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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 546
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Chapter 546 Only MS. Chloe Holds That Privilege

When Lucas saw Xavia, he smacked his lips. His expression revealed a mixture of a hint of speechlessness and


‘Right after Ms. Chloe leaves, this one comes sauntering in. The purpose behind her actions is clear to anyone with

discerning eyes,’ he thought.

“I want to see Joe,” Xavia stated plainly, emanating an air of entitlement.

“Mr. Joseph is currently busy.” The underlying message carried a reluctance to meet her.

Xavia arched an eyebrow and sneered coldly. “Aren’t you at least going to tell him I’m here?”

“Mr. Joseph requested not to be disturbed while he’s working,” Lucas replied calmly.

“Not even by me?”

“Only Ms. Chloe holds that privilege.”

Lucas intended to provoke Xavia and make her leave, but he underestimated her. Instead of getting angry, Xavia

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smirked and fell silent. She attempted to bypass him and enter straight

into the office.

Instinctively, he reached out to stop her. But as soon as his arm touched her, she fell to the ground and winced in

pain. “Was that necessary? Why did you push me when I’ve only said a few words?”

Lucas was left speechless, swearing that he had not used any force at that moment.

Xavia’s voice carried into the office, catching Joseph’s attention. He opened the office door, furrowing his eyebrows

as he glanced at them, silently questioning the situation.

“Mr. Joseph, Ms. Xavia came looking for you. I told her you were busy but she insisted on going in. I only reached

out to stop her and…” Lucas explained.

Xavia, still weak from the fall, supported her waist and nodded apologetically. “Yes, Lucas didn’t do it on purpose. I

lost my balance.”

While Xavia took the blame upon herself, there was also a subtle hint of her trying to shift the blame onto Lucas.

Xavia’s action once again left Lucas speechless. ‘Look at this woman. She’s truly a master of deception with her

innocent facade. I must admit, she has outdone herself this time. I can’t outperform you. Are you satisfied now?”

Joseph’s narrowed, sharp eyes glanced at Xavia, devoid of any blame toward Lucas. “Do you have something to tell


“Well, actually, I don’t have anything urgent. I was contemplating whether I should schedule

an earlier hospital stay this month considering the upcoming amniocentesis. The examinations can be time-


“Whatever you want.”

“I’ll follow your decision. I’ll comply with whatever you arrange for me.”

“Go ahead and stay in the hospital then.”

“Okay, I’ll pack my things tomorrow,” Xavia responded, her eyes filled with anticipation ast she took out a small

parenting book from her bag. “I heard from other mothers that babies can hear their parents talking when they’re

four months in the womb.

“I’ve been telling bedtime stories to the baby every night. And today, the baby kicked me a few times. I think the

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baby is tired of my stories and wants to hear the father tell them instead.”

Joseph gazed at her protruding belly with an expressionless face. “I don’t have time. Maybe.

next time.”

“It’s a very short story. It’ll only take about ten minutes,” Xavia insisted, flipping open the parenting book and

pointing to one of the stories. “I want you to feel involved, Joe.”

“Perhaps I can do it? I have some time right now,” Lucas chimed in, attempting to be clever while maintaining a

serious expression. “After all, the baby is still young and doesn’t know who the father is. The same effect can be

achieved if I read the story.”

Xavia clenched her teeth and her frustration was evident. “There’s a telepathic connection. between a father and

their child.”

“But Ms. Xavia, you haven’t undergone the amniocentesis yet, so how can you be certain that the child belongs to

Mr. Joseph-


“Are you saying that I’m deceiving Joe?” Xavia interrupted, her voice laced with tension.

“No, no, that’s not what I meant. I was merely expressing a thought,” Lucas quickly clarified, glancing at Joseph.

“Sir, I was just giving my unfiltered opinion. The final decision rests with
