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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 490
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Leon said, “You decided so quickly. Is it because you have given it a lot of thought?” Carlos said, “Someone just can’t wait...” Without giving it much thought, Loraine responded in the group, “Relax, everyone. | don’t mean anything else. | just want to get together, and you are welcome to come whenever you like.” One after another, others immediately replied that they would visit.

Loraine was filled with anticipation as she read the group chat messages. She remained excited until they scheduled the meeting.

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Loraine packed her documents and headed to the company.

In the company, she switched to her CEO mode and walked into the meeting room with a straight face.

“Everyone, this meeting is to announce the most important new project in the next phase of Universe Group. I've decided to renovate our current commercial street and build a new commercial district.” The meeting room erupted immediately after she finished speaking.

However, most attendees were against it.

Duran was the first to speak. “I don’t agree. The business street was successful. All we need to do is maintain it, and it will generate profits. There are risks in changing it right now.” ninja.com Reynolds echoed, “I agree. We don't have to take the risk.” The other directors also nodded. They didn’t support Loraine in making such a significant change to the company, even if they accepted the fact that she took on the CEO role.

The directors of different departments also expressed skepticism about Loraine’s plan.

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The only people who backed Loraine were Cayson, Jolie, the new director of the architectural design department, and Allen, the new director of research and development.

The argument left the meeting room in disarray.

“Quiet,” Loraine ordered sternly.

Immediately, everyone stopped m talking. The contepdis(oh .CO dS Lor Eh.riovelxo.com!

After taking a deep breath, Loraine explained, “I know your concerns put doing business is (ike GAMBIT. If we akcépt MeQituation as it is, we will only fall behind. According to what I've heard, Bryant

Group plans to replace our commercial street in Vagow witha new central business Gidtrict” Upiv@reR Croup will be in a terrible position once Bryant Group succeeds!” “What ?" “Is that true?”