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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 311
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Chapter 311 Chapter 311 The children were so scared, their faces turned as white as a sheet. Just then, a middle-aged woman burst through the crowd, clutching her child tightly. "Oh, sweetie, are you alright? You scared the living daylights out of me!" she exclaimed. Turning to Rebecca, she added, "Miss, I can't thank you enough! If it wasn't for you, my boy might not be here today!" "Thank you so much!" she repeated.

Rebecca smiled and replied, "It's nothing, but you really need to keep an eye on your children, especially when crossing the street!" "Absolutely, we will!" the woman said, profusely thanking her again before leaving with her child.

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Daniel watched the scene in amazement. "You... you don't know them?" he asked, bewildered. Rebecca shook her head slightly.

Daniel was even more astonished. He had thought the boy was one of Rebecca's relatives. To think that Rebecca didn't even know him! For someone to do such a thing for a stranger showed just how kind-hearted Rebecca truly was. He hadn't misjudged her! A look of admiration flashed in Daniel's eyes. "Ms. Morris, are you okay? Lettake you to the hospital to get checked out." Rebecca shook her head, "Oh, con, I'm not that fragile. Mr. Robinson, don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine." Daniel persisted, "Still, you had quite a scare today. Lettake Ms. Morris out for a meal; I'd feel terrible otherwise." Faced with Daniel's invitation, Rebecca couldn't refuse and reluctantly agreed. At that moment, a voice echoed in Rebecca's mind. [Host, congratulations! Daniel's favorability towards you has increased to 85%!] Rebecca smirked. Nothing she set her sights on could ever escape her grasp. Daniel was just a stepping stone for her.

Meanwhile, in Capital City, at the Fletcher household.

In the kitchen, Edna Fletcher was brewing a wellness soup for JLindsay. Suddenly, a snide voice cut through the air, "Edna, you're really going above and beyond for Janet! Too bad, Jis Janet, and Jonah Lindsay is Jonah Lindsay. Why keep up this charade for something that's never going to happen? In the end, it's all for nothing." Edna turned around to see Patsy. "I don't need you to worry about my affairs." Patsy smirked, "I wouldn't bother, but when someone has been living off our family for years, it's hard not to notice." In this large family, the real power lay with the matriarch, Mrs. Fletcher. She doled out allowances to the younger generation every month. Each daughter-in-law was supposed to receive two million in spending money. But because of Edna and her daughter, they could only manage 1.2 million! For 19 long years, living off the family without a word of thanks. When would they finally leave the Lindsay household? Edna swallowed her anger, saying nothing. Just wait! One day, she'd make every member of the Fletcher family cbegging to her! Patsy huffed and left the kitchen. Just then, Darleen cinto the kitchen to grab sdessert.

"Darleen, keep an eye on the stove for me. I need to use the restroom and will be right back. Make sure your watch it closely, okay?" Edna's tone was extremely serious by the end. It was as if the soup wasn't just a wellness brew, but a treasure beyond measure. "Okay," Darleen nodded.

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Still worried, Edna gave one last look before heading out. "Darleen, don't Eve the kitchen until I'm back, not even for a second." Darleen nodded impatiently.

Once outside, Edna took a deep breath, feeling a bit more relaxed. She couldn't wait any longer. This many onger vinto year, she had to many into the Lindsay family. Any more delays and she'd lose her chance forever. After making a quick call, Edna returned to the kitchen. But Darleen was gone, replaced by a household maid. Edna's face fell. "Where's Darleen?" Ashburn > X