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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 529
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Chapter 529 Disrespecting Chloe

Vanya refused to back down, saying, “Going abroad is convenient. You have to trust Duskfall’s influence.”

“Duskfall has nothing to do with me. As I mentioned before, my decisions are based solely on my own interests.”

Noah smirked, dismissing her suggestion. “Besides, you haven’t proven yourself worthy of my trust.”

Vanya stared at him, her expression masking her true thoughts. “You’ve surprised me,” she said. She had initially

pegged Noah as just another pampered rich kid, but she now realized he possessed cunning and a hidden depth for


She had attempted to ascertain if Eustace was truly in Noah’s possession, but her efforts proved inconclusive. Not

only that, Noah appeared to be well-informed about Xavia’s actions toward Eustace. He had gathered a wealth of

information and orchestrated everything from the shadows. Upon reflection, it became evident that dealing with

this young man was no less challenging than dealing with Joseph.

“All right, you can choose the location. Xavia’s amniocentesis is scheduled for the 10th of next month, so we have

more than twenty days left.”

Noah’s eyes sparkled with determination as he nodded, his gaze shifting toward the door.” Goodbye then.”

Joseph waited for the herbalist’s assistant to collect the medicine before showering. As he prepared to retire to the

bedroom, his phone rang.

“Mr. Joseph, Mr. Nathan is drunk and is at the cemetery. Could you please come and pick him up?”

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Joseph instantly remembered that it was the anniversary of Daphne’s passing and replied without hesitation, “I’ll be


An hour later, he reached the cemetery and found Nathan in a state of heavy intoxication, clutching onto a

tombstone. His eyes were bloodshot, and he alternated between bouts of laughter and tears, muttering incoherent

words. It was challenging to decipher his speech.

“Mr. Nathan arrived early this morning and has been here the whole day,” the security guard at the cemetery said

with a sigh, his gaze fixed on the photo of a girl on the tombstone. “Mr. Nathan is a truly devoted lover.”

It had been three years, and Nathan had come to visit every year on this day without fail.

Joseph arched an eyebrow. ‘A devoted lover? He doesn’t strike me as one. He didn’t cherish her when she was

alive, only to regret it deeply after losing her. This woman had treated him like

the world.’

“Let’s go.” Joseph assisted Nathan to his feet and guided him toward the car and drove the latter back to his house.

After the whole ordeal was over, it was already four o’clock in the morning. Joseph did not want to disturb Chloe’s

rest by returning to Oceanic Residence at such a late hour and instead opted to head straight to Fairlight and

endure the few hours before the morning meeting.

Chloe woke up and felt the emptiness beside her. It was cold. Confused, she wondered how early Joseph had left.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she ventured out of the bedroom and was greeted by an empty living room.

She froze on the spot and after a brief moment of confusion, she hurriedly called Joseph. “Someone broke into my

house! They’ve stolen everything in the living room!”

“…I had someone take your belongings to the villa.”

“What?” Chloe’s voice suddenly grew louder. “Why? Why did you make that decision without consulting me?!”

“I don’t want you living in the same neighborhood as Noah.”

Chloe seethed with fury, her teeth grinding together. “Joseph, you have no respect for me. What do you think

you’re doing? I’m not your possession. I have the right to make my own decisions in life. Even if you’re jealous, it

doesn’t give you the right to not inform me.”

Did he have any idea what it felt like to wake up to an empty home after a night’s sleep?

Her erupting anger surged uncontrollably, and her fair little face flushed, adding a touch of allure to her


“If I had informed you, would you have agreed?” Joseph’s tone remained calm as he twirled his pen between his

fingers. Just by listening to his voice, one could sense his superiority, akin to a high-ranking individual who controlled


“No, I wouldn’t have.”

“Then why should I tell you?” He paused, then continued, “I didn’t tell you about it to avoid unnecessary arguments.

In the future, I’ll arrange a dedicated car and driver to take you to and from work.”

Chloe felt a surge of frustration as she roared into the phone, “Even with a driver, I’ll still waste a significant amount

of time on the road! It takes me an hour and a half to get from Fairlight to the Johnson Group. That’s three times

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longer than the journey from Oceanic Residence! I could practically walk to work from my residence. You always

expect me to understand you, but can’t you try to understand me?”

“Then I’ll purchase a house near the Johnson Group’s office for you.”

“That’s not the point.”

What she wanted was respect, not money. Buying a new house might address the current issue, but what about

future conflicts? Similar situations would arise again.

“Am I wrong to buy you a house?” Joseph’s handsome face took on a slight seriousness. “Have you been

deliberately picking fights with me lately?”

Chloe was incredibly frustrated. How did the situation suddenly shift to becoming her fault?


“Chloe, I didn’t get any sleep last night, and I have an important meeting to attend soon. Can we not argue right

now? Let’s talk in the evening when I’m done with my busy schedule,” Joseph interjected, his tone softening.

Hearing the weariness in his voice, Chloe pressed her lips together. While feeling empathetic for him, she also felt a

bit aggrieved. “Okay, I’ll wait for you to get home.”

Continuing the argument at this point would only come across as unreasonable and childish.

Not long after ending the call, the assistant rushed to the clinic and presented the herbalist. with the bag of

medicine Joseph had provided. “Sir, Mr. Joseph requested that you examine the ingredients.”