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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 335
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Chapter 335 Chapter 335 Easton waved his hand dismissively, "Con, I'm too old to be squabbling with a young lady. It's good to be confident, kiddo, but don't let it blind you. Overconfidence is just arrogance in disguise." "Confidence should be backed by something solid," Anthea retorted calmly. "You're looking atthrough tinted glasses. Even if I understate my case, you'd accuseof being full of myself." That girl sure had a sharp tongue! Easton turned to Anthea, skepticism clear in his voice, "So, you're saying your uncle has a fifty-fifty shot at landing the deal?" "A fifty percent chance," Anthea confirmed.

Easton couldn't hide his scoff, "Banking on that fifty percent is like betting on a lottery ticket, hoping for a jackpot!" Nanson's company, QuickSend Parcels, was a small fish compared to Easton's empire. Even a child could see that TOAEON wouldn't pick them over the big sharks. TOAEON wasn't run by fools! Anthea raised an eyebrow, unbothered, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating, Mr. Davenport. Let's just wait and see." Easton could only shake his head in disbelief. Pretty face, but not much upstairs. No wonder they say beauty and brains seldom go hand in hand.

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He didn't bother to argue further, turning to Nanson with a tone dripping with sarcasm, "Nanson, then I wish you luck on clinching the deal. If you do, you owea dinner." Nanson, catching the irony, simply smiled in response. Even Helena couldn't help but feel embarrassed for them. Tticked away, swiftly bringing them to 3 PM. TOAEON allocated five minutes to each contender. To win, they had to make every second count.

Nanson and his team were slated to present twentieth.

Anthea grabbed the proposal, "Uncle, letdo the talking. Just givea quick rundown of our strengths." Nanson nodded, briefing her on the specifics of the courier industry. Helena listened in, her heart pounding. TOAEON's staff were all native English speakers. Could Anthea, just a kid, really pull this off without being laughed out of the room? Nanson was taking a huge gamble.

"QuickSend Parcels, you're up," an assistant from TOAEON announced, opening the conference room door. Nanson, not fluent in English but familiar with basic phrases, took a deep breath, "Annie, let's go." Anthea glanced back at him, reassuring, "Don't worry, Uncle." Nodding, Nanson tried to appear calm as they entered the room, followed by Helena. They were greeted by a middle-aged man with golden hair and piercing blue eyes. He seemed friendly at first glance, but a sharp intelligence lurked behind his gaze. Tricky customers, the lot of them.

The assistant introduced them, "President Yeager, meet TOAEON'S Deputy CEO, Mr. Lambotte." "Mr. Lambotte, pleasure to meet you! I'm Nanson, head of QuickSend Parcels, and this is my niece, Anthea. She'll be discussing our proposal with you on my behalf." Nanson managed to get the words out, a script he had rehearsed for days.

Lambotte gave a nod, signaling for them to begin.

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Anthea stood, plugged a USB into the computer, and started herpresentation, connecting it to the projector behind her. Her voice was clear, with a charming British accent.

Lambotte, initially disinterested, perked up at her words, his gazen sharpening. He had seen countless proposals that day, none particularly engaging.

But Anthea's presentation caught his attention. Where others focused on the future, Anthealemphasized mutual benefits. What do businessmen value above all? Profit.

Not only did Anthea highlight the potential gains, she also provided a realistic analysis of QuickSend Parcels' prospects.

Nanson and Helena were astounded by Anthea's eloquence and confidence.

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