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Get Spoiled after Travelling into A Novel

Chapter 289
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Chapter 289 Trapped in the Mountains.

The rain kept pouring down.

Luckily, despite the bad luck, they ended up surrounded by nature, with tall trees and dense foliage offering

srelief from the wind and rain.

At that moment, Stephanie, sent flying two meters away by Milly's kick, also started returning to her


She cradled her head in one hand and supported herself with the other, her expression one of pain and frailty,

her voice breaking with tears, “It hurts so much.”

Milly raised an eyebrow. Really, are you still putting on an act?

“Con, cut it out. It’s only us here.”

Unexpectedly, it worked. Stephanie, who had been calm and gentle moments before, suddenly froze. After a

quick glance around, realising they were alone, her expression turned fierce, her eyes filled with a deadly

intensity as she exclaimed, “Milly, why are you still alive!”

Milly gave her a contemptuous look, saying, “Looks like that’s tough for you. The fortune teller toldI've got a

strong destiny on my side. Mess with me, and you'll get hit back. I'll survive even if you don't.”

Stephanie's eyes narrowed, filled with a fierce and hostile spark. “Really now? I've had the guts to go after you

once; I'll do it again without blinking.”

Leaning against the tree behind her, she braced herself, ready to get back on her feet.

Milly wasn’t worried about those threats at all. She just crossed her arms and looked her in the eye, bursting out

laughing, “You're more likely to die before you can even touch me.”

“See this tree you're leaning on? It's called poison arrowwood, but scall it the throat-sealing tree. It's the

deadliest tree around, packed with poison. It could stop your heart, clot your blood, block your veins, and you

might stop breathing in less than twenty minutes. And guess what? The World Health Organization hasn't even

found a cure yet.”


Stephanie's face went white, and she hastily pulled her hand back. But in doing so with too much strength, she

lost her footing and fell hard, ending up covered in mud and looking quite sheepish.

“Pff, hahaha.” Milly couldn’t hold back her laughter upon seeing her, laughing so hard her sides ached.

“You, damn it!” Stephanie was shaking with fury.

Milly raised an eyebrow, gave her a playful look, and smirked, “Can't handle it, huh? Looks like you're not as

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tough as you thought. Imagine if | told you | was just messing with you before. Wouldn't that make you mad?”

“The poison arrowwood tree is usually found in rainforests below 1500 meters. How do you expect to find it

here? You could memorise every book and ace your way into a top college, but it’s still laughable. The tree you

just touched is nothing more than an ordinary poplar.”


Chapter 289 Trapped in the Mountains

Stephanie wasn’t exactly clueless herself she realised that getting mad again would only tickle Milly's fancy

more. She recognised that she probably couldn't outsmart Milly in this situation with everything that had

happened recently.

Milly definitely had the upper hand when it cto surviving in the wild, that was for sure.

So, for the tbeing, Stephanie figured it was best to keep her around and work out a plan to deal with her

once they found their way back to civilisation.

“You're here cracking jokes, but shouldn't we be figuring out a way to leave? Do you actually want to stay

overnight?” Stephanie questioned.

Sitting relaxed on a rock and scanning the area, Milly replied, “We're all without our phones, so there’s no way to

call for help. It's raining, and we're smack in the middle of the mountains. The odds of us getting out by

ourselves are pretty much zero”

Stephanie went pale, worried about their slim chances. “What do you mean, zero? So, we're really trapped.


Milly just gave her a smug look and said. “Exactly.”

“Now, what do we do?” Stephanie was really scared now, especially thinking about the unknown dangers lurking

in the forest, her whole body shaking from the fear.

Milly gave a dismissive snort, her gaze a shade darker. “And why should | help someone who just tried to hurt me

find a way out?”

Stephanie was torn between feeling foolish and naive.

Just a little while ago, she’d been plotting against her, and now she expected her to figure out an escape route.

Did she look like a pushover?

If only her twisted ankle hadn't prevented her from walking or standing, she’d have found a way to get rid of

Stephanie for good right then and there.

still, she believed she could pull it off.

But she decided to let Stephanie roam lost for a bit longer. There was no rush. Milly was not someone to easily

forgive and forget. She could let slide a few things, but a direct harm done to her, right before her eyes,

demanded retaliation.

And Milly had plenty of ideas on how to make her pay.

It seemed Stephanie finally got a clue, or she took in what Milly said. After Milly talked, Stephanie quietly sat in a

sheltered spot, not making any more fuss.

Eventually, the rain stopped, though the sky remained cloudy.

The evening was approaching.

The night was pitch dark in the uncharted wild, teering with potential hazards, leaving their odds of making it out

slim to none.

At this point, they could all cross their

2 q ,

fingers, hoping the forest wasn tn

hto redaters So they could last

stars night. Hopefully, the

school would soon notice they were

missing and call the cops to The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!


Chapter 289 Trapped in the Mountains

track them down.

q . )

Milly heaved a deep sigh. She wasn't

a fan of this—the uncase of relying

entirely, on gees. haf terse feeling

ofvinerability sparking a fear she

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) : q

couldn't quite name. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

But it seemed like they needed more options. This was the path they were stuck with for the moment,

Suddenly, a peculiar gurgling noise sliced through the still air.

Stephanie clutched her belly, looking a mix of embarrassed and sorry for herself. “I'm starving. Is there anything

to cat in this forest?”

Milly gave her a look. “Starving, huh? Missing a meal isn’t the end of the world.”

“What the Ah!” Out of nowhere, Stephanie let out a scream.

Milly, who was just about to take a moment to relax, was jolted by Stephanie's sudden shriek, which really hurt

her ears.

“Have you lost your mind?” Milly couldn't help but exclaim.


All day, she'd been put through the

wringer. First, she was targeted in the

morning, forced to shoot at targets,

and then harassed tung Sfternoon

gira it Rad been one unlucky

event after another, and now, just

when she wanted to rest, she was

disturbed again. Even the most

patient person would lose their cool

by now. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Stephanie curled up, looking pale and scared, with trembling fingers pointing to the side. She stuttered, “It's a...

a snake!”