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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 297_298
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Chapter 297 Jonathan and his companions entered the empty ward.

Even the bulbs did not work.

It was evident that the hospital director did not care about running the hospital anymore.

However, they were not there to lament the fate of the hospital. Beatrix sat cross-legged on the floor and cast her force field out. The act of doing so was to release one's vitality and emotions from one's core.

A room could be said to be a skunk's force field when the gas it expelled filled it.

Though beasts such as skunks would not know how to detect and manipulate the emotions of their enemies through their stench, it was a different matter altogether for a master like Beatrix.

Her force field contained her emotions and vitality, the latter of which could control everybody standing within her domain. If those within its confines were weak of mind, she could easily cripple their will.

Jonathan had not had an ounce of resistance when he faced Yasir's force field for the first time back then.

On the second occasion, however, his disregard for life negated its effects upon him.

The effects of a force field, though subtle in its use against the enemy, were not absolute.

At that moment, Jonathan and Mabel could clearly sense Beatrix's force field, which was something to behold. Warm and cleansing, it enveloped them like water.

In an instant, Jonathan and Mabel felt as if they were in the middle of the sea. They swayed with the rhythm of the waves, calm and gentle. At the same time, they could also feel the might of the ocean pulsating beneath the surface.

The sea, with its horizon disappearing into the sky, could be breathtaking in its beauty. It was also capable of devastating destruction in its stormy wrath.

It was only at that moment Jonathan became aware of Beatrix's power.

As the seconds ticked past, he and Mabel waited quietly in the hospital in interminable silence.

Upon the arrival of midnight, the atmosphere drastically changed. The air suddenly became dense with negative energy.

Almost instantaneously, Jonathan noticed the temperature plummeting.

He could tell since their arrival that the geomancy in the hospital was poor, with a smell of decrepit solitude in the air.

Jonathan and Mabel watched Beatrix.

Five minutes later, a scream of terror sounded. “No! Go away!” It was a female voice.

Beatrix's signal was not needed. Jonathan and Mabel knew that the baby ghost had arrived.

Beatrix leaped to her feet. “Apply the Cow's Tears!”

As one, the trio sprang into action. Jonathan's eyes seared from the heat the moment he smeared the Cow's Tears across his eyelids.

However, he had no time to dwell on that. Leading the charge, he was the first to dash toward Room 308, but before he could take more than a few steps, Beatrix appeared in his path and placed a hand on his shoulder gently. “Don't be hasty.” Despite her light motion, Jonathan felt as though an immense weight he was helpless against was pressing down on his shoulder.

Now | understand the gap between our skills a little better.

More importantly, | finally see the distance between Edward and myself.

However, he did not mull over that thought for long as his priority right now was to track down the baby ghost.

Beatrix arrived at the ward and blasted the door open with her palm, with Jonathan and Mabel following closely behind.

At the moment of their entry, the trio's sight was arrested by a girl in the hospital bed. A bloody figure of a baby, not yet fully formed, was crawling on her face and calling for its mother with a pitiful whimper.

The girl was so frightened that she wet herself. Though she screamed and clawed at her face endlessly, she could not ‘seem to touch the baby ghost.

“I'm begging you. Please forgive me. | didn't mean it. I'm sorry!” The girl wept.

Suddenly, the baby ghost finally noticed the newcomers’ presence. Jonathan saw its eyes the moment it whipped around. They were beady and full of resentment.

The undead infant shrieked, exposing its densely packed and razor-sharp teeth.

Without warning, it then dashed, or rather, flew toward Beatrix.

Though she was not afraid of the baby ghost, she could not Kill it.

It won't be worth anything if its dead.

“Such insolence!” Beatrix shouted, her eyes flashing fiercely at the baby ghost's charge.

With the authority of a Divine Master, her shout frightened the baby ghost to a complete halt.

Then, it turned to flee.

“Give chase!” Beatrix ordered.

Beatrix, Jonathan, and Mabel immediately latched their vitalities onto their quarry and pursued it in its flight toward the south side of the hospital.

The baby ghost was swift. Soon, it stopped somewhere on the south side of the hospital.

Not long after that, Jonathan and his companions arrived before a dumpster behind the hospital.

With the guidance of their vitalities, they managed to ascertain that the baby ghost was underneath the dumpster.

“It went down the sewers!” Mabel said at once, pointing at

a manhole cover.

‘Without another word, Jonathan lifted the manhole cover.

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Stagnant air mixed with a foul smell rushed out in an overwhelming, poisonous smog.

It stinks! Trying his best to ignore the stench, Jonathan turned on the flashlight on his phone and pointed it into the opening.

He recognized the sewage two meters below by the myriad of decomposing articles floating upon its rippling surface.

| can imagine somebody disposing of their unborn baby here. There is a high chance that the baby ghost's remains lie here.

By that point, Jonathan and his companions were confident in their intuition that the baby ghost was hiding in the murky waters.

“What do we do?” they wondered aloud.

It's clear as day. There is a baby ghost here, and it is unrelated to the subordinate of the Infant King.

“We have to banish it,” Jonathan said in a low voice. “It wouldn't do to let it remain hidden. Given its sensitivity, it might make contact with the other baby ghosts.” “How would we do that?” Mabel whispered.

I'm not a soldier who can bear getting waist-deep in sh*t water. | would rather die! “I'l go,” Jonathan volunteered without hesitation.

Mabel jumped in fright. “You would?” “I've been in every sh*thole imaginable,” Jonathan replied, his mind made up. “This is nothing.” “No need. | have a way,” Beatrix said suddenly, a cold glint flashing across her eyes.

Then, she condensed her mana into a sword of light before directing it into the sewer.

As a Level Five Divine Master, Beatrix could transform the mana in her mind into a tangible weapon against her enemies.

The sword of liaht startled the babv ahost who immediately

began to flee. Soon, it had gone beyond the hospital grounds.

Beatrix's eyes flew open. “After it!" Though in awe of Beatrix's ability, Jonathan and Mabel did not dare waste time. “Let's go!” The trio threw themselves deftly over the wall and out of the hospital compound.

Night had fallen, and a chill permeated the air.

The baby ghost exited Styx Street, then turned the corner into Valley Street.

Jonathan and his companions quickly made their way there.

Situated beside a lake, Valley Street was a bustling route during the day due to its location behind the hospital.

As the street was barren of shophouses, it grew dark and quiet during the night, with only the bus station and a cold row of streetlamps in sight.

A foul stench emanated from the lake across the road.

Environmental pollution of various forms had turned the geomancy of that region from bad to worse, but nobody noticed it.

When they arrived on Valley Street, Jonathan and his ‘companions were greeted by a strange sight.

The baby ghost was no longer on the run. Instead, it had stopped at the bus stop and was sitting in wait like an adult, albeit with blood all over its tiny body.

Jonathan and the others could only see it after applying Cow's Tears, and only they knew how unsettling a scene it was.

They did not startle the baby ghost. Instead, they waited quietly in the shadows to see what it was waiting for.

Time passed slowly until something strange happened half an hour later.

Mabel pointed to something a hundred meters ahead.

“Look over there.”

The trio had sharp eyes and saw the object despite its distance.

“It looks like a vehicle!” Jonathan said.

Though there was nothing out of the ordinary for a vehicle to appear on the road, this instance was odd because it was a bus.

It's two in the morning. Lightspring is not a big city, so the drivers’ shifts should have ended long ago. What is this bus doing here? “Could this be the legendary ghost bus?” Jonathan mused aloud.

According to popular legend, ghost buses appeared after midnight, and once upon a ghost bus, one would never return.

“It counts as one, but this one came from Eonetara,” Beatrix explained. “The dark energy spirits in Chanaea fall under the jurisdiction of Eonetara. That's why ghost buses will appear every night in every city to bring the wandering souls back there.”

An idea occurred to Jonathan. This is one way to pass through Eonetara Gate! He had once wracked his brains for ideas to see Lailah, but he knew nothing about Eonetara Gate.

However, he did not intend to visit Eonetara anytime soon as his priority remained to help Mabel absorb the Infant King's primordial spirit.

“It looks like this baby ghost is going to board the ghost bus. What do we do?” Jonathan said, his voice lowered.

“The ghost bus passes through Eonetara Gate and has nothing to do with the subordinates of the Infant King.

Hence, there is no need for us to keep up the pursuit.” “What?” Jonathan exclaimed anxiously. “This is our only lead. How can we just give it up?” “This is not a lead, as it has nothing to do with our mission.

The ghost bus belongs in Eonetara, and we are beings of the overworld. Don't pick a fight, or there will be severe consequences.”

Chapter 298 Jonathan didn't feel as much reverence as the rest because he had come into contact with the Eonetara Gate afew times.

The fellows of Eonetara Gate had almost ended Jonathan's life with Void Domain.

Jonathan figured since he'd already offended Eonetara Gate, he didn't have to worry about slighting them even more. He assumed there weren't any powerful fighters in the ghost bus.

He turned to Beatrix and Mabel. “The members of Eonetara Gate deal with matters of the underworld, and one of them is the Infant King. We can probe around and see if we can get any information.” Mabel agreed with Jonathan's idea. Merely looking at her sparkling eyes was proof enough.

Beatrix deliberated and said, “Those at Eonetara Gate have their pride, so don't be too reckless, Jonathan. Let me do the probing.”

Jonathan didn't persist since he had already gained Beatrix's agreement. “Sure!” The ghost bus had stopped at the bus station as they spoke.

After the baby ghost glided into the ghost bus, the vehicle pulled up beside Jonathan, Beatrix, and Mabel.

Beatrix glanced at Jonathan and Mabel. “All the spirits in the ghost bus are either lost or wandering. They have no idea they've already passed on. Don't startle them, or it'll invoke an uproar. Stand back for now, and let me talk to the driver.” Jonathan was stunned by her suggestion. “Won't that be dangerous, Beatrix?” Beatrix assured, “Don't worry about me.” Jonathan and Mabel immediately stepped back as they watched the ghost bus approach.

Usually, the ghost bus would only stop for wrathful spirits.

Thus, Beatrix concealed her living aura and intentionally

filled her heart with resentment.

That way, the ghost bus had no clear way of differentiating Beatrix from the rest of the wrathful spirits. As expected, it halted in front of Beatrix. The doors swung open, and Beatrix got onto the bus.

Jonathan and Mabel watched nervously from the side.

The bus continued moving once Beatrix got in.

Jonathan and Mabel hurriedly followed the bus closely.

Within the ghost bus, Beatrix noticed all the seats were occupied. There were the elderly, the young, men, and women among the occupants. Naturally, there were many baby ghosts too.

All of their eyes were glazed and unfocused. None of them was an exception.

The entire bus was filled with dark energy and a thick resentment aura.

If an average human boarded that bus, that person would be hit with waves of dark energy and resentment aura.

Suicidal thoughts would overwhelm the individual before they finally died a violent death.

However, Beatrix's mental fortitude was strong, so she wasn't affected by the dark energy or resentment aura at all. Her gaze honed in on the driver.

The driver was a soul bringer of Eonetara Gate.

The soul bringers weren't weak like the ones depicted in storybooks or television. A random occult practitioner couldn't easily win against them.

They were skilled and could readily subdue vengeful and evil spirits in the human realm.

Beatrix walked over to the soul bringer who was taking the wheel. The soul bringer looked like a middle-aged man in his forties with a thin body and black attire. His gloomy appearance sent chills down the spine of anyone who caught sight of him.

The minute Beatrix got close, the soul bringer instantly noticed her.

He stopped the bus and looked over his shoulder at


Beatrix finally got a clear view of the soul bringer's face.

His face was covered with black scales, making him look horrifying, like a mutated monster. However, he still had eyes, a nose, and a mouth.

A glint of coldness flashed across the soul bringer's eyes.

“Look here. Alive human has sneaked onto the bus. You have a death wish, human,” he said in a creepy voice.

Beatrix and her pride refused to be afraid of his threat.

Instead, she bowed and asked, “Soul bringer, | didn't mean to offend you. I'm here today to ask you something.” The soul bringer snorted. “A mortal dares to ask me questions? Are you joking?” The soul bringer's attitude was frigid and distant.

It wasn't hard to understand why. The soul bringers had always behaved out of the norm. After all, they had to deal with lost, wandering souls all year long. How could one expect a soul bringer to be nice and friendly enough for a

chat? Beatrix didn't know how to respond to his jab and hesitated briefly before she braced herself and said, “I have a reason for doing so. Please make an exception this time.” The soul bringer replied impassively, “There's no exception.

Since you already found out about the ghost bus and saw my face, don't even think about staying at the overworld any longer.” A tiny jar appeared in his hand.

The jar was purple and exquisite.

The soul bringer roared, “Gather!” The second he opened the jar stopper, a violent whirlwind formed beside Beatrix.

Beatrix paled at the wild column of wind but managed to steady herself.

In a blink of an eye, everything around Beatrix was slowly disappearing. All the spirits, baby ghosts, and the ghost bus itself were being sucked into the jar in the soul bringer's hand.

Beatrix finally recognized the jar and asked, “Is that the Jar

of Creation?” Asliver of puzzlement crossed the soul bringer's eyes. “A mortal like you can recognize my Jar of Creation? It looks like you're not an average human.” Jonathan and Mabel saw Beatrix confronting the soul bringer in the middle of the road and urgently ran over to her.

The soul bringer moved his gaze over the three of them and yelled, “All of you mortals shall die for trespassing on the ghost bus!” Not giving Beatrix and the others a chance to speak, he struck instantly.

The soul bringer suddenly reached for something from the Jar of Creation. It was a white emerald ruler.

“The Phantom Ruler!” Beatrix immediately recognized the item. She knew the Phantom Ruler was a magical item smelted from dark energy extracted from deep in the underworld's abyss and had consciousness and mana.

“Go!” The soul bringer aimed the ruler at Jonathan and conjured a beast.

The beast had long, sharp fangs and a green face. Its body was clad in solid armor.

The beast only existed within the Eonetara Gate, hence its name, Eonetara Beast.

The soul bringer had intentionally collected the Eonetara Beast's battle spirit and turned it into the weapon spirit of the Phantom Ruler.

The Eonetara Beast pounced toward Jonathan with murderous intent.

A foul smell reeking of blood filled Jonathan's nose.

The strength which the beast exerted was close to ten thousand pounds. It was also extremely quick and ferocious.

As he was just in the Celestial Soul level, Jonathan didn't dare to take the beast's attack head-on. Faced with no choice, he took a three-meter leap backward with lightning


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The Eonetara Beast missed its target and spat a mouthful of spit at Jonathan.

That spit was made of dark energy and formed a sword once it reached the air.

The sword was so sharp it could slice through metal easily.

Every fine hair on Jonathan's body stood on its end as a sense of threat crashed into him.

He narrowly dodged the sword by rolling to the side.

However, the Eonetara Beast was already charging toward Jonathan with lightning speed.

It was about to maul Jonathan into pieces like a tiger with its prey.

Meanwhile, Beatrix and Mabel attacked the soul bringer at the same time.

Beatrix instantly reached for Richard's Demon Slayer from her spatial ring.

The soul bringer was stunned to see Demon Slayer.

‘With Demon Slayer in hand, Beatrix swung it, trying to cut the soul bringer.

At the same time, a piercing sound wave akin to the cries of spirits and gods emitted from the Demon Slayer.

Before the edge of the sword met its target, the sound waves had already reached the soul bringer's eardrums.

The soul bringer quickly let out a thunderous roar, shattering the sound waves like dispersing a condensed air mass.

The soul bringer's Phantom Ruler collided with the Demon Slayer, eliciting an ear-splitting crash and some sparks.

Beatrix sensed a powerful murderous intent traveling up Demon Slayer, yet she couldn't neutralize it.

Swiftly taking a step back, Beatrix shook her hand and neutralized the murderous intent.

Meanwhile, Mabel didn't dilly dally as she aimed her Sword Fingers at the soul bringer's throat.

Having found the perfect opportunity, Mabel thrust her fingers forward.

The soul bringer had missed the best time to attack Beatrix. His gaze turned cold as he took a step backward and swung the Phantom Ruler swiftly, aiming at Mabel's throat.

The soul bringer was definitely a powerful opponent.

Jonathan, Mabel, and Beatrix weren't weak either. Hence, the soul bringer couldn't kill them with mana alone.

The soul bringer also couldn't use mana to attack their mind.

During Yareth's battle with Sylvia, the two had fought with mana at first, but their battle ended in a stalemate.

Naturally, the soul bringer wouldn't fight against three opponents using mana. After all, once his mind was controlled, the other two could kill him.

Mabel didn't dare to underestimate the Phantom Ruler and retreated.

However, the soul bringer wasn't planning on letting Mabel


Controlling the ruler with his mana, he released it from his grip and sent it darting toward Mabel.

Beatrix instantly threw the Demon Slayer without hesitating.

Demon Slayer flew toward the soul bringer, but he managed to evade it.

He lost his concentration briefly as he dodged, causing the Phantom Ruler to lose its power and allowing Mabel to escape from the ruler's attack radius.

The soul bringer called the Phantom Ruler back into his hand, and Beatrix did the same.

Their exchange earlier was like a page from a fantasy where the characters controlled weapons in a fight using mana.

However, it was difficult in reality.

Firstly, the weapon had to be a magical item, and it had to be nourished with different kinds of herbs, forged in fire,

and sustained with its owner's blood. Once the weapon had developed consciousness, it would form a mental bond with its owner. After that, the owner needed to possess powerful mana to control it.

It was tremendously challenging for mortals to achieve.

The Phantom Ruler was a magical weapon that surpassed most magical items. The soul bringer had a tight bond with it, which was the reason he could control it.

Even though Beatrix wasn't the owner of Demon Slayer, Richard had commanded it to take orders from her, allowing her to control it.

The soul bringer didn't stop after his weapon returned to his grasp. He lunged with frightening speed and appeared in front of Beatrix in a blink of an eye.

“Die!” With a flash, the Phantom Ruler appeared out of the blue with its tip pointed right between Beatrix's eyes.

Everything happened so fast that humans wouldn't be able to catch it.

It was difficult for even Mabel to follow its movement.

Beatrix spun her body, her speed incredibly fast as well.

She dodged the attack and thrust Demon Slayer toward the soul bringer's head.

In the meantime, Jonathan was battling with the Eonetara Beast.

Not only could the Eonetara Beast create a sword from dark energy, but it was also very strong and quick.

Combine all those factors with its tough armor-like skin, and Jonathan could feel a pounding headache.