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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 293_294
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Chapter 293 Jonathan froze as he slowly came to understand what she meant. Mabel is right! | clearly didn't think things through.

The act of prolonging one's life goes against the laws of nature, so the Great Tribulation might just be a form of punishment for Divine Realm. As such abilities can upset the balance between life and death, their usage is forbidden by Heavenly Law. A country would have its luck ruined if its people practiced such alchemy.

With that in mind, Jonathan immediately gave up on the idea.

“Do you still want to continue creating an alchemy department?” Mabel asked when she saw him going into deep thought.

“Of course | do!” Jonathan replied with absolute certainty.

Mabel stared at him in confusion.

“I'l take everything you've said into consideration and figure out something else,” Jonathan added.

“What will you do?” Mabel asked.

“Like Divine Realm, | will find a well-developed city and set up my own base there. After that, I'l focus on businesses that'll make me lots of money. I'll wait till | have acquired enough wealth and power before setting up an alchemy department,” Jonathan replied.

“That's a good plan you've got there, but it's going to take a very long time. You'll need to work hard for at least ten to twenty years,” Mabel said after a brief pause.

“Yeah, | know that.” “You said you're going to build a base in a well-developed country. Does that mean you won't be staying here?” Jonathan nodded. “That's right. Things could get really messy if my business runs into conflicts of interest with the local government. After all, | can't be using my extreme methods against my home country. In a foreign country, however, things would be extremely different. That is especially the case for well-developed countries. Those have a tendency to prioritize safety, stability, and peace, so they're likely to compromise as long as | don't go

overboard.” “Capital is another huge issue you need to take into consideration. I'll try my best to help you scrounge up some money when the time comes,” Mabel said.

“Money is merely a tool to help accomplish a goal. I'll figure ‘something out myself. You're a civil servant, so | can't expect much from that meager salary of yours. Can't have you going corrupt for my sake now, can 1?” Jonathan replied with a chuckle.

Mabel rolled her eyes at him in response. She did have quite some money saved up, but it wasn't enough to be of much help.

Jonathan waved at her. “Anyway, we can leave this discussion for later. Right now, we need to focus on solving your problem.” The light in Mabel's eyes dimmed slightly.

Having recalled something, Jonathan asked, “Oh, by the way, you brought Joanne to see Chief Yount in Yaleview a while back, right? What's going on with her?”

“Chief Yount isn't exactly sure about the details either. All he told me was that the being who reincarnated into Joanne's body is something remarkable. It could be an ancient demonic being of some sort. It's best if we just leave her alone and let nature take its course.” Jonathan gasped in shock. “An ancient demonic being?” “Given how this planet has been in existence for billions of years, it's not surprising that such beings could be living among us. They have found their own ways to survive and coexist peacefully with us, so we should just leave them be,” Mabel explained.

She then paused for a few seconds before adding, “Sometimes, it's best to curb our curiosity to avoid being the cat that gets killed. There's no telling what could happen if we mess around with the unknown.” Although Jonathan was still curious about Joanne's condition, he knew better than to probe any further.

“So, has Joanne returned to Willowbank?” he asked.

“Yup!” Mabel replied.

“I see,” Jonathan mumbled.

Feeling a little tired, Mabel lay down to get some rest.

Jonathan decided to leave her alone as he thought about the future. First things first, where do | start building my own empire? Hmm... Leyrudon sounds nice. Neogarus isn't too bad either, but Anglandur already has a Divine Realm of its own. I'm bound to run into trouble if | set up my organization there, so | should just forget about Neogarus.

Let's see... | could also consider lllurasia, Beshya, and Soblonaro. Those locations all sound like decent options on paper, but | will still need to conduct some fieldwork to gather more information. It is crucial that | choose a large and well-developed country for my organization. Small countries often suffer from political instability, and that could spell disaster for me. If the rebels manage to defeat the government troops, they might destroy my base after taking over the country. This is pretty much the same as investing in countries that are not stable. No one is going to give a crap about your business when a war breaks out.

Meanwhile, in Lostaria, the sun was shining brightly at nine in the morning.

Due to Lostaria being a coastal city, the weather was much warmer over there, and the sky was an exceptionally beautiful shade of blue.

YYaleview, on the other hand, had extremely horrible weather most of the time.

After exiting Lostaria International Airport, Jonathan gave Beatrix a call and arranged a meetup.

He then hung up the phone and turned toward Mabel as he said, “Come on, let's head over to Heritus Hotel. My master will be here soon.” Mabel nodded in response. She was actually feeling a little nervous about meeting a master from Divine Realm, but she did her best to hide it.

Heritus Hotel wasn't too far away, so it only took thirty minutes for the two of them to get there by taxi.

After checking into a presidential suite at the hotel, all that

was left for them to do was wait patiently.

Richard arrived outside the hotel about an hour later.

After receiving a call from Beatrix about their arrival, Jonathan and Mabel quickly went downstairs to greet them.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky as Beatrix pulled up outside the hotel in a Chevrolet.

Richard was dressed in a white tracksuit and looked like an elegant, middle-aged teacher.

Beatrix had on a plain-looking dress which gave her a dignified and demure appearance.

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“Master! Beatrix!” Jonathan and Mabel moved forward to greet them the moment they stepped out of the car.

“Master Richard, Ms. Lachman, thank you both very much for coming over today,” Mabel said respectfully.

Richard flashed her a faint smile. “No need to thank us, Ms.

Sandler. Divine Realm has a very deep connection with the country, so it is only natural that we all help each other out.” Mabel nodded. “Much appreciated, Master Richard!”

“Let's talk inside, shall we?” Beatrix suggested.

“Okay!” Jonathan and Mabel replied in unison.

The four of them then made their way into the hotel.

About five minutes later, they were all seated in the presidential suite.

Richard began assessing Mabel's condition by pressing a finger against her Forehead Acupoint.

As though he had established a direct connection with her brain, Richard was able to clearly see everything within Mabel's mind.

Had Richard reached Lance's cultivation stage, he would've been able to access Mabel's mind from over a hundred meters away.

Jonathan and Beatrix watched on eagerly as Richard continued to browse through Mabel's mind.

A few minutes later, Richard pulled his finger away from Mabel's forehead.

“How is she, Master?” Jonathan asked worriedly.

Mabel, too, was staring curiously at Richard.

With a solemn expression on his face, Richard sat down and said, “It's not looking good.” Jonathan's heart sank when he heard that.

Mabel's expression turned gloomy as well.

“Infant King's primordial spirit may be severely wounded, but he's still quite powerful. | won't be able to get rid of him with ordinary mana levels. If | try to forcefully remove him by increasing the mana levels, Mabel's Forehead Acupoint will be destroyed in the process, and that will result in her death,” Richard continued.

“Is there nothing you can do about this, Master?” Jonathan asked anxiously.

“Either Divine Emperor or Lance could get rid of Infant King with their mental strength alone. However, Lance is currently roaming the Void Domain, and Divine Emperor would never get himself involved in mortal affairs.

Therefore, we can expect no assistance from either of

them,” Richard replied.

Beatrix kept quiet the whole time as she didn't know what to say.

Mabel, on the other hand, was a lot calmer than Jonathan.

“Master Richard, what will happen if | am unable to get rid of Infant King?” “Infant King is currently in the process of healing himself.

Once he develops a consciousness of his own, he will begin to absorb your spiritual energy. Eventually, your brain will wither, and you will die. Once you are dead, Infant King will break out of your body,” Richard explained.

Mabel clenched her teeth as she said, “Master Richard, what Infant King is doing is reprehensible. If | am fated to die anyway, then please kill him with high levels of mana.

‘You may go all out without having to worry about my safety.” “What are you doing, Mabel?” Jonathan exclaimed.

“I would rather die along with Infant King than let him

continue hurting others after killing me!” Mabel insisted.

“We still have time to figure out a solution!” Jonathan protested.

“Stop arguing, you two. There is another method that we can try,” Richard said.

“What is it, Master? Hurry up and tell us!” Jonathan asked excitedly.

“Homologizing and dissolving,” Richard replied.

Everyone simply stared at him in confusion.

“Please elaborate further on this method, Master Richard!” Mabel said.

“It's simple, really. You may think of Infant King as a drop of blood and your spiritual energy as water. Right now, that drop of blood is inside a huge body of water. Though you may have huge amounts of water, you are unable to dissolve that thick drop of blood. However, if you turn all of your water into equally thick blood, your spiritual energy will exceed that of Infant King's, and you will be able to dissolve him and gain his powers,” Richard explained.

That was when Jonathan finally understood what Richard meant.

“But how will Mabel turn her water into blood?” he asked.

“This whole water and blood thing is just an example to help you understand the concept better. Infant King possesses dark energy, whereas Mabel's mana is pure spiritual energy. What she needs to do is turn her spiritual energy dark and get her body accustomed to it,” Richard replied.

Chapter 294 Jonathan immediately asked, “Master, how can we do that?” That was the most important question that everyone wanted an answer to.

Richard replied, “The Infant King still has countless baby ghosts as his subordinates. There's a technique that | can impart to Mabel. Using that, she can subdue those baby ghosts and transform them into dark energy before absorbing them into her body. However, doing so is dangerous. One mistake, and Mabel can lose control. The advantage of this is the strength and will of every baby ghost aren't as strong as that of the Infant King. As Mabel defeats them one at a time, the dark energy within her will get stronger. Before the Infant King can regain his willpower, she can homogenize him as she did to the rest of them.” Richard paused before cautioning them, “I have to clarify something though. This is the last resort. The actual execution is highly hazardous.”

Yet, Mabel's eyes shone brightly. “That's still better than sitting here and doing nothing. Master Richard, I'm willing to give ita try.” Richard said, “Good. Then | shall pass on the technique to you!” With that, he placed a finger on Mabel's temple.

What he was using was the enlightenment method. In an instant, he was able to transfer his knowledge into Mabel's mind.

“Thank you, Master Richard!” said Mabel.

Richard let out a soft sigh before saying, “Although you are willing to take the risk, we still have another problem.” “What is it?” asked Jonathan.

“Where are you going to find the baby ghosts? In addition, these baby ghosts are all of violent nature. Even if all of you can locate them, they won't be easy to deal with.” “Nothing is impossible. | believe we will be able to turn things around,” said Jonathan. He seemed very determined

in his resolve.

Naturally, both Jonathan and Mabel did not want to trouble Richard further with the task of finding the baby ghosts.

Richard nodded. “Jonathan, I'l allow Beatrix to go with you two to find the baby ghosts. This way, you can watch out for each other's backs.” “Thank you, Master!” Jonathan expressed his gratitude.

A faint smile appeared on Richard's face. He then instructed Beatrix, “This trip is going to be treacherous. Let me lend you my Demon Slayer. Return it once you are done with it!” With that, a silver sword as thin as a cicada's wing appeared in his hand all of a sudden.

The weapon had truly appeared out of nowhere.

It was utterly magical, akin to how a sword would appear out of a storage ring in fantasy s.

Both Jonathan and Mabel were dumbstruck.

“Master, where did your sword appear from?” Jonathan could not help but ask.

Richard pointed to the silver ring on his finger and said, “This spatial ring is made of meteorite and forged with the Luminary Vessel. Thus, a small space has been formed within. Small items can be stored within the space.” Jonathan expressed his amazement, “I can't believe that such an object exists!” Next, his attention turned to the surface of the Demon Slayer.

It had a unique appearance as the weapon was very thin and translucent.

However, other than those aspects, there was nothing else outstanding.

Beatrix accepted the Demon Slayer and said, “Thank you, Master!” The very next moment, the sword disappeared.

“Holy crap!” exclaimed Jonathan. He then saw a similar silver ring on Beatrix's hand as well.

It was then Jonathan and Mabel realized that Beatrix owned a spatial ring too.

That piqued Jonathan's interest. It would be amazing if he had such a ring as well.

Richard took one look at Jonathan and immediately knew what he was thinking. The master smiled bitterly. “It wasn't easy for me to obtain the spatial rings. | only have two. | want to give you one, but there isn't any left.” Jonathan scratched his head and grinned. “It's fine, Master.” “All right then!” Richard said. “That's all | can do. You're on your own now.” He paused before turning to Mabel. “Mabel, you may be engulfed by a deadly aura, but | can sense ‘some auspicious aura around you as well. That means you stand a good chance this time around. Furthermore, once you break through the deadly aura, your auspicious aura will skyrocket, and you will be able to attain an unimaginable greater height. There's still hope amid the danger.” Mabel thanked him respectfully, “Master Richard, | will

never forget the kindness that you have bestowed on me today!” Richard smiled faintly. “All right. I'l make a move first.” With that, he got up to leave.

The rest of them got up and sent him down to the lobby of Heritus Hotel.

Richard waved his hand and bade farewell. “Go on with what you have to do.” He then got into the Chevrolet.

After sending Richard off, Beatrix looked at Jonathan and Mabel. “Both of you will have to locate the baby ghosts on your own.” “I'm afraid that we have to get more information from Chief Yount,” Jonathan responded.

Mabel said, “No matter what, the baby ghosts will be in the country. Let's go back to Yaleview first. We can meet Chief Yount and talk in person.” “Yes!” Jonathan agreed.

Naturally, Beatrix returned to Yaleview with the two of them


At three that afternoon, the trio boarded a flight to Yaleview.

It was five in the morning at their destination.

The three of them walked out of Yaleview Intemational Airport.

Mabel had already contacted Jeff beforehand.

Jeff had come personally to fetch them with a Mercedes- Benz.

Once the trio left the airport, they met up with Jeff.

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He got out of the car and greeted Beatrix with absolute politeness, “Ms. Lachman, I'm very grateful that you can lend us a hand this time. The kind favor that both you and Mr. Norris have rendered our country will never be forgotten.” Beatrix was also very humble. She gave a faint smile before saying, “Chief Yount, you're welcome.” Jeff might be the chief of one of the divisions in the Department of National Security, but he was even more

well-known for his status as a priest of Destino Art. His power in Destino Art was legendary in Divine Realm.

Therefore, Beatrix knew about Jeff.

Afterward, all of them got into the car. This time around, it was Jonathan who was driving.

He had no choice since everyone else was more powerful than him. On top of that, he was a younger male, so he had to be the driver.

He started the car, and they headed toward Pearl Building.

In the car, Beatrix got straight to the point. “Elder Yount, I'm sure you are aware of our purpose for coming here. | wonder if you have any information regarding those baby ghosts?” Jeff smiled bitterly and said, “After | received Mabel's phone call, | went through a number of files. But as you know, baby ghosts are negative energy objects. Therefore, their hiding places are very secluded. Furthermore, they come and go anytime. | really have no idea how | should capture them. Another thing is, I'm very sure that they

aren'tin Yaleview.” Beatrix added, “Yaleview is filled with positive energy.

Negative energy objects won't dare to come here and create havoc. With the abundant auspicious aura around here, it's not a joke.” Jeff continued, “That's right. The reason why Infant King came here is because he lost control. At the end of the day, this is his tribulation.” Mabel said in a deep voice, “Infant King isn't dead. If he gets over this tribulation, the consequences will be dire.” Jonathan frowned when he heard that. “Chief Yount, if that's the case, does that mean you can't locate the baby ghosts?” Jeff looked slightly embarrassed. “I will try my best to find out.” Hearing that, Jonathan and the others were despondent.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at Pearl Building.

Jeff brought them to the archives room.

That archives room was top secret. It contained several things that outsiders were not aware of.

There were a total of nine subdivisions in the Department of National Security, and each one of them had its own responsibilities. The Department of National Security was equivalent to the Imperial Observatory in the past. They were responsible for the luck of the country. As such, they had numerous records of unimaginable supernatural incidents.

Rightfully, outsiders were not allowed into the archives room.

However, it was an exception this time around due to the urgent situation. Jeff had already informed his superiors beforehand and received the approval.

It was brightly lit in the archives room.

Jonathan kept browsing through the files, hoping to find any clues pertaining to baby ghosts.

True enough, there was some explanation regarding the

baby ghosts.

Not every baby who passed away became a baby ghost.

That only happened to fetuses who had matured and gained awareness. After being removed from their mothers’ bodies, their bodies were not destroyed. Eventually, the resentment aura in them turned them into baby ghosts.

It was also incredibly difficult for baby ghosts to survive.

Most of them would be taken to Eonetara Gate, so only a small number would make it.

Baby ghosts were worse than wrathful spirits. Due to their purer minds, the resentment and hatred within them were even stronger because they had no other thoughts to distract them.

Jonathan saw many cases where the baby ghosts killed their mothers. All those cases were hidden from the public and filed together here.

Other than that, he did not find any other clues regarding the baby ghosts.

However, Jonathan found something else instead. He saw that there were records of the underworld and many cases of serial killings carried out by evil spirits. There were also cases where the soul bringers of Eonetara Gate took action or resurrection etc. More importantly, Joanne's record was there too.

It said that she might be an ancient demonic being that had been reincarnated, and she was not to be disturbed.

Mabel, Beatrix, and Jeff looked through the files for a very long time, but there was nothing useful.

In no time, it was already nine in the morning.

Still, they did not find anything.

Jeff let out a sigh before saying, “Humans and ghosts have their own ways of life. These baby ghosts are hiding in secluded corners, and the surveillance cameras can't record them. Looking for them is like finding a needle in a haystack!” “There will be a way somehow,” uttered Jonathan with determination.

Beatrix, on the other hand, was still running through the files, and she remained silent.

Mabel smiled and said, “Haste makes waste. We are all hungry. Why don't | buy everyone breakfast?” Jeff nodded. “Let's go and have our breakfast first.

Perhaps, with rested minds, we may be able to think of other solutions?” Both Jonathan and Beatrix were indeed hungry, so they nodded in agreement.

The group then left Pearl Building.

Not far away from Pearl Building, there was a diner.

The breakfast in Yaleview was special, but it was an acquired taste.

However, Jonathan and the others were not fussy. In fact, they were quite pleased with their food.