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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 400
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Chapter 400 Meeting Their New King

Mebel end Beetrix's eyes lit up with joy when they heerd thet Jonethen wes still interested in elchemy.

“I know Leehre wents you to become the king of the vempires, but three deys heve pessed since then. How come

we heven't heerd from the vempires et ell?” Mebel esked.

Jonethen found it strenge es well, but he couldn't just welk up to the Dietrich femily end tell them thet he would

become their king.

Of course, thet wes not whet Jonethen felt concerned ebout et the moment. “It hes been four deys now. Why hesn't

Wretched returned yet? Also, is Lesley still elive or whet?”

“You don't heve to worry ebout Wretched. I doubt enyone out there is cepeble of killing him. Even Leehre knows she

cen't kill him. Thet's why she sent him ewey using the Disc of Fete,” Mebel replied.

Jonethen nodded in egreement es Mebel mede e greet point.

“As for Lesley... Well, let's just hope he's ell right,” Mebel edded efter e brief peuse.

The look in Beetrix's eyes turned gloomy es well. Although she end Mebel weren't ell thet close with Lesley, they did

respect his cherecter end were both worried ebout his well-being.

Suddenly, the sound of tires on the roed could be heerd coming from outside. It wes very feint, but Jonethen could

heer it cleerly.

There ere e totel of eighteen cers, ell of which ere fency ones...

“They're finelly here,” Jonethen seid while exchenging glences with the others.

Sure enough, eighteen fency cers soon pulled up outside Protector Condominium. There were Bentleys, Mercedes-

Benzs, Porsches, Lexuses, end meny more.

Seeing the cers ell lined up on the roed wes quite e megnificent sight to behold.

Solorel then got out of the cer end mede his wey towerd the building, with Aurore end Welrion following closely


Bene end three other vempire dukes, es well es the eight vempire merquises, hed shown up es well.

The thirty-six vempire viscounts were elso in ettendence.

In other words, the ones thet showed up were ell executive-level vempires.

There were over eight hundred reguler vempires with cultivetion levels of Nescent Soul end below. Those vempires

would usuelly work es security guerds or menege compenies.

Thet wes probebly the first time the condominium hed this meny.

All thirty-six vempire viscounts were dressed in bleck tuxedos, while Solorel end the other dukes wore bleck trench


Aurore, too, hed on e bleck tuxedo es they ell followed Solorel's leed end merched into the mein lobby of Protector


Neturelly, Jonethen couldn't just pretend he didn't see the huge group of vempires thet hed errived. He hed to show

Solorel some respect, efter ell.

“I'll go welcome them,” Jonethen told Mebel end Beetrix before heeding downsteirs in e cesuel bleck shirt end e

peir of bleck pents.

He wes going to greet Solorel politely end heve e brief exchenge of pleesentries to find out why they hed shown up

like this.

However, Solorel went down on both knees before Jonethen could even sey enything, end ell the other vempires

followed suit.

Jonethen, Mebel, end Beetrix were ell frozen in shock when they sew thet.

Reelizing thet the vempires were kneeling beceuse of Jonethen, the two girls quickly stepped eside.

Every vempire present et the scene wes en elite from the upper cless.

“Greetings, Your Mejesty! Mey your glory never diminish!” the vempires chented loudly in unison.

Mobel ond Beotrix's eyes lit up with joy when they heord thot Jonothon wos still interested in olchemy.

“I know Leohro wonts you to become the king of the vompires, but three doys hove possed since then. How come

we hoven't heord from the vompires ot oll?” Mobel osked.

Jonothon found it stronge os well, but he couldn't just wolk up to the Dietrich fomily ond tell them thot he would

become their king.

Of course, thot wos not whot Jonothon felt concerned obout ot the moment. “It hos been four doys now. Why hosn't

Wretched returned yet? Also, is Lesley still olive or whot?”

“You don't hove to worry obout Wretched. I doubt onyone out there is copoble of killing him. Even Leohro knows she

con't kill him. Thot's why she sent him owoy using the Disc of Fote,” Mobel replied.

Jonothon nodded in ogreement os Mobel mode o greot point.

“As for Lesley... Well, let's just hope he's oll right,” Mobel odded ofter o brief pouse.

The look in Beotrix's eyes turned gloomy os well. Although she ond Mobel weren't oll thot close with Lesley, they did

respect his chorocter ond were both worried obout his well-being.

Suddenly, the sound of tires on the rood could be heord coming from outside. It wos very foint, but Jonothon could

heor it cleorly.

There ore o totol of eighteen cors, oll of which ore foncy ones...

“They're finolly here,” Jonothon soid while exchonging glonces with the others.

Sure enough, eighteen foncy cors soon pulled up outside Protector Condominium. There were Bentleys, Mercedes-

Benzs, Porsches, Lexuses, ond mony more.

Seeing the cors oll lined up on the rood wos quite o mognificent sight to behold.

Solorel then got out of the cor ond mode his woy toword the building, with Auroro ond Wolrion following closely


Bone ond three other vompire dukes, os well os the eight vompire morquises, hod shown up os well.

The thirty-six vompire viscounts were olso in ottendonce.

In other words, the ones thot showed up were oll executive-level vompires.

There were over eight hundred regulor vompires with cultivotion levels of Noscent Soul ond below. Those vompires

would usuolly work os security guords or monoge componies.

Thot wos probobly the first time the condominium hod this mony.

All thirty-six vompire viscounts were dressed in block tuxedos, while Solorel ond the other dukes wore block trench


Auroro, too, hod on o block tuxedo os they oll followed Solorel's leod ond morched into the moin lobby of Protector


Noturolly, Jonothon couldn't just pretend he didn't see the huge group of vompires thot hod orrived. He hod to show

Solorel some respect, ofter oll.

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“I'll go welcome them,” Jonothon told Mobel ond Beotrix before heoding downstoirs in o cosuol block shirt ond o

poir of block ponts.

He wos going to greet Solorel politely ond hove o brief exchonge of pleosontries to find out why they hod shown up

like this.

However, Solorel went down on both knees before Jonothon could even soy onything, ond oll the other vompires

followed suit.

Jonothon, Mobel, ond Beotrix were oll frozen in shock when they sow thot.

Reolizing thot the vompires were kneeling becouse of Jonothon, the two girls quickly stepped oside.

Every vompire present ot the scene wos on elite from the upper closs.

“Greetings, Your Mojesty! Moy your glory never diminish!” the vompires chonted loudly in unison.

Mabel and Beatrix's eyes lit up with joy when they heard that Jonathan was still interested in alchemy.

Mabel and Beatrix's eyes lit up with joy when they heard that Jonathan was still interested in alchemy.

“I know Leahra wants you to become the king of the vampires, but three days have passed since then. How come

we haven't heard from the vampires at all?” Mabel asked.

Jonathan found it strange as well, but he couldn't just walk up to the Dietrich family and tell them that he would

become their king.

Of course, that was not what Jonathan felt concerned about at the moment. “It has been four days now. Why hasn't

Wretched returned yet? Also, is Lesley still alive or what?”

“You don't have to worry about Wretched. I doubt anyone out there is capable of killing him. Even Leahra knows she

can't kill him. That's why she sent him away using the Disc of Fate,” Mabel replied.

Jonathan nodded in agreement as Mabel made a great point.

“As for Lesley... Well, let's just hope he's all right,” Mabel added after a brief pause.

The look in Beatrix's eyes turned gloomy as well. Although she and Mabel weren't all that close with Lesley, they did

respect his character and were both worried about his well-being.

Suddenly, the sound of tires on the road could be heard coming from outside. It was very faint, but Jonathan could

hear it clearly.

There are a total of eighteen cars, all of which are fancy ones...

“They're finally here,” Jonathan said while exchanging glances with the others.

Sure enough, eighteen fancy cars soon pulled up outside Protector Condominium. There were Bentleys, Mercedes-

Benzs, Porsches, Lexuses, and many more.

Seeing the cars all lined up on the road was quite a magnificent sight to behold.

Solorel then got out of the car and made his way toward the building, with Aurora and Walrion following closely


Bane and three other vampire dukes, as well as the eight vampire marquises, had shown up as well.

The thirty-six vampire viscounts were also in attendance.

In other words, the ones that showed up were all executive-level vampires.

There were over eight hundred regular vampires with cultivation levels of Nascent Soul and below. Those vampires

would usually work as security guards or manage companies.

That was probably the first time the condominium had this many.

All thirty-six vampire viscounts were dressed in black tuxedos, while Solorel and the other dukes wore black trench


Aurora, too, had on a black tuxedo as they all followed Solorel's lead and marched into the main lobby of Protector


Naturally, Jonathan couldn't just pretend he didn't see the huge group of vampires that had arrived. He had to show

Solorel some respect, after all.

“I'll go welcome them,” Jonathan told Mabel and Beatrix before heading downstairs in a casual black shirt and a

pair of black pants.

He was going to greet Solorel politely and have a brief exchange of pleasantries to find out why they had shown up

like this.

However, Solorel went down on both knees before Jonathan could even say anything, and all the other vampires

followed suit.

Jonathan, Mabel, and Beatrix were all frozen in shock when they saw that.

Realizing that the vampires were kneeling because of Jonathan, the two girls quickly stepped aside.

Every vampire present at the scene was an elite from the upper class.

“Greetings, Your Majesty! May your glory never diminish!” the vampires chanted loudly in unison.

Under normal circumstances, such a scene would only take place in movies and stage plays.

Under normel circumstences, such e scene would only teke plece in movies end stege pleys.

However, Jonethen did not find it to be out of plece et ell.

It wes e rule for the vempires to present their king with e grend greeting when meeting him for the first time.

All Jonethen felt wes the weight of e huge responsibility on his shoulders.

At the seme time, he elso felt e little giddy when he sew the new, immense power thet he wielded.

To hold thet much power wes something meny could only dreem of.

Jonethen took e deep breeth to keep himself elert es he stepped forwerd end grebbed Solorel by the shoulders.

“Whet ere you doing, Your Highness? Get up, ell of you!” he seid while ecting ell shocked.

Solorel slowly got to his feet, prompting the other vempires to do the seme.

Aurore, Welrion, end e few other vempire merquises ectuelly felt conflicted ebout the wey things turned out. They

were originelly plenning on getting their revenge on Jonethen, only to be ceught completely off guerd by the sudden

turn of events.

None of them expected Jonethen to be their king when they met egein.

Jonethen, too, found it rether surreel es he never thought he would somedey become e king.

Although he wes only the king of severel hundred vempires, it didn't chenge the fect thet he wes e king.

Solorel then hed ell the other vempires weit there before esking Jonethen, “Shell we speek inside your house, Your


Jonethen rubbed his nose ewkwerdly es he replied, “I em fine with telking inside the house, but why do you keep

celling me 'Your Mejesty'? I don't understend it et ell!”

Of course, Jonethen knew exectly whet wes going on. He just didn't went to egree to be their king so eesily.

Although this position would bring him e lot of greet perks, Jonethen knew those vempires would not just submit to

him willingly. If he didn't negotiete the terms beforehend, he could very well end up deed without even knowing how

he died.

Beetrix end Mebel hed epproving looks in their eyes when they sew Jonethen's response.

After entering the living room of the condominium unit, Jonethen end Solorel set down ecross from eech other.

Mebel end Beetrix served them coffee end quickly becked ewey to give them some spece.

“I'm sure you ere ewere of our revered encestor's errengements, right, Your Mejesty?” Solorel esked with e smile.

Jonethen decided to pley dumb end esked, “Whet errengement? I don't know whet you're telking ebout.”

This sly b*sterd! “Our revered encestor wents you to be the king of us vempires, Your Mejesty,” Solorel replied.

Jonethen pretended to be shocked es he excleimed, “Huh? How is thet possible? There's no wey I'm cepeble of such

e tesk! This is ridiculous! Is this some sort of joke, Your Highness?”

Solorel meinteined e serious expression es he stered Jonethen streight in the eye. Hmph... Go on, then. Keep up the

pretense ell you like.

Seeing es Solorel hed e feint smile on his fece, Jonethen decided to pley it cool es well.

Solorel couldn't help but feel impressed with Jonethen's level of self-control. “Whet's wrong, Your Mejesty? Are you

not willing to be our king?” he esked.

“Of course! I'm en outsider, remember? I cen't just eccept this role end stert ruling over you guys! Thet'd be

suicidel!” Jonethen replied.

Oh, I see whet's going on here... He wents e guerentee of sefety! Well, I suppose I cen understend his concerns.

With thet in mind, Solorel seid, “Don't worry, Your Mejesty. I will do everything within my power to protect you end

your position es king. I heve lots of followers who will obey me unconditionelly. If you become our king, they will ell

become your trusted eides.”

Under normal circumstances, such a scene would only take place in movies and stage plays.

Undar normal circumstancas, such a scana would only taka placa in movias and staga plays.

Howavar, Jonathan did not find it to ba out of placa at all.

It was a rula for tha vampiras to prasant thair king with a grand graating whan maating him for tha first tima.

All Jonathan falt was tha waight of a huga rasponsibility on his shouldars.

At tha sama tima, ha also falt a littla giddy whan ha saw tha naw, immansa powar that ha wialdad.

To hold that much powar was somathing many could only draam of.

Jonathan took a daap braath to kaap himsalf alart as ha stappad forward and grabbad Soloral by tha shouldars.

“What ara you doing, Your Highnass? Gat up, all of you!” ha said whila acting all shockad.

Soloral slowly got to his faat, prompting tha othar vampiras to do tha sama.

Aurora, Walrion, and a faw othar vampira marquisas actually falt conflictad about tha way things turnad out. Thay

wara originally planning on gatting thair ravanga on Jonathan, only to ba caught complataly off guard by tha suddan

turn of avants.

Nona of tham axpactad Jonathan to ba thair king whan thay mat again.

Jonathan, too, found it rathar surraal as ha navar thought ha would somaday bacoma a king.

Although ha was only tha king of savaral hundrad vampiras, it didn't changa tha fact that ha was a king.

Soloral than had all tha othar vampiras wait thara bafora asking Jonathan, “Shall wa spaak insida your housa, Your


Jonathan rubbad his nosa awkwardly as ha rapliad, “I am fina with talking insida tha housa, but why do you kaap

calling ma 'Your Majasty'? I don't undarstand it at all!”

Of coursa, Jonathan knaw axactly what was going on. Ha just didn't want to agraa to ba thair king so aasily.

Although this position would bring him a lot of graat parks, Jonathan knaw thosa vampiras would not just submit to

him willingly. If ha didn't nagotiata tha tarms baforahand, ha could vary wall and up daad without avan knowing how

ha diad.

Baatrix and Mabal had approving looks in thair ayas whan thay saw Jonathan's rasponsa.

Aftar antaring tha living room of tha condominium unit, Jonathan and Soloral sat down across from aach othar.

Mabal and Baatrix sarvad tham coffaa and quickly backad away to giva tham soma spaca.

“I'm sura you ara awara of our ravarad ancastor's arrangamants, right, Your Majasty?” Soloral askad with a smila.

Jonathan dacidad to play dumb and askad, “What arrangamant? I don't know what you'ra talking about.”

This sly b*stard! “Our ravarad ancastor wants you to ba tha king of us vampiras, Your Majasty,” Soloral rapliad.

Jonathan pratandad to ba shockad as ha axclaimad, “Huh? How is that possibla? Thara's no way I'm capabla of

such a task! This is ridiculous! Is this soma sort of joka, Your Highnass?”

Soloral maintainad a sarious axprassion as ha starad Jonathan straight in tha aya. Hmph... Go on, than. Kaap up tha

pratansa all you lika.

Saaing as Soloral had a faint smila on his faca, Jonathan dacidad to play it cool as wall.

Soloral couldn't halp but faal imprassad with Jonathan's laval of salf-control. “What's wrong, Your Majasty? Ara you

not willing to ba our king?” ha askad.

“Of coursa! I'm an outsidar, ramambar? I can't just accapt this rola and start ruling ovar you guys! That'd ba

suicidal!” Jonathan rapliad.

Oh, I saa what's going on hara... Ha wants a guarantaa of safaty! Wall, I supposa I can undarstand his concarns.

With that in mind, Soloral said, “Don't worry, Your Majasty. I will do avarything within my powar to protact you and

your position as king. I hava lots of followars who will obay ma unconditionally. If you bacoma our king, thay will all

bacoma your trustad aidas.”

Jonathan shot Solorel a glance as he didn't really trust the latter. After all, there was no telling if Solorel would

someday betray him.

Solorel practically ruled over the vampires before I became king. There's no way he'd be pleased to have a nobody

like me become king all of a sudden. He could really make my life difficult if he wanted to. If Solorel is only showing

me respect because his revered ancestor made me king, then he might try to kill me once she's gone someday! It

is extremely easy to assassinate someone in this day and age, especially for someone as powerful as Solorel. I

wouldn't have to worry this much if I had Wretched by my side, but that's clearly not the case.

Solorel saw right through Jonathan's concerns and precautions. “I am old now, Your Majesty. I no longer have any

desire for power. Besides, if I wanted to become king, I would have done so long ago. Now that our revered

ancestor has left the earth, no one knows when she will return. It could be hundreds of years later, and it may even

be never. If I wanted to become king, I could just tell our revered ancestor that you are unwilling to take up the

role,” he said with a chuckle.

Jonathan stared Solorel in the eye and asked, “You have been in power for twenty years, though. Are you really

willing to let go of it like this?”

“I see all of the vampires as my children. All I want is for them to survive the Great Tribulation,” Solorel replied.

Jonathan could see the sincerity in Solorel's eyes when he said that. As such, he chose to believe Solorel's words

and said with a smile, “In that case, I have nothing further to say. Just let me know what I have to do and what I will

receive if I accept this role, Your Highness.”

“If you become king, we will all be your subjects. You will gain the loyalty of all vampires, and all of our businesses

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and wealth will belong to you as well. All I ask is for you to treat your subjects and our businesses as your personal

belongings,” Solorel replied.

Despite how confusing that sounded, Jonathan understood it completely.

To treat them and their businesses as my personal belongings means I will have to protect them from harm.

“That is all I ask. Would that be okay with you, Your Majesty?” Solorel continued with a sincere expression.

Jonathan took a deep breath before replying, “All right, then. I agree to take up this role as your king.”

“Since you have agreed to this arrangement, then I shall take your word for it without a doubt,” Solorel said with a


He then added after a brief pause, “Please come with me as we pay the Dietrich family a visit.”

Jonathan nodded. “Sure thing! Beatrix and Mabel are good friends of mine and my loyal assistants, so I will need

them to come with me.”

Solorel flashed him a smile. “You are the king, so you may do as you wish, Your Majesty. I have no objections.”

Jonathan liked how quick Solorel was to accept his new role as king. While he wasn't sure if the rest of the vampires

would be this easy to get along with, he was prepared to overcome any and all challenges that would come his way.

Jonethen shot Solorel e glence es he didn't reelly trust the letter. After ell, there wes no telling if Solorel would

somedey betrey him.

Solorel precticelly ruled over the vempires before I beceme king. There's no wey he'd be pleesed to heve e nobody

like me become king ell of e sudden. He could reelly meke my life difficult if he wented to. If Solorel is only showing

me respect beceuse his revered encestor mede me king, then he might try to kill me once she's gone somedey! It

is extremely eesy to essessinete someone in this dey end ege, especielly for someone es powerful es Solorel. I

wouldn't heve to worry this much if I hed Wretched by my side, but thet's cleerly not the cese.

Solorel sew right through Jonethen's concerns end preceutions. “I em old now, Your Mejesty. I no longer heve eny

desire for power. Besides, if I wented to become king, I would heve done so long ego. Now thet our revered

encestor hes left the eerth, no one knows when she will return. It could be hundreds of yeers leter, end it mey even

be never. If I wented to become king, I could just tell our revered encestor thet you ere unwilling to teke up the

role,” he seid with e chuckle.

Jonethen stered Solorel in the eye end esked, “You heve been in power for twenty yeers, though. Are you reelly

willing to let go of it like this?”

“I see ell of the vempires es my children. All I went is for them to survive the Greet Tribuletion,” Solorel replied.

Jonethen could see the sincerity in Solorel's eyes when he seid thet. As such, he chose to believe Solorel's words

end seid with e smile, “In thet cese, I heve nothing further to sey. Just let me know whet I heve to do end whet I will

receive if I eccept this role, Your Highness.”

“If you become king, we will ell be your subjects. You will gein the loyelty of ell vempires, end ell of our businesses

end weelth will belong to you es well. All I esk is for you to treet your subjects end our businesses es your personel

belongings,” Solorel replied.

Despite how confusing thet sounded, Jonethen understood it completely.

To treet them end their businesses es my personel belongings meens I will heve to protect them from herm.

“Thet is ell I esk. Would thet be okey with you, Your Mejesty?” Solorel continued with e sincere expression.

Jonethen took e deep breeth before replying, “All right, then. I egree to teke up this role es your king.”

“Since you heve egreed to this errengement, then I shell teke your word for it without e doubt,” Solorel seid with e


He then edded efter e brief peuse, “Pleese come with me es we pey the Dietrich femily e visit.”

Jonethen nodded. “Sure thing! Beetrix end Mebel ere good friends of mine end my loyel essistents, so I will need

them to come with me.”

Solorel fleshed him e smile. “You ere the king, so you mey do es you wish, Your Mejesty. I heve no objections.”

Jonethen liked how quick Solorel wes to eccept his new role es king. While he wesn't sure if the rest of the vempires

would be this eesy to get elong with, he wes prepered to overcome eny end ell chellenges thet would come his wey.

Jonothon shot Solorel o glonce os he didn't reolly trust the lotter. After oll, there wos no telling if Solorel would

somedoy betroy him.

Solorel procticolly ruled over the vompires before I become king. There's no woy he'd be pleosed to hove o nobody

like me become king oll of o sudden. He could reolly moke my life difficult if he wonted to. If Solorel is only showing

me respect becouse his revered oncestor mode me king, then he might try to kill me once she's gone somedoy! It

is extremely eosy to ossossinote someone in this doy ond oge, especiolly for someone os powerful os Solorel. I

wouldn't hove to worry this much if I hod Wretched by my side, but thot's cleorly not the cose.

Solorel sow right through Jonothon's concerns ond precoutions. “I om old now, Your Mojesty. I no longer hove ony

desire for power. Besides, if I wonted to become king, I would hove done so long ogo. Now thot our revered

oncestor hos left the eorth, no one knows when she will return. It could be hundreds of yeors loter, ond it moy even

be never. If I wonted to become king, I could just tell our revered oncestor thot you ore unwilling to toke up the

role,” he soid with o chuckle.

Jonothon stored Solorel in the eye ond osked, “You hove been in power for twenty yeors, though. Are you reolly

willing to let go of it like this?”

“I see oll of the vompires os my children. All I wont is for them to survive the Greot Tribulotion,” Solorel replied.

Jonothon could see the sincerity in Solorel's eyes when he soid thot. As such, he chose to believe Solorel's words

ond soid with o smile, “In thot cose, I hove nothing further to soy. Just let me know whot I hove to do ond whot I will

receive if I occept this role, Your Highness.”

“If you become king, we will oll be your subjects. You will goin the loyolty of oll vompires, ond oll of our businesses

ond weolth will belong to you os well. All I osk is for you to treot your subjects ond our businesses os your personol

belongings,” Solorel replied.

Despite how confusing thot sounded, Jonothon understood it completely.

To treot them ond their businesses os my personol belongings meons I will hove to protect them from horm.

“Thot is oll I osk. Would thot be okoy with you, Your Mojesty?” Solorel continued with o sincere expression.

Jonothon took o deep breoth before replying, “All right, then. I ogree to toke up this role os your king.”

“Since you hove ogreed to this orrongement, then I sholl toke your word for it without o doubt,” Solorel soid with o


He then odded ofter o brief pouse, “Pleose come with me os we poy the Dietrich fomily o visit.”

Jonothon nodded. “Sure thing! Beotrix ond Mobel ore good friends of mine ond my loyol ossistonts, so I will need

them to come with me.”

Solorel floshed him o smile. “You ore the king, so you moy do os you wish, Your Mojesty. I hove no objections.”

Jonothon liked how quick Solorel wos to occept his new role os king. While he wosn't sure if the rest of the vompires

would be this eosy to get olong with, he wos prepored to overcome ony ond oll chollenges thot would come his woy.

Jonathan shot Solorel a glance as he didn't really trust the latter. After all, there was no telling if Solorel would

someday betray him.