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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 592
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Owen went to Matthew's mansion in order to pay Harper a visit. He had assumed that he would be able

to see her in person by

claiming that Francis was feeling unwell. Unexpectedly, he was turned away.

Looking at Nina with wide open eyes, he couldn't believe his ears. "Nina, didn't you tell Her Highness

that it's me, the one who

works for Prince Francis, wanting to see her?" he asked again for confirmation.

"Her Highness said that you may turn back. She won't go to Prince Francis' mansion now, and even

added that she will never go

there again in the future," Nina told him, then turned around and walked away. She dared not let

anyone in, because the woman

in the Phoenix House now was not the real Harper. Otherwise, the truth might be revealed for everyone

to know.

In shock, Owen's eyes widened even more. He could not understand what had happened. 'What could

possibly be wrong with

Her Highness? Hasn't she always got along well with my master? Why was she suddenly refusing to

go see him? How could she

even say she would never come back to my master's mansion?' he pondered in utter bafflement.

Owen sensed that something was amiss. He decided he had better tell Francis about this straightaway.

So he rushed back to

Francis' mansion and informed him that Harper had shut him out.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!" Francis coughed hoarsely after Owen delivered the news. "Were those her

actual words?"

"Yes. Your Highness. Are you all right?" Owen said with concern. He then poured a cup of warm water

and handed it over to

Francis to ease his discomfort.

However, Francis merely shook his head and refused the drink. He asked, "Did she really say that she

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would never come here


Owen's eyes reddened a bit, and then he replied, "I didn't even manage to see her in person. Nina

came to deliver Lady Harper's

answer, and said that she refused to see me and asked me to go back. She told me that Lady Harper

also said she would never

come here anymore."

Francis leaned against the headboard, feeling utterly dejected by this news. The light in his eyes

dimmed. After a while, he forced himself to regain his composure and ordered, "Get the carriage ready.

I'll go to see her myself." "But, Your Highness, your condition..." Owen balked. He thought it was a

reckless idea for Francis to go out when he was still so weak.

"I'm fine. I just have a cold," Francis said, taking a deep breath. Then he asked his servants to get him

ready. After he was fully dressed up, Owen put a cloak on him to shield him from the cold. Francis

looked at Owen's hands which were busy tying the cloak for him. He then remembered that on the day

of the emperor's birthday banquet, Harper had also put a cloak for him gently like this. It warmed his

heart to recall that. He did not want to lose that feeling, and he craved it again. "Your Highness, are you

sure about going there now? Your health is not robust. Why don't you go there after you make a

recovery?" Owen suggested. He was still very worried about Francis' health, despite his insistence.

"No, I'm fine. I'll go there without another moment's delay," Francis answered in a firm tone. He knew

that the incident at the birthday banquet had raised suspicions in Harper and Matthew. He couldn't

imagine what might happen if he let the matter go. He didn't want things to get out of hand. Although

Francis went to Matthew's mansion in person, he had to wait in the living room, and neither Matthew

nor Harper came

out to see him. Matthew was still at the Imperial Palace, at the regular court session with the emperor.

As for Harper, she did not

want to see him.

Francis waited for a long time, yet still no one came to welcome him. So he walked out and stopped

Noah, asking, "Steward

Noah, is Aunt Harper at home?"

"Greetings, Your Highness. Yes, Her Highness is in the mansion." Noah told him the truth.

"Would you please show me the way to her place? I want to visit her there... Kaaahhkkk, kaaahhkkk,

kaaahhkkk...." Before he

could even finish his words, he had a sudden and violent cough, as if he were about to cough his lungs

out. His pale face turned

red suddenly because of the fierce cough.

"Your Highness, if you feel uncomfortable, I think maybe you ought to go back now. When His

Highness comes back, I will tell him about your visit," Noah suggested upon seeing Francis have such

a bad cough. He feared the consequences if Francis were to pass out there. Francis, however, shook

his head and replied, "No, I will stay here. I must see her, and I won't leave until I see her." Noah stood

there in uncertainty for a while, before replying, "Your Highness, Her Highness lives in the Phoenix

House, but I'm not sure whether she will be willing to see you." Then he ordered, "Maid, lead His

Highness to the Phoenix House."

"Yes, Steward Noah,"

replied a maid. The maid then led Francis to the Phoenix House. A drizzle began to fall at that moment,

so she led Francis along

the corridor to avoid the rain. But the corridor did not go all the way to the Phoenix House. If they

wanted to enter the Phoenix

House, they still had to get soaked in the rain for a moment.

They soon arrived near the Phoenix House. The maid then said to Francis, "Your Highness, please wait

here a moment. The

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Phoenix House is ahead. Allow me to fetch an umbrella for you."

"No need. You can leave now," Francis said, waving his hand to her in dismissal. He stood at the end of

the corridor and saw the

plaque not far away. The handwriting was tall and vigorous, cold and murderous. It was obviously

written by Matthew.

Looking at the open door of the Phoenix House and then at Francis, Owen suggested in concern, "Your

Highness, why don't we

wait for the rain to stop? I think..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Francis had already stepped into the rain. He walked slowly

to the Phoenix House, yet

his footsteps were firm. But he stopped at the gate and did not enter.

"Your Highness, please go inside," Owen urged him in worry. The rain was becoming heavier, and

Francis was in poor health. If

he stayed in the rain for a long time, Owen feared that his health would suffer.

But Francis merely shook his head. He just stood there without moving. It was true that he was

desperate to see Harper, but he

didn't want to break into her house. He didn't want her to think of him as discourteous. Therefore, he

preferred to stand outside,

waiting for her to come out. He did not believe that she could be so heartless as to watch him in the


"Your Highness, the rain is becoming heavier. You haven't made a full recovery yet. Why not wait back

there in the corridor

instead?" Owen tried desperately to convince him.

But Francis was stubborn and shook his head. He insisted on standing in front of the gate, staring at

the gate with his tender

eyes. If Harper didn't see him that day, he was determined to stay there until he saw her. He wouldn't

give up so easily.