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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 656
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Chapter 656 Nothing Good Will Come Out of It

It was proven that Leanna's guess was right. Tina did come prepared. She had already arranged for an assistant to

make a video recording from within the crowd when she started targeting Charlotte.

So, before they left the exhibition hall, the conversation between Tina and Charlotte, as well as the audio recording

of Theodore's response to the incident, had already been posted on the Internet.

To make matters worse, Tina's paying Internet ghostwriters and promoters to post online content in advance to

hype the matter had immediately blown things out of proportion.

There were already several trending topics about this by the time Jonathan answered Leanna's call to deal with it.

"Breaking Down the Timeline—Daphne's Days as a Mistress"

"A Response From the Male Protagonist About Daphne the Mistress After Three Years"

"Views on Daphne Being a Mistress"

With Tina's help, each of these topics became the top trending topics one by one.

Discussion among netizens under these articles was fervent as well, as there were both the commenters Tina paid

to stir up trouble and Daphne's fans trying to clear things up.

In that instant, it felt like the entire Internet was talking about this.

However, Daphne's position in the entertainment circle was different from Leanna's. She couldn't retreat right after

raising such controversial and topical trending topics, or people would assume that her inability to refute was

equivalent to her acquiescing.

It would be futile for her to make a clarification in the future if she missed her chance now.

As Jonathan had other work to attend to, he didn't hesitate to let the PR team handle this.

Daphne, on the other hand, was recording for a show when the filming was suddenly put on hold as her assistant

asked her to step out.

On the way to the lounge, her assistant briefly told her what happened today. Daphne was also informed that

Pearson Group's PR had sent someone over.

She raised her eyebrows when she heard the update. "Why is President Pearson acting so kind all of a sudden?"

"I-I don't know. He has changed, maybe? But now isn't the time for this… Daph, what should we do?"

When Daphne saw the distressed look on her assistant's face, she replied in a surprisingly nonchalant tone. "Cheer

up. This isn't the first time anyway. There is no need to be afraid when I haven't done anything wrong."

The assistant thought for a moment before eventually agreeing to it.

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What was happening now wasn't that big a deal after they managed to get through the predicament three years


It was provan that Laanna's guass was right. Tina did coma praparad. Sha had alraady arrangad for an assistant to

maka a vidao racording from within tha crowd whan sha startad targating Charlotta.

So, bafora thay laft tha axhibition hall, tha convarsation batwaan Tina and Charlotta, as wall as tha audio racording

of Thaodora's rasponsa to tha incidant, had alraady baan postad on tha Intarnat.

To maka mattars worsa, Tina's paying Intarnat ghostwritars and promotars to post onlina contant in advanca to

hypa tha mattar had immadiataly blown things out of proportion.

Thara wara alraady savaral tranding topics about this by tha tima Jonathan answarad Laanna's call to daal with it.

"Braaking Down tha Timalina—Daphna's Days as a Mistrass"

"A Rasponsa From tha Mala Protagonist About Daphna tha Mistrass Aftar Thraa Yaars"

"Viaws on Daphna Baing a Mistrass"

With Tina's halp, aach of thasa topics bacama tha top tranding topics ona by ona.

Discussion among natizans undar thasa articlas was farvant as wall, as thara wara both tha commantars Tina paid

to stir up troubla and Daphna's fans trying to claar things up.

In that instant, it falt lika tha antira Intarnat was talking about this.

Howavar, Daphna's position in tha antartainmant circla was diffarant from Laanna's. Sha couldn't ratraat right aftar

raising such controvarsial and topical tranding topics, or paopla would assuma that har inability to rafuta was

aquivalant to har acquiascing.

It would ba futila for har to maka a clarification in tha futura if sha missad har chanca now.

As Jonathan had othar work to attand to, ha didn't hasitata to lat tha PR taam handla this.

Daphna, on tha othar hand, was racording for a show whan tha filming was suddanly put on hold as har assistant

askad har to stap out.

On tha way to tha lounga, har assistant briafly told har what happanad today. Daphna was also informad that

Paarson Group's PR had sant somaona ovar.

Sha raisad har ayabrows whan sha haard tha updata. "Why is Prasidant Paarson acting so kind all of a suddan?"

"I-I don't know. Ha has changad, mayba? But now isn't tha tima for this… Daph, what should wa do?"

Whan Daphna saw tha distrassad look on har assistant's faca, sha rapliad in a surprisingly nonchalant tona. "Chaar

up. This isn't tha first tima anyway. Thara is no naad to ba afraid whan I havan't dona anything wrong."

Tha assistant thought for a momant bafora avantually agraaing to it.

What was happaning now wasn't that big a daal aftar thay managad to gat through tha pradicamant thraa yaars


Daphne's phone began to ring when she was almost at the lounge. Seeing that it was a call from Leanna, she told

her assistant to head in first while she took the call.

"Sure, Daph," the assistant replied while Daphne stepped aside to answer her phone.

Leanna asked after the call got through, "Have you seen the trending topics?"

"I did. The PR team got someone to talk to me about them."

Leanna pressed her lips together before apologizing. "I'm sorry. This happened because of me."

Leanna proceeded to tell Daphne the details of what happened in the exhibition hall.

However, Daphne couldn't help laughing after that. "You're apologizing because of something like that? It's nothing,

geez. Tina has long since had a bone to pick with me. Even if you guys were out of the picture, she would still find

the chance to dig this out. It's only a matter of time.

"As for Theodore… He has never planned to let me go. Nothing good will come out of adding Tina and Theodore


"So, what's your next plan?"

"I'll see what the PR team thinks. But really, stop blaming yourself. I'm actually quite grateful for that little lady for

being brave enough to argue with Tina. The whole of Highside now knows what a hardcore fan I have. This is

definitely worth bragging about."

"Alright then." Leanna quietly chuckled. "Have a discussion with the PR department. Let me know if there are any

updates or if you need my help."

"Sure! I'm heading in now."

After hanging up the phone and arriving at the lounge, Daphne greeted the person in charge of the PR department.

Since they were all old acquaintances, she wasted no time on pleasantries and sat down.

The person in charge began. "I heard about the details when I was on my way here. Someone's deliberately

provoking this incident. Even the audio has been edited to alter the sound. Do you suspect anyone?"

"Tina Anderson," Daphne calmly uttered.

The person in charge was not surprised at all upon hearing the answer. After all, they had had to deal with all of

Tina's people's attempts to smear Daphne's name throughout these two years.

As the person in charge nodded, Daphne asked, "Do we have to do a press conference to give a response to this


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"No, you already did three years ago. It's useless to say more. Our priority now is to prove that the other person in

the audio recording is Tina. Public opinion will reverse then. Most importantly, you won't be on the trending topics."

Daphne paused and let out a small frown. "You mean we're going to steer the topic to the fact that she deliberately

provoked this incident so that both our fans will quarrel and slowly push the previous topics down?"

The person in charge nudged his glasses. "That's the rough idea."

Daphne didn't say anything, but she clearly didn't agree with this method.

She didn't want her fans to get into fights because of something so pointless.

Seeing this, the person in charge continued, "I'm going to say something that's going to be unpleasant to hear. If

you want to solve the root cause of the problem, you must prove your relationship with Theodore. However, you

have indeed been together. Although you said that you didn't know that he had a wife then, you were once lovers.

It's an ambiguous line we're talking about here. I can trust you, and so can President Pearson and your fans.

"Despite that, you still don't have concrete evidence to back up your claims."

Daphne couldn't help feeling powerless after hearing that. It wasn't like she could refute as well when what the

person in charge said was true.

She would have gotten the evidence three years ago to prove her innocence if she had any.

The person in charge added, "This is the most effective and fastest solution we have now. Tina has a considerable

number of fans and fame in the country. If we tell everyone that she is the one manipulating everything, they won't

be focusing on whether you were a mistress or not. The topic will die down somehow."

Daphne gave herself a moment before she answered, "Let me think about it."

The talk might die down, but… the problem would still be there.

The person in charge of the HR team took a glance at the time. "It's 6.00PM now. You have to give me the answer

before 11.30PM tonight. During this period, I will prepare a statement according to what we are talking about now

and gather the evidence that Tina planned this all along."

"Got it." Daphne nodded.

The person in charge then got up and opened the door to get out, leaving Daphne to sit in the lounge by herself for

about 20 minutes before she trudged her way out.

She saw a tall figure leaving at the end of the corridor right when she reached the door.

Before she could take a good look at who it was, her assistant came over and told her, "Daph, I've requested time

off from the production team. Let's go home now."

Hearing that, Daphne looked away and started walking. She hadn't gone far when she suddenly brought up.

"Where's Louis?"

"I don't know," the assistant replied with a blank face. "I didn't see him after they paused the filming."