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His Precious Love

Chapter 436
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Curtis was bustling around in the kitchen with his back to Carl and didn’t reply to him.

Carl went straight into the kitchen. Standing beside the man, he lifted his head and inquired, “Why didn’t you reply

to the message I sent you this afternoon, Mr. Curtis? Have you really broken up with Ms. Rayna?”

Receiving no response, he called out, “Mr. Curtis?”

A while later, he pressed on, “Why aren’t you saying anything, Mr. Curtis?” His voice was booming, blasting toward

Curtis at full force.

Some time passed before Curtis finally answered in the affirmative.

“Why? Ms. Rayna is so nice. Does the person you love more surpass her in looks?” Carl asked.

At that question, Curtis glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “There’s no one I love more.”

Frowning, Carl muttered, “But Ms. Rayna said you’ve got someone you love more and broke up with her because of


“No,” Curtis denied once more. Deftly taking out the piping hot buns from the steamer, he added, “She was the one

who asked for a breakup, and I merely respected her decision.”

That had Carl wholly confounded. “Huh? Then why did she ask for a breakup?”

Without bothering to answer that, Curtis grabbed his back collar with one hand while holding the buns in the other.

Walking into the living room, he tossed Carl onto the couch as though hurling a cushion. “Don’t ask any more

questions. Eat some buns.”


Carl was utterly curious to know why the couple broke up, but he ended up intimidated by Curtis’ sharp gaze.

Lowering his head, he took a bun from the plate.

Seeing the bun’s appearance, he couldn’t help grumbling inwardly. The bun he made is really unsightly. The mere

sight of them is unappetizing!

Curtis likewise took a bun from the plate before querying casually, “Did your father contact you and your mother

often after going abroad?”

“During the first two months, Daddy had video calls with us every day, but later, he didn’t even call us. He said he’s

exceedingly busy, and I’m worried that I’ll disrupt him if I call him,” Carl admitted in a muffled voice, having taken a

bite of the bun.

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“Is that so?” Curtis’ brows knitted together.

He knew that Theodore’s father was injured in Xyperia, so Theodore had gone over to help.

But there’s nothing serious over there, no? Why did he stay there for a few months?

Carl happened to bite into the filling in the bun, and his face contorted at once.

Since Curtis was there, he could only swallow the bun with much difficulty. Picking up the glass of fruit juice, he

downed more than half its content. “Where did you buy this bun, Mr. Curtis?”

Curtis took a bite as well. “I made it. Isn’t it pretty—”

When he ate the filling, spiciness and saltiness pervaded his entire mouth. Verily, it tasted horrible.

In a flash, his expression froze.

“It’s okay, Mr. Curtis. This makes it evident that you’ve got no talent for cooking. Nevertheless, you’re an expert in

making money,” Carl comforted, patting the man on the shoulder as though he was older than his age.

Curtis forced himself to swallow the filling as he eyed the bun in his hand. Oh God, this is downright awful!

That night, Rayna had polished off the entire plate of cheese buns, so he had thought they were incredibly delicious.

It wasn’t until after he sampled them that he realized they tasted atrocious.

Yet, Rayna ate them all.

As he recalled how she had sung praises of the buns while eating them, his emotions became a jumbled mess.

It’s obviously horrible, but she finished the entire plate of cheese buns just for the sake of preserving my dignity.

Judging from my cooking skills, the spaghetti bolognese I made in the morning must have been rather unpalatable

as well. Yet, she also polished it off.

He heaved a faint sigh. “This woman is just…”

Truly, she makes it impossible for me to hate her.

“Who? Are you referring to Ms. Rayna, Mr. Curtis?” Carl inquired, intrigue brimming in his eyes.


“Who were you talking about, then, Mr. Curtis?”

Finding him too talkative, Curtis outright ignored him and stood up to head upstairs.

Locking his phone, Carl followed behind the man. “It’s okay even if you don’t end up with Ms. Rayna, Mr. Curtis.

Anyway, she’s still my future mother-in-law.”

Words eluded Curtis.

“People say daughters resemble their mothers, so Ms. Rayna’s future daughter will definitely take after her in the

looks department. She’ll undoubtedly be beautiful!”

That comment struck Curtis dumb.

At long last, he snapped and stopped walking. Jerking his head back, he glowered at Carl. “If you continue yakking,

I’ll throw you and your luggage out and leave you to sleep on the streets.”

Shrinking into himself, Carl groused, “I didn’t speak ill of you, Mr. Curtis.”

Curtis lifted his hand threateningly.

“I’m going to pick a bedroom for myself, Mr. Curtis! Bye!” Carl quickly fled after saying that, realizing that the man

wasn’t joking.

With his voice gone, Curtis found it much more peaceful.

He stayed in the study for two hours before returning to his room to shower after finishing his work.

When he came out of the bathroom in a robe, he was greeted by the sight of Lucky sprawled on the carpet beside

the bed. It had entered the room at some point in time.

He wondered why Happy was missing this time when the dog and cat were usually together at all times. It took a

while before he remembered that it had long since been taken away by Rayna.

At the sight of him, the dog started wagging its initially limp tail. It was as though it wanted him to play with it.

Alas, Curtis purposefully stared straight ahead.

He sat down on the edge of the bed. Something seemingly occurred to him, for he opened the side drawer.

However, he found that the silk scarf inside was missing. He opened the second drawer for a look, but still, it wasn’t


Did Gabriel come into the bedroom and touch my things?

Immediately, Curtis gave Gabriel a call.

As soon as the call was connected, Gabriel reported before he could even say anything, “I’ve already settled the

matter regarding Mr. Reed! Also, I’ve sent all the documents you wanted to your email!”

“Why are you so nervous?”

“I’m afraid that you’d be in a bad mood and send me to Yeringham again,” Gabriel admitted pitifully.

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Back then, he inexplicably said he wanted to send me to Yeringham to work for some time. But when I was about to

board the plane with my luggage, he gave me a call and said I didn’t need to go anymore. I’m a bit scared, what

with him changing his mind so often now. I plan to bring Stella home for a meal this weekend, so I don’t want to be

sent to Yeringham at this juncture!

Paying his words no mind, Curtis demanded, “Did you touch my things when you came to pick Rayna up


“No. I waited for Ms. Garland to pack her things before driving her away. Did you lose something, Mr. Faymon?”

After more than ten seconds of silence, Curtis divulged, “I lost a silk scarf.”

“A silk scarf?”

Chagrined by Gabriel’s exaggerated surprise, Curtis threatened coldly, “You really want to go to Yeringham, do


Gabriel hastily denied, “No, not at all! I want to remain by your side, Mr. Faymon! What kind of silk scarf is it, Mr.

Faymon? Could you have put it someplace and forgotten about it?”

“I’ve always kept it in the drawer of the right bedside table, so that isn’t plausible. You’ve seen it once. It’s a dark

blue Hermès silk scarf.” Curtis sounded a touch awkward.

“I remember now! When I came over to pick Ms. Garland up that day, Lucky sprinted downstairs with a silk scarf in

its mouth. I thought it belonged to Ms. Garland!”

Indeed, it belongs to Rayna. But…

Curtis looked down with a baleful expression on his face, planning to settle the score with the dog, only to find that

the carpet was empty, as it had taken off ages ago. Such rage flooded him that his blood boiled.

I’ve been feeding it top-notch food and water, yet it keeps going against me!

“Mr. Faymon? How about I seek Ms. Garland out early tomorrow morning and ask her for the silk scarf?” Gabriel

couldn’t help venturing when he received no response from the man even after a long while had passed.

“No, it’s okay. All right, that’s all,” Curtis uttered placidly before ending the call.

That silk scarf is the only thing she left me. Since she took it back, so be it. Asking her for it out of the blue will only

lower my status, making it seem as though I miss her desperately.

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