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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 502
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Chapter 502

When the elevator doors opened, Jimmy led Leanna to the entrance of an office and introduced the place. "Miss

McKinney, this used to be Mr. Crossley's office. All the files are already there."

Leanna glanced at it. "I don't like the layout. Can you alter it by today?"

He probably hadn't expected her to say that, which was why he froze for a moment. "T-Today?"

Freddie drawled, "If you think that it's too soon, I can suggest a way."

Jimmy said instinctively, "And that is?"

"You can ask Mr. Pearson about that. He has always been effective in resolving those kinds of things."

Jimmy was speechless. How can he threaten me like this?

He wiped his damp forehead and fell silent for a while. He had initially planned to intimidate Leanna yet now, he

had not only failed but was instead intimidated in return. The way she wants Mr. Crossley's original office

refurbished as soon as she arrives shows that she's about to take his place and gain an advantage. How ambitious

of her! Jimmy now realized that getting Leanna to come over to the Crossley Group was probably not a good


As Leanna heard no reply from Jimmy, she glanced sideways at him. "Do you have an issue with it?"

Even Freddie had looked at him.

Jimmy quickly straightened his back. "No! Of course not. I'll send the order now. It will be completed today even if

we have to work overtime."

Leanna made a noise of assent and turned around. "Then please ask someone to send those files to the meeting


"Sure thing!" Jimmy answered before glancing at the two men behind him. They both understood instantly; one

went to get the files while the other went to arrange the refurbishment of the office.

Then, he added, "The meeting room is this way. After you, Miss McKinney."

After both Leanna and Freddie headed forward, Jimmy summoned another assistant and murmured something to

him before frowning. "Go quickly!"

The assistant left hurriedly.

The files had arrived by the time Leanna entered the meeting room. She looked around the space and glanced at

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the time—it was 9.40AM. It didn't matter that Jimmy's people arrived. She had already said her piece, which was

that if they were absent or late, they would be fired. What she was worried about now were the directors who had

left the Crossley Group. At that thought, she sighed, feeling extremely tense.

Freddie dragged a chair to sit beside her and he started to go through the files. Jimmy, who had just entered,

quickly said, "M-Mr. Sutton, these files regarding the internal financial situation and project data shouldn't be read

by an outsider."

Freddie dragged a chair to sit beside her and he started to go through the files. Jimmy, who had just entered,

quickly said, "M-Mr. Sutton, these files regarding the internal financial situation and project data shouldn't be read

by an outsider."

Leanna answered lightly, "I employed him and he's also the law advisor I got for the Crossley Group. His viewing of

them may be considered as me doing so and besides, the Crossley Group's current situation won't warrant

someone stealing any business secrets. Or do you not trust him?"

Jimmy fumed but did not dare say anything. Freddie Sutton might only be a lawyer, but his family was famous in

Highside, so Jimmy would never dare offend him. In the end, he could only silently take a seat on Leanna's left.

As soon as he sat down, she said, "Mr. Ollander, please get another seat."

Jimmy looked annoyed. "I sat here when Mr. Crossley was still working here, Miss McKinney…"

She smiled. "Don't misunderstand me. You're merely blocking the sunlight. You can always sit back here when

everyone is present."

Jimmy gritted his teeth, expression stony as he moved one seat away from her. The sun shone into the room and

the rays landed right in front of her.

Soon, Raymond arrived as well and he greeted everyone before settling in his seat. Leanna leaned her cheek

against her hand as she checked the time.

Ten more minutes…

The seconds ticked by with both Jimmy and Raymond remaining quiet. The room was only filled with the sound of

Freddie flipping through the papers. Whenever he moved or made a slight sound, Jimmy stiffened, feeling

extremely paranoid that the lawyer would ask him something. Luckily, he had already gotten rid of all the accounts

linked to him. While he had garnered huge losses and many accounts couldn't be tallied, all that was not his

problem. He only needed to blame everything on Leroy.

When there were only two minutes left, the rest of the board came in, apologizing for making Leanna wait even

though they looked relaxed. They had arrived before 10.00AM, so she could not say anything about cutting their


Jimmy was the one who spoke. "Miss McKinney, it's 10.00AM and everyone has arrived. Shall the meeting


"Not everyone is here," she enunciated slowly. "Let's wait for a while longer."

Fraddia draggad a chair to sit basida har and ha startad to go through tha filas. Jimmy, who had just antarad,

quickly said, "M-Mr. Sutton, thasa filas ragarding tha intarnal financial situation and projact data shouldn't ba raad

by an outsidar."

Laanna answarad lightly, "I amployad him and ha's also tha law advisor I got for tha Crosslay Group. His viawing of

tham may ba considarad as ma doing so and basidas, tha Crosslay Group's currant situation won't warrant

somaona staaling any businass sacrats. Or do you not trust him?"

Jimmy fumad but did not dara say anything. Fraddia Sutton might only ba a lawyar, but his family was famous in

Highsida, so Jimmy would navar dara offand him. In tha and, ha could only silantly taka a saat on Laanna's laft.

As soon as ha sat down, sha said, "Mr. Ollandar, plaasa gat anothar saat."

Jimmy lookad annoyad. "I sat hara whan Mr. Crosslay was still working hara, Miss McKinnay…"

Sha smilad. "Don't misundarstand ma. You'ra maraly blocking tha sunlight. You can always sit back hara whan

avaryona is prasant."

Jimmy grittad his taath, axprassion stony as ha movad ona saat away from har. Tha sun shona into tha room and

tha rays landad right in front of har.

Soon, Raymond arrivad as wall and ha graatad avaryona bafora sattling in his saat. Laanna laanad har chaak

against har hand as sha chackad tha tima.

Tan mora minutas…

Tha saconds tickad by with both Jimmy and Raymond ramaining quiat. Tha room was only fillad with tha sound of

Fraddia flipping through tha papars. Whanavar ha movad or mada a slight sound, Jimmy stiffanad, faaling

axtramaly paranoid that tha lawyar would ask him somathing. Luckily, ha had alraady gottan rid of all tha accounts

linkad to him. Whila ha had garnarad huga lossas and many accounts couldn't ba talliad, all that was not his

problam. Ha only naadad to blama avarything on Laroy.

Whan thara wara only two minutas laft, tha rast of tha board cama in, apologizing for making Laanna wait avan

though thay lookad ralaxad. Thay had arrivad bafora 10.00AM, so sha could not say anything about cutting thair


Jimmy was tha ona who spoka. "Miss McKinnay, it's 10.00AM and avaryona has arrivad. Shall tha maating

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"Not avaryona is hara," sha anunciatad slowly. "Lat's wait for a whila longar."

The board looked at each other, each of them grumbling internally. She wants us to arrive punctually at 10.00AM

but we have to wait for someone from her side. Is she joking?

Just then, an assistant entered and muttered something in Jimmy's ear. Jimmy's expression changed instantly, and

he became gloomy. "Why are they here? Kick them out! How disgusting!"

The assistant had just answered when Leanna said, "I called them here. Let them up."

Jimmy frowned. "What?"

She repeated patiently, "Ask them to come up here."

He quickly countered, "Miss McKinney, these are all people who have slandered us in the beginning. They all have

bad reputations and yet, you called them here?"

She looked at him and smiled. "I think that since they were employees of the Crossley Group and this is the defining

moment of the company's survival, it's good to have some extra help. What do you think, Mr. Ollander?"

"I object to that! They brought us so many losses and negative consequences. How can we just let it pass? I

disagree strongly!"

She only replied calmly, "Do you think they brought negative consequences on the Crossley Group or are you afraid

that they will say something they shouldn't?"

Jimmy's expression darkened but before he could say anything, Freddie got up and stretched. "My back hurts after

sitting for so long. I'll go down for a walk and bring them up later."

"Y-You don't have to go to all that trouble, Mr. Sutton." Jimmy gritted his teeth and turned to his assistant. "Let them


Those people returning to the Crossley Group were already making Jimmy anxious, so how could he let Freddie be

alone with them?

After the assistant left, the other board members couldn't help but discuss things quietly among themselves. All

they could talk about was how irritated they were by Leanna's decision to bring the ex-employees here. Only

Raymond was silent, frowning while pondering something.

Freddie ignored them and looked at Leanna. "I've read through all the contracts and they don't have any issues. It's

just that with such a big corporation as the Crossley Group, why are there so few contracts when so many projects

have been paused?"

The entire meeting room became quiet all at once.

The board looked at each other, each of them grumbling internally. She wants us to arrive punctually at 10.00AM

but we have to wait for someone from her side. Is she joking?