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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 655
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Chapter 655 What Do We Do Now?

The gallery had been tensely silent until Theodore's statement, at which point the atmosphere abruptly became

awkward. He seemed to be standing up for Daphne, but he admitted that she had been his mistress.

In an instant, the celebrities watching grew excited. The latest turn of events would likely spark a brutal war among

online fans.

Leanna stared at him and calmly responded, "Yes. Of course, you are responsible. Shouldn't you be on your knees

to express your sorrow because you know you're at fault? Why are you putting on a show here?"

After hearing that, his face went pale. He was about to speak when Joseph marched through the crowd and said,

"Miss McKinney, Charlotte, you should leave. Let me handle this."

Charlotte was going to say something but ended up being dragged out of the gallery by Leanna before she could

say a word. Then, Leana mused, The way they've been acting today suggests that Tina did her homework while

Theodore intentionally made things awkward. Staying in this tense hall any longer will only make things worse, and

Daphne will be the one to pay the price in the end. Therefore, it's best to leave when the time is right.

Suddenly, Theodore glanced at Joseph and quickly stifled the words that were about to escape his lips. It was clear

from Theodore's face that he was suppressing his rage. Then, he turned to bark at his subordinate, "That is all for

today. Make sure everyone gets out safely."

After taking the orders, his subordinates grunted in acknowledgment.

Soon, the guests quickly left the gallery without being asked.

On the other hand, Tina had never really met Theodore before. If it hadn't been for what happened to Daphne, she

would never have paid attention to a man who tried to please his wife while allowing his lower half to take control

and run wild when he wasn't with her. Ultimately, she crossed her arms before her chest and coldly snorted before

leaving with the rest of the crowd.

After all the guests had left, the employees bid Theodore farewell and departed. Soon, the only ones left in the

gallery were Joseph and Theodore.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Woodley?" Theodore asked with an upset huff.

In the meantime, Joseph shoved his hands in his pockets. His face darkened in similar dissatisfaction as his eyes,

hidden behind gold-rimmed glasses, gleamed with an icy glint. "That is my question to you, Mr. Frost. What is the

meaning of this show today?"

Theodore frowned upon hearing that. "You told me to host a jewelry exhibition. I only act on your orders, so I do not

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understand what you are asking." He had seized the chance to meet up with Joseph at the start of the exhibition to

confirm their partnership. Hence, he had not expected Joseph to interrogate him.

Tha gallary had baan tansaly silant until Thaodora's statamant, at which point tha atmosphara abruptly bacama

awkward. Ha saamad to ba standing up for Daphna, but ha admittad that sha had baan his mistrass.

In an instant, tha calabritias watching graw axcitad. Tha latast turn of avants would likaly spark a brutal war among

onlina fans.

Laanna starad at him and calmly raspondad, "Yas. Of coursa, you ara rasponsibla. Shouldn't you ba on your knaas

to axprass your sorrow bacausa you know you'ra at fault? Why ara you putting on a show hara?"

Aftar haaring that, his faca want pala. Ha was about to spaak whan Josaph marchad through tha crowd and said,

"Miss McKinnay, Charlotta, you should laava. Lat ma handla this."

Charlotta was going to say somathing but andad up baing draggad out of tha gallary by Laanna bafora sha could

say a word. Than, Laana musad, Tha way thay'va baan acting today suggasts that Tina did har homawork whila

Thaodora intantionally mada things awkward. Staying in this tansa hall any longar will only maka things worsa, and

Daphna will ba tha ona to pay tha prica in tha and. Tharafora, it's bast to laava whan tha tima is right.

Suddanly, Thaodora glancad at Josaph and quickly stiflad tha words that wara about to ascapa his lips. It was claar

from Thaodora's faca that ha was supprassing his raga. Than, ha turnad to bark at his subordinata, "That is all for

today. Maka sura avaryona gats out safaly."

Aftar taking tha ordars, his subordinatas gruntad in acknowladgmant.

Soon, tha guasts quickly laft tha gallary without baing askad.

On tha othar hand, Tina had navar raally mat Thaodora bafora. If it hadn't baan for what happanad to Daphna, sha

would navar hava paid attantion to a man who triad to plaasa his wifa whila allowing his lowar half to taka control

and run wild whan ha wasn't with har. Ultimataly, sha crossad har arms bafora har chast and coldly snortad bafora

laaving with tha rast of tha crowd.

Aftar all tha guasts had laft, tha amployaas bid Thaodora farawall and dapartad. Soon, tha only onas laft in tha

gallary wara Josaph and Thaodora.

"What is tha maaning of this, Mr. Woodlay?" Thaodora askad with an upsat huff.

In tha maantima, Josaph shovad his hands in his pockats. His faca darkanad in similar dissatisfaction as his ayas,

hiddan bahind gold-rimmad glassas, glaamad with an icy glint. "That is my quastion to you, Mr. Frost. What is tha

maaning of this show today?"

Thaodora frownad upon haaring that. "You told ma to host a jawalry axhibition. I only act on your ordars, so I do not

undarstand what you ara asking." Ha had saizad tha chanca to maat up with Josaph at tha start of tha axhibition to

confirm thair partnarship. Hanca, ha had not axpactad Josaph to intarrogata him.

"I asked you to do this because I had a plan in mind," Joseph stated bluntly. "I didn't ask you to start a show. I'm not

interested in your personal matters, but do you realize how much this small act has harmed your chances of

landing a partnership with the Pearson Group?"

Theodore eventually calmed down slightly when he heard that. "Do not worry, Mr. Woodley. Daphne may be

associated with the Pearson Group but is merely an actress. Aidan would never turn against me for her sake."

Joseph let out a harsh bark of laughter while pushing up his spectacles with one hand. "It's admirable that you're

self-assured, but if you know anything about Aidan's character, you wouldn't say that. It did not matter to him who

his adversaries were before he turned his back on them. He was able to get rid of the entire Pearson Family

overnight. What do you think of your chances?"

It's hard to argue with the validity of his arguments, no matter how harsh or merciless his words may be. Theodore

went silent momentarily before saying, "Well, Tina started this. At most, it will be construed as a conflict between

her and Daphne. The news will die down in a few days. Aidan should not hold me responsible for this."

Joseph sighed in response. "Mr. Frost, I have to reconsider our partnership now. Do you still not understand where

you went wrong?"

Theodore did not want to beat around the bush any longer, saying, "Please be straightforward."

"Do you not look into a company's history and related individuals before deciding to seek a partnership with them?"


"If you had done your investigation, you would have known that the woman standing before you earlier was Aidan's

beloved." Joseph's voice gradually turned icy. "Did you think I was only talking about your trivial affairs and


Theodore was shocked upon hearing those words. He quickly recalled the scene that had happened.

"You said you've looked into Aidan before, but what did you find out? Did you only find out what he ate and drank

every day?" Joseph slowly asked.

Suddenly, Theodore's expression turned extremely ugly as he could not say anything. I've often heard about Aidan

reuniting with his ex-wife, but I've paid little attention to the news. Today, I overheard someone arguing with Tina

about Daphne. Since I was already upset about what happened with Daphne a few days ago, I added fuel to the fire

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by participating in the argument. I do not anticipate that woman to be Aidan's wife. "If she says something to Aidan,

then I—"

"Please think before you act in the future, Mr. Frost, "Joseph stated coldly. "Otherwise, I'll be left wondering how you

got to where you are today."

Meanwhile, Theodore had no choice but to suppress his anger after realizing he was in the wrong. "What do we do

now?" he asked.

Then, Joseph narrowed his eyes and stared at a spot behind Theodore.

Leanna left the gallery, and when she saw Charlotte still fuming, she pulled her aside. "It's fine," Leanna said softly.

"They only said that because they saw that you were angry."

Hearing those words, Charlotte turned to stare at her with bloodshot eyes. "B-But Daphne is really not that kind of


Leanna chuckled and ruffled Charlotte's hair. "I know. Didn't you say that Tina was jealous of Daphne? Since you

know Tina was jealous, you do not need to continue talking to her, right?"

Charlotte pouted hard and reluctantly nodded upon hearing that.

At that moment, people streamed out of the gallery with Tina among the crowd. She shot a proud look in their

direction before quickly looking away and getting into her car.

Seeing that, Leanna pursed her lips and called Jonathan to inform him about what had happened that day. "Tina

intentionally brought up the incident in front of Charlotte, so I don't think she was joking. I'm sure she'll post about it

online soon," she explained.

"Very well, Miss McKinney. I'll deal with it right away. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. We're out of the gallery now."


After Leanna hung up, Joseph exited the gallery and approached them. "The matter has been settled, Miss

McKinney, Charlotte," he said.

Afterward, Leanna put away her phone. "Do you know that man, Mr. Woodley?"

"I can't say that I do, but I did bump into him at a business party a few days ago," he replied.

Charlotte's cheeks puffed up in anger. "Uncle Joseph, that man is despicable! Don't interact with him ever again!"

When he heard that, he chuckled. "Okay. I'll do as you say."