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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 307_308
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Beatrix and Mabel were equally curious, so they turned to look at Jeff.

Jeff said, “Cacodemons are born with powerful demonic energy. In fact, they're considered kings of all the demons in the world. Cacodemons are so rare that only one emerges every one thousand years. It can do many evil things if given the chance to rule all the demons.” Jonathan and the others were shocked.

Even Zoe found it unbelievable.

After recollecting himself, Jonathan asked, “What will happen if the cacodemon is born in Chanaea?” He believed there was no need for the people of Daphunova Temple to pursue so closely if the cacodemon would only bring trouble upon Chanaea after being born here.

Jeff answered, “The cacodemon is a creature with brains.

Its origin is in Thymion. That means its base is there, so it definitely has to return to Thymion.”

“Then what do you think we should do, Chief Yount?” “I don't have an answer for now. I'll need to take her back and have a thorough examination.” Those words frightened Zoe, and she quickly glanced at Jonathan. “Mr. Lawson?” Looking serious, Jonathan said, “Zoe, no matter how great a mother's love for her child is, you have to understand the seriousness of this matter. If this child is born, it won't have any emotional attachments to you. Instead, it'll bring disaster upon the country.

Besides, you're still young. You can still pursue a better future.” Zoe looked sad, but she said nothing.

At that moment, Jonathan could sense that Zoe was feeling hopeless. There was even a hint of resentment.

Jonathan only let out a gentle sigh. He could not be bothered to care about so much anymore.

Soon after, Jeff brought Zoe away, leaving Jonathan,

Beatrix, and Mabel alone in the house.

Feeling dispirited, the trio began clearing the table. After that, Mabel said, “Jonathan, can you take a walk with me?” “Okay.” Jonathan did not decline, knowing what Mabel was feeling.

The two went down and got into the car, with Jonathan driving and Mabel in the passenger seat.

The scenery kept changing as Jonathan drove the car steadily along the road.

Mabel started, “I'm planning to stay in my house from tomorrow onward.” There was an inexplicable trace of loneliness and reluctance in her tone. “I've been away from home most of the time ever since | was born. | always thought | had a lot of time to be with my family. But now, | don't have much time left, and | can't keep deceiving myself.” Jonathan could not bring himself to say anything.

Mabel continued, “You don't have to be sad. You've helped

me so much, and | owe you a lot. In fact, you're the one who's been helping me in all our years of friendship instead of it being the other way around. Even if you do your best to help me now, whatever happens is still up to my fate.” “I believe there's a way to cure you,” Jonathan said through clenched teeth.

Mabel merely smiled. Instead of responding to his words, she said, “I used to think | can be nonchalant about death. | even thought | could serve the country with all my heart and soul. Now, | realized | have many regrets. There are so many places | haven't been to, and | haven't even dated anyone. My life feels incomplete if it ends just like that.” “It's not the end yet. We still have a chance. Please don't give up so soon,” pleaded Jonathan as anguish flashed across his eyes.

“I haven't given up. | will continue fighting if there's a chance. But | just want to go home to make up for my regrets. | just hope | can leave the world with fewer regrets if I can't avoid my fate. Do you understand what | mean?”

Jonathan fell silent.

Mabel went on, “All relationships, be it friendships, romantic or familial relationships, they're all the same. If we can't get along with someone, then we must forget that person. You, however, will be someone I'll remember for life. I'l never forget | had a true friend like you in my life.” “How will you remember if you're dead? You can't even get into the time loop, nor can you reincarnate. You'll just return to dust.” Mabel smiled bitterly. “That's how cruel reality can be, but you're not here to remind me about it.” That night, Beatrix, Mabel, and Jonathan began drinking away.

After all, only getting drunk could rid them of all their worries at that moment.

Not that they did not want to find a solution, but they did not know how or where to begin.

The Infant King's subordinates were like dust in the wind that left no traces behind. It gave the trio no chance to plan

an attack.

The subordinates were absolutely nowhere to be found.

By the time it was seven in the evening, Jonathan and the other two were already slightly drunk.

It was then Jeff dialed Mabel's number.

Upon answering the call, Mabel chuckled and said, “Jeff, are you thinking of getting a drink, too?” She was completely unrestrained, and there was a hint of innocence in her joke. It was a rare sight.

Jonathan could not help but feel a stab in his heart.

Mabel had always been as graceful and proper as a goddess. But now, she looked like a fallen angel.

“Listen to me, Mabel. | think I'm close to saving you. Wait for me. I'll be right there,” Jeff said.

With that, he hung up.

Mabel's eyes gleamed with joy.

“What's wrong?” asked Jonathan and Beatrix.

“Jeff says he found a way to save me.” Jonathan and Beatrix were delighted to hear that.

With excitement bubbling in their hearts, they waited for Jeff to arrive.

Jeff arrived with Zoe, who was unconscious, half an hour later because he had given her some kind of sleeping drug.

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“Jonathan, take her to the room,” said Jeff.

Jonathan responded swiftly. He would do anything as long as Jeff had a way to save Mabel.

Jonathan carefully placed Zoe on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Truth be told, he felt rather sorry for Zoe, but he could not afford to dwell on his emotions.

He stepped out of the room and shut the door.

Everyone sat on the couch, and Jeff began explaining, “When a cacodemon dominates the other demons, it forms

a network of negative energy objects. | can create a formation through the cacodemon and find the Infant King's subordinates.” Jonathan and the others were overjoyed by the news.

However, Jonathan quickly voiced, “But the cacodemon isn't mature yet, and Mabel doesn't have much time left.” “It's just the embryo that's not mature. The cacodemon won't be affected. In fact, the cacodemon will leap out of the embryo when the time is right. Currently, its mind is not functioning yet, and it hasn't gained the ability to move.

This is probably the luckiest situation I've ever encountered so far. | guess it's still not time for you to die yet, Mabel. | can't believe the cacodemon actually delivered itself to us on a silver platter.” Jonathan rubbed his nose and said, “Hey, you can't put it that way. It's all because of the good deeds | did.” After a momentary pause, he asked solemnly, “Does that mean the child is a goner?” Jeff nodded. “No matter what, the child should not be born.

If the cacodemon matures by leveraging the embryo, its

powers will increase greatly, which will complicate the situation. It'll also give the people of Daphunova Temple a headache. Once the cacodemon grows up, it'll be a disaster. The cacodemon is currently unconscious in the womb. Now is our best chance.” “Zoe will be fine, right?” asked Jonathan hurriedly.

“She's eight months into the pregnancy. Performing a C- section might not be beneficial for the child, but it'll keep her alive. It's a good thing that we never wanted to keep the child.” Jonathan fell silent. He thought the entire situation was extremely unfair and cruel to Zoe.

Even so, his heart did not soften. After all, he knew well the gravity of the situation, and he was a decisive person.

Even if Zoe and the baby were good people or the ccacodemon was not supposed to be born, Jonathan would do the necessary evil as long as it could save Mabel's life.

A person will be easily swayed if they are not ruthless.

Jonathan would never be indecisive at a critical time.

He urged grimly, “If that's the case, let's not waste any time and contact the hospital to arrange for a C- section right away.” Mabel, however, seemed to be a little hesitant. “Is this really okay?” Deep down, she felt that the plan was immoral.

Jeff answered, “By doing this, we're hitting two birds with one stone. We can restrain the cacodemon and prevent it from causing Thymion trouble. Besides, Zoe might die if the people of Daphunova Temple capture her. To them, she's already an evil being. There's no way they'll let her live.” Mabel breathed a sigh of relief, feeling less guilty upon hearing his words.

Jeff added, “I've already made the arrangements with the hospital and asked a specialist to bring the instruments to the underground base in Pearl Building to perform the surgery. I've set up the formation as well.” “Let's go, then,” Jonathan prompted, then returned to the

room and carried Zoe out.

When he regrouped with the others, he asked, “Jeff, you've been the most dependable person in dealing with this matter so far. Then again, why did you bring her here when we still have to bring her back, anyway? Isn't it troublesome?” Jeff said, “The experts of Daphunova Temple have already appeared in Yaleview. We can't afford mistakes when the stakes are so high. | figured it's safer to keep her near me.” Mabel piped up, “You should've asked us to go to you, then.” “Oh, it's no trouble, anyway. Come on. Let's go.” With that, all of them left the residential area, with Jonathan being the driver, as usual.

They sped all the way to Pearl Building.

The sky was pitch black that night; there were no stars or moon to be seen anywhere.

On top of that, the chilly night breeze made people shiver.

That was how strange the weather in Yaleview was. It could be scorching hot one day and freezing cold the next.

The further Jonathan drove, the more he realized ‘something was amiss.

The road ahead was pitch black, with no streetlights, as if he had driven into the wilderness.

Jonathan could not help but mutter, “This isn't right. The road from here to Pearl Building should be surrounded by bustling cities. | wouldn't arrive at such a place even if | took the wrong way. Which part of Yaleview does this place belong to?”

Chapter 308 Jeff uttered, “I know where this is.” Everyone instantly turned to look at him. Even Jonathan stopped the car to do so.

“Didn't you guys wonder why | brought Zoe to meet all of you instead of asking you guys to meet us?” Indeed, that question had crossed everyone's mind, but they did not think too much of it.

Now that Jeff had brought it up, it piqued their interest.

Jeff continued, “That's because | knew the people of Daphunova Temple were going to attack, and we must deal with them outside. If we let them enter my formation, they could ruin it, which would end up destroying our plan, too.” The others were instantly enlightened.

“So, what's this we're seeing now?” asked Jonathan.

Jeff explained, “It's the way to the underworld. It's also a type of formation commonly known as the Ghost Wall. This means we've entered the formation of Daphunova Temple's experts. Well, since they're here, then let's face them. You

three, stay here and watch over Zoe. I'll handle the rest.” With that, a silver fly-whisk suddenly appeared in his hand.

He plucked it out of thin air. Damn. He has a spatial ring, too! It was at that moment realization dawned on Jonathan.

The moment Jeff stepped out of the car, the others followed suit. After all, they could not just sit in the car and expose themselves to their enemies.

Since Mabel's survival depended heavily on the outcome of the fight, everyone was extremely cautious.

With the fly-whisk in his hand, Jeff looked like someone who practiced Destino Art while exuding the aura of an immortal being.

The fly-whisk he held was no ordinary fly-whisk. In fact, it was his magical item known as Mutating Fly- Whisk.

The magical item had thirty thousand silver hair, each of which was taken and refined from the hairs of an expert in Destino Art. Each strand could be as soft as silk, yet as

sharp as a sword.

Among them were three thousand silver hairs cultivated into Mutating Hairs. By “mutating,” it meant that they could change in size, length, and other countless transformations.

“Since you're already here, why don't you show yourself?” Jeff said into the darkness.

As soon as he finished his sentence, footsteps could be heard approaching from the dark corner in front of him.

Hearing that, Jonathan and the others fixed their gazes in that direction. Not long after, five monks came into their view. Heading the group was the abbot of Daphunova Temple, Hayden Gardner.

He was wearing a robe, which made him look rather formal. Not only that, he exuded a strong religious aura, which gave others the impression they were seeing a holy person.

Meanwhile, the people standing behind him were the Four Monk Warriors, who were also Divine Masters.

Daphunova Temple was a reputable temple in Thymion because of their extraordinary capabilities.

This time, they regarded their task of killing Zoe with great importance.

Hayden had only sent two kickboxing experts to Kill Zoe.

He did not send a more powerful fighter because he knew YYaleview was a risky place with many talents hidden there.

Causing a fuss would only attract unnecessary trouble.

Alas, the cacodemon had extraordinary luck, and it managed to attract the attention of the top fighters in Yaleview.

In order to eliminate the cacodemon, Hayden had no choice but to take a private plane and rush to Yaleview.

Facing Jeff, Hayden gave a slight nod and greeted politely, “Greetings. My name is Hayden Gardner.” Jeff did the same and responded in an equally humble manner, “Greetings to you, too. To what do we owe the pleasure?”

Without beating around the bush, Hayden said, “Sir, the lady in your car is related to the major changes happening in my country. | hope you can allow us to take her away.” “Master Gardner, | know this woman bears a cacodemon in her belly. However, | need to borrow the powers of the ccacodemon to deal with some matters. May | ask that you give me one day's time? | promise to destroy the ccacodemon and not let it bring trouble to your country after the agreed period is over.” There was a slight change in Hayden's expression. “You're planning to let the cacodemon come into the world?” “That's right.” Horrified, Hayden warned, “No! That must not happen! The cacodemon is about to mature. There will be infinite changes once it's born, and that includes the peace of our country. You must not make such a dangerous move!” Jeff understood Hayden's concerns, but he still said, “I'm

sorry, Master Gardner, but | need the cacodemon to save a life. I'l do everything in my power to destroy it once it has served its purpose.” Hayden let out a faint sigh. “As expected, fate is hard to change. Regardless, it still involves the fate of my country, so | have to stop you from continuing with this act of recklessness even if it means fighting you with this crippled body of mine.” The conversation was going nowhere.

Similarly, Jeff said nothing more. He had wanted to collaborate with the other party if the monk was someone easy to talk to. Alas, it seemed impossible at that moment.

“If that's the case, please don't hold back.” With that, Jeff swung his fly-whisk and got into a fighting stance.

Hayden yelled a battle cry, and a sharp glint flashed across his eyes.

Within seconds, the kind monk had turned into a raging fighter.

At the same time, a string of ancient green rosary beads appeared in his hand.

They were called Golden Divine Beads, as each was divine beads polished, tempered, and stained with Hayden's blood. The string of rosary beads contained the mind power Hayden had absorbed, which allowed each bead to have immense power. On top of that, it was linked to Hayden's mind.

Suddenly, Hayden aimed the Golden Divine Beads at Jeff and released them.

All thirty-six beads instantly shot out and flew toward Jeff like thirty-six ferocious-looking explosive projectiles.

The beads moved so fast in the air that they left trails of flames visible to the naked eye.

It was a powerful technique that no weapon could replicate at such a short distance.

All the beads shot toward Jeff in various directions, looking as if they could destroy him at any moment.

Jonathan, Beatrice, and Mabel felt a shiver run down their spines. They could not help but wonder how they should deal with the situation if they were in Jeff's shoes.

However, Jeff did not even bother looking at the incoming beads.

Instead, he twirled his Mutating Fly-Whisk, and soon, he was wrapped in a vortex of silver hairs.

When the vortex was completed, the thirty-six beads were immediately sucked into it.

Aloud sound rang in the air, and the beads broke free from the vortex.

Jeff seized the opportunity to gather all the beads in one place so that the Golden Divine Beads were no longer dispersed in all directions.

Just as the Golden Divine Beads were trying to break free, Jeff brought the fly-whisk down on them violently.

The Golden Divine Beads were scattered, and they shot

into the air in every direction.

Some even flew toward Jonathan and the others to kill them.

Unfortunately, Jonathan and Mabel were unarmed at that moment, and they did not dare to face the beads head-on.

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All they could do was avoid the beads.

Beatrix pulled out her Demon Slayer and swung it at the incoming beads.

Right then, Hayden reached out and all thirty-six beads instantly returned to his hand, reverting to their original state—a string of green rosary beads.

Realizing how powerful Jeff was, Hayden said to the Four Monk Warriors, “Kill Zoe. I'll handle this one.” “Understood, Master Gardner!” the Four Monk Warriors responded and stormed toward Zoe.

In the meantime, the trio waited with bated breath.

Jonathan unleashed his Haemocore and shot a force of nine thousand pounds toward one of the monk warriors.

Although the Divine Master level monk warriors had mana, it was only enough to deal with an ordinary person.

Fighting against a skilled fighter like Jonathan would be a struggle. Level Five Divine Masters were not exactly invincible. They still had to rely on strategies and their combat prowess.

Once a person advanced to Level Five and above, they could use magical items. At that time, their destructive power would only be more terrifying.

Just like Jonathan, Beatrice, and Mabel, if they had fought with Hayden earlier, none of them would have been able to withstand the latter's attacks.

Meanwhile, Mabel was occupied with another monk warrior.

Beatrix's Demon Slayer was incredible. With no hesitation, she attacked the monk warrior with sound waves and made his ears throb in pain.

Following that, she released Demon Slayer to Kill the opponent, who, unfortunately, managed to avoid the attack


Nonetheless, Beatrix had already charged at the monk warrior.

With a bang, she successfully eliminated him.

The fact that she owned a magical item like Demon Slayer meant that she was superior to the others.

However, she had yet to fully master the art of controlling Demon Slayer. If Richard were the one using it, all four of the monk warriors would have been dead long ago.

In the meantime, the fourth monk warrior charged toward the car. Just as he arrived before it, Beatrix's Demon Slayer flew toward him from behind.

Stunned, the monk warrior immediately dodged it. But unfortunately for him, Beatrix lunged forward and fought him.

After retrieving Demon Slayer, Beatrix unleashed its power and made a swift attack.

It did not take long for her to cut off his head.

Beatrix had performed greatly that day.

Jonathan's life, however, was in danger as he fought against the monk warrior. After all, there was still a huge gap between their cultivation levels.

Just then, Beatrix arrived and killed the opponent with one move.

When that was done, the duo hurried over to help Mabel.

Soon, the last monk warrior was eliminated as well.

The Four Monk Warriors died in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, the fight between Hayden and Jeff was at its peak.

With Hayden controlling them, the thirty-six Golden Divine Beads attacked Jeff non-stop.

At the same time, Jeff kept transforming his fly-whisk, for he had no intentions of going easy on Hayden.

Occasionally, he would counterattack with the three thousand silver hairs.

The silver hairs would transform into infinitely long strands and wrap tightly around Hayden.

Alas, Hayden's hands were linked to the seals, which allowed him to have infinite mana to free himself.

It seemed impossible for Jeff to take Hayden down.

Noting that, the trio exchanged glances and went over to attack Hayden.

There was finally a change in Hayden's countenance.

“You're a dead man, Master Gardner!” Jonathan roared, throwing a fist at Hayden from the back.

Mabel, too, struck at the opponent.

Seeing that, Hayden hurriedly shot out both hands to counterattack.

Right then, Beatrix's sword pierced through Hayden's throat.