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Goodbye Cheater Hello CEO’s Wife by Payne Walter

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 Edmund chatted with Tyler and Riley again. Looking at Isabella's reaction, he did not ask them to talk to her. There was no hurry since he already found her.

Isabella calmed down, Although things had suddenly turned strange, she suddenly believed Edmund, She looked dat Edm..

Edmund with red eyes.

Edmund looked pitifully at her. "It seems that sunexpected things have happened in recent years. Isabella, tellhow you're doing," he said.

Isabella nodded as she replied, “I've been doing alright." She was glad that she was alive; the rest did not matter.

Edmund did not pursue it further since he would have all the tin the world to ask later.

Edmund sent Isabella and Rihanna home.

Rihanna was silent as usual as they sent Isabella hfirst.

When they arrived at Moonlight Apartment, Edmund got out of the car and looked around. "Do you live here?" he asked.

Isabella nodded and did not tell Edmund about her and Clayton. On the one hand, she wanted to digest the matter regarding Edmund, Tyler, and Riley. On the other hand, what happened between her and Clayton was also strange and could not be explained in a few words.

Edmund was relieved. He knew how much Moonlight Apartment cost because his brothers had properties here, and it seemed that Isabella was doing well.

"Alright, you can go upstairs," Edmund said. He looked at her with a smile.

Isabella nodded and glanced at Rihanna. “Please take Rihanna home. See you tomorrow, Rihanna!" she said. Rihanna nodded.

Isabella turned around and went up the steps.

"Isabella!" Edmund called out. He stopped her, hurried over, and held her softly in his arros.

"I'm glad to have found you!" Edmund exclaimed. His voice was full of joy and relief.

Isabella suddenly felt her heart melting as she blankly allowed Edmund to hug her.

Edmund let go of her and patted her shoulder, “Go upstairs. I'll see you another day," he said, Isabella nodded, looked back at him again, and then turned around to enter the apartment." Isabella put her bag on the couch, curled herself up in it, and rubbed her hair.

"Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember anything? Isabella thought.

Looking at Edmund's behavior and hearing what Tyler and Riley had said, they were very familiar with her. They should be good friends with her mother. It must not have been a lie, but she could not remember it at all.

Isabella smiled bitterly and muttered, "It seems I was brainwashed," She only remembered George, Irina, and two important things. One was her engagement to Zachary, and the other was about the will.

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'Forget it. Stop thinking about it. Edmund feels nice. Maybe I can retrieve smemories from them? It's a good idea, Isabella porde After taking a shower, she lay on the bed, holding her phone. She checked it and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

Clayton did not call her.

She felt a little uneasy because he had not called her, They did not agree to talk every day, but Clayton called her yesterday and made her feel that he would call again today.

However, Clayton did not call She checked her Whatand scrolled through Twitter for a while before falling asleep.

She suddenly found herself in a dark place. It looked like an alley. There were flashing lights far outside. She carefully walked forward with the help of the lights.

She becslightly anxious when the long alley seemed never-ending.

Suddenly, she heard people fighting, and it gradually becclearer.

She could hear the muffled sound of wooden sticks and iron rods hitting flesh, as well as the sound of daggers cutting through the air. She followed the noise and walked forward.

There were dark shadows in front of her, fighting together.

Isabella tensed.

"Clayton! Clayton!" Isabella shouted, thinking that one of them must be Clayton. She suddenly becanxious and worried, However, she could not make a voice at all. She was so anxious that she sat up from the bed.

"Hal It was a dream!' Isabella thought Isabella rubbed her hair and grabbed her phone. There was no call. Clayton did not call her.

It was almost dawn. Isabella pondered for a while and got up to wash up.

Clayton texted her yesterday morning. He knew her routine.

After getting ready, Isabella fell into a daze as she looked at her phone. Clayton did not text her as he did yesterday.

After thinking for a while, Isabella texted him a silly penguin WhatGIF.

Clayton still did not reply ten minutes later, 0 Isabella was a little uneasy. For sreason, the dream lingered on her mind.

Kayson was waiting for her downstairs.

Eating breakfast bought by Kayson, Isabella was not in the mood to joke with him today.

Kayson warily looked at Isabella and asked, "Did you face any problems at work, Mrs. Murray?" Isabella paused and shook her head.

"You look upset." Kayson commented cautiously.

Isabella hesitated.

"Mrs. Murray, just let us know if you need anything. Although Boss isn't at home, we'll do our best to help you even if we risk our lives!" Kayson reassured as he patted his chest.

Isabella could not help it and asked, "Kayson, when will Clayton cback?" Kayson understood and smiled brightly. "You miss Boss. He didn't say when he'll cback when he left. He should take three to five days," he answered.

Isabella blushed and ran out of the car as she had reached her destination.

Looking at Isabella's back, Kayson was in a good mood. Clayton would be very happy if he knew Isabella had asked about his return.

It was said that people in a relationship were foolish. Since Isabella appeared, the indifferent Clayton started showing emotions, which was a good thing.

Isabella was a little distracted today. After yesterday's incident, Louisa stopped picking on them. The cooperation with Maguire Group was in negotiation. Nigel was also busy.

Their colleagues did not give the two girls a hard tnor order them around as before.

Isabella and Rihanna had a relaxing day today.

"Isabella, are you in a bad mood?" Rihanna asked her during lunch break.

Isabella had been distracted all morning, feeling increasingly uneasy.

Thinking it would be better to tell someone, Isabella could not help it and asked, “Rihanna, have you ever been worried about someone? The type where you becparticularly afraid that something bad will happen to him?” Rihanna nodded as she replied, "Yes, I worry about him and can't sleep well at night. I always dream that he's in danger. Rihanna's voice was soft as her eyes started wandering.

"Yes!" Isabella exclaimed as she grabbed Rihanna's hand.

"That's the feeling. I feel scared and helpless,” Isabella said. She a little anxious.

"Are you worried about Edmund?" Rihanna asked curiously.

Isabella froze and shook her head. She did not think about Edmund at all. She said, "No. I believe him, but I still haven't recall what happened and what I have to do with them. Besides, he's the CEO of Maguire Group. How could he be in danger?" Rihanna nodded. "Yeah! Who are you worried about?" she asked.

Instead of replying to her question, Isabella asked, "What about you? Who are you worried about?" Rihanna glanced at her and said faintly, “It is my brother. Lately, I've been dreaming about him covered in blood." Isabella was a little surprised as she asked, “Do you have a brother?" Rihanna nodded.

Isabella smiled and said, “I had always wanted a brother." Rihanna seemed to be in a bad mood, too. Like her, she could only calm down by talking about it.

47% She looked at the bustling street outside the floor-to-ceiling window with faint sadness on her beautiful and delicate face. "He's the only family I have left. Without him, I'm afraid I would have died long ago," Isabella uttered.

Isabella did not want to see her sad, so she changed the topic with envy. "I envy-you for having a brother. He must dote on you a lot," she said.

Rihanna nodded and replied, "My brother will even risk his life for me." Isabella was shocked.

"But I haven't heard from him in days. Isabella, I'm scared. I'm so worried about him, I keep dreaming of him covered in blood these days," Rihanna added.

Rihanna suddenly grabbed Isabella's hand and could not help crying.

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Isabella hugged Rihanna and patted her on the back. She was also worried about Clayton, but she m comforted Rihanna instead, "It's okay. It's okay. All dreams are the opposite of reality." Rihanna trembled slightly, and isabella could feel her fear.

"It's my fault that he suffered so much. It would be easier for him if I didn't exist,” Rihanna said. She put her head on Isabella's shoulder, sobbing

Isabella patted her on the back and comforted her, "Don't talk nonsense. You're nice. Your brother must love you so much that he's willing to do anything for you. Don't be afraid. Everything will be fine. Nothing bad will happen. The people we worry about will be fine." Comforting each other like this did not make them feel at ease, and they were still worried all afternoon. Kayson took Isabella to dinner, but she had no appetite. Kayson did not make fun of her. He sent her hafter dinner.

Isabella was a little fidgety. Her emotions stopped arguing in her mind. She was now only irritated.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Isabella fell asleep on the couch with her phone in hand.

Her phone suddenly rang, and Isabella jumped up and answered the call.

C Isabella said, "Hello?" "Isabella, I'm scared. I had a nightmare that my brother died," Rihanna said. She choked as she sobbed on the phone.

Isabella calmed down. "Rihanna, don't panic. I'll cover and keep you company now. Sendthe address," she responded.

Isabella hurriedly took a taxi to Rihanna's home, which was an apartment similar to Moonlight Apartment. Rihanna seemed uneasy. She took Isabella's hand when she saw her. “Isabella, what should I do? I-I can't get in touch with my brother," Rihanna said.

Isabella held Rihanna's cold hand and helped her sit on the couch. "Rihanna, calm down. What happened?" she asked.

Rihanna clutched her phone tightly. Her laptop was placed on the coffee table.

"My brother and I talk on the phone every day. He'll texton Whatif he's busy. No matter how late it is, om he'll contact me. Even if he's not free, his assistant will tell me. No matter what, he'll letstay in touch. But I haven't heard from him for three days now, Neither he nor his assistant can be reached," Rihanna answered. Her voice filled with fear.

"Where's your brother? What does he do?" Isabella asked. She had a weird feeling.

"My brother is in Atharia, H-He works with his friends and has his organization and company," Rihanna replied in a soft voice.

Clayton had also gone to Atharia.

The world could not be so small. It would not be such a coincidence that the two people they were worried about were together.

Isabella took Rihanna's hand and suggested, "Let's make sfruit juice. We'll feel better if we keep ourselves occupied." Rihanna's kitchen was clean. It was obvious that she did not cook often, but everything was complete. The refrigerator was also filled with fruit and dairy products.

Isabella made Rihanna wash and cut fruits with her.

"How do you usually take your meals? You don't seem to cook," Isabella asked as she cut the fruits.

Rihanna nodded as she replied, "I order takeout, eat fruits, or drink milk." "I'll bring you sfood whenever I c cook," Isabella said with a smile.

Rihanna said, "Isabella, can you cook? I'm so envious. I can never learn to cook. My brother won't letlearn it either. Whenever I'm with him, he cooks for me." Isabella sighed deliberately and uttered, "It's good to have a brother, I don't have a brother, so I can only rely on myself."