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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 177
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Chapter 177

"Yeah, then I'll leave now."

"Go ahead. I will be waiting for good news." After giving those words of encouragement, Kelly went

back to her work.

With the fishing tools in hand, Kendall took two steps toward the exit before turning to face Kelly once

more. "Do you mind lending me your car?"

Since she was driven to work by the Coleman Family's driver, she had asked the driver to head back

first the moment she arrived at the office. What she hadn't expected was for Leonel to be so quick in

inviting her to go fishing. It's not even the weekend, she thought. That Leonel must have a lot of time

on his hands in Prestige Electronics.

Nevertheless, she had to admit that the company had flourished under him. Furthermore, he gained the

full trust of the headquarters to the extent where his word was the law in Prestige Electronics.

After pondering on Kendall's question for a while, Kelly handed her car keys to Kendall along with a

reminder. "Be careful when you're on the road. Mommy told me that you've already been in two car

accidents now."

"That's a lie. I was only ever in one." It was true, technically. Nothing happened the first time since

Kendall's man had happened to witness her drag racing. It was only the second time that she had


collided with a tree by the road. Thinking back on the collision, she continued, "I'll be careful."

She then took the car key and left.

Over at the president's office in Mendelson Group, the intercom rang the moment Frank, who had just

returned from a short morning meeting, was about to take a sip of the coffee his secretary had made

for him. "President Mendelson, Kendall Parker from the Parker Corporation requests a meeting," the

voice from the intercom said after Frank had answered the intercom.

Due to the discussion of the potential collaboration between the Mendelson Group and the Parker

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Corporation, the secretary had thought that the reason for Kendall's request was for business.

Hearing that Kendall had made a request for a meeting, Frank blinked his alluring eyes several times

before he replied in his deep voice, "Invite her in." Looks like biding my time has paid off.

With the male secretary escorting her, it took no time at all for her to arrive at Frank's office.

While entering the office, Kendall was surprised by how similar the office was to Dylan's. If not for the

secretary escorting her, she would have thought that she had just entered Dylan's office instead.

Does this man have something to prove against my Dylan, she thought as she swore at the man

inwardly. "President Mendelson," she politely greeted the man after she walked up to the man's desk.

Frank then gestured for the secretary to give them some privacy. With the secretary closing the office


door when he left, the room was now isolated and away from prying eyes. An indifferent Frank said,

"Please, take a seat, Ms. Parker."

"Thank you, President Mendelson," Kendall replied before sitting down on a black chair.

While taking sips of his coffee, he kept his eyes on her.

She was becoming uncomfortable with him staring at her, but kept her poker face while she asked

politely, "President Mendelson, I cannot help but think that there is something wrong with me if you

keep staring at me that way."

"If our child was a girl, she would look just like you."

Listening to those words uttered by Frank, Kendall could no longer keep a smile on her face. With her

expression turning serious, she took a few deep breaths before she said, "President Mendelson, I have

already explained this. Nothing happened between us. Even the people you've hired to examine me

corroborate what I'm saying. We never had a baby together."

Frank then placed his coffee down before he said in his deep, low voice, "Right now, perhaps.

However, that does not mean we couldn't have one later. Kendall, don't you miss your baby? I

remember how our baby took after your looks with how cute and beautiful she was. My heart just melts

thinking of how sweet and cute our baby was."

"Frank Mendelson, have you gone mad?!" Kendall had not expected for Frank to even utter such a

suggestion. Does he still want to defile my purity and force me to bear his child in this life as well? You


were right on the money about him, Dylan!

After seconds passed with Frank keeping his gaze on her wordlessly, he apologized, "I'm sorry about

that, Kendall. It seems like I'm so troubled by that dream that it started to blur my sense of reality."

"President Mendelson, I would suggest you book an appointment with a therapist first thing after I


"Thank you for your suggestion. I will take that into consideration."

After his apology, Kendall opened her bag and placed several kinds of medicines that she bought from

the pharmacy she passed by—medicines for bruises and inflammation—on Frank's table. "President

Mendelson, I apologize again for my conduct that night. I've bought these medicines for you, as they

are effective for reducing inflammation and swelling. You'll recover faster if you apply these to your


"Thank you," said Frank after he picked one of the medicines to examine it.

"No need for thanks as this is the least I can do. I only hope that your injury will heal sooner, President

Mendelson." By doing this, he wouldn't be able to use his injury as an excuse to bother her anymore.

Then again, it wasn't quite right to say that he was bothering her, but she couldn't deny the fact that it

was the feeling she received from him. "President Mendelson."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

In a polite attitude, Kendall continued, "President Mendelson, my friend, Amelia, was wrong in posting

those photos she took of you secretly. However, I'm sure she has already apologized to you, and that


you've also deleted the photos. Could you let her go now?"

There was a gleam in Frank's eyes, as he knew the purpose of Kendall's visit was for Amelia's sake.

"Kendall, you speak as though I'm holding your friend captive." He stood up and walked to the other

door in his office that seemed to lead to his pantry. "I admit I did have someone get Ms. Taylor.

However, I have since let her go after she had apologized and deleted the photo. Don't tell me your

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friend isn't back home yet?" His voice came from the pantry.

"No." To Kendall's knowledge, the Taylor Family was frantic with worry, as they had Amelia's friends

and family search for her, yet still had no news of her.

After some time, Frank came out with a tray loaded with two plates of quality-looking sweet snacks and

a cup of hot steamy coffee. He then placed the snacks and coffee on the table reserved for guests and

said, "Kendall, come and have a taste. There are some snacks and coffee for you. You must've not

slept well last night, what with your bloodshot eyes." He took a seat on the couch as soon as he

finished speaking.

Though Kendall went over to Frank, she rejected his offer. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm still not

hungry as I've had a heavy breakfast." Nevertheless, the two plates of snacks looked exquisite and

appetizing. Should the person opposite her be Dylan, she would have cleaned up the plates the

moment they were on the table. Since these were offered by Frank, she hadn't the courage to let her

guard down.

"Please, have a taste. These snacks were made by my chef back home. The snacks he makes are

extremely delightful." With his alluring eyes on her, he picked one of the plates up and brought it in front

of Kendall.


Looking at how obstinate Frank was, as he had kept his hand extended even though Kendall had

rejected him, she took one of the snacks and placed it into her mouth.

Frank, who had his eyes on her every action, placed the plate down, looking satisfied. "Here, have a

cup of coffee. It'll wake you up."

"Thank you, President Mendelson. However, I'm quite awake myself right now." Kendall politely

rejected him once again.

"Kendall, if you drink this cup of coffee as well as have a few more bites of these snacks, I would

consider giving my help in the search for Ms. Taylor." Frank gave a tempting offer. In his low and deep

voice, he continued, "You should know how well connected I am. It would not take more than an hour to

find Ms. Taylor's whereabouts with my help."

Kendall stayed silent, as she did not know what to say. Have I fallen into a trap? she thought. She

remembered Dylan telling her to stay away from Frank, yet she could not abide by it, as she needed to

meet Frank for Amelia's sake. Now, she was too deep into this that she had to be involved with Frank.