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I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 2819
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Chapter 2819

Knock knock knock!

Woodrow stopped outside the guest room where Cy was resting and knocked on the door.

Meanwhile, Peach was staying next door and the two rooms were adjacent.

Soon the door opened.

As soon as he saw Cy, Woodrow said impatiently, "Cy, good news! Very good news!"

"What is it? Woody, is your grandson back?” Cy asked in confusion.

'Yes! He's back, and not only that, but he also brought someone with him this time.” Woodrow kept Cy in suspense.

"Who?" Cy asked.

'The younger chief of Village Pott! He is also the person you want to see, Cy. As long as you can convince him and

get his permission, you can solve your village’s problem easily! You must know that Village Pott hired hundreds of

thousands of people from other villages to work here, and since your village only has a thousand or so laborers, he

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will be able to arrange for you all to work here too. Then, you will get enough remuneration to maintain the lives of

thousands of people in Village Pescado. Of course, before all that, you have to convince him first," Woodrow


"Really?" C/s eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

"Would I ever lie to you?” Woodrow smiled slightly.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let’s meet the younger chief now!" Cy said excitedly.

Meeting Jagger would be a big step toward success.

Everything would be in vain if he could not even meet Jagger.

As for how to convince Jagger, Cy would think about that when he finally met him.

Cy grabbed Woodrow and was about to leave.

"Wait! Um... Let's ask Peach to come along too," Woodrow said.

"Okay! I'll get her right away.” Cy had no suspicions.

Since Woodrow’s grandson came back to see Peach, of course, Peach had to go too.

Then, he went next door and shouted, "Peach! Come out and we'll go meet someone!"

The door did not open, but Peach's voice came from the room.

"Grandpa, you go ahead! I'm tired and want to rest. I don't want to go."

Peach knew who they were going to meet, so of course, she definitely did not want to go.

Her heart had long been occupied by the man lying in the cellar.

Although they never said a single word to each other, it did not stop her from falling in love with him.

Especially after listening to her grandfather’s analysis that the other party might be a big shot who could fly, she

was not interested in anyone else.

"Nonsense! They came all the way to see you, how can you not go? Won’t this make you look rude? And there are

thousands of people in Village Pescado waiting for us to bring good news back! Peach, don’t be willful, come out

and meet them with me. I’m not asking you to get married right away. Whether it can happen in the end is up to

you two. I promise I won’t force you," Cy persuaded.

After hearing that, the door opened, revealing Peach’s young face.

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Although she was still young and had not yet grown, she could not conceal how refined she was.

One could imagine that if Peach matured a few more years, she could be a woman which wars were fought over.

"Grandpa, you promised. You can’t force me to get married!" The little girl said, puffing her cheeks.

"Don’t worry! When have I ever forced you?" Cy asked seriously.

After receiving her grandfather's affirmative answer, the little girl felt relieved and left with the two men.

Jagger and Maverick were waiting patiently in the living room.

Soon, there were footsteps outside.

Jagger immediately stood up and looked out the door.

He would like to see what a girl that could surpass all the girls in Village Pott looked like.

When Woodrow walked into the living room with Cy and Peach, Jagger locked eyes on Peach and he could not shift

his gaze away anymore.

Peach was not too old and had not yet fully grown.

Moreover, even if her clothes were very ordinary, she could not hide her delicate face. In addition to that, she was

of marriageable age too.

Many girls her age in Village Pescado were married.