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I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Chapter Volume 10 Chapter 4 - Baron Gurin
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The support fleet set off for Baron Gurin’s territory on the same day it was decided that the wedding would be put on hold for three years.

As the Commander, Liam had to depart as well, so Rosetta was there to see him off.

Beside her were Amagi and Brian.

This was to show the others that Rosetta would be put in charge of all affairs while Liam was absent.

The two people who he trusted most would be by her side to give her their support.

“Darling, please come back safely.” Rosetta said to Liam.

Worried for Liam’s well-being, Rosetta prayed for his safe return.

Unlike her, Liam was calm, as if he couldn’t imagine himself dying in the war.

However, Liam had a track record of emerging victorious in the face of many adversaries, so the people around him didn’t think he was being arrogant.

Instead, they respected his confidence.

Seeing Rosetta so worried, Liam decided to tease her.

“The war this time is a big one. What a pity it is that the wedding had to be canceled.”

He said this knowing full well how much Rosetta looked forward to their wedding.

Rosetta shook her head.

“I don’t mind it being canceled. All that matters is that Darling comes back safe and sound.”

“–What a commendable thing to say.”

No longer finding her worth teasing, Liam looked for Wallace amidst the crowd and called him over.

“Wallace, come over here.”


Wallace displayed a very casual attitude before Liam, and he didn’t mind this as they had been friends since they were in preschool, not to mention Wallace held a special position in the territory.

He had demonstrated immense talent in preparing for events, and he was responsible for arranging their wedding.

Liam whispered something in his ears, and Wallace looked up in surprise.

“Are you sure? It might all go to waste, you know?”

Rosetta couldn’t hear their conversation just now, but it seemed as if Liam had asked Wallace for something that might prove to be in vain.

Liam glanced at Rosetta.

“It’s fine.”

Liam then headed toward the Super-Dreadnought class battleship with his back facing Rosetta.

Rosetta prayed for his safety while watching his back.

“Dear Lord, please let Darling come back in one piece.”

The air in Baron Gurin’s territory was stale and unpleasant.

While the area surrounding his mansion was well-maintained, everywhere else was like the slums.

The planet had been ravaged to such an extent that there was only a limited number of places where people could live.

Hundreds of years ago, it used to be a planet rich in nature, but the environment had deteriorated immensely after the current head of the family took over the territory.

The environment was destroyed as a result of unreasonable attempts to develop the planet, and things only worsened when they tried to make up for their mistakes.

Nowadays, arcologies were the only places where people could live in.

As for why Baron Gurin would live on such a rundown planet? He didn’t.

He usually lived in the Capital and left his territory unattended.

After experiencing repeated failures in developing the territory, he lost all motivation and started neglecting his territory.

He only realized how bad the situation back home was after returning for the first time in a long while with Theodore.

“Since it’s in such terrible condition, we can expect a lot of resources from Liam.”

That was Baron Gurin’s analysis of the situation.

Theodore was also taken aback by the planet’s condition.

“Wouldn’t it be better to immigrate to Charlow as soon as possible?”

“I don’t like immigrating. It’s too much trouble. Besides, I usually live in the Capital. I don’t come back often, so I can put up with this for now.”

“You can put up with it, you say?”

That went to show how little the Baron cared for the citizens who lived in his territory.

Baron Gurin decided to discuss future matters with Theodore.

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“Forget it. Anyway, all I have to do is stall Liam’s forces as much as possible, correct?”

Theodore nodded.

To begin with, he didn’t expect much from Baron Gurin military-wise.

“That will do. He’s fighting a losing battle anyway.”

“If Liam falls in this war, I’d like to be given a position that befits my contribution. I’m sick and tired of this planet.”

Baron Gurin was participating in Cleo’s plan so that he could cut ties with this remote territory and come live in the Capital.

Theodore conveyed Cleo’s message to the Baron.

“As long as the Crown Prince succeeds the throne without any problem, His Highness Cleo has promised to give you a suitable position.”

Baron Gurin patted his chest.

“Then I’ll go all out in stalling Liam’s forces here.”

Theodore smiled and shook hands with the Baron.

“Please give it your all, Baron.”

(You’re just a spoiled brat who was born with a golden spoon. Once everything’s over, you will be erased, but until then, give it your all.)

The Banfield Family’s fleet that numbers in the hundreds of thousands has arrived at Baron Gurin’s home planet before the others.

We’re steadily growing our foces, but there’s no denying that we’ve put quite a bit of strain on ourselves this time around.

We had to dispatch a fleet to the border which the Empire shares with the Kingdom of Dominion, and we had to leave a fleet behind at the territory to defend our base.

Even so, we were able to gather together a fleet of 300,000 thanks to our hard work throughout the years.

Due to all the development my territory had, we’re now able to maintain a fleet of such size.

Of course, the Alchemy Box played a part as well.

Having said that, I’m starting to see a limit even with the Alchemy Box.

Although I could get all the resources I want, it’s not like I could just sit there with the Alchemy Box next to me all day long, and I feel uneasy leaving it to someone else.

From now on, we’ll have to depend on our own skill to further develop the territory.

“It’s great and all that we were the first to arrive…but this is horrible.”

I’m currently looking down at the planet from outer space, but this is truly a sorry sight to behold.

The only livable space is inside the arcologies, which reminds me of the Razel Family where I went to for my training.

But there’s a difference. Their planet was in a horrible condition because of resource mining, whereas this Gurin dude destroyed his own planet because he failed to develop it.

“This is what they get for being so incompetent. Should’ve just shut up and relied on artificial intelligence.”

I’m at the bridge of the Super-Dreadnought class battleship, staring down at the floor which is projecting the image of Baron Gurin’s home planet.

No matter how developed a society is, if the person at the top is an idiot, there’s no saving civilization. I’m astonished by how perfect an example this planet is to that statement.

Tia enthusiastically sucks up to me.

“That’s exactly the case, my Lord! Trash that are beneath even ordinary people can never hope to achieve any semblance of development.”

I’m fully aware of what I can and cannot do. Hence, if there’s something I can’t solve, I rely on other people.

I’ve seen how miserably things end for those that fail to realize this.

Being praised makes me feel better, but the problem we’re facing right now is the reception.

“You’re right, but there’s nowhere to dock our fleet.”

It’s all good up to the point where we rallied 300,000 ships.

The problem is, this place doesn’t have the infrastructure to take in such a fleet.

We tried to confirm this in advance, but Cleo’s personal guards insisted that there wouldn’t be any problem.

Marie vents her frustration.

“’Cause of those useless guards, we can’t even replenish supplies properly. Call the person in charge!”

In response to Marie yelling at the ship’s operator, a call is connected to Theodore, who’s in Baron Gurin’s territory.

‘My my, if it isn’t Count Banfield. As expected, you’ve arrived just on schedule. But shouldn’t you have arrived a bit earlier as proof of your motivation?’

I ignore the nonsense that Theodore is spouting and demand an explanation for the inadequate reception.

“If we’re to talk about motivation, the same goes for you. You’re not even ready to accommodate us.”

‘As I said, Baron Gurin’s territory has suffered a lot of damage. Allies forces will be arriving one after another, so I’d like to ask Count Banfield to build a base for us. I heard you’re pretty good at that.’

Although I do have some experience in contructing bases, it pisses me off that he’s telling me what to do after requesting for my presence.

“So be it. I didn’t expect anything from you guys to begin with. Hey, get it started.”


Klaus returns a brief reply.

Soon, ships carrying engineers and specialized personnel get to work.

With the supplies we brought, we’ll be building a simple base.

Ships descend one after another to the planet and begin construction of the ground base.

However, this is like pouring a bucket of water to extinguish a forest fire.

The allied fleet that’s scheduled to arrive in the future will number over a million.

Although that isn’t so big of a number in wars between countries, it’s a ridiculou snumber considering the fact that this is a domestic conflict between aristocrats.

Both sides are giving it their all, hence the number.

Next to me, the Commander, is Klaus, my Head Knight.

Being the reliable man that he is, he’s calm and collected like always.

I voice my complaint to him.

“It’s sad that we’re investing so much manpower, resources, and capital, only to give Baron Gurin a new territory. What do you think about this, Klaus?”

It’s a nasty question to answer, but Klaus gives a normal reply.

“Since this battle will determine who becomes the next Emperor, the investment will be worth much more than a single planet.”

I project a holographic image of Planet Charlotte on the palm of my hand.

I like it because it feels like the fate of the planet is in my hands.

“Personally, I don’t think that’s worth much.”

“Lord Liam, please refrain from making such dangerous remarks.”

Klaus panics a little hearing what I say.

Satisfied, I look at the image of Planet Charlow and recall memories of Earth.

“–I’m more interested in this planet than whatever status is on the line.”

Around the time when the war was about to begin at Planet Charlow, Lysithea, Cleo’s older sister, was behaving restlessly at the Capital.

Inside the office room where Cleo was working, she suddenly stood up from the sofa and paced around the room aimlessly.

Seeing this, Cleo let out a small sigh and gave her a reminder.

“Sister, you can worry all you want, but it’s not going to change the result of the war.”

Lysithea blushed hearing this.

“Aren’t your curious as well!? Elder Sister Cecilia’s worried sick.”

“That’s because Kurt-dono, her finacee, is participating.”

Cecilia was the finacee of Kurt, Liam’s best friend, as well as the sibling’s older sister.

She had abandoned her inheritance rights and got engaged with Kurt.

Now, she lived at Baron Exner’s, which was Kurt’s home, and she contacted Lysithea from time to time.

“Liam-dono and Kurt-dono. Even besides those two, there are countless others I don’t wish to see dead.”

Cleo felt nauseous hearing Lysithea’s innocent wish.

(People die in millions on the battlefield. My sister’s too naive.)

Lysithea, who became a knight to protect Cleo, had a nice personality.

However, she was too naive to survive in the court.

Hence, Cleo didn’t tell her about him cooperating with Calvin.

“The Count is strong. He’ll definitely return victorious.”

Liam had turned the tables against many adversaries.

Not to mention, he had the advantage over Calvin this time around–or so it seemed, at least.

Lysithea regained her composure after hearing his words.

“You’re right. Liam-dono is powerful after all! Really, there’s nothing he can’t do. Rumors say that the Prime Minister praised how well he dealt with domestic affairs. As long as we have Liam-dono’s support, the Empire will be unshakeable by the time Cleo succeeds the throne!”

Lysithea stated her honest opinion, but Cleo hated that.

“You’re right. So let us believe in the Count’s victory.”

(If Liam wins, the Empire will enter an era of stability. But I’m sure everyone will praise Liam instead of me, and I can’t stand that!)

Cleo clenched his fist hard making sure it’s out of Lysithea’s sight.

(I had to cling on desperately to survive, and now, the Emperor’s seat is within my reach. But that’s precisely why…I hate everything.)

Until now, he was too busy thinking of ways in which he could survive, but now that he was in a safe position, he started to wonder why everything came to be.

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Who was to blame?

Was it the Emperor who made an example out of him?

Was it his mother who turned him into a man?

No, it was this country’s very existence that–

Hatred kept accumulating within Cleo.

Lysithea continued talking to him as if to engage in small talk.

“Like really! Liam-dono is incredible. A hero, I say! If he didn’t have a finace, the ladies wouldn’t have left him alone. Cleo, you too–”

“Sister! I’m a man.”

Cleo loudly interrupted Lysithea’s story and erupted from his seat, his face contorted in anger.

Realizing her mistake, Lysithea apologized.

“S-sorry. Right. You’re a man.”

“Please be more mindful.”

Lysithea felt sorry, but she didn’t back down.

“But in reality, you–”

“That’s enough.”

Cleo didn’t listen to what Lysithea had to say and left the office in frustration.

Inside a laboratory that Cleo had prepared, scientists wearing masks were gathered.

Science, magic–experts in various fields were studying babies that were floating inside a series of capsules.

The person in charge approached Cleo as he entered.

“Your Highness, unfortunately, the vast majority of them aren’t up for the task.”

Cleo frowned at the unfortunate news. Noticing this, the person in charge started making up excuses.

“With educational capsules, we’re installing them with knowledge of the One-Flash, but most of them are dying because of overload.”

The babies floating inside hte capsules were clones created using Liam’s genes.

However, many were dying before they could properly grow.

“Such rapid growth places a heavy burden, reducing their lifespan. Installing the data of One-Flash also leads to brain damage. Even if we succeed, the individual will only survive for a few decades maximum.”

Cleo didn’t care about their lifespan.

“It doesn’t matter. We just need them for this battle. Even so, it’s pathetic that there’s no case of success after such mass-production.”

“There has been one.”

The person in charge guided Cleo to anther room.

Inside, there was a child with long hair who had grown to be about 10 years of age in a short time.

Cleo immediately felt that something was off.

“So there’s a survivor. But something’s wrong. It seems similar to Liam, but…could it be a girl?”

The person in charge nodded, surprising Cleo.

The man then began to explain the story behind the girl.

“She’s the only successful case albeit being considered a failure in the beginning. Aside from her gender though, she’s closest to the finished form.”

Cleo bent down and looked at the girl.

“–Your name.”

The girl tilted her head, and she turned her gaze somewhere else for a moment.

To Cleo, it felt as if the girl was looking at something invisible.

The girl then opened her mouth.

“No. 3588.”

She hadn’t been given a name and was only known by her number.

“Ok.–And why were you born?”

In response, the girl flashed a lovely smile.

“To kill Liam!”

“–Good girl.”

Cleo stood up and left the room with the person in charge.


Brian (´・ω・`): “Baron Gurin’s territory is reminiscent of the Banfield Family’s territory before Lord Liam was born, it’s painful. Oh, and thank you all very much for reporting about preordering Volume 3. The official release will be tomorrow, and this Brian looks forward to reading the comments. The highlight will be of course–”

Wakagi-chan |д゜)

Wakagi-chan (#゜Д゜): “Please show ‘The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs’ much love! Make sure to read it, as I’ll be making an appearance and playing an active role! Also, on the book’s questionnaire, please write ‘Naegi-chan is cute’!”

Brian (;`・ω・´): (The plant’s revived again to promote other works.)