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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 815
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When she saw Caroline and George arguing with each other, Harper quietly took the baby out of the room, leaving the couple to
sort things out. As she saw the new grandparents waiting outside anxiously, Harper informed with a smile, "Lord Franklin, Lady
Isabella, your daughter and the baby are stable. It's a boy."
Isabella held the baby in her arms and said with so much excitement, "Caroline wants you to give the baby his name. Please
name him. It would be such an honor."
In fact, Harper had been thinking about it for a while. She said, "How about Jabari? It means brave."
Franklin couldn't help but repeat the name, as if he was trying to see how the name would sound. "Jabari, Jabari. It's great. The
name has been decided then."
Meanwhile, Zack had been standing by the sideline and watching how happy they were. He smiled and thought to himself, 'It's
such a precious time. I wish this moment can stay a bit longer, so I can also enjoy the warmth of it all.'
However, it seemed like Matthew was born to ruin Zack's happiness. As soon as Harper gave the baby a name, Barry walked
into the room. Zack didn't have to think any deeper, and he knew that the man was there on Matthew's command. Matthew was
so determined that he and Harper wouldn't stay with each other for no more than an extra second.
After Barry curtsied to everyone, he then stated, "Lord Franklin, Lady Isabella, Lord Zack, congratulations on the safe birth of this
child. Lady Harper, His Highness has been waiting for you outside of the gate for quite a long time and wants to know when you
plan to come back home."
Harper faintly smiled. "Ask him to wait for a moment. I'll come out after I tell them something important."

"Yes, Lady Harper, understood." After he acknowledged what Harper said, Barry turned around and left the room. A hint of
distress was briefly seen across Zack's eyes but it soon disappeared. "You've just returned to the capital so we were actually
planning to invite you for dinner. We wanted to properly welcome you. But it so happened that Caroline gave birth to a baby and
you had to come in this kind of situation. Thank you for your hard work. We're fine here. Please go back to your mansion. You
must be tired and craving for some rest after your journey." Zack was always so considerate and gentle. He would never make it

difficult for Harper. "That's right but Caroline just gave birth so she needs some tonic. Later, I will write a list of some nutritious
food that will help her recover and have someone send it here. Since we came back, I haven't returned to my mansion. Matthew
is already waiting outside so I can't stay any longer. Goodbye, everyone." Harper politely bid everyone goodbye.
"Go ahead. After all, we now have plenty of time since you're back in the city. Harper, please take care of yourself. We didn't see
you for a long time but you look much thinner than the last time." Isabella spoke in a gentle voice. Harper was a little stunned but
she nodded. "Thank you for your concern, Lady Isabella. I'll keep that in mind." She turned around and left the room while Zack's
gaze followed her out. He didn't veer his eyes away even when she disappeared at the corner. Franklin sighed quietly before he
spoke. "Zack, take a look at your nephew. Just stare at him right now and you can see that he's
going to grow up into a promising boy."
As Zack looked away and turned to the child in Isabella's arms, his eyes softened. "Yeah, I don't doubt that," he remarked.
In front of the Kong Clan mansion, Matthew was leafing through the military books in the carriage to kill time. As soon as he
heard continuous cries of a baby, he knew that Caroline had safely given birth. That was why he immediately sent Barry to ask
Harper to come back home as soon as possible.
After a short while, the curtain was lifted up. "What did she give birth to?" he asked while looking at Harper.

"A baby," Harper said with a playful smile on her lips. Upon hearing that, Matthew was speechless for a while. With furrowed
eyebrows, he asked, "Of course it's a baby. Can she give birth to a monkey? I am asking if it's a boy or a girl." Harper sat down
next to him and pinched his nose. "It's a boy. I don't know why my husband is so jealous that he wouldn't allow me to stay for one
more second. You sent Barry urging me to come back faster even before I could say anything to them." Matthew gently grabbed
Harper's hand. "We've been away for such a long time, and it's time for us to go back home. I'm not
being too jealous or overprotective. After all, they're family and Caroline just had a baby. Sooner or later, the rest of their family
will come and they will have a joyful reunion. I'm just afraid that if you stay there, you'll feel like an outsider. I don't want to put
you in that kind of situation, so I sent Barry to remind you that I'm here."

"Are you serious?" As a matter of fact, Harper didn't believe it.
"Of course. We don't have other family members now. Although you have a brother and a sister, one is studying in the south
region, while the other is being raised in Prince Allen's mansion. While on my side, you know how my so-called 'family' is. The
reality is that I only have you," Matthew said while holding Harper in his arms.
His words "only have you" almost made Harper cry. She then realized that she had actually been taking him for granted. He gave
her absolute freedom to do whatever she wanted. She realized that no matter how busy she was with doing her own things, she
shouldn't neglect this man.
"When we reach home, shall I make you lotus seeds porridge?" Harper softly asked.
As soon as he heard that, Matthew's eyes lit up, as if the softness in his eyes was about to overflow. He smiled and said, "A bowl
of porridge is not enough for me."
"What do you want to eat then? I'll make it for you. Just tell me and I'll try my best to cook it for you," Harper immediately
"Can you cook for me every day?" Matthew asked in a low voice.
"Yes, I can do it for you every single day," Harper answered after thinking it over.
"Well, I don't really want you to cook for me every day. Your hands aren't accustomed to cooking," he answered with tenderness.
"Are they accustomed to killing then?" Harper asked with amusement..