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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39

Oliver rubbed his forehead and sighed.

She didn’t have to constantly talk about repaying his kindness. Besides, Fabian was in the car now.

People were most grateful for people who provided help in one’s hour of need, not someone who could

provide the icing on the cake, nor a person who kicked someone when they were down.

Her relatives were all people who kicked someone when they were down. Although Hailey didn’t give

him money or lend it to him directly, she allowed him to make money when he was at the most

challenging point in his life. Besides, she did not take the 780 thousand dollars he had made by stone

gambling. Instead, she added 20,000 dollars and transferred it to him to round it off to 800 thousand


Then she gave him a mansion, a high-paying job, a luxury car, and so on.

If there were a person he was the most grateful for in this world, it would be Hailey.

“Forget it. Let her do whatever she wants. She is not short of money anyways. I only have to try harder

to earn more for her in the future,” thought Oliver.

Fabian was the only one who had been dumbfounded!

Today’s stone-cutting scene was beyond his imagination of this lifetime. Every raw stone that was cut

had an emerald.

And the last one they cut out was a top-quality imperial jadeite, which is known as a top-class emerald.

That jadeite had made Oliver and Hailey directly earn 200 million dollars!

When Fabian thought of the 200 million dollars, he became dizzy. It was 200 million dollars!

Fabian had witnessed the scene where losing nine out of ten times was the common occurrence in

stone gambling. The scenes where someone made a fortune with just a cut of a stone were sporadic.

But Oliver had shown Fabian what it means to win all bets.

Fabian suddenly thought, “Does this young Mr. Eastwood have a set of techniques to identify raw

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emerald rough?

After being dazed, Fabian suddenly grabbed Oliver, who was driving. He then said, “Mr. Eastwood, I-

I’m not going to do anything else anymore. I will follow you and work for you. You only need to pay me

a salary. If you want to go for stone gambling, you can just let me be your runner. You only need to

choose the stones. That’s it!”

Fabian had felt Oliver’s generosity these days. At that time, he had wanted to be friends with Oliver

because Oliver’s personality made him seem friendly. Anyone who was not petty would like someone

like Oliver.

But what made Fabian even more thrilled and excited was that when it came to picking raw emerald

rough, Oliver had a particular skill. Being a mediocre person involved in the jade stone circle for so

long, Fabian knew the way Oliver gambled and won every bet in raw stones could only be considered

lucky if it happened once or twice. But if it happened every single time? Could it still be called luck?

Fabian would rather believe that he had somehow become a deity than Oliver was winning through

sheer luck.

If Oliver had the skills to identify raw emerald rough, it would be the capital for becoming a top-tier

wealthy person. No one could give up such skills to others.

Fabian had yet to have the intention to steal that skill from Oliver. He knew what kind of person he was,

and his ability was not enough for him to keep the wealth and treasures he would be able to earn

through that skill. Fabian just wanted to live a peaceful and luxurious life by following behind a skilled

man like Oliver. That was all he wanted to be content with life.

Oliver was moved and glanced at Hailey again upon hearing this.

Hailey nodded in agreement.

Hailey has witnessed Oliver’s skill. It was only a matter of spending a few minutes for Oliver to make

money with his skills. In addition, stone gambling was also a legal and compliant way of making money.

It would be great if an old geezer like Fabian could carve out a path for Oliver.

Since Hailey had agreed to it, Oliver immediately said to Fabian, “All right. You can follow me and work

for me. Your friends… Are they reliable? How about I let them work for me as well?”

Fabian was overjoyed. He excitedly said, “They are reliable. All five of them are my childhood friends.

Two of them are veterans who worked as soldiers. They can each beat up four or five people easily.

The other three are in the same profession as me in Radford, selling jade and emeralds. Every month

they make enough to survive and ensure no one is starving in their family. If Mr. Eastwood doesn’t mind

having them work for you, that will be great!”

Oliver nodded and said, “Well, you can rent a house in Jeahron first. Our store is a luxury second-hand

upcycling store, and we don’t need people running it. However, I think we can expand our business

scope in the future. Whether it involves

antiques, jade ware, or other businesses, as long as we can make money, we can give it a go. There

are too many restrictions on luxury second-hand upcycling stores. Ms. Fox, what do you think?”

Hailey didn’t hesitate at all before saying, “You can do whatever you want.”

Hailey was such a wonderful boss!

Oliver smiled and said, “All right. I’ll start planning it. I will re-register and start up a new company.”

Hailey heard him mentioning re-registering and starting a new company. After thinking for a while, she

said, “Why don’t we do this? I’ll pay for your company. I will finance the company while you run it. We

can do a 40-60 split for the company registration and shares.

“I don’t think that will work, Ms. Fox. Let’s do it as usual. We split it 50-50,” said Oliver. Then he turned

around and said to Fabian, “You can be my business manager now. You will specialize in the emerald

and jade stone business with a basic salary of 10,000 dollars plus bonus and commissions. How about

your five childhood friends start with a basic salary of 4.000 dollars plus bonus and commissions?”

Fabian grinned and said, “That certainly works for me. Mr. Eastwood, your basic salary is too high. Do

you want to discuss this a bit more?”

Oliver smiled and answered, “Do you think it is too high of a salary? A piece of raw stone could solve

this problem. However, I don’t want too many people to know about my skills. Of course, no one else

can learn them. This skill is not something anyone can learn. Fabian, please keep it a secret, especially

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when mingling outside. I won’t mistreat you as long as you work for me loyally.”

Fabian immediately patted his chest and said, “Mr. Eastwood, you have nothing to worry about.

Although I am greedy for money, I will only be greedy for what I deserve and not for things that are not

mine to be greedy about.”

“All right. Then, I’ll transfer you another 200 thousand dollars. You guys can go around Jeahron these

days to see if there are any suitable places to rent, or we can buy it if the price is good. Don’t worry

about money!”

Fabian nodded and thought to himself,” Mr. Eastwood must be rich. I didn’t know how much money he

had before, but today I saw him earn 120 million dollars with my eyes.”

Hailey is more like a person who’s not short of money.

What reassured him the most was Oliver’s mysterious skills involving his eyes. With Oliver’s skills, they

had a way of continuously making considerable money.

Mancherníus produced raw stones every day. So long as Oliver bought only the valuable raw stones,

they would make money faster than if they printed them.

Thinking of the danger they faced in Manchernius this time, Oliver thought for a while and said to

Fabian, “I have something I need your help with. Can you check with your two friends who are retired

veterans from the army if they know about other special forces veterans? If so, we’ll recruit some

people to be in charge of security!”

Hailey nodded and agreed, “It’s better to do that immediately. I’m starting to suspect that Marshall had

something to do with what happened in Manchernius!”

Oliver didn’t say anything straightforwardly. Although he also thought there was a 70 to 80 percent

chance that Julian might have caused the incident, he did not want to say it without concrete evidence.

But whether it was Julian or not, Oliver was now wealthy, and it would be easy for him to make money

in the future. Since he had enough money, it was best to take precautions first. It was better to be safe

than sorry, as one should not wait until danger crept up and get tortured by villains before setting up
