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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 149
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Bianca kept quiet. She understood what Logan meant. To her, nothing else mattered as long as she killed Jonathan.

However, Logan could not do that.

National power was always terrifying. Even people like Logan and Jeremy dared not defy the law and go against their nation.

Things would be fine if Logan and Bianca sneaked into Mabel's house, killed an insignificant Jonathan, and left silently. They would not get themselves into trouble.

Moreover, they had the Young family to back them up.

Plus, Mabel could not accuse them as there was no evidence. However, killing Jonathan in front of Mabel was an entirely different story. It would be an act of provocation toward the government.

In addition, there was another important point. Logan was unsure whether he was Mabel's match. Had he killed Jonathan earlier, he might not have been able to escape in one piece.

Revenge was the only thing that Bianca cared about.

Leonardo had always loved her, and she felt the same way about him. There were too many regrets between the couple. Bianca never imagined that she would come across Leonardo's corpse.

Her whole world crumbled at that very moment.

Avenging Leonardo's death by killing Jonathan was the only thing that kept Bianca going.

Undoubtedly, Mabel was an intelligent woman. She analyzed Bianca's personality through the intel she gathered, and she learned that the latter would lose control of her emotions once she found out Leonardo was dead.

If Bianca could turn back time, she would definitely ignore the taboos of society and marry Leonardo.

Bianca was thirty-six, whereas Leonardo was thirty.

However, their love blossomed when the man was very young.

Leonardo was a talented and cheerful young man at the time. Back then, Bianca was very young, too.

She was the only one Leonardo loved, and Bianca loved him, too.

As a talented and courageous fighter, Leonardo had had many young women fawning over him. Yet, he was never interested in other women.

For years, they kept their relationship a secret and loved each other passionately.

Sadly, Leonardo was already dead.

Bianca's life was completely devoid of meaning, and she did not want to carry on living anymore. Apart from feeling regret over the things she did not do with Leonardo, she also harbored hatred for the world.

Bianca felt only pain and sorrow. She would not find peace unless she took the lives of everyone around her.

Those who did not understand love would never understand that sort of pain.

Jonathan spent half an hour bathing himself. Meanwhile, Mabel ordered an agent from the sixth division to send

‘some clothes. Then, she placed the clothes outside the bathroom.

They consisted of a set of sportswear, a jacket, and a set of thermal underwear. The outfit fitted Jonathan's body. He felt more refreshed after the bath.

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Mabel sprayed half a bottle of air freshener in the living room. As soon as Jonathan entered the room, he sneezed.

He remarked, “D*mn, Mabel! Don't be ridiculous. Was | that smelly?” Mabel was sitting on the couch and watching television.

She replied firmly, “You were smellier than you think. Did you jump into a huge pile of sh*t? You'd better discard those clothes of yours.” A frustrated Jonathan muttered, “It's almost the same. You don't know how dangerous it was today. I'm very lucky to still be here and speaking to you.” Mabel smiled and said, “You should say you're thankful to me for saving your life.” She paused, then added, “You rascal, count the number of times | saved you!”

Jonathan chuckled. He knew Mabel was equivalent to his savior in life.

After that, Mabel urged him to throw his dirty clothes away.

Jonathan found them smelly, too, so he discarded them.

Once that was done, he washed his hands twice.

Finally, Jonathan sat down on the armchair to the left of Mabel. He grabbed a few pieces of chocolate from the coffee table and ate them.

Mabel was thinking about something, so she ignored him.

‘When she noticed Jonathan swallowing the chocolate pieces, she said hastily, “Don't...” With a grimace, Jonathan spat the chocolate into the trashcan. He felt awful and asked, “When did you buy these chocolate pieces? Why do they taste so funny?” Mabel answered sheepishly, “I bought them last summer. | seldom live here, and | forgot to throw them away.” Jonathan rinsed his mouth immediately. He was confounded by the woman's laziness. She doesn't know

how to enjoy life! Hungry, he asked, “Is there something to eat here?” Mabel replied, “I think there's some spaghetti in the kitchen, but they were also purchased last year if I'm not mistaken.

See if they are still edible?” Jonathan was annoyed and sat down. “I think I'd better eat something else. The food here has already been around for ages. This isn't the way to enjoy life!” Mabel burst into laughter and said, “It would be strange if | know how to enjoy life.” Jonathan was stunned. After a few seconds, he had to agree with what she said. Following that, they got down to business. He asked, “Why didn't you kill that white-haired guy and Bianca? We'll have less trouble once Bianca's dead.” Mabel rolled her eyes and explained, “It isn't as simple as you think. The two are disciples of Jeremy, and Bianca has strong ties with the Young family. This family is pretty influential in Yaleview. Logically speaking, it would be very

unreasonable of me if | kill them under such circumstances.

After all, you didn't die, and they merely dropped by my house. Killing Lucian is easy because he doesn't have ties to any influential figures. Although his grandfather, Peacock King, is a powerful cultivator, I'm not afraid of him. Jeremy is no ordinary man, either, but I'm also not afraid of him.

The Young family is what I'm truly afraid of.” She paused, then continued, “Of course, it would be a completely different story if they killed you in my house today. Whoever kills someone right in front of me has to be prepared for the consequences, including Jeremy.” Jonathan was in awe and commented, “Bad*ss!” A moment later, he added, “What if Divine Emperor kills someone in front of you?” Mabel was at a loss for words. Then, she said, “Do you want to get slapped?” Jonathan sniggered and asked, “Will | bring trouble upon myself if | kill Bianca? It sounds like the Young family is very powerful.”

Mabel replied, “If you don't join Divine Realm, and you kill Bianca, you'll certainly be in big trouble. Firstly, Jeremy won't let you off the hook. Secondly, the Young family will come after you. Although Leonardo is already dead, he died in the ring. Thus, the Young family dare not create any trouble. After all, Old Mr. Johnson and | are involved, and we can still hold them back. There's something else you don't know. If Old Mr. Johnson and | didn't defuse the situation, you would have been captured by the Young family.” Jonathan sucked in a deep breath. Sh*t! | now feel like a weak, little rabbit! “If I join Divine Realm, will | be safe after killing Bianca?” he asked. After a brief pause, he continued, “Does Divine Realm have this sort of authority? Isn't it afraid of the government? When the time comes, will the Young family look for me?” Mabel said, “You fool! Firstly, when you join Divine Realm, you'll be protected by the organization. Secondly, you have me and Old Mr. Johnson to protect you. Thirdly, you aren't

going to Kill Bianca in front of the Young family, are you? At any rate, when the time comes, the Young family can't do anything if you keep denying it.” The light dawned upon Jonathan. He gave Mabel a thumbs up and cried, “Amazing!” After that, he cocked his head and said, “However, don't you represent the government, righteousness, and justice? Why are you teaching me crooked and sinister tactics?” Mabel replied, “Are you trying to be funny? I'm not the court. Extreme organizations resort to extreme methods. | only care about the result over here. The process isn't important.” Jonathan was just trying to make a joke. After that, he became serious. “Right, when the white-haired guy hit me earlier, he seemed to have suffused my body with his Force. It has suppressed the flow of my vitality. Are you able to help me?” Mabel explained, “The white-haired guy is Logan Xander, and he's Bianca's senior. He has already reached the final

stage of Nascent Soul in his cultivation. Moreover, at his Force level, he's able to transform vigor into spirit. You won't be able to break down the vigor once it has entered your body.” Jonathan was astonished. “Don't you mean transforming spirit into vigor?” Mabel explained, “The first step is to transform spirit into vigor. Everything boils down to a single origin. When Logan transforms vigor into spirit, it belongs to the spiritual imprint in his body. You won't be able to refine your spiritual imprint when this sort of spirit is inside you, and it will affect your cultivation. This is deep stuff, and you'll soon come to understand it.” Then, the woman added, “Simply put, it's just like adding a chromosome to pure water. If you don't remove the chromosome, the water will never be pure.” Jonathan groaned silently. He asked, “What should | do now? | feel that my cultivation has deteriorated. | just can't break down this vigor.” Mabel said, “Come here, and I'll help you.”

Jonathan was delighted and approached her.

“Squat down.” Mabel was sitting still.

Jonathan squatted down obediently, and he did so in an amusing manner.

Mabel laughed and spoke. “It's rare to see you behaving obediently. | wonder whether | should help you break down the vigor so soon.” An earnest Jonathan smiled sheepishly. “I'll always be obedient.” Mabel was not someone who often cracked jokes. Thus, she went back to being serious and gave his shoulders a pat.

Soon, a tender force surged within Jonathan's body. In a matter of seconds, the vigor belonging to Logan was broken down, and it vanished without a trace.

Whoosh! Jonathan felt revitalized. His force field had returned, and his cultivation level was restored to Nascent Soul.

Furthermore, his vitality was no longer obstructed.

Jonathan's admiration toward Mabel grew, and he respected her greatly. He could not help but ask, “What's your current cultivation level?” Mabel grinned. “Haven't you guessed?” Jonathan was frustrated and said, “What's the point of guessing? Last time, you said | could guess it. | thought you were at Nascent Soul. However, based on what happened today, you must have reached at least Celestial Soul in your cultivation. After all, Logan's cultivation level is at the final stage of Nascent Soul, but he behaved like a meek, little lamb in front of you!”

Mabel smiled but did not deny. “D*mn! Are you really at the Celestial Soul level?” asked Jonathan.

Mabel replied, “I'll leave it up to your imagination.” Jonathan could not help but feel somewhat dejected. He thought he was a good fighter, but Jonathan's self- confidence was shattered after witnessing Logan and Mabel fight.

Nevertheless, that only lasted for a second. He was, after all, a person with determination.

At the moment, Jonathan was hungry. He chirped, “Let's go out and eat.” “You go on your own. I've eaten,” Mabel answered.

“Mabel, you can't be serious. What if Logan and Bianca ‘come back for me? | can't deal with them alone,” Jonathan said annoyedly.

Mabel let out a chuckle and said, “Do you see me as your bodyguard that protects you twenty-four hours a day? Most importantly, you're not giving me anything in return for

protecting you.” “Ah. You won't need my money even if | want to pay you.

Furthermore, talking about money is tacky. It might ruin our relationship. But, | have something precious to me. I'm just worried that you don't want it,” Jonathan said confidently.

“Oh, please. Isn't your virginity the most precious thing? You lost it a long time ago anyway,” Mabel responded.

Jonathan was rendered speechless. He was indeed about to mention his virginity. However, he just wanted to tease Mabel, and it was true that he had slept with many women.

Wow, impressive! How did she know what | wanted to say? She said it before | had the chance to say anything.

Jonathan could only raise his hands to show that he was defeated. “Fine, you win.” After that, Mabel said in a serious tone, “I'm busy with other things these days, so | can't protect you all the time. Today is your lucky day. | was sleeping in my room when Logan and Bianca strutted into my house. Thus, | hid my aura to see what they were up to. Logan was too confident when

he assumed no one was at home since he did not sense anything.” Jonathan thought that it had been a thrilling and dangerous day.

“Then, what do you think | should do? | can't fight both Logan and Bianca if they attack me simultaneously,” he asked Mabel.

“Your marksmanship is highly accurate, isn't it. I'll give you a custom-made gun. Use it to protect yourself.” After Jonathan heard that, his eyes lit up. That's a great idea! Then, Mabel returned to her room. After some time, she «came out with a shiny black revolver and passed it to Jonathan. “This is the latest development from the military, and it has great lethal power. It uses mercury bullets. The mercury will immediately burst when it comes in contact with a person. No matter how powerful a person is, they won't survive if this bullet hits them. There are six rounds in total, so take it easy.”

Jonathan took over the revolver delightfully. As a skilled marksman, he knew that it was a powerful weapon the moment he touched it. “What happens if | kill Logan and Bianca?” Jonathan could not help but ask.

“If you kill them, it'd be considered self-defense, and we'll ensure your safety. However, as long as you don't join the Divine Realm, Jeremy will find ways to hunt you down. We can't protect you forever. Thus, it's a pressing matter that you join Divine Realm.” “But the exam would still take a month!” Jonathan exclaimed.

“As long as you're nominated to be an exam candidate, Jeremy will never go near you. No one dares to harm the candidates of Divine Realm because we won't know which one of the candidates will be a genius and stand a chance to be an outstanding inner disciple. Just like what the president of Anglandur said in his speech, all school buses are significant since he doesn't know whether the future president is in any of the school buses,” Mabel explained.

Jonathan nodded in agreement. After listening to Mabel's explanation, courage rose in his heart as he kept the revolver and headed downstairs for dinner.

Just as Jonathan was about to go out, Mabel said, “Remember to buy me supper.” Jonathan was infuriated upon hearing that. “I thought you said you've eaten. Come with me if you want to eat.” “I just want to laze around at home. Do | need to report to you?” Mabel giggled.

Jonathan was speechless at her response.

After he left the residential area, Jonathan found a stall nearby. He ordered two servings of ravioli, two chicken drumsticks, and a bottle of cold beer. Jonathan was satisfied after he had devoured everything. All his worries, concerns, and emotions were swept away in that instant.

Nothing can make me feel depressed for long! After Jonathan had finished eating, he ordered a serving of ravioli, one serving of escargot, and cold beer to go for Mabel.

Only Jonathan would think of drinking cold beer during the winter.

Along the way, he bought some roasted bell peppers for Mabel too. Jonathan headed back to her house after buying the food.

Mabel was delighted to see all the food and started to eat.

She enjoyed the peppery escargot and gulped down the cold beer. “I don't buy food from roadside stalls often. | didn't expect everything to taste so good!” Mabel exclaimed.

Jonathan cackled. “Well, good food is everywhere around us, even at roadside stalls. The foods served in hotels are just fancy-looking.” After Mabel finished, Jonathan retired to his room and practiced as usual. Halfway through his practice, Jonathan got up and ran to Mabel's room. He then knocked on her door.

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It was two o'clock in the morning, and his knocking awakened Mabel. She could not help but feel annoyed.

“What do you want, rascal? I'm not lonely, so | don't need your companionship.” Jonathan burst into laughter after hearing her response.

“Let me ask you something serious, Mabel.” “What is it?” Mabel asked.

“Are you still a virgin?” inquired Jonathan.

Mabel snapped in embarrassment, “Are you crazy? Get out of my sight!” Jonathan chuckled. “Okay, I'm just joking.” He paused for a while before continuing, “I was practicing spirit flow and thought of a question. I'm currently in the state of transforming spirit to vigor, and what comes next will be the transformation of vigor to spirit. Then what comes after that? Am | going to transform spirit into vigor again? Will | have to repeat this cycle over and over?” Mabel immediately remarked, “What the heck?” She paused before saying, “Next, you'll transform spirit into energy, energy into essence, and essence into a void.”

Jonathan did not understand a word. His mind was in a state of confusion.

Seeing that Jonathan was puzzled, Mabel continued, “It's hard for you to understand everything now. What you have to do now is to transform vigor into spirit. Previously, spirit entered your body, but that's not your true spirit. After changing the nature of the vigor within, it will have your spiritual imprint, and that can then truly be called the transformation of vigor to spirit. As for the subsequent transformation of spirit to energy, you'll gradually come to understand it. In short, you must remember that we live because of our spirits. We're also cultivating our spirits.

Without it, we'll not be alive. It's our energy, the air we breathe, and why we're alive. Spirit is the same as Destino Art; it's everywhere around us. Spirit and Destino Art are things that we'll never truly understand and will never be able to pursue fully.” Listening to Mabel's explanation, Jonathan was in awe. “I understand now.” After that, he went back to his room and focused on cultivating.

The next day, it was bright and sunny in Yaleview.

At Vipod Residence, none of the girls were playing poker.

They each had their own worries. Jennifer was heartbroken. Despite that, she was grateful that Jonathan had come into her life. That was because Jonathan's feelings for her were sincere, and he respected her, too. If it weren't for his sincerity, he would have long done nasty things to her.

However, Jonathan had never done anything bad to her.

Though he was a lackadaisical person, Jonathan was a real gentleman.

As for Amber and Jessica, there was a twinge of bitterness that they could not explain. They did not want Jonathan to get married, yet they were in no position to stop him as they were just friends with him.

On the other hand, Yasmin was worried about company matters. She could not feel at ease since Jonathan was always out of the company. Yasmin worried for Jonathan, too.

On the contrary, Arthur was calm. He could see that Amber was unhappy, and he had asked her about it, but Amber refused to tell him the reason.

Knowing that his granddaughter could handle herself, Arthur did not pry into her privacy.

The sun shone brightly at eleven o'clock in the morning.

Arthur was reading the newspaper while enjoying the sun in his backyard.

Just then, a security guard passed him the phone and said, “Commander Johnson, Old Mr. Young is on the phone.” Arthur was slightly startled. He knew that the relationship between the Young family and him was rather strange. It was all because of Leonardo's passing. Jonathan ended Leonardo's life in the ring, Amber had feelings for Jonathan, and Mabel from the sixth division valued Jonathan. It was a complicated relationship. Hence, Arthur had become distant from Aaron.

“Hello, Aaron!” Arthur answered the phone without hesitation and laughed.

Aaron smiled too on the other end of the line and said, “Commander Johnson, it has been some time since our last chess game.” “I've heard about what happened to Leonardo. Ah. Life is unpredictable. I'm sorry for your loss, Aaron,” Arthur replied as he let out a sigh.

Aaron's voice became raspy, but he answered in an instant, “Thank you for your concern, Commander Johnson. It's probably my fate and also my grandson's fate.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “By the way, are you free now, Commander Johnson? If you're free, | would like to visit you and have a chat.” Arthur was slightly taken aback after he heard what Aaron said. After all, he did not know what Aaron was up to. Arthur was not close with Aaron. They had only played a few games of chess before.

However, Arthur would not be able to reject Aaron's request. “Sure. You can come any time,” Arthur responded.

With that, he hung up the phone.

Arthur was not worried that Aaron would harm him. It would be the end of the Young family if that happened.

Furthermore, the matter concerning Leonardo had nothing to do with him. Aaron could not put the blame on him.

An hour later, the secret security system guarding Vipod Residence reported, “Commander Johnson, Aaron and Bianca are here. Are they allowed to enter?” Arthur was flabbergasted. He had heard from Mabel that Bianca was the biggest trouble. He certainly did not expect Aaron to bring Bianca along.