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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 301_302
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Chapter 301 Jonathan finally breathed a small sigh of relief after coming up with an idea.

What people fear the most isn't poverty but the absence of hope. In truth, the scariest thing is failing to earn respect and dignity despite trying one's best and leaving no stone unturned. I'm not afraid of hard work or fatigue, but I'm terrified there won't be a way to save Mabel. After all, despair is a form of torture in this world.

He sat cross-legged and started practicing Ultra Sun Moon Mantra, letting his mind quieten.

Instantly, complete silence descended around him. He could sense the insects hidden from sight in the room crawling about. It was so tranquil and peaceful that it seemed as though he was in his mother's womb.

He could also feel the destruction and regeneration of his body's cells and even the movement in his stomach.

Attaining divine revelation through knowing one's mind and discovering one's true self would probably be the best description of what he was experiencing.

Jonathan felt the hundreds of millions of cells in his body quivering. They were starving and thirsty, longing for nutrition, and his body would only be complete after that craving was fully satiated.

Only then would the nutrients absorbed subsequently be supplied to the brain, thus developing that part of the body.

Despite the brain being the most important part of a person's body, it could not prevent the supply of nutrients to the cells.

That was because the cells absorbed nutrients instinctually.

For example, if someone stabbed a sword at a person, that person's body would subconsciously move to avoid it, even if the brain willed the body not to dodge the attack.

Moreover, targeting the brain and letting the nutrients absorb directly into the cerebral cortex's cells was dangerous and difficult.

After all, that particular type of nutrition absorption did not involve ordinary nutrients. In the case of the absorption of

ordinary nutrients necessary for humans to live, the mind and body worked in harmony.

However, nutrients meant for producing mana had to penetrate deeply into the brain cells.

That was the essential difference between the two.

Jonathan gained a much clearer understanding of his body after two hours of cultivation.

Once he had finished cultivating, he went to lie on his bed and fell asleep.

He only slept for a few hours. When he awoke, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

It was the first day of April, and the weather was still as bright and sunny as ever.

The sunlight filtered in through the window. There were a few potted plants on the windowsill, and the combination of the greenery and gentle morning breeze inexplicably lifted Jonathan's spirits.

Meanwhile, Mabel and Beatrix were still fast asleep.

He did not wake them up. Instead, he took it upon himself to head downstairs and buy breakfast.

The two women only got out of bed after he returned with the food.

With their mussed-up hair and pajamas, it was a rare glimpse into their everyday life. Jonathan studied them discreetly and concluded that Mabel had a better figure than Beatrix.

However, Beatrix gives off a cool and aloof vibe that's quite attractive. As for Mabel, she's the type that has a sophisticated and mature air.

After washing up, the two beautiful women walked to the couch and sat down.

Jonathan caught a whiff of a faint fragrance as they approached, and he finally experienced how it felt to be a thorn among roses.

Breakfast consisted of donuts, bagels, and milk, and the two ladies ate daintily and happily.

While eating, Jonathan got down to business and shared his thoughts with them.

Beatrix was the first to affirm his idea, saying, “That'll work.” Meanwhile, Mabel remarked, “Chief Yount already thought of that and is looking into it.” Jonathan was somewhat annoyed by her response. “If he's already looking into it, why didn't he give us a few locations so we could help to check them out?” Mabel rolled her eyes and said, “You should quit being so prejudiced toward Chief Yount. Didn't we go to Lightspring last night? Plus, it's still the crack of dawn now.” “The sun is already high in the sky. It's not the crack of dawn anymore,” Jonathan responded, also rolling his eyes.

Mabel's phone rang while he was speaking.

Upon taking her phone out and seeing that the call was from Jeff, she said, “See. Speak of the devil.” She answered the call, then hung up after a while and exclaimed, “There's a new lead!”

Hearing that, Jonathan and Beatrix got excited too. The former asked eagerly, “What's the lead?” “Chief Yount came across an old, abandoned house on the outskirts of Yaleview. The place has thick negative energy, and for the longest time, there have been rumors that it's haunted. Chief Yount thinks Infant King's appearance in YYaleview wasn't by chance and that perhaps the old house is the evil spirits lair,” answered Mabel.

That reasoning sounded quite logical.

Hence, Jonathan said, “What are we waiting for, then? Let's go over there right now!” Mabel replied, “Let's not get too impatient. The positive energy is the strongest at this time, and the negative energy objects may have hidden underground. It'll be better for us to go at night.” “Okay, then,” he responded, knowing that she was right.

After a pause, he enquired in a tone heavy with resentment, “So, will Jeff be busy with other things

tonight?” She smiled. “No. He'll be joining us.” “Okay. In that case, whatever we encounter tonight must surely be a small fry. There's no way he'd be there if there were any real danger,” he said, voicing what his instincts told him.

Beatrix returned to her room after breakfast, and Jonathan could not help sighing when he saw that.

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He knocked on her door and opened it, then asked, “Beatrix, do you know what 'homebody' means?” She thought he had knocked on her door to talk to her about something serious, but she rolled her eyes as soon as she heard his question. “How juvenile,” she muttered.

“You stay home all day without any contact with the outside world. I'm just worried you won't be able to find a husband,” he remarked with a laugh.

“Get lost!” she snapped.

Chuckling, he turned to leave and closed the door behind


1 quite like teasing Beatrix. She may appear aloof, but no matter how | tease or poke fun at her, she doesn't really get mad about it.

After that, Jonathan knocked on Mabel's door and barged straight into her room without waiting for her to respond.

She was sitting cross-legged on her bed and did not even bother to open her eyes as she said, “You don't have to ask me. | know what 'homebody' means.” He sat down on the edge of her bed with a chortle.

“That's not what | wanted to ask you,” he said.

“I'm a virgin. And even if | die like this, I'll have no regrets about it.” Mabel's remark seemed to come out of the blue, but Jonathan was dumbfounded. She totally read my mind! | haven't even said anything, yet she knows what | wanted to ask. | wanted to ask if she's a virgin and whether she'll regret it if something were to happen this time!

He uttered a little cry of disbelief and said, “D*mn! Are you a mind-reader or something?” She shot him a disdainful look as she answered, “| can tell from the smirk on your face that you're up to no good. So what if | think it's a pity? Are you going to help me make sure | have no regrets?” Embarrassment flooded over him. What the heck! She has such a sharp tongue! Soon after, he slunk out of Mabel's room.

As soon as he had left, she could not help bursting into laughter.

There are times when | think he's truly a living treasure! When it got to three o'clock in the afternoon, Jonathan was lounging alone on the couch, watching television.

He was watching a children's cartoon, which showed just how bored he was.

There were two stunningly beautiful women in the house, and to top it off, they were both the mature type. Alas,

neither of them wanted to play games with him. When he asked them to come out of their rooms to play a card game, they had merely thrown him scornful looks.

Hence, he had no choice but to entertain himself.

However, while Jonathan appeared completely relaxed, it did not mean he had forgotten what had happened.

Everything has been engraved deeply into my heart. I'll rise again someday, and when that time comes, I'll unleash my incomparable capabilities.

Just then, his phone rang.

He took it out and saw that the call was from Jennifer.

Well aware that Beatrix and Mabel possessed superhuman hearing, he immediately rushed outside to take the call.

Jennifer was nervous about making the call, and the first thing she asked was, “Am | calling at a bad time?” “Not at all. I'm glad you called,” he replied sheepishly.

Hearing that, she immediately said somewhat begrudgingly, “You haven't called me at all, though.”

That made Jonathan feel even more ashamed. To put it bluntly, he was a heartless person, and it was rare for him to miss a woman.

His personality was such that when he was with a woman, he would dote on her and spoil her rotten. However, once they were apart, he would hardly think of her. Even Catherine he seldom thought of. He was oblivious that Amber was still caught in a dilemma and did not realize how much Jennifer had missed him either.

Despite that, Jonathan did have something he was good at, and that was he could lie as naturally as he breathed. He immediately replied, “I've been on a secret mission, and I'm only getting some free time now. | was about to give you a call, but you beat me to it. | suppose you could say we have a telepathic connection.” Hearing him answer so earnestly, Jennifer could not figure out whether he was telling the truth or not. Nonetheless, even if everything he said was a lie, she was satisfied with his response. Breaking into a sweet smile, she said

‘somewhat shyly, “I've missed you too.” Jonathan felt a certain part of his body react when he heard her gentle voice, and he asked with a devilish grin, “Does your body miss me?” As someone with experience in that area, Jennifer understood what he meant. “You're so mean,” she replied coyly.

He chuckled. “When | return, we'll go at it so hard that you won't be able to get off the bed.” His response was too much for her, and she said, “Why are you... becoming more and more shameless?” After teasing her for a little while, he directed the conversation back to the original topic. He was silent for a moment before saying, “Jennifer, I'm sorry that | can't often spend time with you.” “There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm doing fine. It's the first time | feel I'm living my best life. | have the things | want and someone | can miss. More importantly, | know you're thinking of me too, and that's enough,” Jennifer

answered with a smile.

Jonathan took a brief moment to compose himself, then said, “I love you.” He meant it from the bottom of his heart.

Although Jennifer was overcome with shyness, she still mustered her courage and responded, “I love you too!” After a pause, she added, “I'm going to hang up now. Bye!” With that, she ended the call.

Afeeling of tender bliss filled Jonathan's heart, but when he turned around, he instantly froze.

Chapter 302 As soon as Jonathan turned around, he saw Mabel standing at the door with a wide grin.

F*ck! What the heck! Jonathan cursed inwardly at that sight.

He was reminded of all the sweet nothings he had told Jennifer earlier and figured Mabel must have heard them all. Feeling incredibly embarrassed, he wished the ground would swallow him whole.

Without showing him mercy, Mabel chuckled and said, “Won't be able to get off the bed, huh?” Jonathan cleared his throat awkwardly and said, “I'm heading out.” He then ran out as though he was running for his life. As he ran, he could hear Mabel laughing at him.

He felt weak in front of Mabel. Her aura would always intimidate him so much that he would not dare to talk back to her.

It was half past three in the afternoon. The sun was shining brightly, and the sunlight was warm.

There was still some time left until the operation at night, so Jonathan planned to find a place to eat and drink first.

He had wanted to go out by driving Mabel's military car, but he did not have the keys. He could not bring himself to ask Mabel for the car keys after what had happened earlier either.

Left with no choice, he sighed and quickly left Appleton Residences.

Right then, Jonathan's phone rang again. This time, it was from Amber.

Jonathan's heart skipped a beat. He wondered why everyone was calling him that day.

Still, he did not let that question hold him back as he happily answered the call. “Amber,” he said in a rather cheerful tone.

However, Amber was not in a good mood. She had been feeling torn, so she assumed Jonathan would be experiencing the same torture too. Yet, when she heard his

cheerful tone over the phone, she realized he was unfazed by everything.

“You're a jerk!” Amber exclaimed and hung up the phone.

Jonathan was confused.

At that moment, he finally understood why people often said a woman's mind was unfathomable.

He did not find anything worth for him to feel troubled about. If Amber could let him go, then so be it. Otherwise, he would not mind getting together with her. After all, it is pointless, in his opinion, to hesitate so much about making one decision in life. Life is short, so why be so serious about everything? Jonathan could not experience what Amber was experiencing, nor could he understand her feelings.

As someone who practiced Destino Art, Jonathan set his goals beyond everything in this mundane world. He firmly believed in achieving a state of mind where nothing could bother him.

One might ask what it meant. To put it bluntly, if an

individual with that state of mind found a phone model to their liking, they would not let anything stop them from purchasing it. Similarly, if that individual wanted to own a certain sports car, they would not hesitate to buy it.

If that individual did not buy or own anything they liked, they certainly had not achieved that state of mind.

To individuals like Jonathan, the rules of the mundane world could no longer hold them back. This group of people was beyond those limitations.

However, Jonathan did not try to understand Amber's feelings and the factors holding her back. Unlike him, Amber was still held back by those rules and could not find her way out.

Her parents, her elders, and Arthur, her grandfather, were her restraints. They could never allow Amber to become a man's mistress, and Amber could not accept being someone's mistress either.

Still, Amber knew that she deeply loved Jonathan.

Having met someone as outstanding as Jonathan, Amber could no longer be interested in any other man.

Like in the fictional , Return of the Falcon Heroes, after Sandra heard stories about The Falcon Hero at Frangonie Wharf, she never got to move on from her admiration for Yaro.

She spent the rest of her life searching for Yaro, but she did not put that into action. If she was serious about looking for him, she could find him. Her one-sided longing for him only showed that she could not move on from him over the years.

When she turned forty-one years old, Sandra was struck by a sudden realization and founded the Esberg School, becoming a master of her generation. Her first disciple was given the title of Master Frangonie, which symbolized her first encounter with Yaro at the Frangonie Wharf and her inability to move on from him ever since.

As a matter of fact, Sandra was not the only woman who could not move on from Yaro. Lorraine and Eleanor, too, spent the rest of their lives alone.

If Amber compared herself to Sandra, then Jonathan would certainly be her Yaro. She could not afford to love him, but she could not move on from him either.

Jonathan might not seem like a reliable man. Sometimes, he would appear to be someone who would not take things seriously. But Amber knew him well. She understood him and believed he was an outstanding and uncompromising young man.

Back when she first met Jonathan, despite his behavior, he was also the person who had strategized and navigated complicated matters with ease in the detention center.

When they were at Golden Years, Jonathan refused to leave and give up on her even when he had to risk his life.

He did not do that because he had feelings for her but for his peace of mind.

Amber could not stop thinking back on all the memories they shared.

Every time she wanted to move on from him, her memories

from the past would haunt her. She knew deep down that she could never find another man who could make her heart thump so loudly as Jonathan did.

Her feelings for Jonathan were much more profound, and she was also much bolder than Jessica.

Jessica liked Jonathan too, but she chose to retreat, whereas Amber still decided to stay in Yaleview despite knowing Jonathan would marry someone else soon.

She made that decision because she believed she could help Jonathan if she stayed in Yaleview, not to mention she could also be closer to him.

Liking someone would always make one feel like claiming that person as their own. But when one is in love with another, one could only think of sacrificing themselves and doing everything for the other person.

It was the same for Sandra from the fictional , Return of the Falcon Heroes. She mentioned during her sixteenth birthday that she never knew what wishes to make for her birthdays in the past, but she wanted to dedicate her

sixteenth birthday wish to Yaro so that he could find his love, Leila, soon.

Meanwhile, Jonathan put his phone away and planned to continue to find something to eat.

If Jonathan were an attentive person, he would have called Amber again, but he clearly did not even think of doing that.

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Amber looked forward to receiving his call, but he would never do that.

Soon, when she realized Jonathan would not be calling back, she could not help dialing his number again.

Jonathan answered the call and asked cautiously, “Did | do anything to make you mad at me?” “lI want to see you. Where are you?” Amber asked.

“I'm in Yaleview. Where are you? I'll go to you.” “Let's meet at Starbucks on Southlink Street.” “Sure. I'll head over there now.”

With that, they ended the call.

Jonathan believed a woman's mind was unfathomable, so he knew he should avoid offending one at all costs. Since he had nothing else to do, he thought he might as well head over to Starbucks right now.

Around forty minutes later, Jonathan arrived at Starbucks in a cab.

The street in front of Starbucks was decorated by a dense row of huge trees. A breeze brushed past, and the sunlight was warm. It was the perfect weather for people who chased after a modern lifestyle to enjoy a cup of coffee in a coffee shop while listening to the birds chirping outside.

Jonathan stepped inside the coffee shop and did not take long to see Amber sitting in a corner.

He hurried over to her.

Amber was in her police uniform, looking cool and confident, at the same time seductive to the surrounding

men. After all, it was difficult for men to resist a beautiful lady in a police uniform. Conquering a beautiful police officer certainly felt incredible, especially when Amber was already so gorgeous.

She had the softest and most supple skin, with a tinge of blush on her face. In her police uniform, Amber could certainly draw much attention by walking on the streets.

However, Amber looked extremely solemn at that moment.

Jonathan wanted to tease her at first, but when he took in her expression, he could not help but become a little serious as well.

He sat across from Amber and asked, “What's the matter?” Before Amber could say anything, a waiter came to their table.

Amber said to the waiter, “Give us two cups of coffee, please.” “Sure!” The waiter quickly walked away.

“I've been thinking about this for a while now,” Amber

started cautiously, looking up at Jonathan. Her eyes were bright and clear, but there was a hint of persistence and seriousness in them.

Jonathan was not completely clueless. He seemed to have understood something from the look in her eyes. He said in a low voice, “Go on.” Amber said, “I'm traveling from tomorrow onward. Eskaria will be my first destination. | think | won't return until two or three years later.” As a smart man, Jonathan immediately understood the implication behind her words. “I respect your decision.” Tears brimmed in Amber's eyes as she said, “I will forget you. | know | can do that.” Then she stood up and dashed out of Starbucks.

It was at that moment that Jonathan could finally feel Amber's pain.

Was | being too selfish? Shortly after, the waiter sent two cups of coffee to their


Jonathan took a sip of the coffee before paying the bill and leaving the coffee shop.

He did not chase after Amber. Although he knew if he chased after her and coaxed her with some sweet nothings, she would choose to stay with him, he could not allow himself to do something so despicable.

Perhaps this is the best ending for both of us. At least | tried my best, and | don't regret anything now. | should have a state of mind where nothing can bother me. | should do things | want to, but | should know | don't have to force myself to keep pushing until | reach my goals.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was red, whereas the sky was blue, and the clouds were white. There wasn't much great weather like this in Yaleview in a year.

Jonathan took a deep breath before exhaling.

He swept away the sorrowful feeling in his heart, then raised his head. He was determined to start a new chapter in his life.

It was difficult to halt a cab at that hour since it was considered rush hour.

He had another option, which was to use the subway, but the subway was too crowded for his liking.

If he had to take the subway, he would rather run home.

Jonathan stood on the roadside and waited patiently for an ‘empty cab to pass by.

His luck was not too bad. Ten minutes later, he successfully halted a cab.

Jonathan was about to get inside the car when he heard a woman's voice from behind him. “Sir, could you let me get in first? My stomach hurts!” He turned around and saw it was a pretty pregnant woman in her twenties. She had a beautiful and youthful-looking face, but her belly was swollen, indicating she was at least eight months pregnant.

Jonathan looked at her face again and noticed she was not a Chanaean but a Thymionian. It was worth praising that

the pregnant lady spoke fluent Chanaean.

Noticing that she was sweating, Jonathan knew she was not lying about her stomachache. “Of course.” As he spoke, he opened the door for the pregnant lady and carefully helped her get inside the cab.

“Oh, no, | forgot my purse.” The pregnant lady's expression changed as soon as she got inside the cab.

Seeing that, the cab driver said, “It's okay. | can send you to the hospital without charging you.” “Thank you,” said the pregnant lady. “But | still need money for my medical bills. Sir, could you wait for me for a while? I'll get my purse right away.” The cab driver hesitated for a brief moment and said, “Sure!” It was heartwarming to see there were many kind-hearted individuals in this society.

Realizing that it was inconvenient for the pregnant lady to move around, Jonathan asked, “Where are your family
