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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 593
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Chapter 593 He’ll Become Sicker

When Aidan reached the hospital, Leanna was squatting next to the wall outside the emergency room. She

wrapped her arms around her knees and placed her head on her knee as she tried her best to hide from reality. He

pursed his lips at the sight, so he walked up to her and crouched down on one knee, saying, "He'll be alright."

When she heard his voice, she raised her head to look up at him with red and swollen eyes.

He ruffled her hair before pulling her into his arms and gently patting her on the back, trying to soothe her.

Just then, the indicator light above the emergency room turned dim, and the emergency room door opened.

Leanna hurriedly stood up and wiped the tears off her face.

The doctor came out, saying, "The child's condition has stabilized now. It was fortunate that he was sent here in


Leanna was relieved at those words. However, before she could let out a sigh of relief, the doctor continued, "That

being said, his condition is a bit complicated. He's fine for the time being, but—"

Her smile froze on her face upon hearing that as she parted her lips to say something. In the end, she only snapped

back to her senses after she felt her eyes brim with tears as she choked out, "But what?"

Aidan stood next to her with his jaw slightly set.

The little guy looked so close to lifeless as he lay on the bed. His breathing was shallow, and his body was covered in

rashes. Although he was deeply asleep, they could tell, based on his clenched fists, that he couldn't rest fitfully as

the rashes prevented him from doing so.

The doctor explained, "This is the first time we've ever seen something like this. Unfortunately, we don't know the

source of his illness, so we could only give him a rather general treatment for now."

Leanna's gaze never left her child's figure as she mumbled, "You mean to say that what happened today might

happen again?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, that's right. Moreover, he'll become sicker if the cause of his illness isn't found in time."

Leanna staggered backward at that terrible news and could feel her knees turning to jelly.

Aidan instantly wrapped his arm around her shoulders to support her while looking at the doctor. "What might've

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caused such an illness?"

"Well… We need to discuss this with some specialists, but we'll give you an answer by tomorrow morning."


"I'll let you know the instant we've arrived at a conclusion. Please keep an eye on the patient tonight and let us

know immediately if his condition worsens or if he has another attack."

After the doctor had left, Aidan attentively guided Leanna to the couch slowly. Then, he said, "You stay here. I'll be

back in a minute."

Leanna took the man's hand and asked in a hoarse voice, "This isn't an accident, right?" When she took the little

guy to the hospital for a checkup several days ago, the doctor claimed that he was very healthy. However, since her

boy was born prematurely, he was slower in hitting his growth milestones than other healthy children his age.

Furthermore, he was prone to some minor ailments. Even so, the incident right now shouldn't have happened,

especially not in such a severe case where even the doctor didn't know the source of his illness.

Aidan murmured softly, "Don't worry. I'll do everything in my power to ensure he'll be alright."

Leanna closed her eyes as her tears silently rolled down her cheeks.

He raised his hand and tenderly wiped the tears off her face. "Be good and wait for me here."

Soon after that, Leanna heard the sound of the door sliding to a close.

She pushed herself off the couch and sat down next to the little guy's sickbed. His rashes seemed to be itchy as he

kept trying to scratch them, even in his sleep.

Leanna held his little hands and gently rubbed his rashes with her fingertips. The furrow between his brows

gradually disappeared, and he fell soundly asleep again.

Just then, the door to the ward was quietly pushed open. Maya asked in a whisper, "May I come in?"

Leanna tucked the little guy in before wiping the tears away from her face. "Yeah. Just come in."

Maya closed the door and walked up to the sickbed. When her eyes laid on the rashes all over the little guy's body,

she fell silent for a moment before saying, "You may scold me as you please if doing so would make you feel better.

I promise I won't even defend myself."

"Why would I scold you?"

"I promised you that I'd take good care of him. So, I have to bear responsibility for him becoming like this."

Leanna shook her head. "It's not your fault." She knew full well that based on Maya's intelligence and her firm

principles, she would never be the person behind her boy's illness. Nevertheless, Leanna had to admit that she

couldn't figure out how the little guy had picked up such a sickness.

Jonathan came up to Aidan as soon as he left the ward. "President Pearson."

Aidan's face was frosty as he instructed sternly, "Interrogate everyone who's been to the backyard at the Pearson

Family Estate back then."

"Roger that," Jonathan replied before leaving immediately. These people had always been under their surveillance

since Sienna's death, so it was very easy to look into them.

Once Freddie saw that, he approached Aidan, asking, "You suspect it was the Pearsons' doing?"

Aidan replied coldly, "They wouldn't have any opportunity to do it except during that period."

Freddie inhaled deeply before sighing. For a moment, even a lawyer of his caliber found it hard to find the correct

words to say. Sienna was already dead, and Gordon was practically close to a vegetable, whereas Justin had to

spend 20 years confined to a wheelchair. It was as clear as day that the Pearson Family was on the verge of

crumbling as if a slight touch would cause them to actually fall apart in ruins. If this incident really were their doing,

the Pearsons would probably vanish in Highside forever.

After a while, Aidan spoke up, "Do me a favor and check if there are any similar medical cases in the country. Let

me know the instant you have any solid leads."

Freddie replied, "Of course."

Aidan returned to the ward right after that. Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob, he saw Leanna leaning

against the headboard and gently caressing the little guy's itching skin with her fingertips. He pursed his lips tightly

before slowly retracting his hand. Then, he turned around and walked away, leaving the mother and son alone for

the time being.

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Leanna spent the entire night watching over the little guy until dawn without getting a wink of sleep.

Aidan made his appearance just after dawn and whispered, "You should sleep for a bit. I'll keep an eye on him."

Leanna shook her head. How could she fall asleep at this very moment?

Aidan took her hand in his and coaxed, "The results will come out in a few hours. If you don't go to sleep now, how

will you have the strength to deal with things that need your attention later?"

"Aren't you awake like me?"

"How can you compare with me?" Aidan replied. "Just go to sleep. Whom am I going to take care of if you collapse?

You or him?"

Only then did Leanna reluctantly stumble to the couch and slump into it without saying a word. Although she kept

her eyes shut, she didn't feel the least bit sleepy at all.

After some time, she could hear the rain pitter-pattering against the window. The sun continued to hide behind the

clouds while a dense fog loomed over the entire city.

Leanna didn't know when she had fallen asleep. But she could remember how vivid her nightmares were, as well as

the intense emotions that came with them. All of them ran along the lines of her poor baby, wailing at the top of his

lungs while he was being rushed into the emergency room. She could only stand there utterly powerless and unable

to do anything. The gut-wrenching feeling was so strong that she could hardly breathe.

"Nana! Nana…" Someone kept calling out to her.

Leanna suddenly awakened with a jolt.

Zoe was standing in front of her. When she noticed that Leanna was finally awake, she sighed with relief, "You're up

at last! Were you having nightmares earlier? I saw you crying the whole time."

Leanna instinctively touched her face, only to realize that her hand was wet with tears. Nonetheless, she simply

wiped her tears with the back of her hand as she turned her gaze toward the sickbed. Yet, she didn't see her child.

Instead, she immediately stood up and demanded, "Where's my baby?"

"I saw the doctor take him out when I came to visit. Aidan didn't wake you up, saying that you should sleep a while


Leanna rubbed her throbbing temples while slipping into her shoes. "How long have they been out?"

Zoe replied, "Just about ten minutes."