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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Jared asked, “Heard your film investment’s a bit short?”

Ivan raised an eyebrow

This movie is the first of its kind, a youth fantasy, with a bunch of fancy special effects. The production

team is from Hollywood, so the costs are through the roof. But since there’s nothing like this in our

country yet, most investors are sitting on the fence. A few contracts are still in the works.

Ivan asked, “So, the Tim Group is thinking of dipping its toes in the film business?”

“50 million”

Ivan didn’t bat an eyelid. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch, especially when it comes to you, Jared

What’s the catch?”

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“Firstly, once Agnes joins the crew, I want daily updates on her schedule Secondly, use a body double

for all the scenes I just mentioned. Those are my terms.”

Ivan, anticipating this, chuckled, “You’re really hung up on this little wife of yours. For the sake of

money, I’ll agree. But Jared, aren’t you afraid she’ll resent your overbearing control? Girls her age tend

to have a rebellious streak.”

Jared indeed had headaches over this

Lately, Agnes had been indeed… quite rebellious.

Everything had to be a showdown with him. He forbade her to join the entertainment industry, and she

threatened him with divorce.

The mere thought of Agnes announcing her desire for a divorce made Jared’s blood boil.

Jared clearly remembered his first reaction was panic. In his 27 years, Jared had never felt like this,

like he’d lost control.

Jared’s brows furrowed. He stood up, “Our marital affairs are none of your business. And keep your

distance from her.”

Ivan just laughed helplessly, “Jared, you don’t even trust me now? You’re on high alert, a man in love is

truly terrifying.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Ivan, but he feared Agnes would be led astray.

Agnes had finished her final exams and was now on holiday.

In the afternoon, Laura called her to come home for dinner. Agnes agreed.

Rather than return to her cold home, Agnes preferred not to face Jared

For the next two days, Agnes planned to stay home studying her script. She was scheduled to start

filming in two days.

At dinner, Preston said, “Agnes, Beatrice has finished her exams and you’re on holiday. We’re all free

as birds, so I’m thinking we can take a trip to the Maldives. How does that sound?”

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Agnes had known about this for a while because Beatrice had mentioned it before.

They’d often go on trips over the years, but they’d always make a token invitation to Agnes. Then wait

for Agnes to refuse. Then they’d go off on their guilt–free holidays. Agnes used to get upset, but she

was used to it now. Without looking up. Agnes said, “I’ll be pretty busy this summer. You guys go have


Preston sighed. “Why is it that every time we plan a trip, you’re always tied up?”

Laura chimed in. “She’s grown up, and has her own things to do. Let’s not get in her way.”

But then, to their surprise, Beatrice also said, “I can’t go this summer either. I’ll be busy too.”

Preston asked, “Busy with what? You’ve finished your exams. What else could you possibly have to


Beatrice shot a glance at Agnes, “I have news. I’m joining the cast of “The Magical Romance of

Cinderella‘. I got the part through an audition, and I’m going to join the crew in two days.”

Agnes, who had been eating, paused at Beatrice’s announcement.

Chapter 82