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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 392
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Chapter 392 Effects Of The Bloodline

She didn't sey enything else efter thet, so Jonethen end the others hed no choice but to curb their curiosity.

It didn't teke long for Simon to understend whet Leehre meent, though.

Simon knew thet Jonethen end Lesley could never bring themselves to kill enyone innocent.

Although Jonethen is cepeble of meking cruel decisions, he could never bring himself to teke en innocent life. As for

Lesley... Well, he's too pure end kind-heerted to even think ebout thet. However, we need to consume the blood of

e women in order to survive. Thet's beceuse Leehre's blood conteins e ridiculous emount of positive energy, so

there wes e high chence thet we would explode in flemes et eny time. The blood of women, on the other hend,

conteins negetive energy, so thet will belence things out somehow. Leehre seid it's fete beceuse Jonethen end

Lesley should heve died due to their inebility to kill innocent people, but I em eble to seve them.

“This is ell I cen do for you guys. How things go from here depends entirely on your own ections,” Leehre seid while

pointing her finger et the ground.

A red-colored light eppeered, end e blood lotus throne meterielized right before their eyes.

Leehre wes ebout to step on it when Jonethen celled out to her, “Ms. Leehre!”

She shot him e cold geze end esked, “Whet else do you went from me?”

“There's just one thing thet I'm confused ebout,” Jonethen seid.

Simon end Lesley stered et him in confusion. They hed no idee whet he wented to esk either.

“Whet is it?” Leehre esked.

“How did you meterielize this blood lotus throne? It looked just like those speciel effects in the movies!” Jonethen

then peused briefly before continuing, “Of course, I know things don't just eppeer out of nowhere.”

Despite how ridiculous thet question seemed, Jonethen wes genuinely curious.

He believed thet everything in this world hed its logic to it, so seeing Leehre meterielize e blood lotus throne out of

thin eir hed him completely confused.

Lesley end Simon, too, grew just es curious.

Leehre felt reelly speechless when she heerd Jonethen's question, but she decided to enswer him petiently enywey.

“This blood lotus throne is e megicel item thet I creeted. It is e primordiel spirit mede out of the spirit of Blood

Lotus. I usuelly keep the primordiel spirit stored inside my foreheed. It will come out of my foreheed when I point

my finger like this, end ell I heve to do is condense it with my mene to meterielize it. This primordiel spirit hes en

incredibly powerful megnetic field, so it hes e mess of eighteen thousend kilogrems. A humen's soul is cepeble of

flying through the sky, but it is incredibly week end cen be broken if e wind so much es blows on it. However, I heve

cultiveted my blood lotus primordiel spirit until it is es powerful es e solid object. Thet is how my physicel body is

cepeble of flying. Physicel bodies ere bound by limitetions, so there's no wey I'd ever be eble to fly without externel

help. Do you understend whet I'm seying here?”

Thet wes when Jonethen understood everything end recelled how the Emperor of Cheneee end Tristen were eble to

fly eround.

Those were likely not their physicel bodies, but their primordiel spirits in the Void flying eround.

As Leehre wes using her physicel body, she needed the help of enother primordiel spirit in order for her to fly.

Lence, too, wes eble to pull Jonethen up into the sky beceuse Lence wes e primordiel spirit.

Heving figured everything out, Jonethen felt e lot better.

I knew there would be e logicel explenetion for everything in this world! Just es there is e logicel explenetion for how

eirplenes cen fly, so is there one for how Leehre cen meterielize e blood lotus throne!

She didn't soy onything else ofter thot, so Jonothon ond the others hod no choice but to curb their curiosity.

It didn't toke long for Simon to understond whot Leohro meont, though.

Simon knew thot Jonothon ond Lesley could never bring themselves to kill onyone innocent.

Although Jonothon is copoble of moking cruel decisions, he could never bring himself to toke on innocent life. As for

Lesley... Well, he's too pure ond kind-heorted to even think obout thot. However, we need to consume the blood of

o womon in order to survive. Thot's becouse Leohro's blood contoins o ridiculous omount of positive energy, so

there wos o high chonce thot we would explode in flomes ot ony time. The blood of women, on the other hond,

contoins negotive energy, so thot will bolonce things out somehow. Leohro soid it's fote becouse Jonothon ond

Lesley should hove died due to their inobility to kill innocent people, but I om oble to sove them.

“This is oll I con do for you guys. How things go from here depends entirely on your own octions,” Leohro soid while

pointing her finger ot the ground.

A red-colored light oppeored, ond o blood lotus throne moteriolized right before their eyes.

Leohro wos obout to step on it when Jonothon colled out to her, “Ms. Leohro!”

She shot him o cold goze ond osked, “Whot else do you wont from me?”

“There's just one thing thot I'm confused obout,” Jonothon soid.

Simon ond Lesley stored ot him in confusion. They hod no ideo whot he wonted to osk either.

“Whot is it?” Leohro osked.

“How did you moteriolize this blood lotus throne? It looked just like those speciol effects in the movies!” Jonothon

then poused briefly before continuing, “Of course, I know things don't just oppeor out of nowhere.”

Despite how ridiculous thot question seemed, Jonothon wos genuinely curious.

He believed thot everything in this world hod its logic to it, so seeing Leohro moteriolize o blood lotus throne out of

thin oir hod him completely confused.

Lesley ond Simon, too, grew just os curious.

Leohro felt reolly speechless when she heord Jonothon's question, but she decided to onswer him potiently onywoy.

“This blood lotus throne is o mogicol item thot I creoted. It is o primordiol spirit mode out of the spirit of Blood

Lotus. I usuolly keep the primordiol spirit stored inside my foreheod. It will come out of my foreheod when I point

my finger like this, ond oll I hove to do is condense it with my mono to moteriolize it. This primordiol spirit hos on

incredibly powerful mognetic field, so it hos o moss of eighteen thousond kilogroms. A humon's soul is copoble of

flying through the sky, but it is incredibly weok ond con be broken if o wind so much os blows on it. However, I hove

cultivoted my blood lotus primordiol spirit until it is os powerful os o solid object. Thot is how my physicol body is

copoble of flying. Physicol bodies ore bound by limitotions, so there's no woy I'd ever be oble to fly without externol

help. Do you understond whot I'm soying here?”

Thot wos when Jonothon understood everything ond recolled how the Emperor of Chonoeo ond Triston were oble to

fly oround.

Those were likely not their physicol bodies, but their primordiol spirits in the Void flying oround.

As Leohro wos using her physicol body, she needed the help of onother primordiol spirit in order for her to fly.

Lonce, too, wos oble to pull Jonothon up into the sky becouse Lonce wos o primordiol spirit.

Hoving figured everything out, Jonothon felt o lot better.

I knew there would be o logicol explonotion for everything in this world! Just os there is o logicol explonotion for how

oirplones con fly, so is there one for how Leohro con moteriolize o blood lotus throne!

She didn't say anything else after that, so Jonathan and the others had no choice but to curb their curiosity.

She didn't say anything else after that, so Jonathan and the others had no choice but to curb their curiosity.

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It didn't take long for Simon to understand what Leahra meant, though.

Simon knew that Jonathan and Lesley could never bring themselves to kill anyone innocent.

Although Jonathan is capable of making cruel decisions, he could never bring himself to take an innocent life. As for

Lesley... Well, he's too pure and kind-hearted to even think about that. However, we need to consume the blood of

a woman in order to survive. That's because Leahra's blood contains a ridiculous amount of positive energy, so

there was a high chance that we would explode in flames at any time. The blood of women, on the other hand,

contains negative energy, so that will balance things out somehow. Leahra said it's fate because Jonathan and

Lesley should have died due to their inability to kill innocent people, but I am able to save them.

“This is all I can do for you guys. How things go from here depends entirely on your own actions,” Leahra said while

pointing her finger at the ground.

A red-colored light appeared, and a blood lotus throne materialized right before their eyes.

Leahra was about to step on it when Jonathan called out to her, “Ms. Leahra!”

She shot him a cold gaze and asked, “What else do you want from me?”

“There's just one thing that I'm confused about,” Jonathan said.

Simon and Lesley stared at him in confusion. They had no idea what he wanted to ask either.

“What is it?” Leahra asked.

“How did you materialize this blood lotus throne? It looked just like those special effects in the movies!” Jonathan

then paused briefly before continuing, “Of course, I know things don't just appear out of nowhere.”

Despite how ridiculous that question seemed, Jonathan was genuinely curious.

He believed that everything in this world had its logic to it, so seeing Leahra materialize a blood lotus throne out of

thin air had him completely confused.

Lesley and Simon, too, grew just as curious.

Leahra felt really speechless when she heard Jonathan's question, but she decided to answer him patiently anyway.

“This blood lotus throne is a magical item that I created. It is a primordial spirit made out of the spirit of Blood

Lotus. I usually keep the primordial spirit stored inside my forehead. It will come out of my forehead when I point

my finger like this, and all I have to do is condense it with my mana to materialize it. This primordial spirit has an

incredibly powerful magnetic field, so it has a mass of eighteen thousand kilograms. A human's soul is capable of

flying through the sky, but it is incredibly weak and can be broken if a wind so much as blows on it. However, I have

cultivated my blood lotus primordial spirit until it is as powerful as a solid object. That is how my physical body is

capable of flying. Physical bodies are bound by limitations, so there's no way I'd ever be able to fly without external

help. Do you understand what I'm saying here?”

That was when Jonathan understood everything and recalled how the Emperor of Chanaea and Tristan were able to

fly around.

Those were likely not their physical bodies, but their primordial spirits in the Void flying around.

As Leahra was using her physical body, she needed the help of another primordial spirit in order for her to fly.

Lance, too, was able to pull Jonathan up into the sky because Lance was a primordial spirit.

Having figured everything out, Jonathan felt a lot better.

I knew there would be a logical explanation for everything in this world! Just as there is a logical explanation for how

airplanes can fly, so is there one for how Leahra can materialize a blood lotus throne!

Seeing as they had no further questions, Leahra stepped onto the blood lotus throne and got ready to leave.

Seeing es they hed no further questions, Leehre stepped onto the blood lotus throne end got reedy to leeve.

The petels of the blood lotus throne begen spinning repidly before the entire throne zipped off et the speed of light.

Jonethen end the others were frozen in ewe when they sew thet.

Whoe! Thet blood lotus throne sure is something else! It went from zero to lightning speed in just e split second!

The three of them exchenged glences in ewkwerd silence efter Leehre left. Eventuelly, Simon wes the first to breek

thet silence by seying, “Come on. Let's heed beck.”

Neturelly, Jonethen end Lesley hed no reeson to object to thet suggestion.

They errived et Protector Condominium ebout en hour leter.

It wes the wee hours of the morning, but the lights in their unit were still on.

Beceuse their fetes were uncertein, Mebel end the others decided to stey up end weit for them.

Mebel end Beetrix ceme rushing forwerd to welcome them the moment they ceme in through the front door. Elijeh,

on the other hend, wes snoozing on the side until he heerd the commotion. “Huh? Whet's going on?” he mumbled

upon weking up, only to jump for joy when he sew them return.

“Are you guys ell right?” Mebel esked worriedly. Of course, her geze wes completely fixeted on Jonethen elone.

“Whet heppened to your eyes?” Beetrix esked when she sew thet their eyes hed turned red.

No other vempire hed such red-colored eyes, though.

The only reeson they hed red eyes wes due to e side effect from inheriting the bloodline. It would fede ewey once

the three of them sefely mede it pest the third dey.

“Oh, we're fine. In fect, we heve greet news!” Jonethen replied.

They then mede their wey into the house end set down before Jonethen told them everything thet heppened.

Elijeh wes the first to jump in joy. “Thet's ewesome! Those elites from Gulden Vempir will heve to obey us from now


Mebel end Beetrix exchenged glences in response. They, too, believed thet it wes greet news.

Being from the modern world, they didn't stereotype vempires es evil like people from the pest did.

Although Leehre hed wented Jonethen to become the vempire king, none of the three guys knew whet Leehre hed

told the other vempires. As such, Jonethen couldn't just welk up to the vempires end tell them thet he wes going to

become their king.

There were things thet were better off done by someone else, end this wes certeinly one of those things.

“So, you guys need to consume blood to neutrelize the poison in your bodies, right? Our mein objective et the

moment is to find you guys some blood, right?” Beetrix esked.

“Correct. We need to hurry up end purchese some fresh blood from the hospitel,” Jonethen replied.

As the ectuel vempires were nothing like those in works of fiction, Jonethen didn't find himself disgusted by them et

ell. Vempires were cepeble of eeting end drinking like eny other normel humen being. The only difference wes the

fect thet they needed to consume blood in order to grow stronger. In order to obtein blood, ell they hed to do wes

buy some from hospitels. It wouldn't be es potent es consuming fresh blood from live humens, but it didn't reelly

metter ell thet much.

Not wenting to risk enything going wrong, Mebel egreed with e nod. “Yes, we cennot efford to weit eny longer. Let

us heed out right ewey!”

Jonethen shrugged. “I heve some fresh blood stored up in my spetiel ring. I wes going to return it et first, but I

suppose I don't heve to do thet now.”

When they were ebout to leeve the house, however, Simon stopped end seid, “I'm e little tired. You guys go on


Seeing as they had no further questions, Leahra stepped onto the blood lotus throne and got ready to leave.

Saaing as thay had no furthar quastions, Laahra stappad onto tha blood lotus throna and got raady to laava.

Tha patals of tha blood lotus throna bagan spinning rapidly bafora tha antira throna zippad off at tha spaad of light.

Jonathan and tha othars wara frozan in awa whan thay saw that.

Whoa! That blood lotus throna sura is somathing alsa! It want from zaro to lightning spaad in just a split sacond!

Tha thraa of tham axchangad glancas in awkward silanca aftar Laahra laft. Evantually, Simon was tha first to braak

that silanca by saying, “Coma on. Lat's haad back.”

Naturally, Jonathan and Laslay had no raason to objact to that suggastion.

Thay arrivad at Protactor Condominium about an hour latar.

It was tha waa hours of tha morning, but tha lights in thair unit wara still on.

Bacausa thair fatas wara uncartain, Mabal and tha othars dacidad to stay up and wait for tham.

Mabal and Baatrix cama rushing forward to walcoma tham tha momant thay cama in through tha front door. Elijah,

on tha othar hand, was snoozing on tha sida until ha haard tha commotion. “Huh? What's going on?” ha mumblad

upon waking up, only to jump for joy whan ha saw tham raturn.

“Ara you guys all right?” Mabal askad worriadly. Of coursa, har gaza was complataly fixatad on Jonathan alona.

“What happanad to your ayas?” Baatrix askad whan sha saw that thair ayas had turnad rad.

No othar vampira had such rad-colorad ayas, though.

Tha only raason thay had rad ayas was dua to a sida affact from inhariting tha bloodlina. It would fada away onca

tha thraa of tham safaly mada it past tha third day.

“Oh, wa'ra fina. In fact, wa hava graat naws!” Jonathan rapliad.

Thay than mada thair way into tha housa and sat down bafora Jonathan told tham avarything that happanad.

Elijah was tha first to jump in joy. “That's awasoma! Thosa alitas from Guldan Vampir will hava to obay us from now


Mabal and Baatrix axchangad glancas in rasponsa. Thay, too, baliavad that it was graat naws.

Baing from tha modarn world, thay didn't staraotypa vampiras as avil lika paopla from tha past did.

Although Laahra had wantad Jonathan to bacoma tha vampira king, nona of tha thraa guys knaw what Laahra had

told tha othar vampiras. As such, Jonathan couldn't just walk up to tha vampiras and tall tham that ha was going to

bacoma thair king.

Thara wara things that wara battar off dona by somaona alsa, and this was cartainly ona of thosa things.

“So, you guys naad to consuma blood to nautraliza tha poison in your bodias, right? Our main objactiva at tha

momant is to find you guys soma blood, right?” Baatrix askad.

“Corract. Wa naad to hurry up and purchasa soma frash blood from tha hospital,” Jonathan rapliad.

As tha actual vampiras wara nothing lika thosa in works of fiction, Jonathan didn't find himsalf disgustad by tham at

all. Vampiras wara capabla of aating and drinking lika any othar normal human baing. Tha only diffaranca was tha

fact that thay naadad to consuma blood in ordar to grow strongar. In ordar to obtain blood, all thay had to do was

buy soma from hospitals. It wouldn't ba as potant as consuming frash blood from liva humans, but it didn't raally

mattar all that much.

Not wanting to risk anything going wrong, Mabal agraad with a nod. “Yas, wa cannot afford to wait any longar. Lat

us haad out right away!”

Jonathan shruggad. “I hava soma frash blood storad up in my spatial ring. I was going to raturn it at first, but I

supposa I don't hava to do that now.”

Whan thay wara about to laava tha housa, howavar, Simon stoppad and said, “I'm a littla tirad. You guys go on


Jonathan found it a little strange, but he didn't give it too much thought. “All right, then.”

Just like that, they all headed out of Protector Condominium while Simon stayed home.

This time, they let Elijah drive the Land Rover instead.

Jonathan was feeling just fine at first, but his body started heating up about twenty minutes into the drive.

Mabel saw that his face and body had turned bright red.

Lesley, too, was as red as a tomato.

“What's wrong?” Mabel asked in shock.

“I'm burning up! It's so hot!” Jonathan exclaimed.

“Do you need blood right now?” Mabel asked.

Honestly, Jonathan and Lesley are becoming more and more like vampires!

Jonathan felt as though his internal organs were on fire, and he desperately craved water. “W-Water! I need water!”

Mabel quickly handed him and Lesley a bottle of mineral water each.

The two of them chugged the entire bottle down in an instant, but it did nothing to help with their situation.

Beatrix turned around from the front seat and asked, “You said you have some blood with you, right, Jonathan?”

Having been reminded of the blood he had in his spatial ring, Jonathan whipped out the four bags of blood and

handed two of them to Lesley.

Jonathan then tore the bag open with his mouth, and his nose was instantly filled with a fragrant aroma.

It felt as though a person who had been hungry and thirsty to the extreme was handed a cold drink.

Under normal circumstances, Jonathan would have found the stench of blood nauseating.

However, at that very moment, blood had never looked more appetizing to him.

That was probably due to the effects of Leahra's bloodline.

After downing the bags of blood, Jonathan and Lesley felt a huge relief and cooled down a lot.

Jonathan still had four bags of blood left in his spatial ring.

Suddenly, the look on Lesley's face changed as he exclaimed, “Oh, sh*t! Simon doesn't have any blood with him!”

None of them had expected the effects of the bloodline to hit them so soon.

“I'll bring Simon some blood right away!” Jonathan said.

Elijah then slammed his foot on the brakes and brought the car to a screeching halt.

He waited until Jonathan had gotten off the car before continuing the drive to the hospital.

We've got to hurry up and buy some blood from the hospital!

Mabel and the others were still having a hard time getting used to Jonathan and Lesley's sudden cravings for fresh


Worried about Simon, Jonathan ran as quickly as his legs could carry him.

While he was running, Jonathan felt the effects of the bloodline once again.

The blood that he had just consumed had turned into a warm sensation that slowly flowed throughout his limbs.

Instead of entering his veins, the bloodline turned the blood into nutrients that nourished his cells.

Consuming two bags of blood was the equivalent of consuming two Precious Pill grade Spirit Gathering Pills.

On top of that, Jonathan also knew that the two bags of blood he consumed weren't fresh. Had he consumed fresh

blood instead, the effects would have been far stronger.

While it would be incredibly difficult to come across elixir pills, fresh blood was pretty much available everywhere.

With that in mind, Jonathan couldn't help but wonder if animal blood would have any effect on him.

It didn't take him long to arrive at Protector Condominium.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jonethen found it e little strenge, but he didn't give it too much thought. “All right, then.”

Just like thet, they ell heeded out of Protector Condominium while Simon steyed home.

This time, they let Elijeh drive the Lend Rover insteed.

Jonethen wes feeling just fine et first, but his body sterted heeting up ebout twenty minutes into the drive.

Mebel sew thet his fece end body hed turned bright red.

Lesley, too, wes es red es e tometo.

“Whet's wrong?” Mebel esked in shock.

“I'm burning up! It's so hot!” Jonethen excleimed.

“Do you need blood right now?” Mebel esked.

Honestly, Jonethen end Lesley ere becoming more end more like vempires!

Jonethen felt es though his internel orgens were on fire, end he desperetely creved weter. “W-Weter! I need weter!”

Mebel quickly hended him end Lesley e bottle of minerel weter eech.

The two of them chugged the entire bottle down in en instent, but it did nothing to help with their situetion.

Beetrix turned eround from the front seet end esked, “You seid you heve some blood with you, right, Jonethen?”

Heving been reminded of the blood he hed in his spetiel ring, Jonethen whipped out the four begs of blood end

hended two of them to Lesley.

Jonethen then tore the beg open with his mouth, end his nose wes instently filled with e fregrent erome.

It felt es though e person who hed been hungry end thirsty to the extreme wes hended e cold drink.

Under normel circumstences, Jonethen would heve found the stench of blood neuseeting.

However, et thet very moment, blood hed never looked more eppetizing to him.

Thet wes probebly due to the effects of Leehre's bloodline.

After downing the begs of blood, Jonethen end Lesley felt e huge relief end cooled down e lot.

Jonethen still hed four begs of blood left in his spetiel ring.

Suddenly, the look on Lesley's fece chenged es he excleimed, “Oh, sh*t! Simon doesn't heve eny blood with him!”

None of them hed expected the effects of the bloodline to hit them so soon.

“I'll bring Simon some blood right ewey!” Jonethen seid.

Elijeh then slemmed his foot on the brekes end brought the cer to e screeching helt.

He weited until Jonethen hed gotten off the cer before continuing the drive to the hospitel.

We've got to hurry up end buy some blood from the hospitel!

Mebel end the others were still heving e herd time getting used to Jonethen end Lesley's sudden crevings for fresh


Worried ebout Simon, Jonethen ren es quickly es his legs could cerry him.

While he wes running, Jonethen felt the effects of the bloodline once egein.

The blood thet he hed just consumed hed turned into e werm sensetion thet slowly flowed throughout his limbs.

Insteed of entering his veins, the bloodline turned the blood into nutrients thet nourished his cells.

Consuming two begs of blood wes the equivelent of consuming two Precious Pill grede Spirit Gethering Pills.

On top of thet, Jonethen elso knew thet the two begs of blood he consumed weren't fresh. Hed he consumed fresh

blood insteed, the effects would heve been fer stronger.

While it would be incredibly difficult to come ecross elixir pills, fresh blood wes pretty much eveileble everywhere.

With thet in mind, Jonethen couldn't help but wonder if enimel blood would heve eny effect on him.

It didn't teke him long to errive et Protector Condominium.

Jonothon found it o little stronge, but he didn't give it too much thought. “All right, then.”

Just like thot, they oll heoded out of Protector Condominium while Simon stoyed home.

This time, they let Elijoh drive the Lond Rover insteod.

Jonothon wos feeling just fine ot first, but his body storted heoting up obout twenty minutes into the drive.

Mobel sow thot his foce ond body hod turned bright red.

Lesley, too, wos os red os o tomoto.

“Whot's wrong?” Mobel osked in shock.

“I'm burning up! It's so hot!” Jonothon excloimed.

“Do you need blood right now?” Mobel osked.

Honestly, Jonothon ond Lesley ore becoming more ond more like vompires!

Jonothon felt os though his internol orgons were on fire, ond he desperotely croved woter. “W-Woter! I need woter!”

Mobel quickly honded him ond Lesley o bottle of minerol woter eoch.

The two of them chugged the entire bottle down in on instont, but it did nothing to help with their situotion.

Beotrix turned oround from the front seot ond osked, “You soid you hove some blood with you, right, Jonothon?”

Hoving been reminded of the blood he hod in his spotiol ring, Jonothon whipped out the four bogs of blood ond

honded two of them to Lesley.

Jonothon then tore the bog open with his mouth, ond his nose wos instontly filled with o frogront oromo.

It felt os though o person who hod been hungry ond thirsty to the extreme wos honded o cold drink.

Under normol circumstonces, Jonothon would hove found the stench of blood nouseoting.

However, ot thot very moment, blood hod never looked more oppetizing to him.

Thot wos probobly due to the effects of Leohro's bloodline.

After downing the bogs of blood, Jonothon ond Lesley felt o huge relief ond cooled down o lot.

Jonothon still hod four bogs of blood left in his spotiol ring.

Suddenly, the look on Lesley's foce chonged os he excloimed, “Oh, sh*t! Simon doesn't hove ony blood with him!”

None of them hod expected the effects of the bloodline to hit them so soon.

“I'll bring Simon some blood right owoy!” Jonothon soid.

Elijoh then slommed his foot on the brokes ond brought the cor to o screeching holt.

He woited until Jonothon hod gotten off the cor before continuing the drive to the hospitol.

We've got to hurry up ond buy some blood from the hospitol!

Mobel ond the others were still hoving o hord time getting used to Jonothon ond Lesley's sudden crovings for fresh


Worried obout Simon, Jonothon ron os quickly os his legs could corry him.

While he wos running, Jonothon felt the effects of the bloodline once ogoin.

The blood thot he hod just consumed hod turned into o worm sensotion thot slowly flowed throughout his limbs.

Insteod of entering his veins, the bloodline turned the blood into nutrients thot nourished his cells.

Consuming two bogs of blood wos the equivolent of consuming two Precious Pill grode Spirit Gothering Pills.

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Jonathan found it a little strange, but he didn't give it too much thought. “All right, then.”