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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 289
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The horror-themed bar was packed to the brim with way more people than usual by nine at night.

The place itself stood out amongst all the other bars on Bar Street due to Jonathan's successful marketing.

The horror-themed bar had managed to draw some clientele away from the other bars, but thankfully enough, Horington's identity as a beach town still drew plenty more tourists to the area.

That was the reason all the bars were still alive and kicking.

Aside from its unique style, the background of the horror- themed bar was also interesting. When the horror-themed bar first opened, a lot of tycoons came to support it. That alone was rather special.

Even the Dragon King, who was the king of the underground, had specially instructed his subordinates not to harass the horror-themed bar.

Those events had ensured a smooth sailing process ever since the horror-themed bar opened.

Jennifer was even beginning to feel like her hands needed a break from counting so much cash every day. Her personal savings account had already accumulated a whopping five million.

Even if that weren't the case, Jennifer still didn't have to care that much about the popularity of the bar. The bar was already equipped with a mature management system, so nothing problematic would happen even if Jennifer weren't there. The most she did was keep a tight eye on the finances and some minor management issues.

At that moment, Jennifer felt relaxed enough to just head to her own bedroom. The soundproofing was so good that she never heard a single whisper emerge from the rampant cheering and partying outside, even on their busiest nights.

The moment she opened the door, she realized that the light was turned off.

‘When she went to turn it on, she realized that Jonathan was already asleep on the bed.

She didn't know what exactly she was feeling, but it was

almost as if Jonathan were a wilted version of his past self.

There was no more fight left in him. It was like he had lost all the light that had once surrounded him.

Jennifer knew that Jonathan must have suffered a huge hit for him to react this way.

She felt obliged to help him get over this.

But how? Jennifer couldn't come up with a good plan.

Following that, she closed the door gently and approached the bed silently.

That was when she caught a whiff of his sweat.

Jonathan always had a fresh scent around him. However, after so many days of not keeping up with his usual routine and not showering, paired with the hot weather, he started to smell faintly of sweat.

Any other regular person would have started to stink by now.

“Jonathan, Jonathan!” Jennifer called out softly.

He opened his eyes and looked at Jennifer in slight confusion.

“You should go and wash up,” Jennifer continued gently.

“You can sleep after you've washed up.” Jonathan nodded. “Okay.” He's never going to smile and tease me like he used to again. Jennifer's heart ached.

“I'm going to go buy some clothes and toiletries for you, so wait for me,” she said.

“Okay,” Jonathan replied simply.

She rushed out and returned about twenty minutes later with new clothes for him, including underwear. She had even bought a razor and all the other necessities for him.

Jennifer left everything she had bought for him outside the en suite bathroom door. After informing Jonathan about that, she exited the bedroom.

He was done showering about ten minutes later and was properly dressed in the white T-shirt and blue jeans that she

had bought for him.

However, he was still wearing his sandals, and his hair was wet from the shower. Luckily, his hair was short enough that it only took a couple of minutes with the towel to dry it almost completely.

He had also shaved his face clean.

Once again, he was back to being his handsome, fresh- looking self.

Jennifer's heart leapt with joy as she glanced at Jonathan.

She even felt as if the old Jonathan had come back for a second.

“Jennifer,” Jonathan called out.

She heaved a sigh of relief and patted her chest lightly as she said, “You scared me. | was terrified that you were depressed.” Jonathan just smiled and sat down before he asked, “Is there any alcohol?” “Of course,” Jennifer replied. “This is a bar, after all. Just

give me a second. I'll get someone to send some drinks and fruits up.” Jonathan nodded.

About five minutes later, a large fruit platter, a tub of ice, and some red wine were sent to the room.

Jennifer poured Jonathan a glass of red wine before clinking her own glass to his.

“Now can you tell me what happened?” she asked.

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He took a sip of wine as his gaze darkened. “I experienced something so humiliating that it changed my life forever. I'm never going to breathe even a word of it to anyone,” he replied before downing his drink in one gulp.

Jennifer stood there in slight shock before deciding to stop pursuing her question.

Jonathan then spoke up again. “You don't have to worry about me, though. Everything's already over. I'm not going to let this get to me again. Just think of what | did as my own reckless way of getting over it. From now on, I'm back

on my feet. I'll pour a hundred and twenty percent of my energy into cultivation,” he said as his eyes gleamed coldly.

“One day, | will return all of the humiliation | felt to Edward with no mercy.” Jennifer was taken aback by his words. At that moment, Jonathan's gaze and aura were terrifying. She also finally realized that Edward was the cause behind Jonathan's current state.

“I know you can do it,” she said as she raised her glass.

“You're a miracle worker, after all.” Jonathan smiled and left the conversation at that as he downed another glass of wine in one gulp.

The two of them continued to drink and chat idly.

Jennifer had drunk quite a lot of wine, to the point where her face was slightly red, and she was swaying dazedly.

“I should go back,” Jennifer said as she stood up.

Jonathan just looked at her before saying suddenly, “Why don't you stay?”

She stood still in shock before her face erupted into a bright scarlet flush.

They both fell silent.

Finally, Jennifer broke the silence by asking, “What do you mean?” She couldn't understand Jonathan at all.

He simply gazed back at her, not dodging her inquisitive stare. “Life is unpredictable. It can change in just the blink of an eye. | don't want to run away from my feelings anymore. | want you to become mine.” Jennifer bit her lip as she said, “But you're already married! ‘What about your wife? Do you just want me as a mistress?” Jonathan shook his head and replied, “You don't understand my world, after all. Simple earthly rules do not bind me, and neither do they bind Catherine.” He paused before he said, “However, if you do not wish to agree, that is ultimately your decision. | won't force you.” Jennifer paused. She was beginning to figure out where she had been wrong this whole time. She had always tried to understand Jonathan based on her own human instincts.

However, Jonathan had never been a regular human being.

She was beginning to get a glimpse of his world.

Her heart began to beat rapidly.

Ever since day one, she had been in love with Jonathan.

The sheer emotions she felt whenever she saw Jonathan were simply too overwhelming to describe. It was a feeling that shook her from her very core.

The decision was hers to make, and it was right in front of her.

The choice she made would very likely change her life from that very moment onward.

Jonathan wasn't going to try and convince Jennifer to do anything since that wouldn't be fair to her. Because even without his convincing, Jennifer's decision wouldn't come close to being logical.

Will | ever fall for other men after this? Jennifer suddenly thought. Will I ever get married to someone else or build a

family of my own? | don't think | can ever fall for anyone else after getting to know him. As long as | have him in my life, I'l be fine, even if we aren't together for a long time. I'll still have Winnie, and I'll still have this bar. Isn't that enough? Jennifer knew what her decision was. Her face was still bright red, but she calmly said to Jonathan, “I'm going to take a shower.” He nodded. “Okay. I'll wait for you.” Jennifer hurriedly looked for some pajamas before rushing into the bathroom.

Jonathan continued to sip on his wine while he waited for her patiently.

Jennifer spent about half an hour in the bathroom before finally emerging.

She had on a purple nightgown, and her hair was already almost completely dry. It was still slightly damp, and some strands of hair curled defiantly around her face, giving her a seductive aura.

Jonathan's breathing began to quicken.

The reason he had come to find Jennifer was because she was the source of his desire and his fixation.

He hadn't been able to accept it, which was why he had turned her down at first.

In the end, though, his lust for her body won over his love for her.

He wanted to break through all of his bonds. After all, that was the most important part of his final cultivation goal.

This time, Jennifer could have rejected him, and he still wouldn't have cared.

To Jonathan, he had nothing left to lose.

He caught a whiff of the sweet scent exuding from her being and couldn't help but admire her perfect figure.

Her every action was laced with confidence and seduction, almost causing him to go insane.

He suddenly reached forward and picked her up by her ‘waist.

She jumped in shock before instinctively swinging her arms around his neck.

That night, Jonathan was finally able to have her as he had desired for so long.

The happiness he felt was like no other.

They didn't get any sleep for almost the whole night as they continued to mess around in bed.

The next day, Jennifer was still sound asleep when Jonathan woke up.

He was already fully dressed and had even styled his hair.

He felt extra mature and professional when he looked at himself in the mirror.

This was a new critical moment for him.

After admiring himself in the mirror, he approached the bed silently.

Jennifer's smooth shoulders were exposed, making her seem relaxed and sensuous.

After last night's lovemaking, she had ripened even more.

Her face was brimming with happiness after having fulfilled her desires.

“Why don't you sleep in a bit more?” she asked with a gentle smile she didn't even realize she had on.

Jonathan smiled back and replied, “You should sleep more since you need it. I'll buy breakfast for you.

What do you feel like eating?" Jennifer's heart filled with warmth as she said, “Can you get me a nice breakfast sandwich with mushroom soup?” “Of course,” Jonathan replied.

“It's quite far, though,” Jennifer said.

Jonathan shook his head. “It's okay. I'll drive your car.” Jennifer sat up and kissed Jonathan deeply. She couldn't help but revel in the serenity of her days. It was almost as if she no longer had any worries in the world.

Jonathan took her car keys and left the bar.

Jennifer's Jaguar was parked right outside. Jonathan swiftly got into it and drove off.

An hour later, Jonathan returned with breakfast.

Jennifer had already freshened herself up and was in a long black dress, which emphasized her mature, powerful and seductive self.

She had even put on some beautiful red lipstick to match.

Jonathan placed the breakfast on the table and couldn't help but kiss her blazing red lips.

He didn't know how anyone could resist her.

The two of them were stuck together like a pair of newlyweds, unable to take their eyes off of each another for even a second.

After they were finally able to part their lips, Jennifer sat on Jonathan's lap, and they began feeding each other sweetly.

After breakfast, Jennifer cleared the table.

It was then that Jonathan took a call from Richard.

“Jonathan, where are you?” Richard asked. Despite his solemn tone, he didn't reveal the rest of his emotions.

Jonathan replied respectfully, “Master, I'm in Chanaea.” “Did something happen? Don't hold anything back. I'm here to support you.” ‘Warmed by the concern Richard showed, Jonathan answered, “Something has indeed occurred, but | can take care of it myself, Master.” Cognizant of how headstrong Jonathan was, Richard knew that there was no point in forcing him. Letting out a sigh, he reminded, “In that case, be careful.” “I will, Master!” Richard subsequently inquired, “What about the Longevity Pill? Did Edward accept it?" “No, it's still in my hands.”

“You should use it for your own purposes then. Now that you have achieved Celestial Soul, you'll need more elixir pills.” “Thank you, Master.” “All right then, that's all.” With that, Richard ended the call.

In truth, Jonathan was grateful to Richard for showing him great concern even though both of them didn't know each other well. Given that the latter kept his word to Lance, Jonathan felt that Richard was a true gentleman indeed.

Once the call ended, Jonathan put away his phone.

Meanwhile, Jennifer, who was done cleaning up, came in from the outside.

When she saw Jonathan staring blankly into space, she walked up to him and asked, “What are you thinking about?” Breaking into a smile, he held her hand as he replied, “I was thinking about you.” His words caused Jennifer to blush. Even though she knew

he was teasing her, it didn't stop her from relishing in the romance.

“I'm serious,” she subsequently added.

Jonathan went on to explain, “I realized that there's a limit to what | can do alone. Instead, | should develop my own faction, just like Edward. As long as | remain a member of Divine Realm, I'm bound to its rules and leadership.

However, if | were to one day establish my own faction that can rival the Divine Realm in power, there would be no one to stop me.” That was the issue he had been pondering about the last few days.

Jennifer's eyes lit up as she commented excitedly, “I'm sure you'll be able to achieve what you set up to do.” Her blind admiration of Jonathan gave her absolute confidence in him.

Other that a faint smile, Jonathan didn't respond further. He felt it pointless to discuss the topic with her, for he was well ‘aware of how challenging his goal was.

So what if it's close to impossible? Am | to back down just like that? Also, it wasn't lost upon him that relying on the elixir pills from Divine Realm for progress was just too slow.

If I can make the pills myself, I'll be able to significantly elevate my cultivation level.

Unfortunately, dabbling in alchemy was an extremely difficult endeavor.

Even Divine Realm had spent years and countless resources to get where they were. With that thought in mind, Jonathan realized that starting from scratch wasn't a feasible plan.

That was when he thought of Mabel, whose authority allowed her access to the country's resources. It was necessary for him to leverage them to achieve his objective.

Once he made up his mind, a sense of calm descended upon his heart.

“Jennifer, I'll be making a trip to Yaleview,” Jonathan informed her.

Cognizant that he had business to attend to, she asked, “When will you be leaving?” “Book me on a flight to Yaleview as soon as possible,” Jonathan answered.

Jennifer acknowledged his instructions, “Sure.” Now that her position was different, she didn't need to book the flight ticket herself. Instead, she gave her assistant a call and ordered the latter to do so. Once the arrangement was made, Jennifer asked, “Aren't you going to visit Yasmin and Jessy?” “At the next opportunity but not this time.” “All right then.” A short while later, the assistant called Jennifer back. “Ms.

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Hoffman, I've booked the flight for twelve noon. Mr. Lawson can retrieve the ticket with his ID card.” Jennifer replied, “Got it, thank you.”

The assistant added, “I was just doing my duty, Ms.

Hoffman. Anyway, that's all from me.” Once the call ended, Jennifer informed Jonathan, “Your flight is at twelve noon.” Checking the time, Jonathan realized it was already nine. A devilish smile suddenly emerged on his face as he remarked, “We still have two hours. Let's not let it go to waste.” His hint wasn't lost upon Jennifer as her cheeks blushed in response. “That's none of my business.” Bursting into laughter, Jonathan teased, “I'm afraid it isn't up to you.” No sooner had he spoken than he pounced on her, just like a predator.

By the time it was twelve noon, Jennifer had sent Jonathan off to the airport, where he had boarded his flight to Yaleview.

Three hours later, the latter arrived at Yaleview International Airport.

‘With clear skies and the sun shining brightly, the weather in

the city was perfect.

Jonathan gave Catherine a call upon emerging from the terminal.

Before doing so, he had already collected his thoughts.

With regard to his relationship with Jennifer, he had adopted an objective perspective on it. He knew that being indecisive would only deepen the shame.

Meanwhile, he could still sense Catherine's delight despite the cold reception she gave him.

He subsequently informed her that he was back in Yaleview and would return to the Harrington mansion once he attended to some business, to which Catherine acknowledged.

Upon ending the call, he proceeded to dial Mabel's number.

The call took a long while to connect, and Jonathan was surprised when it was someone else who answered.

The voice belonged to a middle-aged man.

Thus, Jonathan wondered, Can it be her father? He then spoke in a respectful tone. “Hello, I'm Mabel's friend. May | know where she is?” “Who are you?” the man demanded.

‘When Jonathan responded with his name, the man's voice revealed a faint sense of excitement. “You couldn't have called at a better time. How did we end up forgetting about you?” Jonathan was baffled by the comment.

The man continued, “I'm Jeff Yount from the Department of National Security. Jonathan, Mabel is in a life-threatening condition now, and we need your elixir pills. Without them, I'm afraid she'll die in three days.” All color was drained from Jonathan's face, for he and Mabel were friends who were willing to lay down their lives for each other. Therefore, the news that she was in trouble caused his heart to sink.

“Where is she? I'll go over at once,” Jonathan replied.

“Are you in Yaleview too?” Jeff was pleasantly surprised.

“That's right.” “Why don't | arrange for someone to pick you up? Where are you now?” Well aware that Mabel's location was currently classified, Jonathan answered, “I'm at Yaleview International Airport.” “I'l send someone right away.” After a momentary hesitation, he inquired, “Do you have an elixir pill with you? At the very least, it has to be an Immortal Pill.” Briefly stunned by the request, Jonathan grew wary. “I don't have any on me right now. We'll talk about the elixir pills once | have a better picture of her condition.” Well aware that Jonathan was being prudent, Jeff didn't press his case. “All right then.” At three in the afternoon, a black Beetle came to a halt right in front of Jonathan.

After that, a young man in a black suit and sunglasses alighted from it. He greeted Jonathan cordially, “Mr.

Lawson, please get in.” Nodding in acknowledgment, Jonathan entered the car without another word.

Naturally, the young man followed suit.

When the Beetle finally arrived at the entrance of Pearl Building half an hour later, the young man ushered Jonathan inside.

Upon entering the elevator, the young man activated the elevator. He proceeded to input a code that granted the elevator access to even more floors.

Initially, it could only go one floor down to the underground parking, but now, it was capable of traveling three floors down.

That was where Jonathan and the young man were headed together.

Upon their arrival, Jonathan exited together with the young man.

He was greeted by the sight of a grand hall that was illuminated with glaring white lights.

There was an octagonal formation right in the center of the hall, and the surroundings were decorated with wind chimes, wooden swords, and other magical items.

From the air in the room, one could feel the waves of mana flowing from the formation.

The surroundings intrigued Jonathan. What sort of place is this? The young man explained, “Chief Sandler is in the meditation room. This way, please.” After suppressing the curiosity within him, Jonathan nodded in acknowledgment.

Upon their arrival, Jonathan was greeted by a quiet room with gentle lighting.

Mabel—covered with a thin blanket—was lying unconscious on the bed in the center of the room.

Sitting by her bedside was a middle-aged man who was

none other than Jeff.

As an important figure within the Department of National Security, he was dressed in a robe with his hair tied into a bun.

Other than looking like someone who practiced Destino Art, he exuded the aura of an immortal.

The sight of Jonathan brought a smile to his face. “Mr.

Lawson, you're finally here.” Worried about Mabel, Jonathan rushed up to her side.

All he saw were her eyes tightly shut and her face devoid of color.

Moreover, he could sense an air of suffocating dark energy being emitted from her body.

As a single glance was enough for him to grasp the seriousness of her condition, he asked Jeff at once, “How did she end up this way?” After dismissing the young man who brought Jonathan there, Jeff explained, “I believe that Mabel has told you

about the mysterious spate of deaths among babies that have occurred recently in Yaleview.” Jonathan nodded. “Indeed she has.” Jeff related, “Therein lies the problem. The culprit is ‘someone named Infant King—a demon who existed three hundred years ago. Given that it wielded a tremendous ‘amount of mana, it wanted to be reincarnated into a new baby after its death. Little did it expect the fetus it reincarnated in to die prematurely. Therefore, after combining its viciousness and the fetus' resentment aura, it evolved into a baby ghost. Ever since then, it has been absorbing the resentment aura of baby ghosts for the last three hundred years. Later on, it began recruiting them as subordinates before finally calling itself Infant King.” Listening earnestly, Jonathan could tell that Infant King wasn't someone to be trifled with.

“What happened after that?” he asked.

Jeff continued, “When Infant King lost control of itself while cultivating, it came to Yaleview and began rampaging through the city. As fate would have it, its end was near.

After Mabel and | discovered its location, | struck him down and defeated him. Unfortunately, in his defiance, he injected the dark energy within him into Mabel before infiltrating her body.”