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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 157
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Frederick frowned as he glanced at Jonathan. “Are you trying to convince me by reasoning? We both practice combat arts. You know that | won't get swayed by others’ words easily.” Jonathan felt a bit helpless. He said, “| am not trying to convince you. However, although we are fighters, we should respect human lives. Our lives are precious, after all. We have no bad blood between us, so what is the point of fighting each other to death?” Hearing that, Frederick scoffed. “You are wrong. | can see you are still at the early stage of Nascent Soul, but | am already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. | am ninety percent certain | can Kill you. You're just trying to conceal your fear with words. But today, | must kill you for Catherine.” Right after he finished talking, a ferocious look filled his eyes.

With a sigh, Jonathan said, “If you don't know your limitations, you can't live your life well. Frederick, don't worry. | will certainly fight you today, but | have to tell you that you've made two mistakes. Firstly, Catherine doesn't

even care about you. If she does care about you even just a little, she won't let you risk your life here. She knows that you are doomed if you fight with me. Secondly, Old Mr.

Harrington is willing to marry Catherine to me, which means that | am valuable. The Harrington family is very influential, and Old Mr. Harrington is its head. Certainly, he has sharp judgment. | can't believe you're so dense. This can only mean that you are an idiot!” “How dare you!” Frederick was infuriated. Right at that moment, he made his move.

Frederick was one of the Quartet Dragons, and he practiced the Universal Punch technique. Universal Punch was a fierce move. Once used, the person's arms would become strong and flexible like two spears, making the person unstoppable.

Frederick dashed forward with his arm extended, his fist as powerful as a python attacking. In the blink of an eye, it was already inches away from Jonathan's throat.

Jonathan had sharp eyes. Immediately, he could tell that

his opponent had a trick up his sleeves. Frederick seemed to be aiming for his throat, but if Jonathan dodged, the former would surely hit his chest.

After all, his arms were very flexible.

Jonathan couldn't care about it too much. He took a step back and used Big Handprint to grab Frederick's fist.

Frederick didn't dodge. Instead, he snorted and started attacking Jonathan's Big Handprint fiercely. Little did he know that Jonathan's Big Handprint was only a trick. Just then, Jonathan used his ultimate move—the Mongrel Attack.

Out of nowhere, a kick was thrown against Frederick.

Thud! Frederick froze for a moment. He didn't expect that at all.

Hurriedly, he turned his body and dodged Jonathan's kick with his Subtle Steps technique. After that, he moved to the left of Jonathan rapidly and attacked with Double Dragon Punches.

His punches came from up and down, and they were very


The violent bouncing force of his Universal Punch was utilized to the fullest. Once his fists touched Jonathan, the latter's internal organs would be ruptured.

Just then, Frederick saw a shadow flash before him, and he lost sight of Jonathan the next second. It turned out that while Frederick was using the Subtle Steps technique, Jonathan used the Shadow Step technique.

“Great Sage Seal!” In a split second, Jonathan let out the Great Sage Force Field. The terrifying Great Sage Seal charged toward Frederick.

Frederick felt something push down on his head, then everything went black. Immediately, his face turned pale.

Sensing he was in grave danger, he moved forward swiftly with Subtle Steps.

After fighting with Jonathan, he finally understood how terrifying the man was.

Right after Frederick used Subtle Steps, Jonathan used Antelope Rhythm to block his way. “Rolling Thunder

Punch!” Jonathan's fist came fast, carrying an astounding and powerful force with it. Fradarick frownad as ha glancad at Jonathan. “Ara you trying to convinca ma by raasoning? ‘Wa both practica combat arts. You know that | won't gat swayad by othars' words aasily.” Jonathan falt a bit halplass. Ha said, “| am not trying to convinca you. Howavar, although wa ara fightars, wa should raspact human livas. Our livas ara pracious, aftar all. Wa hava no bad blood batwaan us, so what is tha point of fighting aach othar to daath?” Haaring that, Fradarick scoffad. “You ara wrong. | can saa you ara still at tha aarly staga of Nascant Soul, but | am alraady in tha middla staga of Nascant Soul. | am ninaty parcant cartain | can Kill you. You'ra just trying to concaal your faar with words. But today, | must kill you for Catharina.” Right aftar ha finishad talking, a farocious look fillad his ayas.

With a sigh, Jonathan said, “If you don't know your

limitations, you can't liva your lifa wall. Fradarick, don't worry. | will cartainly fight you today, but | hava to tall you that you'va mada two mistakas. Firstly, Catharina doasn't avan cara about you. If sha doas cara about you avan just a littla, sha won't lat you risk your lifa hara. Sha knows that you ara doomad if you fight with ma. Sacondly, Old Mr.

Harrington is willing to marry Catharina to ma, which maans that | am valuabla. Tha Harrington family is vary influantial, and Old Mr. Harrington is its haad. Cartainly, ha has sharp judgmant. | can't baliava you'ra so dansa. This can only maan that you ara an idiot!” “How dara you!” Fradarick was infuriatad. Right at that momant, ha mada his mova.

Fradarick was ona of tha Quartat Dragons, and ha practicad tha Univarsal Punch tachniqua. Univarsal Punch was a fiarca mova. Onca usad, tha parson's arms would bacoma strong and flaxibla lika two spaars, making tha parson unstoppabla.

Fradarick dashad forward with his arm axtandad, his fist as powarful as a python attacking. In tha blink of an aya, it was

alraady inchas away from Jonathan's throat.

Jonathan had sharp ayas. Immadiataly, ha could tall that his opponant had a trick up his slaavas. Fradarick saamad to ba aiming for his throat, but if Jonathan dodgad, tha formar would suraly hit his chast.

Aftar all, his arms wara vary flaxibla.

Jonathan couldn't cara about it too much. Ha took a stap back and usad Big Handprint to grab Fradarick's fist.

Fradarick didn't dodga. Instaad, ha snortad and startad attacking Jonathan's Big Handprint fiarcaly. Littla did ha know that Jonathan's Big Handprint was only a trick. Just than, Jonathan usad his ultimata mova—tha Mongral Attack.

Out of nowhara, a kick was thrown against Fradarick.

Thud! Fradarick froza for a momant. Ha didn't axpact that at all.

Hurriadly, ha turnad his body and dodgad Jonathan's kick with his Subtla Staps tachniqua. Aftar that, ha movad to tha

laft of Jonathan rapidly and attackad with Doubla Dragon Punchas.

His punchas cama from up and down, and thay wara vary powarful.

Tha violant bouncing forca of his Univarsal Punch was utilizad to tha fullast. Onca his fists touchad Jonathan, tha lattar's intarnal organs would ba rupturad.

Just than, Fradarick saw a shadow flash bafora him, and ha lost sight of Jonathan tha naxt sacond. It turnad out that whila Fradarick was using tha Subtla Staps tachniqua, Jonathan usad tha Shadow Stap tachniqua.

“Graat Saga Saal!” In a split sacond, Jonathan lat out tha Graat Saga Forca Fiald. Tha tarrifying Graat Saga Saal chargad toward Fradarick.

Fradarick falt somathing push down on his haad, than avarything want black. Immadiataly, his faca turnad pala.

Sansing ha was in grava dangar, ha movad forward swiftly with Subtla Staps.

Attar fighting with Jonathan, ha finally undarstood how

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tarrifying tha man was.

Right aftar Fradarick usad Subtla Staps, Jonathan usad Antalopa Rhythm to block his way. “Rolling Thundar Punch!” Jonathan's fist cama fast, carrying an astounding and powarful forca with it.

Completely caught off guard, Frederick couldn't dodge. He could only fight back with Universal Punch.

Bang! Their fists met. Jonathan's fighting spirit was like indestructible gusts of wind, overcoming Frederick's punch instantly.

At the force of their impact, Frederick staggered a few steps backward. He could feel his blood churning inside his body.

Jonathan then bent his body and launched his attack swiftly with the Shadow Step technique once again.

Although Jonathan had the upper hand now, it didn't mean

that he had already won the fight. If he hesitated for a second, it would give Frederick the chance to calm himself down. Then, another tug of war would ensue.

Afight between masters was like playing chess. Not one of them was willing to budge even a little.

Once anyone of them had the upper hand, they would take the advantage to attack until the other person was defeated.

Jonathan's Shadow Step was getting closer to perfection.

In the blink of an eye, he had appeared before Frederick like a phantom.

“Rolling Thunder Punch!” Bang! Frederick didn't even have time to take a breather. Left with no choice, he could only take the punch.

Once again, he took three steps back.

In a flash, Jonathan threw another punch.

With that, Frederick was backed into a corner.

At that critical juncture, Frederick made a bold move. He turned toward the wall out of a sudden with Subtle Steps and walked up the wall.

Because of that, Jonathan's punch missed him.

Jonathan didn't expect Frederick would choose to walk up the wall. After all, he could only stay on the wall for a while, like everyone else. Once he landed, he would reveal his weakness.

It was not recommended for fighters to stay in the air during combat. As a matter of fact, it would be difficult for even the strongest fighters to manifest their powers mid-air.

Nevertheless, Frederick did make a smart move. Since Jonathan had missed him, he got some time to rest. Soon, Frederick's eyes turned crimson, and an overwhelming aura burst out from him. With a kick, he shot out an aggressive Universal Ultimate Punch.

Right at that moment, his fist headed ruthlessly toward

Jonathan's throat like a dragon springing out from the clouds.

Faced with the strong killing aura, Jonathan couldn't even open his eyes.

This move was made by Frederick out of rage. It was a burst of energy built up from his frustration. Because of his anger, the Universal Ultimate Punch's spirit and essence were fully and incredibly manifested.

If Jonathan stepped back, he would lose his upper hand, and he would also be at a disadvantage.

Achill flashed across Jonathan's eyes as he suddenly bent his body like a snake.

The next second, Frederick exclaimed, “What?” Jonathan had disappeared. Yet, there was no way Frederick would give up the chance to turn the tides. He immediately bent down and punched downward.

Apparently, Jonathan had lain down on the floor in an eerie manner. When Frederick's fist came toward him, he wrapped his legs around Frederick's arm.

Frederick had accumulated all his strength for this Universal Ultimate Punch. He had launched his attack when he came down from the wall, so he could no longer change his move.

Besides, the way Jonathan countered his attack was too odd.

In Frederick's opinion, his own retaliation was flawless. He could break down Jonathan's spirit with just a punch. Then, he would use Universal Ultimate Punch consecutively on the latter, just like how the latter had forced him to a corner earlier.

Unfortunately, Jonathan didn't retreat.

He constricted Frederick's arm with his legs, stopping the Universal Ultimate Punch forcefully.

As Frederick was floating in mid-air, he couldn't do anything.

At that instant, Jonathan unleashed his Killing blow—the Crocodile Bite.

Crack! Blood spurted out as Frederick's arms broke. From where the blood was coming from, his bones could be seen. The scene was extremely gory.

Jonathan then pressed his palm toward the ground and bounced up from the ground.

With that, Frederick fell to the ground painfully. As his arms were broken, his spirit was drained out of him. He stood no chance to fight back anymore.

He could only lie there weakly, painting the ground red with his blood.

Alook of approval flashed across Yareth's eyes as he witnessed the scene. He then said to Bruce, “Quick, send Frederick to the hospital.” “Alright, Old Mr. Harrington.” Letting out a sigh, Jonathan glanced at Catherine.

Catherine remained expressionless as though nothing had happened.

Seeing that, Jonathan was frustrated. What the f*ck? What kind of freak am | going to marry? Mabel didn't show any reaction, too. She had expected this to happen.

Although Frederick was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he achieved it because of the help given by his family.

On top of that, he was a simple-minded person. He had nothing to worry about, so his progress was a lot faster.

However, Frederick was undoubtedly not smart. His way of combat was worlds away from Jonathan's.

‘When Jonathan said they had an equal chance to win, he was just being nice to Frederick. Unfortunately, Frederick turned a deaf ear to him.

After Frederick was sent to the hospital, Yareth stood up and said, “Leave this place for the servants to tidy up. Let's talk at the parlor.” Hearing that, Jonathan, Mabel, and Catherine all stood up.

Once they reached the parlor, they sat down again.

The maid then served them freshly brewed coffee.

In an instant, the parlor was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

Jonathan said to Yareth, “Old Mr. Harrington, | was left with no choice for the incident earlier. Would it cause any trouble to you?” Yareth smiled. “The Harrington family is never afraid of trouble.” At that, Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief. He was truly afraid that he would offend the Langeton family.

Moreover, Jonathan had realized that he was still too weak.

If he offended someone, he would surely get into trouble.

Right after, Yareth added, “Jonathan, you should stay here for now. After three days, | will invite the elders and the other members of the Harrington family to your wedding right here. As both of you are fighters, | want to keep this low-key. You are okay with it, right?” That was exactly what Jonathan wished for. “I'm fine with that,” he answered.

“Of course, you may invite your friends to your wedding, such as Mabel. She's considered your matchmaker, so it's only right that she's invited,” said Yareth.

With a smile, Mabel promised, “I will surely attend the wedding.” “I will follow all of your arrangements, Old Mr. Harrington,” Jonathan told Yareth.

Hearing that, Yareth chuckled. “You can't just listen to me.

‘You guys should have your own opinions, too.” Jonathan smiled helplessly. As if they would matter! Since Jonathan didn't make any comments, Yareth decided to change the topic. “Jonathan, have a walk around with Catherine to get yourself used to here. | have something to discuss with Mabel.” “All right!” With that, Jonathan and Catherine stood up and walked out of the mansion.

Outside, there was a forest with a path in the middle.

The scenery was beautiful.

In the strong wind, Catherine's hair fluttered, making her look exceptionally pretty and charming.

Slowly, they walked forward.

At the thought that Catherine would not initiate the conversation, Jonathan blurted out, “Um, Catherine...”

Catherine looked at Jonathan but merely remained quiet.

Jonathan couldn't help but find Catherine to be rather strange. Of all the women that he had interacted with, ‘Yasmin was the coldest and had the most aloof personality thus far. However, in spite of that, she boasted a burning passion within her.

Polly also became rather distant toward the end. However, she was as gentle and serene as a flowing stream. As such, even her casual indifference left the people around her feeling somewhat comfortable. However, Catherine was a different breed altogether. She exuded an icy cold demeanor that spoke of her complete lack of emotion. It was almost as if she had suffered some deep-seated trauma when she was young, which had then warped her personality into what it was today.

Jonathan chose his words carefully before he said, “Hey, what are your thoughts on the wedding happening three days later? Or rather, what do you think about me as a person?”

“No thoughts,” replied Catherine curtly before she continued walking forward.

Jonathan wasn't too pleased that they couldn't carry on a conversation together. He rushed up and asked, “Does it not matter who you're marrying?” “Nope!” replied Catherine indifferently.

“What if the other party is an ugly freak? Or what if he's downright obese? Or if he's a really old man?” Again, Catherine replied, “It doesn't matter.” Jonathan cursed inwardly before he asked again, “If that's the case, what are the things that matter to you?” Catherine eyed Jonathan for a moment before she countered, “What does any of this have to do with you?” Jonathan was rendered absolutely speechless. After a brief pause, he replied, “Well, we're getting married after all. | should get to know what's important to you.” “We aren't married yet. Also, so what if we got married? How does that change things? Do you think | care about

that single sheet of paper?” Jonathan stroked his nose in annoyance as he replied, “I guess what you're saying is that it doesn't matter to you even if | end up finding another woman elsewhere?” “Exactly.” “All right, you win,” conceded Jonathan as he weakly flashed a thumbs-up.

He was completely overcome by Catherine and realized there was nothing much he could do to connect with her.

After Mabel finished her lunch, she made her way out of the Harrington mansion. Before she left, she grinned meaningfully at Jonathan and said, “Congratulations, Jonathan. You'll be bringing your charming bride home soon enough. All your peeking and staring at her will be a thing of the past.” Jonathan didn't think much of her words at first. However, he started breaking into cold sweat upon hearing the latter portion of her words. As he watched Mabel stride off into

the distance, Jonathan mumbled darkly to himself, “Damn! What does she mean by that? Could it be that she knew I'd been peeking at Jennifer in the shower all this time? Why couldn't she have said it in a moment of privacy? Damn it!” Jonathan was beyond frustrated that Mabel had somehow caught wind of this embarrassing part of him. With this revelation, he no longer knew how he could look her in the eye when they next met.

Soon after, it was an hour after noon when Jonathan returned to the Harrington mansion. Catherine had immediately returned to her room to rest. As she was ‘somewhat of a recluse, Jonathan knew that would be the last he saw of her for some time. He wasn't too pleased by how things were left and decided to find Yareth.

‘When Jonathan finally found him, Yareth was lounging in the break room taking his midday break while being served by one of the servants. Bruce had gone elsewhere to handle his tasks. Jonathan strode in and respectfully called out, “Old Mr. Harrington!”

YYareth was very fond of Jonathan. He quickly sat up in his seat. With a smile that reached his eyes, he warmly said, “Come over here. Sit next to me.” As instructed, Jonathan headed over to sit next to Yareth.

“Is there something you want to ask me?” asked Yareth. He was familiar with Jonathan and had already affectionately termed himself as such.

Jonathan didn't dare to hide what was on his mind and quickly began, “Old Mr. Harrington...” However, Yareth cut him off and said, “You'll be marrying Catherine in three days. It's about time you start calling me Grandpa as well.” Catharina lookad at Jonathan but maraly ramainad quiat. Jonathan couldn't halp but find Catharina to ba rathar stranga. Of all tha woman that ha had intaractad with, Yasmin was tha coldast and had tha most aloof parsonality thus far. Howavar, in spita of that, sha boastad a burning passion within har.

Polly also bacama rathar distant toward tha and. Howavar, sha was as gantla and sarana as a flowing straam. As

such, avan har casual indiffaranca laft tha paopla around har faaling somawhat comfortabla. Howavar, Catharina was a diffarant braad altogathar. Sha axudad an icy cold damaanor that spoka of har complata lack of amotion. It was almost as if sha had suffarad soma daap-saatad trauma whan sha was young, which had than warpad har parsonality into what it was today.

Jonathan chosa his words carafully bafora ha said, “Hay, what ara your thoughts on tha wadding happaning thraa days latar? Or rathar, what do you think about ma as a parson?” “No thoughts,” rapliad Catharina curtly bafora sha continuad walking forward.

Jonathan wasn't too plaasad that thay couldn't carry on a convarsation togathar. Ha rushad up and askad, “Doas it not mattar who you'ra marrying?” “Nopa!” rapliad Catharina indiffarantly.

“What if tha othar party is an ugly fraak? Or what if ha's downright obasa? Or if ha's a raally old man?”

Again, Catharina rapliad, “It doasn't mattar.” Jonathan cursad inwardly bafora ha askad again, “If that's tha casa, what ara tha things that mattar to you?” Catharina ayad Jonathan for a momant bafora sha countarad, “What doas any of this hava to do with you?” Jonathan was randarad absolutaly spaachlass. Aftar a briaf pausa, ha rapliad, “Wall, wa'ra gatting marriad aftar all. | should gat to know what's important to you.” “Wa aran't marriad yat. Also, so what if wa got marriad? How doas that changa things? Do you think | cara about that singla shaat of papar?” Jonathan strokad his nosa in annoyanca as ha rapliad, “I guass what you'ra saying is that it doasn't mattar to you avan if | and up finding anothar woman alsawhara?” “Exactly.” “All right, you win,” concadad Jonathan as ha waakly

flashad a thumbs-up.

Ha was complataly ovarcoma by Catharina and raalizad thara was nothing much ha could do to connact with har.

Aftar Mabal finishad har lunch, sha mada har way out of tha Harrington mansion. Bafora sha laft, sha grinnad maaningfully at Jonathan and said, “Congratulations, Jonathan. You'll ba bringing your charming brida homa soon anough. All your paaking and staring at har will ba a thing of tha past.” Jonathan didn't think much of har words at first. Howavar, ha startad braaking into cold swaat upon haaring tha lattar portion of har words. As ha watchad Mabal strida off into tha distanca, Jonathan mumblad darkly to himsalf, “Damn! What doas sha maan by that? Could it ba that sha knaw I'd baan paaking at Jannifar in tha showar all this tima? Why couldn't sha hava said it in a momant of privacy? Damn it!" Jonathan was bayond frustratad that Mabal had somahow caught wind of this ambarrassing part of him. With this ravalation, ha no longar knaw how ha could look har in tha

aya whan thay naxt mat.

Soon aftar, it was an hour aftar noon whan Jonathan raturnad to tha Harrington mansion. Catharina had immadiataly raturnad to har room to rast. As sha was 'somawhat of a raclusa, Jonathan knaw that would ba tha last ha saw of har for soma tima. Ha wasn't too plaasad by how things wara laft and dacidad to find Yarath.

‘Whan Jonathan finally found him, Yarath was lounging in tha braak room taking his midday braak whila baing sarvad by ona of tha sarvants. Bruca had gona alsawhara to handla his tasks. Jonathan stroda in and raspactfully callad out, “Old Mr. Harrington!” YYarath was vary fond of Jonathan. Ha quickly sat up in his saat. With a smila that raachad his ayas, ha warmly said, “Coma ovar hara. Sit naxt to ma.” As instructad, Jonathan haadad ovar to sit naxt to Yarath.

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“Is thara somathing you want to ask ma?” askad Yarath. Ha was familiar with Jonathan and had alraady affactionataly tarmad himsalf as such.

Jonathan didn't dara to hida what was on his mind and quickly bagan, “Old Mr. Harrington...” Howavar, Yarath cut him off and said, “You'll ba marrying Catharina in thraa days. It's about tima you start calling ma Grandpa as wall.” Jonathan smiled bitterly as he struggled internally with Yareth's instruction. However, he forced himself to go along with it and said, “Yes, Grandpa!” A brilliant smile formed on Yareth's face as he exclaimed, “Excellent! Truly excellent!” Now that Jonathan had said it once, it became infinitely easier for the words to come out of his mouth. He continued, “You're right, Grandpa. | do have something | would like to ask you.” “Sure. Go ahead.” “For some reason, Catherine's personality seems to be a little strange. May | ask if she suffered through any traumatic event as a child?” asked Jonathan candidly.

YYareth was taken aback by Jonathan's question. However, he sighed and explained, “Catherine didn't go through any trauma. She was born this way. In some way, it could be a result of her natural bodily disposition. It seems like she's unable to feel any form of emotional upheaval. Regardless of what happens around her, Catherine will always remain unfazed and unmoved. The only area she finds joy or some modicum of interest in is her pursuit of cultivation. This also explains why she's able to raise her cultivation to the final stage of Nascent Soul at the young age of twenty.” “Final stage of Nascent Soul?” repeated Jonathan in surprise with a sharp intake of breath. Catherine's cultivation stage is phenomenally insane! Jonathan had always assumed that he was somewhat of a genius, but it turned out that he was nothing compared to Catherine.

However, Jonathan was still perplexed as to why Catherine could find her own path as a spiritual fighter and achieve Nascent Soul when she felt nothing.

Jonathan decided to voice the thought that had popped into his mind. “Grandpa, since Catherine is unable to feel any

‘emotional hurt, how was she able to reach Nascent Soul? From my understanding, reaching Nascent Soul requires one to fully meld their emotions with their fighting spirit. It's similar to how an essay requires the author to imbue his essence in it.” Yareth explained, “Based on conventional logic, things are indeed as you have described. However, while most of you rely on emotion and will to manipulate your vitality, Catherine uses her physical nervous system to do so. She doesn't have any distractions or emotional hurdles to overcome. This has allowed her to achieve a different set of results compared to yourself, and arguably faster too.” Jonathan felt a sense of wonder at that moment as he grappled with the magnitude of what Yareth had just shared. Yareth added, “Just as there's no single path to success, the route to being an immortal isn't fixed and immutable. What do you think?” “You're right,” acknowledged Jonathan.

“Although Catherine's personality has some deficiencies or

areas for improvement, | sincerely wish that you can be tolerant with her regarding all this. She's rather pitiful in her way as well, Jonathan,” added Yareth.

“Of course, Grandpa. You don't have to worry about that,” promised Jonathan immediately.

YYareth smiled faintly and replied, “Of course, | believe you.” The pair continued to chat for a while more until Yareth started feeling drowsy. Jonathan took the cue and left the room.

Jonathan left the lounge and paused for a moment in thought before he headed straight for Catherine's room.

There, he knocked on the door twice before he heard Catherine faintly call out, “What's the matter?” Jonathan cleared his throat and replied, “Nothing much. | just wanted to chat with you.” “About what?” asked Catherine placidly.

“Can | come in first?” Catherine paused for a brief moment before she grunted

her acknowledgment.

Jonathan pushed the door open and entered the room.

Immediately, he saw that Catherine was seated cross- legged on her bed. She was dressed in a white woolen sweater that hugged her slender frame tightly and exposed all the curves she was blessed with. Her hair was casually arranged, and just like that, Catherine had transformed into an otherworldly beauty. She was so stunning that it was difficult to find fault with any of her physical features.

Jonathan knew that if she were to let even a trace of a smile form on her face, she would surely enrapture an entire city or even an entire nation.

It didn't help that the room was saturated with the alluring and youthful scent that exuded from her.

Catherine eyed Jonathan momentarily before she cut to the chase and asked, "What do you want to talk about?” Jonathan shut the door and moved a chair over to Catherine's bed. As he took a seat and faced Catherine, he couldn't help but feel her scent get him all worked up.

Without bothering to soften his words, Jonathan admitted, “I just had a brief chat with Old Mr. Harrington. We spoke about the problem with you.” “And?” asked Catherine impassively.

“Are you sure that you don't have even a shred of desire in your heart?” “Not at all,” answered Catherine.

“Then why are you cultivating?” asked Jonathan.

“Again, what does that have to do with you?” countered Catherine.

“You'll become my wife soon enough. | feel that this is related to me as well. You may not care much about our marriage, but | do,” declared Jonathan.

“All right. Let me explain things once for you, and please leave this room the second I'm done,” said Catherine.

“Sure!” Catherine explained, “It's because | don't want to be beholden to any single person. | knew that there would be

many annoying people like yourself buzzing around me.

That's why | started to cultivate. All so | could brush off such annoying people and allow myself to remain undisturbed.

‘You may leave now.” Jonathan was frustrated by her reply. He knew that if he were to continue with his line of questioning, Catherine would likely take action against him. As he reluctantly left her room, a thought struck him out of nowhere.

Damn! This lady isn't as emotionless as everyone thought.

At the very least, she gets irritated and loses her temper when others bother her.

In fact, this was the first time that Jonathan had seen ‘someone with Catherine's behavior, and he couldn't quite wrap his head around it. As such, he strode out of the Harrington mansion and pulled out his phone to call Mabel.

Once the call connected, he relayed everything he had learned from Yareth to her.

To his surprise, Mabel didn't find this particularly strange.

She said, “The world is huge and full of boundless mysteries. What's there to be surprised about? It's good that Catherine is treating you this way. Didn't you hate the bondage of marriage? Now you can relax! She won't bind you down in any way.” “That may be true, but | still think it's rather strange.

Besides, don't you think that the way she's behaving can be faked? | feel that if she's capable of anger, she's capable of other emotions as well!” “I can definitively tell you that it's not an act. As for her emotions, Catherine naturally isn't devoid of any emotions whatsoever. She isn't a block of wood. The coldness she exudes is a mental state. She won't be moved regardless of whether she's facing an unprecedented earthquake or a dystopian world. At the end of the day, she's cold and merciless to the bone. However, you can't blame her for being this way. She was born like that, after all. In some way, that makes her disabled. You have to love her and care for her more,” explained Mabel.

Jonathan was speechless.

After ending the long call with Mabel, Jonathan returned to his room to cultivate.

Come night time, the family gathered together for dinner.

Catherine's parents were both absent as they had gone on a holiday to Epea. It didn't seem that they would be returning for Catherine's wedding. Jonathan was rather surprised to hear of this, which only reinforced his opinion of how strange this entire family was.

Night had fully descended upon them by the time dinner ended.

YYareth turned to Jonathan and Catherine and said, “There are many fun places to explore in Yaleview at night.

Catherine likes to head to the bar to have wine. Why don't you bring her around, Jonathan?” “Yes, Grandpa!” replied Jonathan.

With that, Catherine rose to her feet and headed for the door. Jonathan followed quickly behind.

Catherine's Ferrari was parked in the courtyard, and she

made her way straight for it. Luckily for Jonathan, she didn't drive off straight away but waited for him to catch up.

Jonathan made sure that she was waiting for him before he finally dared to pull the door open and sat in the passenger seat.