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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Oliver’s eyes widened with excitement as he caught sight of it, his heart racing. Without delay, he

scooped up a handful, scanning his surroundings only to find no available tools for grinding. After a

brief moment of contemplation, he stuffed it into his mouth, chewing vigorously.

After chewing it into a pulpy mess, he spat it into his hand and grabbed another handful, chewing


With each bite, the bitter and unpleasant taste overwhelmed his senses.

After chewing two large mouthfuls, Oliver finally stopped. He turned around and carefully positioned

Hailey’s right foot on the ground. Taking the crushed leaves, he gently applied them to her inflamed,

reddened skin.

Hailey, who was in agony, dared not move, for even the slightest motion would result in excruciating


Yet, as Oliver placed the crushed leaves on her foot, a refreshing coolness permeated her skin, offering

instant relief from some of her sufferings. The pain noticeably diminished as Oliver proceeded to apply

the leaves to the surrounding joints.

Inquisitively, Hailey asked Oliver, “What remedy is this? It has significantly alleviated my pain.”

With meticulous care, Oliver continued his task, explaining, “This is ground-ivy, a potent medicinal herb.

When applied externally, it possesses remarkable properties such as reducing swelling, soothing

inflammation, and relieving pain.”

“Can you even diagnose illnesses and identify herbs?” Hailey’s curiosity peaked, and she couldn’t help

but wonder, “Is there anything this young store manager doesn’t know?”

Oliver vehemently shook his head and refuted, “No, no, I merely observed my father using it when I

was young. He wasn’t a doctor, either. He possessed basic knowledge of a few herbs to alleviate

stomachaches, reduce inflammation, and other common ailments, including this ground-ivy. Just some

basic knowledge.”

“Oh…” Hailey dropped the subject, no longer pressing for more information. Once the medicine had

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been applied, she seemed to forget about the pain. Her gaze shifted towards Moulmore. Worry was

etched on her face as she spoke, “Who exactly are those people? What should we do?”

Oliver didn’t know either. His eyes could discern myriad things in the world, but couldn’t identify people.

Thoughts of Julian crossed his mind when he contemplated those individuals.

After contemplating, Oliver spoke, “Ms. Fox, we have no relatives or other acquaintances here. The

only person we can rely on is Fabian. However, he’s most likely inebriated tonight, making it unlikely for

us to reach him. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow when he sobers up before we can contact him.”

He pondered momentarily before adding, “Fabian may be driven by greed, but he gets things done.

With money as an incentive, there’s nothing in Manchernius that can’t be resolved through legal or

illegal means. Let’s await Fabian’s call.”

The mountainside was infested with numerous mosquitoes, and even a short while of sitting there

resulted in bites and swollen bumps.

Oliver scanned the surroundings once again, and to his surprise, he stumbled upon several wormwood

plants known for repelling mosquitoes. He swiftly plucked them, crushing them to extract their juice.

Oliver then applied the juice onto Hailey’s beautiful face, hands, and exposed skin. He then proceeded

to do the same for himself.

Once the wormwood juice was applied, its scent became prominent, and the mosquitoes kept their


Hailey began to feel a bit sleepy and rested her head on Oliver’s leg to sleep. However, Oliver dared

not sleep. In this unfamiliar and potentially dangerous place, he feared the thugs might discover them

or that venomous insects and wild beasts might emerge. The entire night passed with him consumed

by worry.

It was only at daybreak, as the sky began to brighten, that exhaustion finally overcame Oliver, and he

drifted into a fitful slumber.

Upon waking up, he sensed the comfortable support beneath his head. Without opening his eyes, he

adjusted his position slightly, seeking an even more cozy spot. The cushion beneath him was soft and

emitted a subtle fragrance, providing a pleasant resting place and soothing aroma.

“Is this in the hotel?” Fabian murmured to himself.

However, the sound of chirping birds above abruptly jolted Oliver out of his tired musings. “No, this is

the mountains, the wilderness!”

Oliver’s realization instantly snapped him into full alertness. Opening his eyes, he discovered that he

had unknowingly rested his head on Hailey’s thigh.

Hailey sat there, gazing at him. Her flushed face resembled a radiant apple in the morning glow, her

eyes sparkling like precious gemstones.

Oliver sighed inwardly. “Sadly, she is Ms. Fox, an untouchable woman far above my reach.”

He recollected that she had rested her head on his leg the previous night, so how had the roles

reversed with him resting on

her leg now?

Oliver didn’t have time to dwell on it. He swiftly sat up and moved to assist Hailey.

Hailey trembled as she attempted to stand, but before she could steady herself, she cried out, “Ouch!”

Her left leg gave way, causing her to fall to the side.

Oliver swiftly supported her and asked in alarm, “Ms. Fox, are you… injured in this leg too?”

“No… No, it’s just a little numb…” Hailey blushed and replied.

It suddenly dawned on Oliver. He had rested his head on her left leg for an hour or two, and it was only

natural that her leg had grown numb due to limited blood circulation.

“Then sit down for a while. How about this foot? Is it getting better?” Oliver helped her settle down and

examined her right foot.

Hailey gently moved it a few times and nodded. “It’s much better. The pain is manageable as long as I

don’t exert too much pressure. I’m not sure if it will hurt when I walk.”

Oliver took a closer look. “The crushed ground-ivy leaves I had applied the previous night had mostly

come off. Hailey’s delicate foot was adorned with green grass stains, creating a vibrant array of

patterns,” he remarked inwardly.

“I’ll search for more herbs to apply to it.” Oliver stood up, intending to find more ground-ivy, but his

phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID displayed [Fabian] on the screen, and Oliver hastily answered with relief.

“Mr. Eastwood, I’m really sorry. I got completely drunk last night, sleeping like a log, and completely

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unaware of what transpired. I just woke up to use the restroom and noticed several missed calls on my

phone. Did something happen last night?”

“Last night…” Oliver chuckled bitterly as he recounted the situation to Fabian. Then he asked, “Fabian,

we are at a loss here. We have no idea what’s going on. Can you assist us in hiring some bodyguards?

Money is not a concern.”

Fabian readily agreed, “That’s easy. I’ll directly contact the local army and have them dispatch a team

of ten to twenty skilled individuals. With them taking charge, no one would dare to cause trouble.”

Upon hearing that, Oliver breathed a sigh of relief and swiftly responded, “Excellent, Fabian. I

appreciate your help in making the arrangements. Please inquire about the cost, and I will transfer the

money to you immediately!”

Fabian ended the call and made the necessary arrangements. He returned after about ten minutes.

Before Oliver could inquire about the details, Fabian eagerly spoke, “Mr. Eastwood, everything is set.

We have the army working for the Moulmore’s official auction at our disposal. Commander Gregory

himself is leading a team of 30 soldiers. The cost has been finalized at 80 million Manchernius dollars,

approximately 80,000 dollars…”

“I’ll offer 100 thousand dollars daily until we leave Manchernius and return home!” Oliver’s initial shock

at 80 million quickly subsided when Fabian clarified that it was in Manchernius dollars, equivalent to

80,000 dollars. He added another 20,000 dollars to round it up to 100 thousand dollars for them.

Fabian immediately burst into laughter and engaged in a lively conversation in Manchernius with

someone on the other

end of the line.

Although Oliver couldn’t understand the words, Fabian’s cheerful tone and the response from the

person on the phone indicated a vibrant discussion. Presumably, the individual Fabian referred to as

Commander Gregory was present.

Fabian requested Oliver to share their location and then hung up, heading over with Commander

Gregory and thirty fully armed soldiers to find them.