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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 145
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Mabel nodded and explained, “Obviously, it's straightforward. Old Mr. Harrington has determined who you are. He is the head of the Harrington family, and he considers issues from his family's perspective. You are the Chosen One. If you don't marry Ms. Catherine, you will most likely become the enemy of the Harrington family when you join Divine Realm.” Jonathan replied, “Do you think that a marriage certificate can solve everything? Ms. Catherine and | are destined to be in conflict anyway.” “You have to understand that Old Mr. Harrington suggested this condition based on your character. He knows that if you become a member of the Harrington family, you will definitely be responsible for Catherine. That's why he set this condition. If it wasn't for you, Old Mr. Harrington wouldn't have been so desperate to marry Ms. Catherine to you. You must know that she is twenty years old and is known as the prettiest girl in Yaleview. Many young men born into affluent families want to marry her but can't do so.

You are getting a bargain.” She drove the car forward

smoothly and steadily.

Jonathan touched his nose and replied, “If it were just my own problem, | wouldn't need to think more about it. No matter how beautiful Catherine is, it has nothing to do with me. | really don't want to get married. However, right now, if there's no other way, | guess I'll have to say yes.” Mabel smiled and agreed, “That's right.” There was a bitter look on Jonathan's face.

At first, Polly wanted Jonathan to marry Amber, but he was not willing. That was because he didn't want to hurt Amber.

He knew his own personality. Besides, that was his own problem at the time.

However, the situation was getting worse at the moment. If he didn't solve this matter himself, it would harm Amber and the others. Jonathan couldn't accept that to happen.

“Since you've agreed, let's go back now,” Mabel blurted.

Shocked, he immediately refused, “No, | still have to meet Jennifer and the others.”

She smiled faintly. “I didn't expect you to be so infatuated.

Then, I'll take you to Old Mr. Johnson's house.” “Okay, but let's go and buy some gifts first.” Mabel replied, “It's okay. Old Mr. Johnson likes wine. | have ‘some wine in the back of my car. You can just take it out and give it to him.” Jonathan nodded. “That's great.” Neither of them had breakfast yet. After entering the downtown, they went to a restaurant to fill their stomachs.

It was a nice and warm day. The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky.

YYaleview rarely had such beautiful weather.

After breakfast, Jonathan and Mabel made their way to Arthur's house.

However, she just dropped him off in front of Arthur's house when they reached there. When she stopped the car, she said, “Okay, you can go in yourself. | have become your housekeeper for the past two days.”

Jonathan could not help but feel down as he asked, “You're not going in?” “Why should | go in?" He glanced at her before letting out a chuckle all of a sudden. “I feel like you're very afraid of visiting Old Mr.

Johnson.” Mabel blushed and scolded, “Get lost.” Jonathan burst into laughter when he saw her getting shy.

With that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

“The wine is in the boot,” Mabel reminded.

After picking up the wine, he went to her and said, “I can't stay here forever. I'll call you when I'm done. Can you pick me up?” “Do you think I'm really your housekeeper and chauffeur? Go back by yourself. Here's the key.” She handed a string of keys to him.

He cackled with laughter as he took it gleefully.

Then, Mabel turned the steering and left.

Meanwhile, Jonathan strode toward Arthur's Vipod Residence.

As he walked through a small alley, it reminded Jonathan of YYaleview's historical architecture. Soon, he entered Vipod Residence.

The surroundings looked serene as the sun shone on the greenery in the yard.

Nobody stopped Jonathan when he stepped foot in the place. However, he felt that he was in a place with tight security as if he would be given a drubbing if he did ‘something wrong.

The security level here was over-the-top, and it was invisible so as not to disturb the daily lives of the commanders.

The reason why he could enter was that he had been considered safe by those hidden expert fighters.

As soon as Jonathan set foot in the residence, he saw

Amber, Yasmin, and Jessica playing poker.

Meanwhile, Arthur was reading the newspaper with his glasses.

The moment Jonathan came in, Amber and the others spotted him. Amber was in a good mood and greeted with a smile, “Hello, busy bee. You're here finally. Jessica is almost suffering from lovesickness for missing you too much.” Jessica blushed and denied, “Amber, obviously you are the one who is thinking about him.” Hearing this, Yannis smiled helplessly, and Jennifer seemed to be uneasy.

Winnie, who was sitting beside Jennifer quietly, rushed over in a flash and greeted Jonathan happily when she saw him.

Jonathan hugged the girl and smiled at Amber and the others. He joked, “The one who wins must treat us to a meal.” As he said that, he went to Arthur with the wine while having Winnie in his arms. “Old Mr. Johnson, | hear that

you like wine. | picked up a few bottles from Mabel.” Arthur put the newspaper aside. When he saw the Malteer in Jonathan's hand, his eyes lit up. Arthur laughed and praised, “Wow, this is a great wine. Thank you, Jonathan.” The two guards behind Arthur immediately took the wine.

Arthur told Jonathan to have a seat beside him.

Nodding, Jonathan sat down.

Arthur suggested, “Are you okay with staying here for lunch today?” Jonathan agreed, “Okay, Old Mr. Johnson.” Atter that, both of them continued to be engaged in a conversation. Jonathan answered every question Arthur asked with respect.

He finally understood why Mabel did not like to visit this place. Talking to Arthur was nerve-racking because Arthur's aura was too strong and domineering.

After chatting for a while, Arthur suggested, “Let's have a

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walk in the courtyard.” Jonathan understood that Arthur had something to ask, so he gave him a nod without further ado and got up. “Sure, Old Mr. Johnson.” With that, Jonathan put Winnie down and let her go to Jennifer.

The girl was very obedient. She ran to Jennifer after saying goodbye to Jonathan and Arthur.

Before long, Arthur brought Jonathan out of Vipod Residence with two guards treading on Arthur and Jonathan's heels.

Vipod Residence was like a maze; the courtyards were well-connected with numerous alleys.

Jonathan was following closely behind Arthur.

As the former strolled forward, he asked, “Jonathan, how are you doing?” It was a question for which there was no specified answer, but Jonathan knew what Arthur meant. He took a deep

breath and revealed, “We've figured out a solution for what's going on right now, and we're working on it. Although it's difficult, I'l try my best to get it done.” Arthur smiled and stopped asking. Although he didn't talk much, he always had a clear idea about what was going on.

After a pause, he suddenly changed the topic and asked, “Jonathan, what do you think of Amber?” Jonathan was startled, his heart pounding quickly. What? Is he going to betroth Amber to me? Am | really that good? As a nimble-witted person, he quickly responded, “Amber is my best friend.” “You're brilliant.” Arthur smiled.

Jonathan scratched his head, feeling embarrassed.

Arthur assured, “Don't worry. My granddaughter can take care of herself. I'l let Amber decide. | won't interfere.” Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief.

Half an hour later, Arthur said he wanted to walk around

alone and let Jonathan accompany the ladies. It was like a load off his shoulders, but Jonathan's face remained calm, and he informed, “Then I'll go back first, Old Mr. Johnson.” Arthur waved his hand.

Jonathan soon returned to Vipod Residence, and the poker game was still ongoing.

‘When he came to them, Jonathan pondered before declaring seriously, “I have something to tell all of you.” Hearing his voice, Amber and the others were stunned.

They immediately stopped the game and had their eyes on Jonathan.

He took a deep breath and continued, “Jen, please come in with me. | have something to tell you first.” Jennifer trembled slightly and responded, “Okay.” With that, she stood up.

Soon, both of them entered the house. He closed the door after the two went to one of the bedrooms.

Jennifer guessed something terrible was about to happen.

She had no idea what Jonathan was going to tell her.

He took her hand to the table and sat down.

“You may say now.” Jennifer was whey-faced.

Jonathan took another deep breath and said, “Jen, | don't want to make any excuses for myself. | also feel like I'm an asshole no matter what reasons | give.” Sensing that her guess was correct, she asked, “What do you want to say?” Jonathan explained, “Old Mr. Harrington's advice enlightened me today. We are indeed not from the same world. You will never understand when | tell you I'm at the cultivation level of Nascent Soul. Also, when | mention the Chosen One, you will never understand what it means. If | am with you, it will only hurt you. In my life, there will be the Great Tribulation in the future. | am the Chosen One in this disaster, so there will be much trouble around me. Right now, | can't even protect you. If | insist on being with you, I'll only make you unhappy in the future.

Maybe | sound like I'm trying to make excuses-"

“I believe in you,” Jennifer interrupted suddenly. She was actually touched by Jonathan's sincerity from his stammering incoherence. She paused and continued, “But I'm not afraid, and | won't regret my choice.” Jennifer was always so courageous and determined when it came to relationships.

Jonathan was at a loss for words.

She went on, “I'll go back to Horington with Winnie and wait for you to sort out your troubles here. I'll be waiting for you, and | won't disturb you. Just remember that I'm there waiting for you when you're tired. It won't affect you in such a way, right?” He was deeply touched by her words.

Although Jonathan was touched, he still adhered to his values and principles.

He had a sense of clarity to differentiate what was right and what was wrong. He then began to speak. “Jen, | know you've been hurt by your ex-husband, Wesley, before this. | also know you're a proud woman. In my heart, you'll always be a princess. I've been trying to run away from the fact that I'm not the person you thought to be. You say you'll wait for me, but | honestly don't know how much time you'll spend waiting. Probably, you'll end up waiting ten years, or 1 would perish at the coming of the Great Tribulation. If | make a promise to you, I'm afraid you'll suffer an endless pain throughout your life.” Jonathan paused briefly before continuing, “Also, | went to the Harrington residence with Mabel yesterday. To solve this issue at hand, | need the help of the Harrington family.

Old Mr. Harrington agreed to help but on one condition.

That is for me to marry his granddaughter, Catherine Harrington. | didn't agree to that on the spot, but | plan to accept his offer. Before | agree to it, | would like to say

‘something to you out of respect. Regardless of whether or not | love Catherine, the marriage will be considered official.

That means | have to remain loyal to her alone, so you waiting for me would be a fruitless endeavor. Before this, | didn't agree to marry you because | didn't want to be tied down by the chains of marriage, and | didn't want to spend the rest of my life with just one person. But now, it has become a non-negotiable condition. Since I've agreed to that condition, | must then fulfill my role as a man to preserve the sanctity of this marriage.” Visibly shaken, Jennifer trembled when she heard those words, and tears began to well up in her eyes.

He took a deep breath and added, “Jen, | sincerely wish you all the best in life. If you're miserable, | would feel equally miserable as well.” “I will.” The tears soon trickled down Jennifer's face.

Despite that, she did not resent Jonathan. Instead, she looked at him and expressed her true feelings.

“Jonathan, | want to thank you for confiding in me. I'm also

extremely grateful for the things you've done for me. I'll always cherish the goodness you've shown. Not even once have you deceived me. You truly are a man who's worthy of my love.” After hearing her speak in such a manner, he could not help but sigh with relief. At the same time, he also felt a sense of melancholy brewing within him.

Oh, Jonathan. So what if you're a Nascent Soul expert? You still remain helpless and trapped in your own predicament.

Without hesitation, Jennifer dove into Jonathan's embrace and kissed him passionately.

He was stunned for a moment before staring at the woman who was kissing him with her eyes closed.

The crazed Jennifer had a fiery passion as their lips locked.

In response, Jonathan wrapped his arms around her waist and reciprocated similarly.

Like a bottle of fine wine, the kiss felt mellow as if it had been brewing for a long time.

parted away from each other.

Smiling sadly, Jennifer soon got up and left.

Jonathan breathed in deeply. He could smell the scent of perfume that she wore as it lingered in the room.

A sense of sadness welled from within his heart as reality sank in. From that day onward, he had truly broken up with Jennifer.

Nevertheless, he needed to sever ties with her.

Although he could let Jennifer wait for him, he was not a selfish person. He also felt sorry for Catherine, whom he had not met yet.

That was the bottom line of his morality.

As time passed, Jonathan shook his head as he walked out of the room and arrived at the courtyard.

‘Yasmin, Jessica, and Amber were waiting for him.

As for Jennifer, she had not come out of the house.

After coming out of the room, he turned to Winnie and said, “Winnie, go inside and look for your mom. Make sure you

listen to her, okay?” Winnie nodded and obediently went inside the room.

Jonathan then turned to face the three women.

Amber had seen the look of distraught that was on his face.

Concerned, she asked, “What's wrong? Is there something too complicated to be resolved?” Reluctantly, Jonathan smiled and answered, “I have some good news to share with you all.” Hearing this, Amber and the other women felt something was amiss.

Jonathan continued, “If things go well, | will be getting married soon. My marriage partner would be Catherine Harrington of the Harrington family. I've heard that she is the prettiest lady in Yaleview. As you guys are my close friends, you all should give me your blessings.” The news had shaken both Amber and Jessica as their faces paled. Naturally, they knew Jonathan was not joking when he made that statement earlier.

‘Yasmin, however, remained somewhat calm as she had always been a composed person. In addition, she regarded Jonathan as her elder sibling.

However, things were different for both Amber and Jessica.

The two had been harboring romantic feelings for Jonathan.

“Why?” Amber asked without hesitation.

With a deep voice, he replied, “If | wish to solve the issue at hand, then | need Old Mr. Harrington's help. He agreed to help me under the condition | fulfill his request. So, | agreed to his terms.” Jessica was crestfallen, looking as if her soul had left her body.

Amber flew into a rage. “What kind of problem is so big that you need to agree to a pre-arranged marriage? Is my grandpa less powerful than that Harrington family!” The thing that greatly annoyed her was remembering her previous attempt to help Jonathan by getting married to him. He had flatly refused her proposal, but currently, he

was willing to marry Catherine, a woman whom he had never met.

Jonathan uttered, “Naturally, Old Mr. Johnson is more powerful than the Harrington family, but in regards to this matter, only the Harrington family has the capability to help me.” “What happens if | refuse to let you do that?” Amber clenched her teeth as she vehemently protested.

For a moment, Jonathan stayed silent. He then solemnly said, “I'm sorry.” With reddened eyes, she retorted, “No one can ever convince you to change your mind after you've made a decision. | can't blame you; | can only blame myself for being such a fool.” As Amber finished speaking, she stormed off angrily and went into the house.

Jessica stared at him briefly before going after Amber.

“Jonathan!” Yasmin called out softly as she walked up to him.

He turned to face her and saw that she was looking at him worriedly. Her heart ached when she saw how troubled Jonathan was.

Dejected, he smiled wryly and asked, “Am | an unfaithful man?” ‘Yasmin replied, “Of course not. You're a hero and a very honorable man.” He could not help but laugh when he heard what she said.

“So that's what you think about me. Since when have | been such an outstanding man in your eyes?” She went over and embraced him tightly, burying her face in his chest. “You've always been an outstanding man.” Jonathan reciprocated the embrace by holding on to her shoulders.

The two shared a friendship that was pure and strong. It felt similar to a bond between siblings.

“Jonathan, I'm so sorry. I'm aware of the part | played which caused all this to happen.” Yasmin began to whimper as her eyes reddened.

Jonathan patted her shoulders and said, “Don't be silly.

How can this be your fault? I'm the Chosen One, and this is my fate, an inescapable fate. Besides, you're someone very dear to me, and | would give my life to protect you at all costs.” Those words that he uttered came straight from the bottom of his heart.

‘Yasmin sensed his sincerity as she tightly embraced him. It felt as if her late brother, Connor, had returned to be with her.

Soon after, Jonathan left Arthur's Vipod Residence.

Things would be awkward if he stayed any longer. Hence, that was why he took his leave.

The sun shone brightly as the time was eleven o'clock in the morning upon his departure from Vipod Residence.

Jonathan then walked through several alleyways, retracing his steps from earlier. Ten minutes passed, and he was finally out of the vicinity of Vipod Residence in Yaleview.

There was a road ahead of him. The road seemed desolate as not many cars passed by the area.

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Jonathan, however, had a stroke of luck. It was not long until a passing cab had appeared.

Frantically, he waved his hand at the approaching vehicle.

The cab soon stopped in front of Jonathan. Upon looking into the car, Jonathan saw that the driver was a woman.

She seemed to be in her thirties and had average looks.

The woman's figure was also indiscernible as she was wearing a puffy jacket.

Unconcerned, he opened the car door and hopped into the backseat. “To Appleton Residences, please.” The female driver said nothing as she began to drive the cab.

Do the drivers in Yaleview drive so recklessly? The cab sped off quickly toward its destination.

Jonathan leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

Naturally, he understood the thoughts of both Amber and

Jessica. The two women had never imposed anything on Jonathan. He felt that was the best solution for him to remain friends with them. It was understandable that the women found it hard to accept a sudden marriage proposal to an unknown person.

All right. That's enough. | need to keep my thoughts from wandering and focus on how to deal with the test of Divine Realm. The road ahead will undoubtedly be hard to traverse. Moreover, eliminating Bianca is not going to be an easy task. This game has only just begun.

Time passed, and Jonathan fell into a deep slumber.

It was unclear how much time had passed when he finally woke up. Feeling something was amiss, Jonathan jolted himself awake and realized that there was a sedative that circulated within the interior of the car.

It caused Jonathan to feel a sense of tranquility before he peacefully dozed off.

Looking out the window, he began to panic.

Oh, no! Where am 1? Jonathan looked around and saw nothing but the surrounding wilderness of the place. Countless tombstones also stood visible in his line of sight.

Amidst the withering fallen leaves, this place seemed to be the site of a mass grave.

Jonathan realized the time at the moment was one o'clock in the afternoon. He was taken aback upon noticing he had unwittingly slept for two hours on the journey.

Just then, the vehicle came to a halt.

Jonathan looked at the female driver and had a sudden realization. With a startled voice, he began to yell at her.

“Bianca, is that you?” At the same time, he violently kicked the driver's seat.

The sheer strength of the kick had a force of one thousand kilograms.

It was as if a cannonball had been launched.

The driver's seat was crushed violently as the front part of

the car was deformed, shattering the windshield.

In a flash, the female driver kicked open the car door and moved out of the way.

Cold sweat beaded on Jonathan as he hastily got out of the car.

Since there was limited space inside the car, he could not let himself be trapped inside.

Upon exiting the car, he stood still and spotted the female driver as she stood five meters ahead.

Currently, she had her back facing him.

Breathing heavily, he asked, “Bianca, is that you?” The female driver suddenly removed the puffy jacket she was wearing. Upon removing the jacket, she revealed the black Force Costume that she wore on her slender body.

Her physique was devilishly perfect and had no ‘comparison.

At that moment, the woman suddenly turned around.

She tore away her disguise, revealing her appearance to


The face she had was unparalleled in beauty and complexion, but her eyes beamed with resentment.

This woman was none other than Bianca.

Jonathan immediately recognized that this woman was Bianca, as he had previously read the files that Mabel provided and retained the information.

The size of her bosom was a magnificent sight to behold.

Needless to say, she was an attractive, mature woman.

Jonathan felt chills running down his spine as he laid his eyes on her.

There was a crazed look on her as she shot daggers at him.

Terrified, Jonathan felt as if he was a prey being hunted by a predator.