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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 615
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When Lilian heard that Francis wanted to send someone with a congratulation present to Matthew's

mansion, she immediately

volunteered to be the bearer. Francis accepted her offer. He gave the gift directly to her and asked her

to send it to Matthew's


In just a few days, the news of Harper's pregnancy had spread throughout the imperial capital. Some

people were happy, some

worried, and some disdainful. No matter what happened outside, it was harmonious inside Matthew's


"Your Highnesses, a visitor has come to see you," Noah reported when he came in. "He says that he is

an old friend of yours. He

wants to express his gratitude to you for the carriage that you once gave him."

"The carriage?" Matthew repeated. He was puzzled by this, at first. But after a brief moment of

consideration, he realized who

was outside demanding to see him. Without raising his head or making any hesitation, he answered, "I

won't see him. Send him


"He said he would like to meet Lady Harper if you don't want to see him. He said that fate has brought

him here to meet her, and

that Lady Harper might need his help." Noah delivered the message carefully. It seemed to him that the

man outside might be

difficult to get along with, despite a kind demeanor.

Upon hearing this news, Matthew frowned a bit and seemed a bit displeased to hear Harper mentioned

like that. At that moment,

Matthew was forcing Harper to eat some health food. As she was not enjoying it, she was wondering

how to get out of there.

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Noah's report came at just the right time. She made an excuse and said at once, "We should be happy

to welcome an old friend

who travels to us from afar. Noah, please show him to the front hall."

"Yes, Your Highness,"

Noah replied at once. Seeing that Harper was about to welcome the guest, Noah left at once to

prepare. Since Harper was

pregnant, he knew that he had better obey her orders no matter what she said. Otherwise, she would

be as likely to lose her

temper with the servants as she would at Matthew.

"You've just met him once and he is still practically a stranger to you. I don't think there is any need for

you to meet him!" Matthew talked back at once, trying to stop his wife from seeing that man. He would

always grow unhappy whenever he remembered the time Harper gave the carriage to Felton. Now that

man was bold enough to come to their house. Such cheek! "It doesn't matter. Let's see what he's up

to," Harper said in a spoiled way as she took her husband's arm. "Come on. Let's go. The imperial

physician has advised us that pregnant women should take walks. I should exercise for a bit. Don't you


"All right," Matthew said helplessly, finally surrendering. Although he didn't want Harper to meet Felton,

he knew he was powerless to stop it. Matthew was well aware that Felton was a shrewd man. Even if

he could stop them from meeting this time, it was very likely that Felton would try some other means to

see Harper. Thinking of this, he thought it would be better to let them meet with each other

straightforwardly today. When Felton looked at the calligraphy hanging in the front hall, a touch of

appreciation flashed through his eyes. Every character and every stroke of the calligraphy were sharp

and powerful as iron. It made people feel encouraged. With just a glance at it, people could feel a

strong and deadly aura rushing to their face from the calligraphy. It gave people the same feeling when

they were face to face with Matthew. With that thought, Felton guessed that this calligraphy was written

by Matthew. He had to admit that Matthew was indeed an impressive man in every respect. "Felton, I

didn't expect to see you again so soon," Harper said as she and Matthew walked in arm in arm.

Obviously, they were a happy couple. Harper had a radiant smile, while Matthew's facial expression

was cool. The two different auras, rather than

conflicting, were actually in perfect harmony.

As Felton let his eyes settle upon Harper, he sighed, "We separated that day in such a hurry. As you

seemed to be a proud and

self-respecting person, I was amazed that you would stay with Prince Matthew, who is a married man. I

did not imagine that you

were actually his wife until this moment."

Harper smiled gently and answered, "When I travel around, it can be inconvenient to wear women's

clothes. Since I and my

husband are always travelling together, for our convenience, I have to wear men's clothes."

"Prince Matthew, I think you two love each other very much," Felton said. Truth be told, his mellifluous

voice was quite pleasant

to the ear.

Matthew and Harper sat down on the main seats, and they told the maid to prepare a seat for Felton.

He did not refuse. He then said, "I'm here to thank you for your kindness that day. Your gift of the

carriage helped me very much, and I couldn't be more grateful for that. It is a pleasant surprise to

discover your true identity. Ha ha." "Would Felton be your real name, if I may ask?" Harper inquired.

"Yes, of course. I never use any false name," Felton replied honestly. The smile on his face was as

pure as the white snow of the mountains, an amiable quality which many people found soothing.

"Then, do you have any family in the imperial capital?" Harper asked again slowly, in a meaningful


"Yes, I did." The smile on Felton's face didn't change. He was telling the truth: he had family here once.

But it was all over. The

fact was, all his family had been slaughtered. Properly speaking, there was only one relative of his in

the imperial capital now.

Harper blinked her eyes, which were welling up with emotion. "Do you mean the Qin Clan which was

exterminated sixteen years


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Felton had not anticipated such a forward question. Stunned for a moment, he then looked to Matthew.

'The ones who murdered

the Qin Clan were the secret guards of the royal family, and he is a member of the royal family. Isn't he

afraid of her finding out

the truth?' he pondered inwardly, unsure of what was on Matthew's mind.

Shortly, he drew himself together and then looked straight at Harper.

"Yes," he answered. This single affirmation, sincere and unambiguous, made Harper know without a

doubt that Felton was from

the Qin Clan. This fact made him her family.

Taken aback by Harper's frankness, he had never intended to declare his identity so straightforwardly.

At this point, Harper had

no idea what to say next.

Seeing that Harper said nothing more, Matthew asked on her behalf, "There are still some people from

the Qin Clan surviving,

right?" He knew this was the thing she cared about most, for the time being.

"Not really. Actually, there is only one relative who still lives in the imperial capital," Felton replied slowly

as he shifted his eyes to

Harper. "The rest of them are just side branches of the Qin Clan, and Harper is the only one left on the

direct branch."

That was to say, the Qin Clan in the imperial capital had all been eliminated except for her. "What's the

real connection between

the Heavenly Books and the Qin Clan?" Harper asked abruptly.

"Well, if you want to know, I'm afraid you may need to study the Qin Clan more deeply and find it at the

clan's library. I have no

idea about it, either." Although Felton did not look strong, no one who knew him would regard him as a

weak man. At that

moment, Harper felt the forces inside her body fluctuating more and more violently, as if with some

strange resonance.