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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 193
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Jonathan did not eat the elixir pill, but instead, he shut the lid of the sandalwood box because he felt that he needed to understand the pill better.

Later, Jonathan flipped open the guidebook about Divine Realm.

There was nothing special about it as it looked the same as a normal published book. Upon flipping open the cover page, he smelled a fragrance before several rows of words caught his eyes on the first page.

All disciples of the Divine Realm must act in accordance with these eight rules. If anyone violates these rules, they will be killed without mercy! If you have any doubts, you can appeal to The Inquisition! Jonathan could sense the stern and unforgiving undertone of those words. Despite the fact that many aspects of Divine Realm seem humane and all the disciples were treated as employees of an international company and were given comprehensive benefits, Divine Realm was not a company.

As he flipped the guidebook, he read through the eight rules. First rule: Disciples of Divine Realm are not allowed to harm or kill each other. Those who violate this rule will be killed without mercy! Second rule: External disciples of Divine Realm must obey inner disciples unconditionally.

Those who violate this rule will be killed without mercy! Third rule: External disciples of Divine Realm must respect Gold- tier disciples. If they are disrespectful, Gold-tier disciples have the right to take action against them before reporting the issue. Fourth rule: All external disciples of Divine Realm, including Gold-tier disciples, must never kill any other disciples of Divine Realm even when they are not within Divine Realm headquarters. Those who violate this rule will be killed without mercy! Jonathan let out a sigh of relief when he saw the fourth rule. That means I'm still safe when | step out of Divine Realm.

He then continued reading the rules. Fifth rule: If the disciples are in the headquarters of Divine Realm, they

have to pay their respects to Divine Emperor at seven in the morning. Those who violate this rule will be killed without mercy! Sixth rule: Even if the disciples are not at the headquarters of Divine Realm, they have to pay respect to Divine Emperor at least twelve times a year. Those who violate this rule will be expelled from Divine Realm.

Seventh rule: The disciples of Divine Realm must never slander the reputation of Divine Realm, never damage the reputation of Chanaea, and never bully the weak. Those who violate this rule will be killed without mercy! If there is any exceptional justification for doing so, you can appeal to The Inquisition. Eighth rule: Those who do achieve a cultivation level of Celestial Soul three years after joining Divine Realm will be killed without mercy! The last rule instantly made Jonathan's heart pound in his chest.

That rule was clearly putting pressure on the outer disciples. It was reminding them that Divine Realm was not a nursing home, so they should not be too relaxed there.

Also, it served as a warning to the disciples that Divine

Realm would not tolerate useless people.

After getting familiar with the eight rules, Jonathan continued flipping through the pages.

The back pages of the guidebook contained introductions to Divine Realm, such as the administration department, logistics department, The Inquisition, the punishment platform, and so on.

Divine Realm had strict rules, but the disciples were rewarded promptly and punished justly. All the departments in there were well organized.

In addition, Jonathan also saw some explanations beyond the eight rules.

It mentioned that several people can receive the same task at the same time. During the completion of the mission, there was no restriction on the disciples, and they were allowed to harm each other in the course of the mission.

Jonathan was taken aback when he saw that.

The reward of each task was limited, and some difficult tasks only had one Precious Pill or Immortal Pill as a


If several people accepted the task at the same time, it was very likely that they would kill each other in order to get the Immortal Pill.

Moreover, accepting tasks did not require the consent of others.

One would only have to accept the task within the specified time limit.

For instance, considering Jeremy and Jonathan were enemies, and Jonathan had accepted a task, Jeremy could also log in to the official website to accept the same task.

After accepting the task, Jeremy could kill Jonathan while they were still on the mission as that was legal and allowed in Divine Realm.

It was just that there had always been an abundance of tasks on the official website, so the disciples would never choose to accept the same one. There were enough tasks for each of them to work on a

different one unless they were doing it out of hatred.

In fact, Divine Realm might have deliberately set that rule.

Moreover, once the task was accepted, it must be completed within the specified time limit, or else the disciple would receive a heavy punishment.

If a person failed to complete the task within the time limit after he accepted it, he would be punished by Divine Realm, and the punishment was extremely brutal.

It would make one beg for death, as the disciple would be sealed off in ice for ten years! Being sealed off in ice did not mean that the disciple would be literally sealed in ice. People were not like frogs and snakes that could hibernate. Doing so would lead to death.

In fact, the punishment entailed that the disciple would be jailed in a small dark room for ten years.

Within the ten years, he would not be allowed to step out of the room. Also, he would not be able to differentiate day and night. He would have to eat, drink, and do everything else in that room.

It was an utterly terrifying punishment, so everyone would be extremely cautious when accepting tasks.

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In fact, none of them would take the same task as another person as it would increase the difficulty of the task.

Everyone treated the strict rules of Divine Realm seriously.

In addition, even if two persons were enemies and they accepted the same task, they could kill each other legally under one condition - they were not allowed to work with outsiders to kill each other.

Those who violated this rule would be killed without mercy.

For instance, once Jeremy and Jonathan accepted the ‘same task, Jonathan was allowed to find helpers like Mabel, Polly, and Simon.

Since Simon did not accept the task, he was purely helping Jonathan. After the task was completed, the reward would be given to Jonathan.

However, since Simon did not accept the task, he could not help Jonathan kill Jeremy.

Mabel and Polly were outsiders, so if they colluded with Jonathan to kill Jeremy, Jonathan was considered to have violated the rule.

Some people might secretly kill other disciples while they were on the mission.

In actuality, someone had done it before and he even did it carefully, but he was still executed after he returned to Divine Realm.

Divine Emperor seemed to be omnipresent in Divine Realm. No matter what one had done, if one had violated the rules of Divine Realm, the punishment platform would be able to see it right away.

Looking at the guidebook, Jonathan vaguely understood how the punishment platform would know that the disciple had violated the rules. It probably has something to do with the badge imprinted on our arms.

Moreover, no one was allowed to slander Divine Emperor

or secretly curse him. Once someone had done it, Divine Realm would find out and kill the person without mercy.

Jonathan finally understood that once he stepped into Divine Realm, Divine Emperor would know everything about him.

There was another hint in the guidebook - when the disciples of Divine Realm performed tasks, the marks on their arms could easily reveal their identities.

If they wanted to hide the mark, they could direct their power of vitality to that part of their arm.

The mark would be hidden after that.

Finally, Jonathan saw the introduction of elixir pills in the guidebook.

There was a Luminary Vessel in Divine Realm, and it contained countless formations and mysteries.

All the elixir pills in Divine Realm were refined using Luminary Vessel.

There were detailed introductions of elixir pills which came

with pictures and texts.

It was exactly as Mabel had said. There were five tiers of elixir pills - Spirit Pill, Precious Pill, Immortal Pill, Heaven Pill, and Divine Pill.

Also, there were a total of forty-nine kinds of elixir pills refined by Divine Realm, and each of their effects was listed clearly.

There were three kinds of Heaven Pill, namely Life Essence Pill, Fire Cloud Pill, and Nascent Pill.

Yet, there were eight types of Immortal Pill and many types of Precious Pill and Spirit Pill.

The cultivation that the user needed to achieve and the effect and the side effects after taking it were written in detail for each type of elixir pill.

Jonathan wanted to know more about the elixir pill that he had received.

He found out that his pill was a Spirit Pill, and that did not surprise him at all. Well. It can't be a Heaven Pill. Also, Spirit Pill is extremely precious. It is priceless in the market.

Alice was right. We got a valuable gift indeed.

The elixir pill that Jonathan received was a Spirit Gathering Pill. The pill had a miraculous effect on the masters in the Nascent Soul level. It could help the masters in the early stage of Nascent Soul to break through the obstacles in the middle stage to release vigor.

At that moment, Jonathan knew what to expect while he sat with his legs crossed on the couch. He then swallowed the Spirit Gathering Pill.

After the Spirit Gathering Pill entered his abdomen, some changes happened.

It was extremely hard before it was swallowed, but it instantly melted in his stomach just like chocolate tossed into the fire.

The medicinal power disintegrated before the nutrition spread throughout Jonathan's body.

It was a peculiar feeling, and Jonathan could feel that his cells were starving.

Initially, he thought that he was full, but now he realized that his body was in a state of malnutrition.

The medicinal effect of the Spirit Gathering Pill was absorbed by Jonathan's cells quickly, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Catherine in front of him.

The latter was looking at him as well.

Jonathan then smiled and suggested, “Are you done? I'll blow your hair.” Catherine nodded before Jonathan went to get the hairdryer.

Since the equipment provided was all-inclusive, he found a hairdryer with ease.

While Jonathan was blowing Catherine's hair, he was quietly feeling the changes in his body.

His cells were clearly still starving.

Before that, he had been strengthening his vitality, but he seemed to have discovered something - the Spirit Gathering Pill had activated his cells, and the cells began to

absorb nutrients after that.

Jonathan knew that if the cells absorbed enough nutrients, they could produce more power.

Right now, he could feel a huge contrast between the starving cells and his powerful vitality.

The unbalanced situation would make it difficult for Jonathan's cultivation to rise as it was imbalanced.

Jonathan could finally understand Mabel's words.

She said that masters in Celestial Soul needed elixir pills to make progress.

While she was still in Nascent Soul, she could still rely on vitality for enhancement.

Although it was difficult, the power of vitality could still support the upgrade.

However, once one reached Celestial Soul, they needed to feed their cells. Gabriel had mentioned that in order for a spiritual fighter to achieve certain cultivation stages, he needed to take pills.

Jonathan still had doubts. After Catherine's hair had been dried, he went to the balcony to call Mabel.

“I have officially become a Bronze-level external disciple of Divine Realm,” said Jonathan.

Mabel smiled and replied, “Congratulations.” Then, Jonathan muttered, “I have a question.” “Ask away,” Mabel said.

Jonathan then explained, “I just swallowed a Spirit Gathering Pill which Divine Realm gifted me..."

Jonathan said, “But | found that after | took the Spirit Gathering Pill, my physical energy did not change. And my cells are still starving.” After hearing that, Mabel said, “That's normal.” Jonathan asked, "What do you mean?” Mabel explained, “There are billions of cells in the body, and there are countless molecules and stars in the universe. Our body and everything in the universe correspond to each other. You don't actually know your body well just because you own it. Well, you are now aware of the internal organs of your body, but you don’t know about the cells, hidden acupoints, and your brain. The most mysterious part is our brain.” Jonathan questioned again, “But what does that have to do with my cells starving?” Mabel explained, “It's got a lot to do with that. The cells are hungry because they lack nutrients. All along, there are too many impurities in the food that you eat. The nutrition of the food is only enough for the operation of your body and

vitality. Your cells are in a state of starvation. This starvation state is not about how much food you eat. Ordinary food is too rough, and there are impurities and toxins in it.

However, pills are different. They contain only nutrition and no impurities. One day, when your body has sufficient nutrients, meaning that your cells are full of nutrients and no longer hungry, your body's nutrients will gradually be supplied to your brain by then. At that time, it will be the time to develop your brain.” Mabel continued, “In this world, there are traces and scientific basis for the occurrence of everything. For example, humans believe that Divine Emperor is immortal and omniscient. But how can a person ‘somehow reach that level without a good reason?” Jonathan asked, “What do you mean? Do you mean that Divine Emperor has taken enough pills, and his brain has developed to a terrifying level?” Mabel explained, “Ordinary people, like you and me, have developed our brains to ten percent. Some people are

smart, so they may be able to reach fifteen percent. There are also people who are born with extraordinary talents, and they're able to develop their brains to twenty percent.

Such people will have some special abilities, such as very good eyesight, the ability to sense danger, and so on.

Generally speaking, after the brain area has developed to twenty percent, they can sense magnetic fields and the flow of the field. Their vision and hearing will be unimaginably powerful. This is how amazing brain development can be. If the brain is developed to thirty percent, by then, people can feel the rotation of the earth, and they can even emit signals and interfere with other people's brains. Everyone's brain is an extremely powerful information base. By then, you'll be able to read other people's minds. If the development of the brain reaches forty percent, people can directly use the interfering magnetic field of the brain to transmit signals without the need for a phone. It implies that they can directly talk to other people without using a phone.

Instead, they could use any electrical appliance to transmit the magnetic field. However, human brain development to forty percent is just a hypothesis from the studies in the

sixth division. In fact, development to thirty percent is also just a hypothesis as well.” Jonathan listened attentively, and he felt that another magical world was revealed to him.

‘What Mable said was not something illusory, but something he could understand and work toward.

Mabel continued, “In the research of cultivators, if a person's brain is developed to a hundred percent, then this person's brain cells can use magnetic fields and molecules to achieve arbitrary manifestation.

In the air, magnetic fields and molecules exist. That person would be able to communicate with the magnetic field molecules in front of us and manifest his body from thousands of miles away. At the same time, he can also travel the river of time with his primordial spirit, traveling through the present, the past, the future, and the universe.

He could also shuttle among them. Such a person is a God-like existence. Of course, these things are just an assumption of the cultivators. Cultivation is still a mystery.”

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She added, “Human wisdom is unimaginable, and they can overcome any difficulties. Now, technological advances have enabled us to go to outer space. And the cultivators think about using the physical body to achieve this level.

The sky and the earth have gravitational force, and people cannot fly. However, the human brain and spiritual energy are not limited to these conditions.” Jonathan said, “So, the next goal of my practice is to develop my brain?” “It's not only your cultivation goal but the goal of all the masters in Celestial Soul level. This mystery is no longer a secret, and everyone has opened Pandora's box. The Heavens are afraid that things might go out of control, so they created the Great Tribulation.” Jonathan replied, “I think | understand now.” After that, Jonathan did not say a word before he ended the call with Mabel.

Upon hanging up the phone, Jonathan walked back into the bedroom from the balcony.

Catherine was sitting quietly on the sofa. At that moment, she was holding her Spirit Gathering Pill. Then, she handed it to Jonathan, saying, “Here!” Jonathan was slightly startled. “Why are you giving it to me? This is yours.” Catherine shook her head and said, “I don't need it. I'll give it to you.” Jonathan smiled and asked, “Silly girl, do you know how valuable this elixir pill is?” Catherine nodded and replied, “I know.” “Then why are you giving it to me?” Jonathan questioned.

“You need it.” Jonathan smiled and questioned, “Did you hear me talking on the phone?” Catherine nodded and said, “I didn't mean to.” Jonathan said, “It's fine. Silly girl, eat it yourself. You need this too. We all need it. In the future, we will fight for more

elixir pills. You have to grow stronger with me, all right?” Catherine fixedly looked at Jonathan and said, “I know, but I'm stronger than you now, so you need it more.” Jonathan felt a tightness in his chest and an urge to vomit blood.

He took the Spirit Gathering Pill and ordered, “Open your mouth.” Catherine was slightly startled before she opened her mouth obediently.

Jonathan quickly put the Spirit Gathering Pill into Catherine's mouth, and the latter was stunned.

With a faint smile, he said, “Meditate and exercise now to digest the nutrition of the Spirit Gathering Pill. Be good!” Catherine did not press on the matter further. She then went to the couch and sat with her legs crossed.

Meanwhile, Jonathan walked toward his table and flipped open his new notebook.

Afterward, he plugged in the shield and scanned the mark

through the laptop camera.

After that, the shield was unlocked.

Soon, Jonathan directly logged in to the official website of Divine Realm.

There were a leaderboard and a mission board on the website.

The leaderboard showed the top ten external disciples.

All the disciples on the list were at the Gold tier.

Among them, Jose ranked second, and Edward ranked first.

These two people had occupied their positions on the leaderboard for ten years now.

Following that, the third name on the leaderboard caught Jonathan's eyes.

The name seemed very familiar. It was Lucio Yandell.

Lucio Yandell! Jonathan racked his brain. Where have | seen this name

before? Why is it so familiar? After a while, Jonathan suddenly stood up in shock. Oh my god! It's Lucio Yandell, the Peacock King! Jonathan broke out in a cold sweat. It must be someone else with the same name. If this Lucio Yandel is indeed the Peacock King, why didn't Mabel say anything about it? Jonathan was still worried, so he immediately called Alice.

As the call went through, Alice greeted politely, “Hello, this is Divine Realm. | am Alice and | am very happy to serve you. May | ask you who is...” Alice's phone number was highly confidential, and the only people who could call in were usually the disciples of Divine Realm.

Jonathan immediately greeted, “Alice, I'm Jonathan.” Hearing that, Alice immediately said enthusiastically, “Oh, it's Mr. Lawson! Is there anything you need?” Jonathan said, “I saw the leaderboard on our official website.”

Alice responded, “There is indeed a leaderboard on the official website. What's wrong with it?” Then, Jonathan questioned, “I saw that Lucio Yandell is in the third place. Who is that?” Alice answered, “Mr. Yandell is a famous expert in Chanaea, known as the Peacock King. Do you know him?” Jonathan's heart sank upon hearing that. He's really the Peacock King. Well. That makes sense because | don't think anyone else has that name.

Suddenly, anger arose in Jonathan's heart.

He got mad at Mabel.

Lucio was a Gold-tier disciple, and one of the eight rules of Divine Realm stated clearly that if he ever disrespected Lucio, the latter could kill him on the spot.

Since Jonathan had killed Lucian, Lucio had a grudge against him.

Lucio only needed to find a reason to kill himself. D*mn it.

How can | fight against him? It's impossible to run away from Divine Realm. That would be a defection. No one will be able to save me! Jonathan immediately went to the balcony to call Mabel again.

Upon answering the call, she joked, “Hey, what happened? Did you encounter any difficulties again?” In a low voice, he said, “| saw something interesting on the leaderboard.” Mabel's expression grew stern when she noticed Jonathan's anxious tone. “What is it?” Jonathan replied, “The third name on the leaderboard is Lucio Yandell. Isn't that interesting?” “Peacock King? Lucio Yandell?” Mabel turned pale.

“Didn't you know about that?” Jonathan was puzzled.

Then, Mabel refuted, “I certainly didn't know that. If | had known, | wouldn't have let you kill Lucian Yandell.” Jonathan believed Mabel's words as the latter clearly had

no reason to put him in a tight spot like that.

“Lucio is a Gold-tier external disciple. He has a right to kill me on the spot,” Jonathan said in a helpless tone.

In a solemn voice, Mabel said, “Jonathan, don't panic. From what | know, you'll need to make a mistake in order for him to kill you. Moreover, he can only harm you in the headquarters of Divine Realm. He can't lay his hands on you once you step out of Divine Realm.”