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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 617
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After Felton left, Matthew sat in the front hall, staring into its nothingness. His expression remained

impassive, even when Harper

approached him after Felton's egress.

"What's wrong, Matthew?" Harper asked in a soft voice. Harper's soothing voice felt like music to his


Matthew shackled his arms around her waist and buried his head in the comfort of her arms. His

actions and expressions said a

thousand words about his state of mind, but yet he didn't say a word.

Harper had never seen her husband like this before. "What did Felton say?" she asked, her voice

riddled with anxiety.

"Nothing special. I'm just being a little sentimental; that's all." Matthew regained his composure and

continued, "We..."

But before he could say another word, Noah reported abruptly outside the door, "Your Highness, Prince

Lilian is here. She said

she is here to present a gift from Prince Francis."

"Send her in," Harper ordered as she sat down next to Matthew. Lilian ran in and looked quite happier

than usual.

"Uncle Matthew, Aunt Harper, I came to see both of you. I heard that Aunt is pregnant. Congratulations

both of you! I am so

happy for you," Lilian said with a wide grin, making her joy apparent in everyone's eyes. "When Francis

heard that I am coming

to your mansion, he asked me to bring you a gift. He wanted to come in person, but unfortunately, he

was not feeling well, so he

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could only ask me to bring this gift."

"That's so kind of you!" Harper said delightedly. Her gentle countenance was even more angelic with a

smile painted on her face.

"It's a delightful day. Father has issued an order to let Felix come out today. Presumably, he has

already forgiven him. Father

stayed in Mother's palace last night and he has a deep sense of love and connection for Mother. It

seems that Father also loves

and cares for Felix," said Lilian. Her playfulness was noticeable from the way she talked.

"They are father and son, so His Majesty cannot stay angry with Felix for a long time. As soon as his

anger diminished, His Majesty would let him go. As for you, you should really constrain your playful

manner." An impeccable smile was written all over Harper's face. 'The emperor had decided to release

Felix so soon. It seems that the empress is quite good at pillow talk.' "Aunt Harper, as soon as I was set

free and got out of the Imperial Palace, I rushed here to visit you. Yet, you said that to me. I'm so sad.

I'm going to look for Lucas and leave you alone," said Lilian.

"Oh, you know what I think? I think you got out of the palace only to have fun with Lucas. You're just

using me as an excuse to see Lucas!" Harper giggled. Lilian didn't feel embarrassed, although Harper

exposed her true intent. "I have no choice. After all, Lucas and I have common interests," Lilian said

with a grin. "For the past few days, my mother restrained me at the palace and asked me to embroider

the wedding dress. I have been so bored. I'm going to find Lucas and stay at his mansion for a while. I

don't want to go back to the palace anytime soon. I rather hate needlework." "They are outstanding

embroiderers in Lucas' mansion, and maybe you get to learn a thing or two from them," Matthew said.

"Uncle, I thought you would console me a bit. Look at my fingers. They are covered with wounds. Don't

you care about me?" Lilian raised her hand and showed Harper and Matthew her fingers. Her eyes

were oozing helplessness and sadness was

written all over her face.

"Whatever Lady Monica did is all for your own good."

"I know she intended no harm to me. She was just worried that I might harass Chodak again. If I

displeased Chodak once again,

I would get into serious trouble." Lilian curled her lips. "I don't get it. Which of my parts isn't good

enough to match him? Why are

so many people trying to stop me?"

"If you do want to understand why, I may have an idea," said Harper. Her eyes shone with a hint of


"Which part? Tell me!" Lilian insisted. "Please tell me, Aunt, and I'll just change it right away."

"Chodak is a monk. The perfect match for him would be a nun. But unfortunately, you are not a nun, so

you are not a match for him." Harper was just teasing her niece, and it was very clear from the look on

her face. Lilian showed visible signs of irritation, her expression akin to a child's. "Uncle, can you

please constrain your wife from teasing me?" Lilian flared up. Her face was red and she was crossing

her arms in frustration.

"Harper is right. Monks only marry nuns. I'm afraid you are indeed no match for him."

"You two... I don't want to continue this conversation anymore. I want to find Lucas now!" Lilian shouted

and stormed off the hall.

Looking at Lilian jumping out of their mansion like a rabbit, Harper couldn't help but laugh. Seeing

Harper's smiling face, Matthew

could do nothing but swallow what he wanted to say. He was certain she wouldn't give up her child, and

if he tried to ask her, she

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would only doubt him and be wary of his actions.

"The emperor released Felix rather quickly. I am quite surprised," said Matthew. "What did the empress

do to dispel the

emperor's suspicion in such a short time?" Matthew's tone was full of suspicion.

"Don't underestimate the power of pillow talk. The empress may no longer be young, but even at her

current age, she is quite

charming and knows the emperor's mind well. With her incredible persuasion skills, I don't think it

would have been that difficult

for her." Harper smiled at her husband wilfully. The emperor was already in his fifties, but the empress

knew quite well about his

weaknesses. He was a man still obsessed with "bed exercise". Sooner or later, this weakness would

land him in greater troubles.

"Then would you also like to have a pillow talk with me?" Matthew smirked at his wife. "If you talk to

me, I promise that I'll pluck

all the stars from the night sky if you want them."

A flicker of light appeared in Harper's eyes, as if she was seriously considering his suggestion. "Not

bad! Sounds quite exciting,"

she said as she winked at Matthew.

"Really? You like that? I'm extremely looking forward to it," Matthew replied.

"Unfortunately, I'm pregnant. So, I may not be able to talk with you like the empress does with the

emperor. Otherwise, I'll run

you sleepless for nights and I'm afraid you wouldn't bear it," Harper bantered. "If sleepless nights aren't

a big deal for you, I'm

most willing to give it a try," she added.