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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129 JALE*) My life for the neet twenty four houre was a mix of medical terms, sFundsistint and affistet didit Blunt trauma in this hows hack Puncture wound to the night arm Laceration on her forehead Stitches needed! Suspected on fracture? 65W to his right abdomen! She's hypertensive and bradycardia: Hypovolasmia and suspected hasmerthaging Twenty-four hours of standing outside an ICU ream and watching doctors work on my wife, watching her struggling to live. Twenty-four hours of Uncle Damien giving up his duty as the head of the Brates to stay by my side because i refused to talk snap out of the daret was in I was always observant Always noticing. Always two steps ahead. Remember? But I wasn't. I was a man whose wife was struggling to live. I was a man who knew his wife found his world dangerous and dragged her to be a part Twenty two hours of ICU, twenty-four hours of a medically induced COMA and then sfe hours of rest later my wife finally opened her eyes.

it took her two minutes and twenty seconds of pain and gasping before she could finally regain consciousness, she looked around with a pained expression, her gaze fressing when she sawhovering over her from the side.

I knew I should speak, reassure she was okay, but the pain in my threat stoppedfrom.

"Al Alex" She barely mouthed, tears rimming in her eyes.

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Finhale deep for her sake, rubbing my thumb softly over the free side of her forehead. "Hi" I whispered.

She just stared at me, as if she wanted to say so much but no words cout. She cried and cried, and let her t wanted to hold her, but I couldn't so caressed her forehead, held her hand and let her break till the dector cin and said she needed to seamins my wife and I needed to get out I could have pointed a gun to her forehead for suggesting that, but I just leave instead after stationing Lana at her bedside, partly because i wasn't in the mental state to console her white seeing her condition inseded to do better for her 1/4 14:08 Tue, 16 Jul G.

Chapter 129 I shower out of my bloody clothes and grab scoffee while Lana textsupdates every minute, the last one being: 'Mia refused a rape kit.' The ten minutes I stayed away was too much and I quickly make my way back. My wife looked lesser in pain and she was talking about something to the doctor, her eyes red and sunken, and her voice dies as soon as I enter.

"Out." I instruct to no-one in particular.

Lána scrambles out, but the doctor looks atwith no hesitation about standing there. "Out," I hiss at her, "Orl swear I will put you in the next bed in the ICU." She leaves begrudgingly, and I walk to my wife.

"Mia..." I breathe once I'm closer, the daze finally ending. My wife was alive.

"Don't touch me." My knuckles freeze midair, the one that were about to touch her cheeks.

"Baby." I knew I looked as taken aback as I sounded. "What?" "Don't touch me, Alex." She repeats, her voice firmer this time.

"What?" She shakes her head, those tears filling in them again. Tears I hated. Tears I put there.

+5 I sit on the bed, just a feet away from her, careful not to touch her as she asked. “What's wrong?" I ask with evident fear. "Did someone- Did anyone?" I couldn't bring myself to even finish the sentence, so I hissed instead. "Mia, what did they do to you?" She blinks and the tears fall. Tears I swore I will kill Xander for. The tears I swore will never find their way into her precious grey eyes shimmered there.

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"What did you do, Alex?" She sobs. "You promised me." "Baby," I breathed. "What?" She sobs smore, and then sniffs. It takes every ounce of restraint to not wipe those tears from her face. "You never ask, Alex. You only take. That's the only thing you know how to do. It's always your way." "Mia..." "Don't take my name." She breaks down. “I told you this world scared me. I told you I didn't want to marry you. You forced me, Alex. You forced me!" I freeze. I stop breathing.

She goes on, "I- I told you your world is dangerous." She pauses to sob like a little child, "And- And you toldI didn't need to be scared of it because you would protect me. You- You lied." 2/4 A BAKHI TRAN Alors tears break free and sus puisies my hand lod hobling her hand, and the dunes her from enhung theterte:

Ali, what did they do in you?" Luqueal, love and damparate, I didn't care if I she thinks I was almonster because t will hum would lus buns shown in the way she wore anttering If it was the Italian Eloh, I will bill savery last ons of them.

"I won't tell your" she hasn "Out, Ales!" She screams with as much vnice as she could muster, and I shut my eyes, feeding her raw tage & and the doctor liss in hat live font nothing bady could take on me."606, Ale/t G. Go "Take him out" Mia ciles to the Etter at 'squeda Au ju qop 884 sp spune pour "Mom?" The word Bowe out of my mouth before I could Hunts better of it when I see the woman standing outside for me, "What What're you doing here?" Panie cequewhile I check if anyone heardaddressing her as "Damien asemelit is” Solla Whitlocks stands in front of me, love and anger in equal proportions in her voles, Twince, Their tall was rarely ever positive.

"Are you oliny?" 14:08 Tue, 16 Jul G.

Chapter 129 62%

The lie rests on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I shake my head, falling to one of the chairs. I huff a lot of air out of my mouth En unnecessarily to conceal the tears pricking in my eyes. I couldn't remember the last tI had cried, at least not in the last twenty years.

"Oh, Alex," her voice is soft as she sits m next toand hugs me, and the tears just escape as she engulfs me, just escape holdingwhile I cry for how much I had hurt my wife when all I wanted to do was keep her safe. X