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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 Martial Arts Competition

Jonathan politely yet firmly refused the invitation. Although Morgan wished fervently for Jonathan’s

participation, he was reluctant to force his wish onto Jonathan. Jessica opened her mouth, but Yasmin

tugged her arm before she could say something, so she swallowed back her words.

Unwilling to give up, Morgan added, “Jonathan, I do hope you would give it another thought. Your

cultivation in martial arts is considered top-tier now. If you join the competition, you may be able to

break new ground in the martial arts world. That’s the only thing we old folks who hold this competition

want to see.”

Jonathan smiled bitterly in response. He hated to reject Morgan’s ardent invitation, but at the same

time, he had no interest in the tournament.

“I’m sorry, Old Mr. Hayes.” Jonathan remained unyielding.

Yasmin promptly added, “Old Mr. Hayes, let’s not push him if he really doesn’t feel up to it, is that


Warmth filled Jonathan’s heart. He knew she truly cared for him.

Morgan, however, continued his persuasion as something popped into his mind. “Tell me the truth,

Jonathan. Is it because of Strikezone Martial Arts? Are you worried they will come after you during the

tournament for revenge?” He stopped for a bit and went on, “Don’t worry about it. Edgar Dunn is the

person in charge of the competition, and masters from all over the world are joining. Even Strikezone

Martial Arts will be bound by the rules and fight fairly on the stage. Besides, with the level of your

cultivation, I believe they will pose no harm to you.”

Contrary to his belief, Strikezone Martial Arts hadn’t crossed Jonathan’s mind even once. He replied,

“Old Mr. Hayes, every person who joins the competition is motivated by their own goals and desires. It

can be fame, cultivation, or anything. The thing is, there is nothing I want from this competition. Hence,

I’m hesitant to participate.”

“There is nothing you want out of the competition?” Morgan was speechless. He knew that Jonathan

did not fear for his life. The fact that Jonathan was capable of killing Randy was proof of his strength

and power. He would not have feared a martial arts tournament.

“All right, then. Since you’ve made up your mind, let’s forget about it.” Morgan finally gave in.

Despite Jonathan’s refusal and Morgan’s subsequent acquiescence, the atmosphere of the lunch date

did not turn cold. After all, Morgan was not a stubborn old man. He simply had a deep love for martial


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After they finished their drinks, Morgan left and rushed back to Fairlake right away. He had had many

tasks waiting to be taken care of since the martial arts tournament was to take place in Fairlake.

Elliot was the only person who did not have a drop of alcohol during lunch. Therefore, he had no issues

driving Morgan back to Fairlake, which wasn’t too far away from Horrington. The journey was only a

two-hour drive on the highway.

The rest of them sent Morgan and Elliot off outside the hotel. Jessica, unable to contain her

disappointment, thumped Jonathan’s arm and grumbled, “Why don’t you join the competition?”

Jonathan chuckled. “It’s easy for you to say. Do you know participants have to sign the liability waiver

form? What if I get killed on stage? Do you want to be widowed for the rest of your life?”

The first half of his explanation sounded reasonable, but the second half nearly had Jessica blushing.

She stuck out her tongue at him. “Nonsense! Don’t be too full of yourself! You coward!” Despite her

words, Jessica realized the cruelty of the competition as well. Suddenly, she was glad that Jonathan

opted out of it.

“Polly, why have you decided to participate?” Yasmin turned toward Polly.

She regarded Polly as a true friend and cared for her. Though she was not as close to Polly compared

to Jonathan, she genuinely wished nothing bad would happen to Polly.

The corners of Polly’s lips lifted. Her eyes drifted across the street and wandered off between the

passing cars. Later on, she muttered, “I’m a fighter. Fighters should fight, and the tournament is a good

opportunity for me.”

“Polly, you make it sound as though I don’t deserve to be a fighter.” Jonathan scratched his nose.

“Good. At least you’re aware of it.” Jessica rolled her eyes. Though she no longer wanted Jonathan to

take part in the competition, she would not let a chance to mock him slip by.

Jonathan, being his thick-skinned self, merely shrugged.

Paying no attention to their bantering, Polly heaved a long sigh out of the blue. “Why don’t you guys go

back first? I’d like to take a walk alone.” She then strode off on her own, leaving them behind.

“What’s the matter with her?” Jessica nudged Jonathan as she stared at Polly’s dwindling silhouette.

She couldn’t help but felt something was wrong with Polly.

“I suppose it’s that time of the month for her,” answered Jonathan solemnly.

His cheeky reply had Yasmin and Jessica flushed red with embarrassment. “Idiot! Can’t you be more

serious?” Jessica pinched his arm.

Jonathan let out a chortle. “You know what they say? If you hit or scold someone, that means you love

them and care deeply for them. I guess you love me very much.”

“Stop it, will you?” Jessica aimed a kick at his leg.

Jonathan chuckled and dodged the kick effortlessly.

Yasmin could barely resist the urge to laugh as she watched the two bantering with each other like

juvenile kids. She enjoyed it though. It filled her with the warmth of having friends and family, especially

Jonathan, whom she found particularly affable. It was as if her brother was still by her side.

She wholeheartedly believed that if she were in danger, Jonathan would surely act the same as her

brother, Connor, and protect her with all his might. She let out a cough to interrupt their raillery and

said, “Jonathan, I’ve made some smoothie at home. You’ve had quite some alcohol just now. Why don’t

you come to our place and have some smoothies?”

Since Jonathan had nothing else to do, he nodded. “Oh, all right.”

“Excuse me, can you sound a little less reluctant? Do you know how many people would die just for a

chance to enter our house? You’re a lucky man, so be grateful!” Jessica shot him a contemptuous


“I don’t doubt men want to set foot in your house because of Yasmin. But if it’s you… I don’t think so.”

Jonathan shook his head.

His words had Jessica flared up instantly. “Idiot! I’ll kill you!”


It was two o’clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, albeit much more forgiving

than in summer, which was an absolute delight.

To have a sunbath on the beach in that agreeable weather would definitely be wonderful. Had it been

summer, the heat of the sun would only grill everyone into roasted pigs.

Jessica and Yasmin resided in Maple Villa District, where Jonathan had visited several times before.

Although they had driven to the hotel, they hailed a taxi to go back instead, for the three of them had

consumed alcohol during lunch. After all, it was common sense that driving under influence was both

unethical and illegal.

Jonathan took the passenger seat while Yasmin and Jessica sat together at the back of the taxi.

Suddenly reminded of something, Jessica blurted excitedly, “Before I forget, Jennifer and you seem

rather odd lately, Jonathan. You haven’t been to the horror-themed bar for quite a while now, and

Jennifer never asks about you. What happened? Did you break up or something?”

Curious to know the answer, Yasmin gazed at Jonathan intently too.

“It’s not a break-up. We had never been together, to begin with.” Jonathan rubbed his nose.

For some unknown reasons, Jessica was elated at his reply and secretly heaved a long sigh of relief.

“Good for her. At least she won’t be subjected to disasters anymore.” She giggled.

Yasmin, tactful as she was, inquired softly, “Did something happen?”

Unwilling to divulge information, Jonathan gave a half-hearted laugh and shook his head. “It was


Understanding full well that it was Jonathan’s privacy, Yasmin ceased to probe into his personal


“If that’s the case, how about Yasmin and I make you dinner for tonight? Don’t get cocky though. I just

pity you,” offered Jessica.

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“If you say so, sure.” Jonathan was more than happy to go along with her.

“Not even a thank you? Hmph!” Jessica pouted. Even though she was always arguing with Jonathan,

she actually cared for him deep down.

“Oh, by the way, where do you live now, Jonathan?” asked Yasmin.

Hesitant to reveal that he had moved into Polly’s home, Jonathan put on a sad expression and

whimpered, “I’m homeless! Oh, I live under a bridge every day now!”

His response had Yasmin at a loss for words. She held him dear to her heart, but he was rarely


Jessica promptly added, “Yasmin, don’t listen to his rubbish. He is pretending to be pitiful so that he

can fool young and pretty girls like us to help him.”

Yasmin, being her kind self, suggested, “We still have several empty rooms in our house. Why don’t we

let him move in with us?”

Jessica darted a disgusted look at Jonathan and gave Yasmin an exaggerated grimace of pain. “Are

you kidding me, Yasmin? You want him to stay together with us?”

“Girl, what’s that expression supposed to mean? Don’t be an idiot! It’s not like he is sharing our own

rooms. What dirty thoughts do you have in your little head?” Yasmin scoffed at her.

Jessica swiftly refuted, “So what if he is not sharing a room with us? He is the opposite sex, and worse,

a perverted, lecherous one! What if he peeps on us when we shower or steals our underwear?”

Embarrassment immediately reddened Yasmin’s cheeks. “Watch your mouth, will you? This

conversation is getting weird.”

Jonathan, on the other hand, was beyond amused as he listened to their exchange. Despite her

innocent and tender appearance, he had the impression that Jessica was, without question, a dirty-

minded girl.

Before Jessica could blab out another word, Yasmin made up her mind and declared, “So, what do you

think, Jonathan? If you don’t mind, would you like to move in with us at Maple Villa District?”

“Uh… To be honest, I don’t think it is a good idea.” Jonathan feigned a turndown.

In an attempt to convince him, Yasmin was about to say something again when Jessica called him out.

“Oh, come on! Don’t act as if you’re not blooming with happiness already!”

“All right then. Whatever the ladies say.” Jonathan tittered.

“Idiot!” Jessica scorned.

In reality, she did not have issues with Jonathan living together with them at all. On the contrary, she

welcomed the plan very much as she reckoned it would be fun for him to live with them.

After arriving at their mansion in Maple Villa District, Yasmin filled up two glasses of smoothie straight

away and passed them to Jonathan and Jessica. She then led Jonathan to an empty bedroom on the

second floor of the house. “You can have this bedroom all to yourself, Jonathan. What do you think?

Do you like it?” Yasmin glanced at him.

The room was thirty-six square meters in size. It was furnished just like a mini home with a restroom,

bathroom, television, a set of couches, and so on.

The architectural embellishments of the room were comparable to a resort’s presidential suite.

Having very few requirements for his living space, Jonathan smiled at the sight of the splendid room

and happily accepted the offer.