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Goodbye Cheater Hello CEO’s Wife by Payne Walter

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 Gwendolyn loosened her grip in surprise. "Married To Zachary? He finally caround and saw your worth? So this is his place! He's not living with that annoying sister of his anymore? Questions tumbled out as Gwendolyn tried to make sense of this news "just letexplain everything, okay! It's kind of a long story" Isabella said, wrapping herself tightly in the blanket Gwendolyn nodded, climbed onto the bed, and pulled the blanket over labella. The room felt a little cold, so she covered herself 100. Tmall ears for as long as you need," she said. “Til call in clear all of my schedule for these days. So go ahead, tell me." Isabella recounted the engagement leading up to marrying Clayton. She told Gwendolyn about catching Zachary cheating on her with Scarlett Gwendolyn fumed, her protective instincts in full force. “If I ever nin into these two snakes...” "Chen, I was just so stupid the last time, wasn't Ir Isabella said, leaning her head on her friend's shoulder. Gwendolyn's heart ached for her friend, pulling her into another hug. "Don't say that. You were just too trusting of him, too quick to think the best of people. Hat that's okay, you're a wonderful person. You'll find someone who truly loves you." A thought struck her, “Wait, so who did you end up marrying then?" Gwendolyn asked eagerly. Isabella's checks reddened, and she kept her gaze down. "It's the man I randomly asked to get married with." Gwendolyn's eyes went wide. The man you what?" Isabella nodded. "Well, his name's Clayton. I registered as his wife as part of the act for Zachary y. But now. I've decided to actually start dating him." Gwendolyn grasped an important detail. "Hold up. Did you say his nis Clayton?" "Yes, Clayton Murray, Isabella enunciated clearly. "You met him last night." "Oh my!" Gwendolyn slapped a hand over her gaping mouth.

"What? What is it?" Isabella asked, puzzled by her friend's shocked reaction.

"Clayton Murray! As in, the CEO of Rayson International? Gwendolyn repeated in disbelief.

Isabella jast nocled, "Yeah, it's him. I went to their office just yesterday, in fact." Gwendolyn's pretty eyes went wide with disbelief. "Your artis cartially murried Clayton Murray?" Isabella nodded again, thinking Gwendolyn's reaction was a little overblown. Yes. I did. What's the matter?" Gwendolyn gulped and suddenly reached out to pull Kabella's blanket, revealing the faint bruises on her skin. "Did Clayton do this to you?" Isabella blushed, quickly covering herself again, "Damn it, Clayton. Why did you changeinto this skimpy camisole? Also, why was he nibbling onall night like a starving dog? My body looks like I lost a fight! This is so embarrassing' she cursed silently.

Isabella's silence told Gwendolyn everything she needed to know Gwendolyn stared at Isabella and muntered. "It can't be. There's no other Clayton Murray in Moulmore. It has to be him!" "What do you mean!” Isabella asked, her eyes widened with confusion. "What's wrong with him?" Gwendolyn nodded heavily. "Something seen very off here." "Off? How?" Isabella implored.

Theard Clayton's gay Gwendolyn said with a disdainful look.

"H-He's gay?" Isabella repeated those words in shock.

Gwendolyn reached out and tugged aside the blanket wrapped around labella. She looked at the love bites on Isabella's neck and said. Tve heard he's not interested in women. He also seems to only keep male assistants around. But those marks he left on you! Straight as an arrow, one at that!" and a twisted Isabella blushed once more. "Well, it's true that his assistants are all men. I've seen them. They're nice," she said, clutching the blanket tighter around her.

"Why would people think he's gay” she asked curiously.

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Gwendolyn shrugged. "I'm not sure, I heard he acts really coldly toward women. But he's got a close male friend, the second son of Maguire Group's CEO. They've been inseparable since they were kids. People say that they're secret lovers. Clayton has never confirmed or denied it, so people just assit's true.

Isabella said meekly, "Well, rumors aren't necessarily true.

Gwendolyn looked at her timid friend and nodded. "I guess they aren't. Those marks he left on you pretty much debunk the whole not into women' idea. Perhaps he sings both ways! But hey, did he do anything weird to to you?" Isabella's eyes widened "W-What do you mean by weird?" as bisexual.

Gwendolyn scratched her head, pondering where she should put it. Perhaps she should ask Steven, who was Meeting babella's clear big eyes, she had to admir she was just as clueless. Gwendolyn reached over and gave the blanket wrapped around Isabella a gentle tug. I mean, just look at what he's done to you. Isn't that weird enough!" Isabella chitched the blanket back around herself, pondering the question with seriousness.

Meanwhile, Clayton flipped through a document while Johnny reported to him, eventually closing the folder. He then turned to look at Johnny. "Any idea how long this has been happening?" Johnny nodded. "Since last week. The computer engineering department developed a new firewall, and the entire company updated its systems. Our computers were unaffected because we weren't in the office that day Chyton sneered Kayson spoke up cauously. "Should we quictly replace the programm ourselves? A public update might alert the suspects" Clayton stippled his fingers and leaned back in his chair. His expressionless features nonetheless struck dread into his assistants.

After a long pause, Clayton smirked, "Just leave the bug in place.

His response left his assistant stunned.

Clayton's knowing gaze swept over them. "So he wants intel on Rayson International? Then, let's give it to him. He won't believe it anyway. Seems like he prefers sneaking at us in his discreet ways Very well, Kayson. Anything we want him to know, we leave it for him to steal. We'll toss him sscraps ourselves if we feel like it," Kayson grinned widely as understanding dawned, "Got it. They're practically begging to be caught. We can use this ploy to lead them straight into a trap" Clayton's eyes were as unfathomable as the sea, his expression ley. "It seems they've helped themselves to quite a bounty." Johnny went on. "Hens looked into the mole planted in our computer center.

Clayton turned his attention to Hendrix, who quickly responded, "We've identified the suspects but have kept it quiet so far. The other departments have been checked as well. All targets have been locked in." Clayton gave an approving look at Johany."Impressive work.

Johnny's face turned grim. "What should we do with them? Cut them loose or keep them in place?" Clayton sneered, "Let them stay a while longer. Weston, Hendrix, I want detailed information on these people within two days, with every weakness that can be exploited." Weston and Hendrix nodded.

"As for you, Kayson, it seems we have stto kill over the next couple of days. Cup with sentertaining ways to toy with our friends" We've been far too accommodating lately. Wouldn't want them to find us dull hosts, now would we?" Clayton added At this, Kayson grinned sinisterly.

Gwendolyn had wanted to spend the day with Isabella. They hadn't seen each other for three months, and she finally wrapped up from filming. Steven had promised ler a week off to recuperate..

However, her plans were quickly dashed Just as she and Isabella were about to have lunch together. Steven called, demanding her immediate presence at the film xet.

Despite her initial protests and tantrums, Gwendolyn ultimately relented. The unpredictable nature of her schedule was an unavoidable part of life as an artist.

23 Gwendolyn gave Isabella's arm an affectionate squeeze. “Cwithto set, Isabella?" With Clayton away and nothing else going on, Isabella ragged along. As much as she enjoyed the comfort of her home, the maids from the Murray residence were always around, so getting out sounded nice.

Gwendolyn cheered, pumping her fist in celebration, but then quickly realized she was still in her pajamas and had nothing else to wear Isabella hesitantly opened the closet. "You can see if there's anything you like. I'm still getting used to these clothes" "Wow, did Clayton buy all this for you? Gwendolyn exclaimed.

Isabella nodded, looking at the rows of clothes.

Gwendolyn was impressed. "How sweet of him to take you shopping already!" Isabella shook her head. "They just showed up when I had nothing to wear the first day I moved here" She still remembered wearing his white shirt on the first day when there weren't any clothes for her to put on. Her cheeks flushed at the memory.

Gwendolyn was too engrossed in the clothes to notice Isabella's blushing cheeks. "Whoa, he practically Brought the whole store to you! And they all seem tailored to fit your frand romantic style," she muttered to herself as she picked our their outfits She chose a prim yellow skirt for Isabella and paired it with a white cardigan. "This would look great with boots.

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The collar can cover up those love bites too! Blushing furiously, Isabella gave her friend a playful smack before taking the clothes.

Isabella knew she could trust Gwendolyn with her outfit.

Gwendolyn picked a flowing bohemian dress and admired herself in the mirror, highly satisfied. "Clayton really has an eye for choosing pretty clothes The dress was a bit short on Gwendolyn's taller frame, since it was made to fit Isabella. While Isabella appeared dim on the outside, she had a splendid figure.

Having been neglected at home, she stuck to basic denim and sporty styles, never wearing anything expensive.

Gwendolyn chuckled while checking out the designer labels, Isabella likely had no clue just how valuable these clothes were. Gwendolyn decided not to overwhelm her friend with the exorbitant prices of the clothes.

After dolling up, the two left the house, When they arrived at the film sei, Steven had been anxiously paring at the entrance.

Sporting the girls, he waved his delicate fingers drammatically. "There's my lile idok of Isabella darling finally And at you. You look amazing! I see you're finally learning a thing or two about dressing to impress." With that, he turned around and headed inside.

Gwendolyn and Isabella exchanged a smile Isabella sruck her tongue out once his back was turned In the dressing room, Gwendolyn found a spot for Isabella to sit before confronting Steven. "All right, why do you needon set today? Didn't we agree on a wreck off??

"Oh, Gwendolyn. You know I wouldn't interrupt your rest without a good reason," Steven said, said, taking a seat on the armrest of Gwendolyn's mini couch. "There's this incredible opportunity coming up, and you can't afford to miss it" Steven said excitedly, looking mysterious. Gwendolyn swatted away his debeare fingers pointing at her. "Yeah, yeah. Quit beating around the bush” Steven looked offended. "Let's maintain a bit of elegance, shall we?" Gwendolyn glared at him.