

of being registered as

Kelly's daughter would be close to none. If it came to that, she would be caught up in an even worse


"My Lady, I just saw Lacy passing by," Tina reported to Harper as soon as she entered the room. "Lacy

went to meet Prime

Minister Charles earlier. It appears that Lady Sue's condition has been improving lately and she wants

to see him. But he refused

to go and see her."

"She's starting to feel better?" Harper asked, feeling a little surprised. After all, she was well aware of

how the Nightmare worked.

Once a person had been poisoned by it, their body would gradually get weaker. Yet here Tina was,

informing her that Sue was

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getting better. Could it be because Charles had stopped poisoning Sue that her body was starting to

recover? Even Harper had

no idea. Still, she thought she should pay her a visit to see for herself and find out what was really


The place where Sue was currently staying in was so quiet and peaceful. With the guards at the

entrance fast asleep, a black

figure managed to sneak into the house. Who would have thought someone would come to visit this

place this late in the


"Lacy, does he still not want to come here to see me?" Sue asked, her voice sounding so weak. Due to

the poison, she had lost a lot of weight. To make matters worse, she barely ate anything because she

had no appetite. Right now, she was almost just skin and bones, making her look a bit terrifying.

Hearing this, Lacy simply shook her head and replied, "I didn't even get to see him, My Lady. He made

it obvious that he did not want to see me at all. So, I failed to deliver your message to him. Please

forgive me for being so useless, My Lady." Sue's face instantly turned blue with anger. As she gasped

for air, she said, "He has really turned into such a ruthless person. As if it wasn't bad enough that he

left me here despite knowing that I was sick, now he even refused to come and see me!"

Just as she was saying that, the door was suddenly swung open. The two of them were startled by this.

But when they realized who the person was, a glimmer of hope appeared in the Sue's eyes. "Hailey,

did you come here to see me?" Sue asked, unable to hide the excitement in her voice. "Mother, I'm

sorry. Father wouldn't let anyone to visit you. I just sneaked in when the guards at the door fell asleep,"

Hailey explained while taking off her cloak and taking a seat by the bedside. "Mother, what are we

going to do? It feels like Father has already given up on us and he couldn't care less anymore whether

you live or die. Mother, what are we supposed to do?" "That's impossible! Your father is not a heartless

man! I don't believe it!" Sue exclaimed in utter disbelief. Up until now, Sue never

really believed that her husband would be so ruthless. However, after everything that happened

recently, she started to realize

that Charles was a more ruthless person than she originally thought.

"Mother, you can't be so naive. Do you have any idea why you've been sick all this time? Do you know

why you have been

getting weaker and weaker?" Hailey anxiously said, not having the heart to see her mother be so blind.

"It's all because you've

been poisoned. To be honest, I was suspecting Harper at first, so I told Father about it right away. But

when I did that, Father

simply scolded me. Mother, it was Father who has been poisoning you. In Father's eyes, you have

been reduced to a useless

stone. He wants to get rid of you!"

"No! That's impossible! It isn't true!" Sue yelled out, having a hard time accepting the truth. "Mother,

please pull yourself together. Haven't you already realized what kind of person Father really is after

living with him for all these years? The poison you have in your body is called Nightmare. Any person

who has been poisoned by it will grow weaker as time passes by and will eventually die without

showing any real symptoms. If my memory serves me right, there is someone else who also died of

unexplainable weakness in this mansion!" Hailey explained everything in detail. Seeing her mother

unwilling to accept the truth, she was so close to slapping her in the face to wake her up. In Hailey's

eyes, Sue should know best

just how ruthless Charles could be. That being said, Hailey's main purpose for paying her a visit was to

ask Sue to help her look

for a way to make herself be registered as Kelly's daughter. If it weren't for that, she wouldn't have

bothered coming here at all.

"Kelly!" Sue blurted out, furiously gritting her teeth. It was only then that she finally remembered a

person she had almost

completely forgotten about. That was Charles' legal wife, Kelly. More than anyone else, Sue knew full

well just how Kelly died. Be

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that as it might, she never could have imagined that she would one day end up in the same situation.

"No! I can't accept this!"

"Mother, I can't come to terms with this either. Right now, our top priority should be to change Father's

current attitude toward us.

Otherwise, there will be no place for us in this mansion anymore." Hailey deliberately described the

situation in a way that was

much worse than what it really was. "Mother, I no longer hold any power in this mansion. Right now,

Harper is taking care of the

family affairs, and Grandma just keeps on trying to protect her all the time. I can feel that Father doesn't

like us anymore. If things

go on like this, I'm afraid that it won't be long before we're kicked out of the mansion."

"No, no, I won't let us be thrown out. Harper is much too young to be taking over the whole mansion!"

Sue angrily remarked

before coughing up a little. "Hailey, don't worry about me. When you get back, try to find a way to tell

your father that I'm gravely

ill and worried that no one is around to take care of him. Tell him that I want to take some concubines

for him before I die."

When she heard Sue's words, Hailey's eyes lit up. Sue must have come up with a plan already.

Nodding her head in agreement,

Hailey then said, "Well then, Mother, have a good night's rest. Rest assured, I will definitely ask

someone to tell Father. My only

wish is that Father wouldn't be too heartless for the sake of the relationship the two of you shared over

the years."

"You should head back now. I know him like the back of my hand. As long as he gets my message, he

will surely come to see

me," Sue bitterly said. Never would she have expected that the day would come where she would be

forced to take more

concubines for her husband. Was this what they called karma?