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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 269
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Johanna suggested, “If you don't mind, you're welcome to stay here. We have plenty of guest rooms in the mansion.” An awkward expression emerged on Jonathan's face. “Are you suggesting that | share a room with you, Johanna?” In public, Jonathan would address her as “Ms. Wilkinson,” but now, he switched to Johanna instead.

Truth be told, Jonathan was a sucker for married women such as Johanna and Jennifer.

In fact, his self-discipline would probably wilt at the first sign of temptation.

Johanna blushed at his question. “What are you babbling about? With so many empty rooms, why do | need to stay with you?” Jonathan let out a mischievous chuckle. “I was worried that you would take advantage of me just like you did on the high-speed train.” Embarrassed, Johanna retorted, “Forget it. Since you don't appreciate my kindness, I'm not going to care about you

anymore.” Jonathan flashed a smile as he replied, “In that case, bye!” ‘When Jonathan left just like that, Johanna realized she still couldn't figure out what was on his mind.

Obviously, Jonathan wasn't going to stay in Johanna's mansion for fear that he would end up doing something foolish. Furthermore, it would be an insufferable experience for him. To be in close proximity to the married woman of his fantasies, and yet, not be able to fulfill his desires was nothing but torture.

After bidding Johanna goodbye, Jonathan strolled along the quiet streets.

By then, it was already dawn.

The nights of Willowbank were glorious, where the neon lights of the road interchange looked like a snaking dragon from afar.

With the chilly breeze blowing, one couldn't help but shiver when it brushed across one's skin.

The road Jonathan was walking along was in a secluded area, devoid of the typical bustle of a city.

Hence, only a few cars would drive past him occasionally.

As the street lamps on both sides of the street shone brightly, they cast a long shadow over his walking figure.

Once in a while, Jonathan enjoyed strolling alone in quiet surroundings, as it gave him the space to reflect upon his journey and experiences over the last few years.

In the depths of his mind, the person he missed the most was his master, who had raised him as far back as he could remember.

Even though his master was strict, Jonathan owed his life to his master for teaching him to read, write, fight, and understand the various principles in this world.

“Master, where in the world have you gone?” Jonathan couldn't help but wonder aloud.

Naturally, no one would answer his question.

In his memories, his master—always dressed in a black

suit—was a man of few words.

Also, Jonathan had never seen his master fight and was clueless about the true extent of the latter's cultivation.

“As for me, who am | really?” Jonathan asked himself again.

“Where are my parents? Are they dead or have they abandoned me?” He still found no answer to that question.

In the midst of his sorrow, Jonathan continued strolling along the sidewalk.

Suddenly, he saw a Mercedes-Benz sports car parked at the bus stop in front.

It was purple in color and was particularly eye-catching.

Moreover, he seemed to hear muffled sounds coming from it.

Jolted back to his senses, his melancholy disappeared immediately.

Damn it, are they f*cking in the car at this hour? The thought intrigued him at once.

As Jonathan approached, the scene inside the car became clear to him through the windscreen.

A bald man wearing a gold chain was sexually assaulting a drunk young girl.

The girl was dressed skimpily with a headful of blond hair.

One could tell that she was an escort at first glance.

Realizing her identity, Jonathan had no interest in saving her, for she might have willingly put herself in that position.

By sticking his nose into her business, he might even end up being cursed at.

In spite of that, Jonathan was anything but a gentleman.

There was no way he was going to miss such an erotic scene.

In fact, not filming it was considered the most ethical thing he could manage under the circumstances.

Nevertheless, the blonde quickly caught a glimpse of the

voyeur. Patting the bald man to get his attention, she gestured for him to look outside.

It was then that Jonathan came into his view.

Winding down the window, he bellowed, “What are you staring at, you piece of sh*t? I'm going to bust your balls if you don't scram!” Jonathan sniggered in response. “Does this street belong to you? I'm not going anywhere. Come and beat me up if you dare.” “F*ck you, b*stard!” The bald man was visibly someone aggressive and used to bullying others. Without any hesitation, he got out of the car and stormed toward Jonathan.

Pretending to be afraid, Jonathan staggered back as he warned, “What are you doing? Hitting someone is against the law.” “Against the law? F*ck the law!” the bald man sneered as he attempted to grab Jonathan's hair. “Let me tell you, I'm

the law!” However, those were the last words that rolled out of his mouth.

The next second, Jonathan intercepted the bald man's hand and snapped it, exposing the white of the bone.

The excruciating pain that followed elicited an agonized scream from the bald man.

"You're the law? Sheesh, I'm so scared...” Thereafter, Jonathan kicked him to the ground. As the bald man rolled around grimacing in pain, his face was stomped on by Jonathan.

Atter choking briefly, the bald man spat out some blood and teeth.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When beating up nouveau riches like the bald man, Jonathan harbored no sympathy at all.

The worst people in the world are those who let their wealth outpace the growth in their civility. The nouveau riches are perfect examples. Just because they are wealthy, they

behave with impunity and show no respect to anyone. This attitude doesn't just affect men but women too. Road bullies are also one of them. If they're so great, why don't they beat up other men? You really piss me off. You can't even withstand two kicks, and yet, you act as if you're going to beat the woman to death. Online trolls, road bullies, and nouveau riches, you're the source of all society's frustrations. In the end, you're still afraid of the strong and only dare pick on the weak.

After teaching the bald man a lesson, Jonathan prepared to leave. Unexpectedly, the blonde girl called out to him in an excited tone, “Hey, handsome, you're amazing. Come, I'll spend the night with you.” Scrutinizing the blonde with a glance, Jonathan sniggered.

“Forget it, you're too sullied for me.” No sooner had the words rolled off his tongue than the blonde's face lost all color.

In spite of that, it was no longer any of his business.

In the end, he checked into a hotel and slept till the next


The next morning, the sun shone brightly in the sky.

Not wanting to delay the matter with Victor any longer, he planned to retrieve the prismatic crystal and report back to Divine Realm.

Jonathan first gave Victor a call which quickly connected.

He said, “Mr. Yarbrough, I've completed all my tasks. Isn't it time for you to hand over the prismatic crystal as we have agreed?” “Mr. Lawson, can we speak face to face?” When Victor replied in a conflicted tone, Jonathan's heart sank.

F*ck! Something must have gone wrong.

“What happened?” Jonathan demanded at once.

Victor pleaded, “We'll talk when we see each other, all right?” “Fine. Where are you? I'll come see you right away.” Victor then gave Jonathan his house address.

‘Without another word, Jonathan checked out of the hotel and hailed a taxi to take him straight to Victor's house.

The latter lived in a beautiful mansion with a courtyard that had a pavilion in it.

In no mood to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings, Jonathan headed right in to be greeted by the sight of the anxious Victor pacing back and forth in the living room.

“What in the world happened?” The fuming Jonathan asserted, “Mr. Yarbrough, let me tell you, | have already completed my mission. If you don't hand over the prismatic crystal, Divine Realm will make life difficult for you. Even the president of Anglandur doesn't dare to mess around with the organization, let alone you.” Well aware of what was at stake, Victor explained, “Mr.

Lawson, it's not my intention to not give you the crystal, but ‘something untoward has happened. You have to help me this time, or I'll be ruined!” Jonathan furrowed his brows as he asked, “What's going

on?’ With a frustrated glint in his eye, Victor explained, “Upon returning home last night, the idiot was very sad...” Jonathan was puzzled. Who's that idiot supposed to be? Along while passed before it dawned upon him that Victor was talking about Briana.

Victor continued, “I didn't know how that idiot found out about the prismatic crystal, but she stole it from the safe while | was asleep. And now, | have no idea where she is.

Mr. Lawson, you have a wide network. Can | trouble you to locate her and get the crystal back from her?” “Is this a trick?” Jonathan asked.

Victor clarified, “I wouldn't dare mess with you since this is a matter of life and death that concerns me. If the prismatic crystal isn't found, I'm the one in trouble, not you.” Jonathan saw the logic in Victor's argument. As he had completed the requirements of his mission, Victor's inability to produce the prismatic crystal would be a matter between

the latter and the Divine Realm.

The Divine Realm, being a reasonable organization, didn't send men to take the prismatic crystal from Victor by force.

However, under the current circumstances, the Divine Realm was in the right.

If Victor was killed by the Divine Realm for failing to deliver the prismatic crystal, no one would accuse the organization of any wrongdoing.

Thereafter, Jonathan asked Victor, “Where could Briana have gone? It's not like she has any experience in running away. Have you frozen all her bank and credit cards?” “Yes, | have.” “I figure that she couldn't have gotten far. However, she had better not have thrown away or sold the crystal. Otherwise, Mr. Yarbrough, you would regret having a daughter like her.” Well aware of what was at stake, Victor hated his daughter at that very moment.

Subseauentlv Jonathan found a auiet spot to aive Mabel a


Once the call connected, the smiling Mable asked, “What's up? Are you checking in on Joanne's progress? She has gone someplace where | have lost track of her. I'll let you know once | have an update.” Laughing wryly, Jonathan replied, “It's not about that. My Immortal Pill is slipping away from my fingers.” Mabel was stunned by his words. “What in the world happened?” “I came here to obtain the prismatic crystal from Victor. Just when | was due to collect it after completing my mission yesterday, Briana suffered quite a huge emotional blow.

Therefore, | decided to collect it another time. Little did | expect her to have stolen it and fled to God knows where.

‘You have to help me find her, as that fool is capable of anything. If she were to sell or lose it, that would be the end of our Immortal Pill.”

Although an Immortal Pill paled in comparison to a Heaven Pill, it was still a top-notch elixir pill.

In the past, it was something Mabel yearned for wholeheartedly.

Jonathan generously gave her two Heaven Pills previously.

Consequently, she soared right up to the Divine Master level.

The Divine Master level was truly a mysterious realm. Even if extraordinarily talented people wanted to break through to the Divine Master level with their own capabilities, that would only be a pipe dream.

Atter all, the complement of elixir pills was indispensable.

That aside, it hinged on luck and destiny. Mabel initially hadn't much of an opportunity to step foot into the Divine Master level.

But then, the two Heaven Pills given by Jonathan successfully helped her overcome the insurmountable obstacles.

Thus, she was even more anxious than Jonathan then when he failed to obtain an Immortal Pill. At once, she promised, “Okay! I'll have someone investigate this matter right away.” After Jonathan hung up the phone with Mabel, he returned to the living room to meet with Victor.

“Why did Briana steal the prismatic crystal for no apparent reason? She can't take her revenge against society by doing so. At most, she can only take her revenge against you,” Jonathan lamented, unable to figure things out.

Meanwhile, Victor was filled with bitterness. By then, he was utterly heartbroken and disappointed in Briana.

Upon seeing that the man was all despondent, Jonathan stopped grousing. Instead, he murmured, “I'll inform you once there's any news. Don't be so pessimistic. We were given two months to accomplish this mission. In other words, we still have close to two months’ time. | won't report this to Divine Realm before the time is up.” Gratitude showed on Victor's face, and he gushed, “Thank

you!” Flashing him a smile in return, Jonathan replied, “Don't mention it.” Thereafter, he took his leave from Victor and left.

After he had left the man's mansion, his spirits plummeted, for he had nothing to do. Ultimately, he had to wait for Mabel's news.

Feeling somewhat hungry, he found a random diner and went in for breakfast.

That diner specialized in spaghetti, so he ordered a plate of spaghetti bolognese with meatballs. When the plate of fragrant spaghetti bolognese was served, he mixed a large amount of oregano into the food. At once, the plate of ‘spaghetti turned into a mass of red and green. Then, he started eating with relish, enjoying the food greatly.

When he had finished eating, he felt that his depression had also faded significantly.

Hmm, could this be what they term eating negative emotions away?

Subsequently, Jonathan phoned Catherine out of boredom.

He learned that everything was fine with her.

Next, he called Simon. Similarly, everything was fine with the latter.

In fact, Simon had already gone to Saspiuburg to execute his mission.

Later, he rang Lailah up.

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable,” a cold voice courteously uttered from the other end of the phone.

Jonathan's heart promptly clenched. He had no idea what she was up to right then, but he was exceedingly worried about her safety.

After all, she was the first woman of significance in his life.

In the past, he merely fooled around with those women from the entertainment clubs.

However, Lailah was different.

At that moment, the sun shone brightly overhead, yet the wind was howling away.

Verily, the weather was strange.

Jonathan's hair was very short, but if it were a little longer, it would start dancing in the wind.

As he strolled along the sidewalk, all the businesses around him had their doors open for business, and the sidewalk bustled with people coming and going.

The prosperity of Willowbank was evident to all.

‘Walking among the crowd, Jonathan appeared adrift and aimless.

Amidst the crowd, a few pickpockets surreptitiously made their move, furtively surrounding a young girl.

‘When one of them was about to sever her bag with a blade, Jonathan suddenly shot his hand out and grabbed the pickpockets wrist.

Nonetheless, no fear showed in the pickpocket's eyes.

Instead, he regarded Jonathan icily and warned in a low

voice, “Mind your own business.” The young girl in front finally realized what was happening.

She swiftly whirled around and glanced in Jonathan's direction.

The instant she made out the situation, she took off.

Jonathan, on the other hand, was surrounded by the few pickpockets.

“How foolish! You think others will be grateful to you just because you helped them in their times of trouble?” sneered the pickpocket he caught.

The rest of the pickpockets attacked Jonathan together, wanting to teach him a hard lesson.

Chortling, Jonathan shot his leg and fist out at lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, he knocked them all to the ground. “Who were you calling foolish, kid?” Right after saying that, he slapped the pickpocket across the face.

Following that slap, the pickpocket immediately started bleeding from all his orifices, making for a horrifying sight.

In spite of that, he didn't die, merely passed out unconscious.

Dusting his hands, Jonathan walked away nonchalantly.

He had never hoped that others would be grateful to him when he helped them. It was merely for the sake of having peace of mind and his own enjoyment.

Human nature was inherently cowardly, selfish, and fearful, so there was nothing to be condemned. If he hadn't such capabilities, he wouldn't interfere either when he encountered a theft.

Despite the aforementioned inherent human nature, there were still love and sacrifice. All those personality traits would show in a single person, but it depended on their environment.

In life, one should first love oneself before loving and helping others within one's capability; being able to do so was a wonderful thing.

If one couldn't even take care of oneself and one's family yet went out of one's way to help others and protect

unrelated people, that would be foolish.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and |... | took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. Haha...

Jonathan continued wandering about the city without a care.

‘When he had walked for some distance, he came across a bookstore. Unbidden, he walked in.

There were tons of books in the bookstore, ranging from books on attaining success, motivational, and philosophical to workplace knowledge.

That aside, a large portion of them were about parenting, quotes from mothers, and the like.

Additionally, there were a lot of books meant to soothe and comfort the soul.

Verily, such books could be found everywhere in this world.

This world was just like the epitome of a bookstore. Every single book had its own truth.

Alas, many of those truths were contradictory.

The process of learning functioned as a pathway to knowledge, giving one the ability to know what one needed.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Once, there was such a joke—a weasel erected a sign on the edge of the cliff, on which was written: Abandon the restraints of tradition. How would you know that you're not an eagle if you don't jump down bravely? Subsequently, the weasel ate the chickens that fell to the bottom of the cliff every day.

The moral of that tale was that one must be discerning even when one read such books meant to soothe and inspire, for most of them were written by weasels.

Jonathan didn't spare the motivational books a single glance. Instead, he picked up a book adapted from a web entitled “Legend of the Super Secret Service” and started reading it.

He enjoyed the story so much that he lost track of time and ended up reading until four o'clock in the afternoon.

All of a sudden, a phone call from Mabel came in.

He answered the call right away.

“There's news of Briana,” Mabel started.

Delighted, Jonathan asked, “Where did that moronic girl go?” “Horington,” Mabel answered.

At that, Jonathan was inexorably stunned. She actually went to Horington.

Needless to say, he was familiar with that city. The first place he set foot on upon returning to the country was none other than Horington. Too many things happened in Horington. Moreover, Jennifer, Yasmin, and Jessica were all there.

Thus, Jonathan couldn't help inquiring, “What is she doing there?” “She rented a yacht there and went out to sea,” Mabel replied.

For a moment, words eluded Jonathan. “Has she lost her mind? She's always doing something that boggles the

mind.” Mabel continued, “It isn't ideal that she's at sea. If she were to throw the prismatic crystal into the sea, no one would be able to retrieve it.” “It looks like she's targeting me. Could it be that she still harbors a deep-seated grudge against me though | helped her see Otto's true colors?” Jonathan mused.

Chuckling wryly, Mabel quipped, “A man can never understand a woman's thoughts.” “Fine, then. I'll admit to my ignorance. You're a woman, so you probably understand, right?” Jonathan queried.

Rolling her eyes, Mabel retorted, “I don't know either.” Thereafter, Jonathan questioned, “Do you have any way of forcing her back to shore?” “Of course, | do. But I'm also afraid that she'd do something drastic if we were to take forceful measures. | think it's best that you go,” Mabel suggested.

“Okay. I'll set out for Horington immediately,” Jonathan concurred.

“I've already contacted Horington's fire rescue department.

They'll dispatch an aircraft to pick you up. Besides, we've already locked onto the yacht. You can board the yacht and seek Briana out directly,” Mabel explained.

“That's great!” “Be careful in everything you do. | can't shake off the feeling that this matter isn't as simple as it seems. Her actions are exceedingly peculiar, going beyond an ordinary person's understanding,” Mabel urged.

“Okay, got it,” Jonathan replied.

Then, Jonathan and Mabel decided on a location.

After doing that, Jonathan gave Victor a call.

“I'm going out to sea in search of Briana,” Jonathan stated.

At once, Victor asserted, “I'll go with you.” “Forget it. It's best that | go alone. Don't worry, for I'll try not to hurt her as much as possible,” Jonathan vowed.

“Thank you in advance, then,” Victor murmured.

Aftiger, though cruel, would not devour its cub.

Yet, the cub had the intent of Killing its father.

Horington was a distance away from Willowbank.

Two hours later, the aircraft from Horington arrived.

Jonathan waited on the rooftop of a grand hotel.

On the rooftop, he climbed into the aircraft without hesitation.

The aircraft was a high-powered helicopter. As soon as he had boarded the aircraft, it took off and flew toward Horington.

Truth be told, he had too many memories in the city.

There was also his regret—Jennifer.

He peeked at her bathing multiple times and fantasized about pinning her underneath him in his dreams countless times.

But in the end, they weren't destined to be together.

Right then, he had already broken up with her amicably.

Therefore, he really hadn't the cheek to disrupt her life.

He couldn't possibly seek her out just to bed her. If he were to do so, she would undoubtedly regard him as a scoundrel.

At half past eight at night, the aircraft entered Horington's airspace at long last. Subsequently, it reached the sea.

The temperature there was still as warm as ever.

Indeed, Horington was a perfect city to settle in.

A crescent moon hung high in the sky, yet the sea was a vast blanket of blackness, appearing like a massive black hole that could devour all things.

Jonathan didn't like being on the sea.

There were two things he loathed in life. Firstly, he detested being in the sky. Secondly, he hated being on the water.

Elites at the Nascent Soul level were bestowed the title of Immortal Level.

That meant they were invincible.

Regretfully, that only applied to the land. When they were in the sky or on the sea, they still lacked the ability to manipulate the clouds or fog.

Soon, the aircraft flew more than sixty nautical miles out to the sea. Finally, the yacht on which Briana was on board came into sight.

The yacht wasn't that big, so it looked just like a tiny blip on the sea.

Alight shone from it like a beacon.

The aircraft then started descending.