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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 322
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Chapter 322 Crisis

No matter how competent a person may be, they would inevitably be left helpless and powerless in

certain situations.

There were times when Mabel felt powerless when she was in Celestial Soul, and there were also

times when she felt the same when she was in Level One of Divine Master. Even though she was

currently a Level Eight Divine Master and was considered an eminent being in the world, there were

still some things that rendered her helpless. Right now, she felt completely powerless as she watched

everything unfold before her.

Ryan and Richie had come to a stop before the cacodemon. They despised the cacodemon and

naturally wouldn't spare its life. At the same time, Ryan whipped out a glinting army knife and told

Richie to hold the cacodemon's head.

The army knife aimed straight for the cacodemon's neck.

Crack! The army knife shattered but failed to penetrate the cacodemon's neck.

Ryan and Richie paled visibly. Ryan was grabbing the cacodemon's neck, while Richie was holding the

cacodemon's body. Following that, Ryan twisted the cacodemon's neck, intending to snap it into half.

Mabel's eyes grew wide and intense with rage, yet there was nothing she could do. Her brain was

severely injured, and she needed time to recover. Ephraim kept an eye on Mabel so she couldn't take


Hence, Mabel could only watch helplessly. She turned to look at Jonathan, who was still unconscious.

It is fortunate that Jonathan won't be witnessing this situation. If he were still awake, it would be a

devastating sight for him to bear.

Right then, something out of the ordinary happened.

Ryan and Richie were about to join forces to snap the cacodemon's neck as it whined in anguish.

No matter how much force they exerted, they still couldn't break the cacodemon's neck. The

cacodemon's neck was twisted at an unnatural angle. Its features were distorted to an alarming degree

as its eyes bulged wildly from its sockets. It was a gory sight to behold.

Right then, the cacodemon's cells started mutating again. The creature's previously dull, lifeless eyes

suddenly glowed a fierce crimson red. Its body was now engulfed in a deep, burning red hue as

demonic energy surged out.

On the outside, it looked as if an internal flame was burning within the creature's body. The intense

heat seemed to be consuming everything in its sight as everyone could already see the internal organs

of the cacodemon being engulfed in the fire.

Ryan and Richie were exceptionally powerful as they could easily crush iron and steel with their bare

hands. Alas, even they couldn't snap the cacodemon's neck despite combining their strength.

Mabel gazed at the cacodemon intently, hoping that a miracle would happen.

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“Stop!” the Great Sun Lama shouted as his expression turned dark.

Hearing that, Ryan and Richie immediately dropped the cacodemon and gave the Great Sun Lama a

confused look.

Ephraim also shot the Great Sun Lama a baffled look. “What's wrong, Lama?”

The Great Sun Lama replied sternly, “This creature is unlike any I have ever seen. It changes and

evolves in response to force. The more you try to subdue it, the faster it mutates.”

It was a strange yet understandable situation.

Humans were able to grow and mature more quickly when faced with difficult circumstances.

Fish could breathe in the water, and birds could fly in the sky. These creatures had adapted in ways

that allowed them to survive in their respective environments.

In other words, the cacodemon was continuously evolving.

When the environment it was in became harsh and uninhabitable, its body would begin to undergo

changes in order to adapt and survive, a process commonly known as evolution.

Its cells would mutate to allow the evolution.

The Great Sun Lama was filled with dread as he was worried that trying to slay the cacodemon any

further would only serve to strengthen and empower it, allowing it to evolve into an even more

formidable presence.

Hearing his words, Ryan and Richie realized he was right. Ephraim's expression turned grim. “Lama,

what do you think we should do now?”

The Great Sun Lama responded solemnly, “This beast is a formidable presence, and I don't think I

possess the necessary strength to get rid of it. I believe our best option would be to bring it back to

Mapleton, where my senior can take on the task of dealing with it.”

Ephraim agreed. “Let's do that, then.” He paused before glancing at Mabel and the unconscious

Jonathan. “What about them?”

The Great Sun Lama replied, “That's the Roper brothers business. The Ropers represent the

government, while these two are closely related to Chanaea's Department of National Security. I can't

decide their fate. Ryan, Richie, do exercise caution when dealing with them in order to avoid an

international dispute.”

The Ropers swept their gazes over Mabel and Jonathan. As the elder brother, Ryan exuded a sense of

maturity. He declared, “Let's leave with the cacodemon. We can leave these two here.”

The Great Sun Lama nodded. “Good. Let's do that.”

Their way of doing things was straightforward without a single bit of hesitation. Having made up their

minds, they swiftly left with the cacodemon.

Previously, they came here on two private helicopters, which were hidden somewhere.

Soon, the group boarded the helicopters and began their journey to Mapleton, Thymion.

As darkness descended, the inky blackness of the forest was made even more pronounced. Even the

slightest glimmer of moonlight was unable to penetrate the dense foliage, making the night even darker

than it already was.

Time ticked past slowly, but Jonathan was still in a coma.

Mabel sat cross-legged, unleashing a force field that spread outward for a radius of ten meters,

encapsulating them both in a protective barrier.

Within the ten-meter radius, any snakes, insects, rats, ants, or beasts dared not come any closer as

her force was too intimidating.

Without Mabel's protection, Jonathan would've been eaten by wild beasts by now.

Mabel then shut her eyes. Her brain had suffered extensive damage, and as a result, she was now

employing a technique to help her stay calm so that the mana in her brain could be used to alleviate

the injury caused by Ephraim.

His spiritual wave attack was akin to a scarlet stain seeping into an otherwise clear, colorless pool.

Mabel was currently doing her best to refine the red stain so her brain could return to its colorless state.

For example, if it was Lance, the Emperor of Chanaea, who had attacked Mabel, then her mind would

turn completely red instantly. No matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't be able to recover completely.

In fact, she would die on the spot!

However, Ephraim wasn't that capable.

Dawn finally arrived, and sunlight seeped into the dense forest.

The sun slowly rose, ushering in the new day and banishing the darkness from the night before.

Mabel finally recovered from the injury caused by Ephraim's spiritual wave attack the night before. Her

brain was back to its initial pure state.

Her vital energy was restored to its normal, healthy level.

Mabel immediately went over to Jonathan, who had been unconscious for several hours. She couldn't

help but worry, for as far as she remembered, he had always been so carefree and vigorous. It was

rare to see him in such a state. Mabel couldn't even begin to imagine what she would do if he had

indeed landed in trouble.

Fortunately, she had grown stronger over time and was able to remain composed in difficult situations.

Stretching a lone finger out, she pressed on Jonathan's forehead.

She then channeled her mana to Jonathan's brain through her finger.

The strange situation could be likened to two people having a USB cable connecting their brains.

Mabel instantly sensed Jonathan's current situation.

There was only a small spot of red stain in Mabel's brain earlier, but Jonathan's brain was much more

heavily affected, with three-quarters being stained a deep red.

Ephraim's spiritual wave was in control of Jonathan's brain. Jonathan's consciousness was intact, but

he couldn't defeat Ephraim's spiritual wave. That was the reason he remained unconscious.

Mabel's face paled as she couldn't do anything to help him. She could refine Ephraim's spiritual wave

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in her brain but couldn't do the same for Jonathan.

At that moment, Mabel finally knew how it felt to be overwhelmed by anxiety.

The cacodemon was brought back to Mapleton where its fate remained unknown, while Jonathan was

still out cold.

Back then, Mabel had Infant King's mana within her brain. Even Richard wasn't able to help her refine

its mana.

Naturally, Mabel also did not possess the necessary abilities to assist Jonathan in refining Ephraim's

spiritual wave.

The mysteries of the human brain were so intricate and vast that they could not be tampered with in

any way. Its complexity was extraordinary and impossible to fully comprehend.

Mabel was afraid that she would affect Jonathan's brain structure if she were to enter his brain by force.

Under such circumstances, she had no choice but to bring Jonathan to the helicopter and headed back

to Yaleview.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Mabel brought Jonathan to visit Jeff in a rush.

Jeff was mostly to blame for this matter, but Mabel had also interfered in it. Thus, they couldn't really

blame each other.

Mabel did not say much as she arrived at the underground base of Pearl Building.

Jonathan was carefully placed onto a bed as Mabel asked Jeff, “Is there any way to save Jonathan?”

Jeff explained, “Jonathan's condition is better than yours. Previously, you were in danger as Infant

King's primordial spirit was still alive. This time around, Jonathan was struggling with the consequences

of the Reverend Nightingale's lingering spiritual wave. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate it and

restore Jonathan to full health.”

Hearing that, Mabel heaved a sigh of relief. “Hurry, save Jonathan now.”

Jeff merely flashed a bitter smile. “I can't save him as I'm only one level higher than you. I'm as

helpless as you are.”

Mabel's expression turned dark. “What do you mean by that?”

She was livid and had been making a concerted effort to remain composed and tolerant toward Jeff.

If she were to stand in Jeff's shoes, she would agree with Jeff's decision. However, that didn't stop

Mabel from boiling with anger. After all, it was all Jeff's fault that had resulted in the cacodemon and

Jonathan being in this unfortunate predicament.

Jeff was older than Mabel and could naturally understand her fury. He told her, “Jonathan is a

vegetable now, and he must find a way to wake himself up. He's the only one who can defeat

Reverend Nightingale's spiritual wave. No one else can help him do so.”

Mabel frowned slightly. “How long do we have to wait?”

Jeff revealed, “You can try communicating with his brain and see if you can arouse his consciousness.”

After a pause, he added, “Alternatively, you can try getting someone close to him to wake him up. The

stronger his consciousness gets, the weaker Reverend Nightingale's spiritual wave becomes.”

Mabel repeated, “Someone close to Jonathan?” She started racking her brains to find out who it was.

His wife?

The daughter of the Harrington family, Catherine sprang to mind.