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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 151
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Naturally, Arthur could not ask Aaron to leave at that moment. The former had fought in numerous battles and had seen all kinds of spectacles, so he was not afraid of a youngster like Bianca. Thus, he agreed to let them in.

Though he was not afraid for his own safety, he was concerned about Amber and the other girls’ safety. Besides, he was worried he would not notice the tricks Bianca had up her sleeves.

After all, he knew that it was impossible to guard against an enemy's every attack.

Thus, Arthur ordered a security guard to bring Amber and the girls to the house of his neighbor, Steven Lyon, from the back door, and only return after Bianca and Aaron had left.

The guard instantly obeyed, and after ten minutes, all the necessary preparations were complete.

Sitting in his courtyard, Arthur soon heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Not wanting to be arrogant, he stood up and prepared to welcome his guests at the entrance.

Only one security guard remained in the courtyard, and naturally, he was an expert fighter. Besides, there were also other expert fighters hiding around the courtyard.

The moment Bianca arrived, the secret security system in the house heightened the defense around Vipod Residence.

If she made the slightest wrong move, she would be killed in a flash.

The power of national defense was not to be underestimated.

Even Jeremy would not dare to make the wrong move here.

Previously, countless countries tried to assassinate the retired military officials living at this place, but they were all silently killed by the secret security system. The military officials did not even realize that there had been an attempt on their lives.

Aaron was in his seventies. His hair was completely white,

and that day, he wore a black suit and held a cane in his hand. Beside him, the gorgeous Bianca wore white attire, and she held onto him as they walked in.

The Young family was a rather prominent family in YYaleview. However, as they were not involved in the center of the political scene, they were not that influential. Still, as Aaron fought alongside many of the retired high-ranking officials, everyone still treated him with respect.

However, Aaron's power was incomparable to Arthur's.

For example, even though Mabel was the chief of the sixth division, she still would need to report to Arthur sometimes, but she wouldn't do so to the Young family. After all, she was not afraid of the Young family, so naturally, she would not report anything to them.

This was the difference between Aaron and Arthur.

‘When Aaron came in, Arthur walked over to welcome him.

“Commander Johnson, please forgive me for my abrupt visit!” Aaron said.

Arthur laughed and replied, “Aaron, you're being too polite.”

He then gave Aaron a friendly handshake to keep up appearances.

Being a cultured man, he was respectful and polite even to the street cleaners.

After they shook hands, Aaron uttered, “Commander Johnson, let me introduce you to my niece, Bianca Schmidt. She has always looked up to you. When she heard that | was going to visit you today, she requested to come along, and | agreed. Commander Johnson, pardon my rudeness!” “Mr. Johnson, nice to meet you!” Bianca greeted politely, looking like a gentle, well-mannered lady. Naturally, Arthur could not ask Aaron to laava at that momant. Tha formar had fought in numarous battlas and had saan all kinds of sspactaclas, so ha was not afraid of a youngstar lika Bianca.

Thus, ha agraad to lat tham in.

Though ha was not afraid for his own safaty, ha was concarnad about Ambar and tha othar girls" safaty. Basidas, ha was worriad ha would not notica tha tricks Bianca had

up har slaavas.

Aftar all, ha knaw that it was impossibla to guard against an anamy's avary attack.

Thus, Arthur ordarad a sacurity guard to bring Ambar and tha girls to tha housa of his naighbor, Stavan Lyon, from tha back door, and only raturn aftar Bianca and Aaron had laft.

Tha guard instantly obayad, and aftar tan minutas, all tha nacassary praparations wara complata.

Sitting in his courtyard, Arthur soon haard tha sound of footstaps approaching. Not wanting to ba arrogant, ha stood up and praparad to walcoma his guasts at tha antranca.

Only ona sacurity guard ramainad in tha courtyard, and naturally, ha was an axpart fightar. Basidas, thara wara also othar axpart fightars hiding around tha courtyard.

Tha momant Bianca arrivad, tha sacrat sacurity systam in tha housa haightanad tha dafansa around Vipod Rasidanca.

If sha mada tha slightast wrong mova, sha would ba killad in a flash.

Tha powar of national dafansa was not to ba undarastimatad.

Evan Jaramy would not dara to maka tha wrong mova hara.

Praviously, countlass countrias triad to assassinata tha ratirad military officials living at this placa, but thay wara all silantly killad by tha sacrat sacurity systam. Tha military officials did not avan raaliza that thara had baan an attampt on thair livas.

Aaron was in his savantias. His hair was complataly whita, and that day, ha wora a black suit and hald a cana in his hand. Basida him, tha gorgaous Bianca wora whita attira, and sha hald onto him as thay walkad in.

Tha Young family was a rathar prominant family in YYalaviaw. Howavar, as thay wara not involvad in tha cantar of tha political scana, thay wara not that influantial. Still, as Aaron fought alongsida many of tha ratirad high-ranking

officials, avaryona still traatad him with raspact.

Howavar, Aaron's powar was incomparabla to Arthur's.

For axampla, avan though Mabal was tha chiaf of tha sixth division, sha still would naad to raport to Arthur somatimas, but sha wouldn't do so to tha Young family. Aftar all, sha was not afraid of tha Young family, so naturally, sha would not raport anything to tham.

This was tha diffaranca batwaan Aaron and Arthur.

‘Whan Aaron cama in, Arthur walkad ovar to walcoma him.

“Commandar Johnson, plaasa forgiva ma for my abrupt visit!” Aaron said.

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Arthur laughad and rapliad, “Aaron, you'ra baing too polita.” Ha than gava Aaron a friandly handshaka to kaap up appaarancas.

Baing a culturad man, ha was raspactful and polita avan to tha straat claanars.

Aftar thay shook hands, Aaron uttarad, “Commandar Johnson, lat ma introduca you to my niaca, Bianca

Schmidt. Sha has always lookad up to you. Whan sha haard that | was going to visit you today, sha raquastad to coma along, and | agraad. Commandar Johnson, pardon my rudanass!” “Mr. Johnson, nica to maat you!” Bianca graatad politaly, looking lika a gantla, wall-mannarad lady.

Smiling, Arthur sized her up as he replied, “Welcome! Come on in!” She seems kind and pure, like a fairy. Isn't she a normal girl? Why did Mabel call her a lunatic? | guess | can't judge her from her appearance.

Still, he did not think much about it and gestured for Aaron and Bianca to enter.

Everyone then sat down in the living room, and a security guard served tea.

“Aaron, why don't you stay for lunch? I've already asked them to prepare,” Arthur offered.

“Sure, thank you,” Aaron replied before saying to Bianca, “Take out the present.”

Bianca held out the present in her hands and declared, “Mr.

Johnson, this is a bottle of wine Uncle Aaron treasures. | hope you like it.” As she was Leonardo's maternal grandfather's daughter, she was Aaron's distant relative, but to keep it simple, she referred to Aaron as her uncle.

The guard took the wine and handed it to Arthur.

Glancing at it, Arthur realized the brand was Romanée- Conti. The bottle was exquisite and unopened.

He was a wine connoisseur, so he knew how priceless the gift was. This is a good gift! Besides, drinking wine was his hobby.

“Aaron, your gift is too expensive.” Arthur exhaled, unable to remain calm anymore.

A smile appeared on Aaron's face as he replied, “Commander Johnson, only you can match up to this wine.

It will be a waste if | drink it. Only you know how to appreciate it!”

“Then, | can't refuse your kind gift.” Aaron smiled once again in response.

After ordering his guard to keep the wine, Arthur turned to Aaron and asked, “Aaron, | believe you're not just here to give me a bottle of wine. Am | right?” Sighing, Aaron replied, “Commander Johnson, I'm not here for anything. I've reached such an old age, and my grandson is not around anymore. There's nothing to fight for or care about anymore.” He then paused, stood up, and stared at the scenery outside. “Commander Johnson, the roses are blooming beautifully,” he remarked before walking outside to look at the flowers.

After Aaron looked at the roses, he played chess with Arthur. Soon, it was lunchtime. Arthur, Aaron, and Bianca ate lunch together.

‘When Aaron and Bianca left after lunch, Arthur bade them farewell.

The instant the two left, Arthur ordered the guard to burn the wine Aaron gave.

Surprised, the guard asked, “Commander Johnson, do you mean there's poison in the wine?” “I don't think Aaron is stupid enough to poison it. However, | underestimated him. He came and gave me a present for no reason, but | can tell he's insane underneath his calm exterior. It seems like he believes | am an accomplice in killing his grandson,” Arthur declared grimly.

The guard was still confused, as he could not tell if there was something wrong with Aaron.

On the other hand, the sly and experienced Arthur knew that Aaron was not here to simply give him a present.

It's weird that he did not make any requests. Something must be wrong. What's his true reason for coming? He would not feel assured if he did not have the answer, so he soon asked the guard to contact the secret security system.

The guard then passed the phone to Arthur after the call went through.

“Commander Johnson!” a respectful male voice sounded from the other end.

“Louie, Aaron came just now. His behavior makes me feel uneasy. | think that old man is crazy. It seems like he is throwing away his family's future in order to get revenge for his grandson. Send someone to my home and check if they tampered with anything,” Arthur ordered solemnly.

“Yes, Commander Johnson!” After hanging up, Arthur decided to visit Amber and the girls to feel reassured.

The secret security system also started checking, and half an hour later, the people of the secret security system reported to Arthur.

“Commander Johnson, we found nothing. Vipod Residence is completely safe.” Currently, Arthur was with Amber, Steven, and the other girls.

Upon hearing the report, Arthur heaved a sigh of relief. He

trusted the secret security system completely. Since they found that his courtyard was safe, it should definitely be safe.

Hanging up the phone, he wondered if he was simply overthinking things.

As Amber was sitting beside Arthur all along, she noticed the frown on his face. “Grandpa, what's wrong?” Not wanting to worry her, Arthur smiled and replied, “Nothing's wrong. Let's return home.” “Arthur, you agreed to have dinner here. Why are you returning now? I've already told them to prepare dinner for you all,” Steven chimed in.

Arthur laughed. “Too bad. You're eating alone.” Glaring at Arthur, Steven replied in annoyance, “Arthur Johnson! When you need me, you treat me so politely. Now that you have finished using me, you're treating me like dirt!” “Haha. Commander Lyon, if you're lonely, call your son and grandson over to accompany you. I'm going back with my

granddaughters to enjoy their company!” Amber and the other girls giggled too.

Suddenly, Amber's face turned pale, and she whimpered in pain.

“Grandpa! It hurts!” she cried, clutching her head as she collapsed on the floor.

The onset of her symptoms was so sudden, and immediately, she was screaming in agony while rolling on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, and Arthur finally realized that he was the root of the problem.

The secret security system did not detect any danger in Vipod Residence, as Aaron and Bianca had planted something on Arthur.

Arthur's heart broke when he saw Amber writhing in pain, as she was his favorite grandchild. “Tell Louie to come here now!” he ordered a guard before trying to stop Amber's tremors.

However, she had already fainted from the agony.

Arthur lifted Amber off the ground, and instantly, streaks of blood ran down her face from her eyes.

It was a horrific sight.

Acold glint flashed in Arthur's eyes as he flew into a rage.

He hurriedly said, “Commander Lyon, please send some men to seize Aaron and Bianca.” Steven understood this was a serious issue, so he nodded and agreed.

One minute later, Louie arrived.

Though he looked like he was in his forties, he was already sixty years old. He was dressed in green and had a scholarly air about him.

Rushing over, he greeted respectfully, “Commander Johnson, Commander Lyon!” “Come and see what's wrong with my granddaughter!” Arthur ordered anxiously.

“Come and see what's wrong with my granddaughter!” Arthur ordered anxiously.

“Yes!” Jennifer, Yasmin, Jessica, and Winnie all looked on nervously and worriedly.

Louie walked up to Amber and measured her heartbeat while Arthur looked on in trepidation.

It wasn't until some time later that Louie released Amber's arm. “How's my granddaughter?” Arthur inquired anxiously.

Although he was generally a circumspective man, at that point, he was but a grandfather who loved his granddaughter dearly.

“Commander Johnson, Amber is infected by Apsara Parasite,” Louie stated somberly.

“Apsara Parasite?” Arthur asked. “What is that?” Louie explained, “Apsara Parasite is a type of parasitic poison utilized in Norham. It is also known as Brain Parasite and is a male parasite that is harmless to men.

‘Your opponent planted the parasitic worm in you. After you arrived here, the worm chose to inhabit the first female you encountered.” Arthur had a morose look on his face. Naturally delighted by his arrival, Amber was the first to hug him.

Despite all the precautions he had taken, he still ended up

ina trap.

“Could you possibly get rid of the parasite?” he asked immediately.

Louie replied, “Commander Johnson, Apsara Parasites are bred using human blood and can be controlled using enchantments. For now, the worm is in Amber's brain, but it can swim around. Even if we are to open up her skull, we won't be able to retrieve the worm. The only solution would be to have the one who bred this worm summon it out of her body.” “Damn!” Arthur cursed angrily, his eyes gleaming with rage.

“If Aaron kills Amber, | will annihilate the entire Young family!” His only solace was that the parasite remained dormant for the time being while Amber had fallen into a deep slumber.

After that, he brought her back to Vipod Residence.

Jennifer and the rest followed them.

Right after that, Amber regained consciousness, feeling

normal after waking up. She was lying in bed, whereas Arthur and the other women were keeping watch next to it.

Louie, on the other hand, had left some time ago.

Sitting up, Amber studied the others curiously before asking, “What happened just now?” Arthur held her hand sorrily as he apologized, “Amber, it's all my fault. | failed to protect you. Don't worry. | will find a cure even if it's going to cost my life.” In her panic, Amber's expression changed. “Grandpa, what happened to me?” She thought she was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Just when Arthur was about to say more, a security guard entered. “Commander Johnson, we've brought Aaron and Bianca. They're waiting outside.” Acold gleam fleeted across Arthur's eyes. “Get some rest.” He then turned to leave after telling her that.

Amber was left feeling confused. As she turned to Yasmin

and the others, she asked, “What's going on? What's wrong with me?” ‘Yasmin and the rest hesitated in informing her of the truth.

It was Winnie who revealed it to her while weeping, “Ms.

Amber, they're saying that there's a worm in your brain, and they can't find a cure.” Amber had always loved Winnie, which was reciprocated.

Upon hearing Winnie's words, Amber shuddered and was very much puzzled.

However, she got out of bed instantly to follow her grandfather out of the room.

None of the women went into the living room. They opted to eavesdrop instead.

Arthur was seated in the main seat of the living room with two security guards standing beside him.

Meanwhile, Louie stood guard beside both Aaron and Bianca in case they tried causing another ruckus.

Of course, neither Aaron nor Bianca were in cuffs. After all,

Aaron was no common folk, and Arthur only managed to get him to come by force. Louia walkad up to Ambar and maasurad har haartbaat whila Arthur lookad on in trapidation.

It wasn't until soma tima latar that Louia ralaasad Ambar's arm. “How's my granddaughtar?” Arthur inquirad anxiously.

Although ha was ganarally a circumspactiva man, at that point, ha was but a grandfathar who lovad his granddaughtar daarly.

“Commandar Johnson, Ambar is infactad by Apsara Parasita,” Louia statad sombarly.

“Apsara Parasita?” Arthur askad. “What is that?” Louia axplainad, “Apsara Parasita is a typa of parasitic poison utilizad in Norham. It is also known as Brain Parasita and is a mala parasita that is harmlass to man.

‘Your opponant plantad tha parasitic worm in you. Aftar you arrivad hara, tha worm chosa to inhabit tha first famala you ancountarad.” Arthur had a morosa look on his faca. Naturally dalightad

by his arrival, Ambar was tha first to hug him.

Daspita all tha pracautions ha had takan, ha still andad up ina trap.

“Could you possibly gat rid of tha parasita?” ha askad immadiataly.

Louia rapliad, “Commandar Johnson, Apsara Parasitas ara brad using human blood and can ba controllad using anchantmants. For now, tha worm is in Ambar's brain, but it can swim around. Evan if wa ara to opan up har skull, wa won't ba abla to ratriava tha worm. Tha only solution would ba to hava tha ona who brad this worm summon it out of har body.” “Damn!” Arthur cursad angrily, his ayas glaaming with raga.

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“If Aaron kills Ambar, | will annihilata tha antira Young family!” His only solaca was that tha parasita ramainad dormant for tha tima baing whila Ambar had fallan into a daap slumbar.

Aftar that, ha brought har back to Vipod Rasidanca.

Jannifar and tha rast followad tham.

Right aftar that, Ambar ragainad consciousnass, faaling normal aftar waking up. Sha was lying in bad, wharaas Arthur and tha othar woman wara kaaping watch naxt to it.

Louia, on tha othar hand, had laft soma tima ago.

Sitting up, Ambar studiad tha othars curiously bafora asking, “What happanad just now?” Arthur hald har hand sorrily as ha apologizad, “Ambar, it's all my fault. | failad to protact you. Don't worry. | will find a cura avan if it's going to cost my lifa.” In har panic, Ambar's axprassion changad. “Grandpa, what happanad to ma?” Sha thought sha was diagnosad with a tarminal ilinass.

Just whan Arthur was about to say mora, a sacurity guard antarad. “Commandar Johnson, wa'va brought Aaron and Bianca. Thay'ra waiting outsida.” A cold glaam flaatad across Arthur's ayas. “Gat soma rast.” Ha than turnad to laava aftar talling har that.

Ambar was laft faaling confusad. As sha turnad to Yasmin

and tha othars, sha askad, “What's going on? What's wrong with ma?” ‘Yasmin and tha rast hasitatad in informing har of tha truth.

It was Winnia who ravaalad it to har whila waaping, “Ms.

Ambar, thay'ra saying that thara's a worm in your brain, and thay can't find a cura.” Ambar had always lovad Winnia, which was raciprocatad.

Upon haaring Winnia's words, Ambar shuddarad and was vary much puzzlad.

Howavar, sha got out of bad instantly to follow har grandfathar out of tha room.

Nona of tha woman want into tha living room. Thay optad to aavasdrop instaad.

Arthur was saatad in tha main saat of tha living room with two sacurity guards standing basida him.

Maanwhila, Louia stood guard basida both Aaron and Bianca in casa thay triad causing anothar ruckus.

Of coursa, naithar Aaron nor Bianca wara in cuffs. Aftar all,

Aaron was no common folk, and Arthur only managad to gat him to coma by forca.

Both Aaron and Bianca were sitting at the seat that was reserved for those of least importance.

As soon as Aaron saw Arthur, his attitude changed drastically. No longer acting as humble, he snickered.

“Arthur, what is the meaning of this? While you might be of prominence, I'm not a criminal either. Isn't it inappropriate of you to summon me here by force?” All the while, Bianca maintained her composure.

The veins on Arthur's forehead popped as he got riled up.

After slamming on the coffee table next to him, he yelled, “Aaron, don't play dumb! What do you want?” Aaron smirked before saying, “I don't need anything from you. As I've said, I'm already an old man, and my grandson is dead. What else do | have left to fight for?” The underlying implications of what he said were obvious. Since he had nothing to lose and wasn't getting any younger, he had nothing to fear.

“What are your terms to remove the parasite in my granddaughter's body?” Arthur asked while suppressing his anger.

Immediately, Aaron replied pretentiously, “Arthur, is your granddaughter with you? What happened to her? Is she all right?” Although Arthur was infuriated by the fact that Aaron denied knowledge of the situation, he had no way to confront the latter. After taking in a deep breath, he said, “Aaron, you'd better not force my hand.” At that, Aaron burst into laughter before his gaze turned chilly. Shooting up from his seat, he retorted, “Arthur, I'm not forcing your hand. It was you who forced mine. You feel sorry for your granddaughter, but is my grandson's life worth less than hers? My grandson is already dead, but you're trying to prevent me from seeking revenge. Is this fair?” Arthur bit back, “Nonsense! Your grandson signed a liability waiver form. As a consequence of that, he died on the

dueling stage. His death is no one's responsibility. What's the point in you bringing these back up now?” Aaron countered, “You know what all this is about. Your granddaughter fancies that bastard, Jonathan, so you were partial to him. Can you understand how | feel now? You don't need to threaten me. As I've said, I'll be meeting my end soon. What else do | have to fear? Should | fear death? My only fear is that my grandson died in vain, and I, his grandfather, can't restore justice.” Arthur bellowed, “You-" At that moment, Bianca spoke. Looking at Arthur, she demanded nonchalantly, “Old man, since we've come to this, let's stop beating around the bush. I'll be frank. Apsara Parasite will eat up a person's brain within twenty-four hours. Two hours have passed, so your granddaughter will become mentally incapacitated in another three hours. In another ten hours, she'll be done for. If you want your granddaughter to live, sure, just hand Jonathan over to me.

If you can't do that, you can start preparing for your granddaughter's funeral.”

With that, she stood up and said, “Let's go, Uncle Aaron.” Aaron turned to leave.

Louie quickly blocked their way.

At the same time, Arthur stood up slowly and took a deep breath. “It seems like you no longer see me as someone formidable. Since we've come to this, and you've gone all out, given my age, | don't see why | can't go along with this.” There was a brief pause before he continued, “Louie, detain that woman and force her to get rid of the parasite. | don't care about the means you use. | want results.” Louie answered solemnly, “Yes!” “How dare you?” Bianca turned around to glare at Arthur as she spoke. “Old man, | will activate Apsara Parasite and kill your granddaughter immediately if you're going to corner me! If you doubt my words...” With that, she began murmuring.

“Argh!” Amber, who was hiding outside, shrieked in agony.

Her voice was filled with pain that resonated

deep within her soul.

“Stop!” Arthur's face blanched in shock.

Bianca sniggered before letting out a whistle. It wasn't until then that Amber's suffering ceased.

Arthur hurried to the parlor to get to Amber, coming face-to- face with the rest of the women. While holding Amber's arm, he inquired, “My dear granddaughter, are you okay?” Amber's eyes were filled with fear as she pounced into his arms. “Grandpa, it hurts so much just now!” She felt as if the pain she had just experienced was worse than death. It was hell.

Arthur patted her on the shoulder and walked out of the room alone.

“Can we leave now?” Bianca looked at him with a smirk on her face.

Arthur gritted his teeth before ordering, “Let them leave.” Louie replied in all seriousness, “Yes!”

Right away, Aaron and Bianca left.

Then, Arthur gave Louie an order. “Inform Mabel of the situation immediately and have her bring Jonathan here.” “Yes!” answered Louie.

By that point, Amber had fully grasped the situation.

She rushed out of the parlor to walk up to Arthur. “Grandpa, you can't exchange Jonathan's life for mine,” she said in all seriousness, and there was a grim but resolute look in her eyes.

Arthur was stunned as he replied ruefully, “I don't have any other methods. | can't watch as you die!” Amber added, “If Jonathan's life is needed in exchange for mine, then | would rather die.” Arthur was utterly stupefied, for he knew Amber wasn't goofing around. He also did not expect her to feel so deeply for Jonathan.

Even Jennifer and the rest were awestruck.

After all, it was a matter of life and death.

All of a sudden, Arthur was overwhelmed by an awful feeling. He was heartbroken as he questioned, “Is this worth it for a man who doesn't even love you? Is your own life worth nothing to you?” Amber shook her head. “Grandpa, you don't get it. It has nothing to do with romance. Back then, Jonathan almost cast his life away for me even though we hadn't known each other for long. Moreover, he signed the liability waiver form despite knowing the consequences, all for the sake of saving Winnie. With his actions, he showed me the principles of life. It never is about the glory but all about doing what is right. If | survived at the cost of his life, will | ever be able to live with peace of mind? | know he will definitely sacrifice himself to save me if he knows about the situation. | don't want that to happen, Grandpa. | don't want that...” Jennifer was moved. Even though she was well aware of the sacrifices Jonathan had made, it wasn't until Amber mentioned it under such circumstances that she could actually feel the sense of dread and appreciate how

selfless of a decision he had made back then.

Arthur had a sophisticated look in his eye as he questioned, “Will Jonathan willingly save you at the cost of his own life? | don't believe such a person exists.” Amber confirmed, “Although such people might be rare, he's one of those people! | guarantee!” Arthur complied with her. “Okay, Amber. I'll see for myself if he's that kind of person. If he's willing to die for you, | promise to rescue you using other methods.” Alook of delight flashed across Amber's eyes as she said, “Deal.” Even then, she was considerate of Jonathan.

She might claim that Jonathan was a rare person, but so was she.