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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 571
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The wet nurse was uneasy and full of doubts. Chloe stood up, took the child from the wet nurse's arms,

and walked slowly

towards the empress.

Wale was so pretty with his fair skin. His big eyes twinkled like stars. However, as soon as he saw the

empress, he burst into

tears, crying out at the top of his loud baby's voice. Chloe tried to coax him to lighten the awkward

atmosphere. However, no

matter what she did, Wale just kept crying, as if the thought of being hugged by the empress terrified

him. With no other choice,

Chloe looked at the empress with apologetic eyes.

"Well, never mind. He is probably just hungry now. You can take him away and go back first," the

empress said gently, as she

stretched out her hand and pinched Wale's cute little face. "You have such a strong cry. It means you

will have a promising


"Yes. Please excuse me," Chloe said as she held Wale, who was crying so hard that he was almost out

of breath, in her arms,

and went out quickly with the wet nurse. The empress's gloomy eyes lingered on Chloe's back as she

went out. It was obvious

that this scene had triggered her displeasure. Even a little baby responded to her as if she were a devil

from hell! How could she

endure that? Nonetheless, she repressed her temper until there was no more sign of it on her face. To

be morose over such a

trivial thing would reflect badly upon her as an empress.

Seeing this, Sherry also excused herself and left the room. Her motivation for maintaining a peaceful

facade with the empress

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was that Francis hadn't fully recovered, and Felix, meanwhile, still had a lot of power. Her priority was

to stay out of all troubles in

the Imperial Palace. Thus, she would avoid unnecessary conflicts with the empress.

Despite the empress's annoyance about the incident that day, she quickly let it go without taking it

seriously. From that moment,

she only had thoughts for the birthday gift she would prepare for the emperor. Everyone else was

busying preparing gifts. Those

gifts would be delivered to the Imperial Palace within a few days. It was by no means a simple matter to

prepare a gift that would

truly make Felix stand out and the emperor happy. Inside Matthew's mansion, Harper studied the

imperial edict in her hands, and a mysterious smile appeared on her face. "Honey, the emperor has

asked you to take charge of security at the birthday banquet. Isn't he afraid that he is going to die fast

enough?" Harper joked. Matthew raised his eyebrows and looked at her. "I will carry it out without

leaving a trace of evidence against me in public." "You have already left a lot of such evidence for

others to discover, honey," she said. "I'm just a bit puzzled by this. The emperor should be on guard

against you, but now he is actually entrusting you with security at his birthday banquet. Don't you find


hard to account for?" Matthew pondered this question carefully, but he wasn't sure how to account for

the emperor's decision. Now that Harper had raised this doubt, he agreed that there must be

something fishy going on. It was almost certainly part of a plot the emperor was hatching. "Come what

may, I fear nothing," Matthew said in a flat tone, and it was true that he had no fear at all. "There's

nothing else we can do. At the birthday banquet, there will be many guests. It will be very lively, and the

situation will be complex. Moreover, all those vassal states, those countries under the rule of the Bright

Dynasty, will also come to the celebration. In this environment, security will be a serious issue, and the

emperor has entrusted you with it... I'm afraid the

situation is more treacherous than it looks. Will the emperor exploit this opportunity to launch an attack

against you?" Harper

suggested a possibility. This was the only possibility that came to her mind.

Her suggestion raised another possibility in Matthew's mind. He looked at her with narrowed eyes. "I

suspect he's not aiming at

me, but you," he said, with furrowed eyebrows.

"At me?" Harper asked, feeling puzzled. How could she be endangered when Matthew took charge of

security during the

birthday banquet?

"Since I am responsible for safety at the birthday banquet, I will definitely not be at your side at that

time. This will give others an

opportunity to hurt you," Matthew said, with a deadly gleam flashing in his eyes. He would teach the

emperor a hard lesson if the

latter dared to make a move against her. "Well, now I'm quite intrigued by this situation," Harper said as

she tossed the imperial edict away. "I do wonder what they would try to do to me." Because of what

had befallen Howard, Walden was starting to be more active recently after his long disappearance from

the public eye. But this time, he did not make his presence felt at court. He had other business to deal

with instead. With the emperor's birthday approaching, like all the other princes, he had to prepare a

birthday gift. However, as a supporter of

Felix, he also needed to help him prepare a gift. In recent days there were many rumors about the

Longevity Pill. Felix had

ordered him to obtain it at all costs.

Walden and his men stayed outside the legendary physician's house for a long time. It was proverbial

that people with

extraordinary abilities had strange personalities, and the brilliant old physician was a case like that. His

mansion was built on the

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hillside of a mountain. Walden and his guards had suffered a lot to locate him.

"Your Highness, shall we stay here continuously?" asked one of the guards. In the midst of the

mountain, it was bone-chillingly

cold. Their first thought had been to enter the physician's mansion. However, a servant of the old

physician shut the door against

them without hesitation.

"Yes, until he successfully makes the Longevity Pill," Walden said. He had an iron-bound resolution to

obtain the Longevity Pill.

He had bungled the job involving Howard before. As a result, Felix had become implicated and fell

under the emperor's

suspicion. He was still repentant for that. This time, he would spare no expense to accomplish the

mission Felix assigned to him,

and thereby make amends.

"Yes, Your Highness." The guard was shivering with cold, but he dared not complain. He took out a

strong liquor and gulped it.

He soon felt warm all over thanks to the wine.

Walden had been raised in a comfortable environment. Then, right after the New Year, he had left the

imperial capital and

undertook a long journey to reach this place, in order to acquire the pill. However, this old physician

was very stubborn. Just as if

the rumors about him were true, he commanded his servant to drive his men out directly, and he lied

that he didn't have the pill

they wanted.

It was said that several groups of people had come to beg the physician for the pill, and they too were

all shut outside the door.

However, there were also people who had come to request other medicines, and their requests were
