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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 273
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The sun shone brightly as Jonathan and the rest stood on the ocean liner's deck.

They let out a breath of relief at the sight of such pleasant weather.

Jonathan wondered what was up with Orcus' punishment that Briana mentioned.

Why was he still alive if Orcus was here? Besides, how coincidental was it for Briana to be separated from them by being swept away by the tide? It was possible that she'd failed to get a firm grip on the ship due to her weaker physique as a woman, thus explaining the coincidence.

However, the uncanny circumstances of her disappearance compelled Jonathan to think twice.

He decided to cross that bridge when he came to it, as there was currently little he could do.

Jonathan reached for his phone and glanced at it.

Naturally, it was no longer functional after being submerged

underwater for the entire night.

He looked at his wristwatch instead and noted it was already eight o'clock.

The watch that had already stopped ticking started once more when Jonathan eyed it.

He instantly felt unnerved by it.

An inexplicable strange feeling hung in the atmosphere surrounding him.

He deduced that it was probably already after eight in the morning.

Perhaps the time shown on the watch was no longer accurate.

That line of reasoning made sense to Jonathan, but he still asked Tate, who was beside him, “Do you have a watch? What time is it now?” Tate replied, “We all use specialized nautical watches.” With that, he raised his wrist and took a look at it. “It's seven twenty in the morning.”

Jonathan gave him an odd look at that.

Seven twenty! If his watch could no longer tell the time accurately, why did it stop at eight? Jonathan couldn't figure out the situation and chose not to harp on it any further.

At that moment, Dante voiced uncertainly, “Why does this ship seem void of people?” It was only then that Jonathan sensed that his surroundings were steeped in silence.

How was it possible for an ocean liner to be empty? “We should take a look around,” Jonathan announced before reaching out to support Dante.

Everyone complied blindly with Jonathan's commands and voiced no objections.

Jonathan led them past the deck and corridor.

“What's that?” Tate suddenly pointed in the direction of the

corridor fearfully.

They honed in on the direction indicated by Tate and were greeted by a large puddle of blood.

Everyone trembled in fear.

Jonathan was the only one who was slightly relieved.

According to his rationale, there was nothing to be afraid of as this meant someone was behind all this.

“Let's go!” Jonathan voiced as he led them forward.

They soon reached the fancily decked living room of the ocean liner.

To be precise, it was more of a banquet hall than a living room.

There was even a piano, guitar, and drum kit arranged in the hall.

The banquet hall was equally desolate despite the polished state that it was in. It was rather clean, devoid of dust and spider webs.

At its center was a dining table full of delicacies, including fruits and red wine.

“This is wonderful!” Lyle exclaimed gleefully at the abundance of food.

They had been famished for so long and had expended all their energy at sea. Therefore, Lyle was the first to succumb to his hunger at that moment.

He took hold of an apple and bit generously into it.

It did not take long for him to spit it out.

“What's wrong?” Jonathan asked.

Lyle continued spluttering for a while more. “This apple might seem fresh and crunchy, but it tasted rotten!” Jonathan reached for an apple himself. He did not try it but instead shut his eyes.

The moment he did that, the apple felt mushy and rotten to the touch.

“Something weird is going on here!” Jonathan opened his eyes to a ripe and unblemished red apple.

“Everyone should avoid eating any of the food here as | can sense that something's off.” Tate and Dante, who had been eager to devour the food before this, heed his words obediently.

Lyle was still muttering to himself, “This is too strange.” It was at that moment Jonathan noticed a huge wall clock in the banquet hall.

The clock face displayed that it was five minutes past eight.

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Jonathan eyed his watch and saw that it was identical to the time on the wall clock.

“All of you, compare the time on your watches to that of the wall clock here,” Jonathan instructed.

Tate, Lyle, and Dante did as they were told.

The time on all three of their watches was seven twenty- five.

Jonathan was flabbergasted.

If the time on his watch was inaccurate, why was it the same as the time on the wall clock? On the other hand, how could Tate and the others have watches displaying the same time if his watch was accurate? Things were taking a bizarre turn.

It was the first time Jonathan had encountered such a situation.

It seems like | have not escaped Orcus' punishment. Is all this a figment of my imagination or a rift in time and space? If so, then where exactly am | in reality? Who are Tate and the rest? Are they people that I've made up? If this is all part of my imagination, where is my physical body located? Jonathan was bewildered.

“Mr. Lawson, is anything the matter?” Dante noticed Jonathan's blank stare and checked on him.

An idea suddenly occurred to Jonathan, and he thought of

a way to determine whether or not he was living in an illusion.

“Is anyone here well-versed in calculations using mathematical equations?” As Lyle and the others were worried about their bizarre circumstances, they were caught off guard by this question.

They thought Jonathan had come up with a solution to explain what had happened.

Tate volunteered, “I'm pretty well-versed in mathematical equations, but nothing too complicated, of course.” Jonathan smiled. “I'm not good at it at all, and | have been struggling with an equation for some time now. Could you take a look and see if you can solve it?” He surveyed the banquet hall and soon found a pen and some paper.

Jonathan was bad at math. Therefore, he wrote down an equation for which he did not have a solution.

If everything was part of his imagination, then Tate and everyone else were made up by him.

As something of Jonathan's imagination, Tate should be unable to solve something the former was incapable of doing.

If Tate managed to do so, it would prove that he wasn't living in an illusion.

“Piece of cake!” A smile tugged on the corner of Tate's lips upon seeing the equation. “This must be the most basic equation.” “D*mn!” Jonathan's ego was hurt.

Tate took hold of the pen and managed to solve the equation in no time at all.

Jonathan scrutinized the equation and verified that it had indeed been solved using a method unknown to him.

Jonathan was then confident that this was no illusion.

But then, it did not explain the string of strange events that transpired.

Jonathan was again thrown into a spiral of endless questioning to which there was no answer.

Tate gazed at Jonathan. “Mr. Lawson, now that the equation has been solved, shouldn't we check if there's anyone on the ship? If not, does this mean it had been drifting all this while?” Jonathan hid the fact that the food was rotten and the time was distorted. As such, nothing seemed too out of place for Tate and the others.

“We should. Let's see if we can find anyone. However, we should all stick together and not wander off separately. | don't have a good feeling about this place.” Everyone present knew that Jonathan was a formidable fighter. Therefore, they couldn't agree more with his suggestion.

Jonathan let Tate and Lyle support Dante as they exited the banquet hall from the side.

“Wait a minute!” Dante exclaimed abruptly.

“What's wrong?” Jonathan queried urgently.

“You should all take a look at what is up there.” Dante

pointed to a spot on the lintel.

There was a word on it: Liberty.

“Liberty?” The color drained from the faces of Tate and Lyle.

Jonathan was surprised by their dramatic reaction. “What's going on?” There was a tremor in Lyle's voice. “If this isn't a prank, we must have been spirited away. Liberty is the name of an ocean liner that capsized in the middle of the ocean ten years ago due to a tsunami. There was not a single survivor out of about a hundred passengers. The incident was only reported in the papers and isn't as widely known due to the absence of modern-day technology.” Tate added, “We know of the tragedy as we are always at sea, where news of the incident spread like wildfire.” Dante chimed in, “Back when Liberty sank, | was part of the rescue team due to my position as co-pilot. Unfortunately, it was for naught.” Jonathan felt a chill down his spine.

He was convinced that something was wrong here.

How can Liberty be in perfect condition when it should have been at the bottom of the sea? Nothing Jonathan knew could make sense of the situation before him.

This must have something to do with spacetime. But then, manipulating spacetime requires copious amounts of energy. How in the world did | manage to leap through time and space for no reason at all? How odd.

Jonathan couldn't help feeling deeply frustrated.

He took a deep breath in an attempt to regain his composure.

Being rash and impatient would not solve matters.

“The messenger from Eonetara!l” Jonathan suddenly recalled Briana's mention of Orcus. Was this really Eonetara's way of revenge? Holy sh*t! Was Eonetara not a mysterious organization, but actual hell?

Jonathan's emotions were in turmoil, but he concealed them as he led the group onward.

“Regardless of what happened to Liberty, we'll still be clueless if we remain here. We should check out the command center instead. Another alternative would be to look for lifeboats. Our main focus should be finding a way back to the coastline.” Jonathan managed to convince and earn the respect of Dante and the others as he still maintained his clarity of thought despite being in such volatile conditions.

They followed behind Jonathan as the group continued on their way.

They went through the corridor and came across a theatre and various luxurious bedrooms.

The place resembled a three-star hotel and was equipped with everything one needed.

Furthermore, the inside was rather big so walking around the place was energy-sapping.

With the help of Tate and Lyles experience, they soon arrived at the bridge.

Unsurprisingly, it was empty and dead silent.

Tate was confused. “This doesn't seem to be Liberty, as it has been many years since it had sunk. Even if we were aboard a ghost ship, shouldn't there at least be some rotting corpses or spirits?”

Lyle asked, “Do you think someone deliberately built a fake Liberty to play a prank on us?” “No one is aboard, but the ship is spotless. Also, even if a murder had occurred, there should have been clues,” Dante reasoned.

Hearing that, Tate responded, “There were indeed bloodstains in the corridor earlier. However, there were no further traces after that.” Despite their discussions, they still could not figure out what was going on.

Moments later, Tate suggested, “Let's head to the bilge.

There should be four large engines in the bilge for a ship this size, and someone must be feeding coal into the firebox to produce electricity.” “Shouldn't they have switched to diesel-powered generators a long time ago?” Jonathan inquired as that thought occurred to him.

“It's expensive and inefficient to produce electricity with diesel. The best option is with coal,” Tate replied.

Realization dawned on Jonathan as soon as he heard that.

Soon, everyone arrived at the bilge.

It looked like an enormous basement. Inside were piles of coal and special vents to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Aside from that, there were also various safety measures.

When they arrived at the bilge, they noticed that the massive firebox was cold.

There was no sign of any fire to generate electricity.

In other words, Liberty was indeed drifting across the ocean.

How could no one have noticed such a large ship drifting across the ocean? What happened to everyone on board? Why were there no traces if they had been killed? Has the murderer cleaned up the scene? Everyone's minds were filled with questions.

Since they did not find anything in the bilge, Tate suggested

Realization dawned on Jonathan as soon as he heard that.

Soon, everyone arrived at the bilge.

It looked like an enormous basement. Inside were piles of coal and special vents to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Aside from that, there were also various safety measures.

When they arrived at the bilge, they noticed that the massive firebox was cold.

There was no sign of any fire to generate electricity.

In other words, Liberty was indeed drifting across the ocean.

How could no one have noticed such a large ship drifting across the ocean? What happened to everyone on board? Why were there no traces if they had been killed? Has the murderer cleaned up the scene? Everyone's minds were filled with questions.

Since they did not find anything in the bilge, Tate suggested

that they check the ship's communication system to see if they could contact anyone on land.

Everyone's eyes lit up as they heard the suggestion.

Subsequently, they headed to the bridge again, and there was indeed a communication system on the bridge.

Previously, they were so focused on searching for people that they did not pay attention to the details in the room.

They only realized the communication system was ‘something from ten years ago after inspecting it.

It was a vintage radio that could send radio waves to frequencies on land.

Although ten years ago was not that long ago, the landline phones on the ships back then were not something that could be used to contact the shore.

At the same time, they found a mobile phone on the bridge, and the brand of the phone was Bode.

Even though Bode was still operating in the smartphone era, nobody was using their phones anymore.

The phone's presence added to the strange atmosphere.

Jonathan picked up the phone and tried to turn it on, but he was unable to do so because the battery was dead.

At that moment, Lyle could not take it any longer and screamed hysterically, “There must be ghosts!” His eyes were filled with terror.

Immediately afterward, he turned around and bolted out.

Jonathan's expression turned grim.

Tate and Dante felt uneasy as well as this was the first time in their lives that they had come across something so bizarre.

“Mr. Lawson, do you know what's going on?” queried Tate.

After a brief pause, he continued, “Why does it feel like ‘someone is playing a prank on us? What is their purpose?” Instead of answering the questions, Jonathan asked Tate, “Was the yacht earlier yours?” Nodding, Tate replied, “I bought it with Lyle. We rent it out to wealthy people who want to go sailing.”

“What did Briana Yarbrough say when she approached you?” Jonathan questioned.

“She said she wanted to go out to sea to relax. We could see that she was very upset at the time, but we didn't ask too many questions because she paid us very well,” answered Tate. Having said that, he looked at Jonathan and asked, “Who was she, anyway? Mr. Lawson, is everything we're going through now related to her?” Dante also fixed his gaze on Jonathan and piped up, “Mr.

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Lawson, please tell us.” Smiling wryly, Jonathan uttered, “To be honest, | always thought that Briana was just a spoiled daughter of a wealthy family. This time, | was employed by her father to handle something, and he promised to give me a valuable item that belonged to their family. However, Briana stole the item, so | chased her all the way here.” “Why did Briana steal the item? Was she reluctant to give it to you?” asked Tate curiously.

“I should first explain what happened,” Jonathan remarked.

“Briana's father is the wealthiest man in Willowbank. An organized crime group had its sights set on Victor ‘Yarbrough, and Otto Sharp was their leader. He was young, attractive, and very skilled in combat. The man approached Briana and made her fall in love with him.” After a brief pause, Jonathan continued, “Victor managed to see through Otto's scheme, but he couldn't force his daughter to comply. Thus, he hired me and promised to give me his prismatic crystal since | wasn't interested in money. | then went to Willowbank and forced Otto to show his true colors. Briana was devastated to learn that she had been tricked. After that, she stole the prismatic crystal and came to you. That's basically what happened.” Hearing that, Tate and Dante could not help but exchange glances because they were still unsure of how those things were related to the situation they were in.

Shortly afterward, Jonathan piped up in a low voice, “There's one peculiarity, though. Otto poisoned himself to

death just as he was about to be apprehended. Before he died, he claimed to be a messenger from Eonetara and said that | would soon die.” At first, Jonathan did not want to tell them that, but he decided that since they were all now in the same boat, it would be selfish to withhold the information.

Hence, after much deliberation, he told them everything.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tate and Dante's expressions changed drastically.

Both of them gave Jonathan a peculiar look, and Tate remarked bitterly, “I guess this is all because of you. You offended the gods, and you're being punished.” Knowing that everything was connected to him, Jonathan could only apologize.

“Honestly, it's pointless to hold anyone responsible because we're now all in the same boat. We should think about how to get out of this strange situation,” Dante stated.

Tate was, of course, also aware of that. Even if he wanted

to put the blame on Jonathan, he could only suppress his emotions.

Because of Jonathan's superior fighting skills, neither Tate nor Dante dared say anything.

Nodding, Tate proposed, “Let's go find a lifeboat.” Just then, a shrill cry of pain pierced through the air.

It was Lyle's voice.

In an instant, everyone's expression changed. Jonathan immediately dashed out the door because Lyle's scream indicated that there were other people on board.

If he could catch someone, he could force the truth out of them.

While thinking of that, he continued to run in the direction of the voice.

In the blink of an eye, he had reached the distant corridor, and Lyle was already on the ground.

He hurriedly moved forward and noticed a punch mark on Lyle's chest. Lyle's liver had been damaged, and he would

not live for long.

Nonetheless, there was no one else in sight.

Jonathan immediately squatted down and asked Lyle, “Who? Who did this to you? What does the culprit look like?” Yet, as soon as Lyle saw Jonathan, his eyes widened in terror.

Jonathan was perplexed.

Not long after, Tate and Dante also showed up.

Tate was originally supporting Dante, but when he saw Lyle's condition, he instantly let Dante go and ran to Lyle.

“Lyle!” Tate was devastated. He and Lyle had been close friends for more than ten years. How could he not be sad now that Lyle was on the verge of dying? Lyle fixed his gaze on Tate, a glimmer of light shining in his eyes.

“Who did this to you? I'm going to kill that b*stard!” exclaimed Tate indignantly.

Stretching out his hand, Lyle grabbed Tate's arm with all his strength and whispered, “Come closer.” Tate immediately leaned in.

Jonathan could tell that Lyle did not want others to hear him. He's going to die. Why is he afraid that I'll hear him? As he thought of that, he focused his attention and eavesdropped using his extraordinary hearing.

In such an unusual situation, he did not have the leisure to be concerned about their privacy.

The next moment, he was dumbfounded when he heard what Lyle had to say.

“The one who did this to me was... Jonathan!” After saying that, Lyle passed away, his head drooping to the side.

“It wasn't me!” As if being pricked by a needle, Jonathan leaped to his feet.

Turning his head to look at Jonathan, Tate bellowed with bloodshot eyes, “Why would Lyle accuse you with his dying

breath?” With that, Tate stood up, stepped forward, and grabbed Jonathan by the collar.

Jonathan was never a gentleman. He reached out, grabbed Tate's wrist, and twisted it. As a result, Tate grimaced in pain and was unable to move.

“Are you an idiot? | was with you the whole time and only came out when | heard Lyle scream. Are you blind or something?” Jonathan questioned furiously. After a while, he continued, “I only need to move a finger to kill any of you. If | really did kill him, do | need to deny it?” Having said that, he threw Tate aside.

Tate staggered and collapsed to the ground.

Just then, Dante moved forward and chimed in, “Tate, there has to be a misunderstanding. How could Jonathan Kill Lyle?” “I know my best friend well. He wouldn't lie. What other reason could there be for him to want to frame Jonathan

when he was about to die?” Tate inquired dubiously.

“Our journey has been filled with strange and mysterious events. We have to stay united. Otherwise, none of us will survive,” stated Dante.

Yet, Tate shook his head and declared, “I don't want to stay with this man any longer.” He then carried Lyle's body and said, “We should go our separate ways!” Dante was at a loss for what to do.

At that moment, Jonathan whipped around and commented, “Let's follow them. Lyle's death proves that there's an enemy on board, and they might attack us again.

Besides, having an enemy on board is not even scary.” What he meant was that dealing with enemies was less stressful than going up against Orcus or any other mysterious things.

“Okay,” Dante responded, concurring with Jonathan's statement.

Jonathan immediately supported Dante and quickly

followed behind Tate.