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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 613
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Chapter 613 Practicing Beforehand

"Amos, if Kendall wakes up, tell her that I'm taking a walk outside and that I'll be back soon," Dylan instructed

before leaving with Ronnie.

He was worried that Kendall would be anxious if she woke up and didn't see him around.

"Are you planning to walk all the way, Young Master Dylan?" Ronnie asked.

The animal compound was quite far away from Dylan's residence. It was a long walk and Ronnie was concerned

that Dylan's legs might start acting up.

Furthermore, it would take some time for them to walk to and from the animal compound, which could end up

delaying Dylan and Kendall's breakfast.

"Go and bring two bicycles over."

Dylan couldn't remember the last time he rode a bicycle.

When he was younger, he would often ride around the place with his younger brothers.

At the time, Alice was only a little over a year old, and every time he went out on a bicycle, she would cry and insist

on tagging along with him.

He had no choice but to install a child's seat on his bicycle to take her around with him.

However, as he got older, he no longer had the time to ride around on a bicycle with his younger brothers.

Over a decade had passed since then, and it remained to be seen whether Dylan still knew how to ride a bicycle.

"You haven't ridden a bicycle in a while, Young Master Dylan. You might've gotten rusty. How about an electric

scooter instead?"

"A bicycle will do. Since it's been a while, I should get some practice. Once I get the hang of it again, I can take

Kendall out on a ride when we're free. I have a feeling that Kendall still can't remember the way back to the house


Ronnie smiled without responding. He agreed that it was quite likely.

Young Mistress Kendall is only familiar with the paths near the house. She'd most likely get lost if she strolled around

the entire Coleman Residence.

Since Dylan wanted to practice before taking Kendall out on a ride, Ronnie went to the garage and brought back

two bicycles.

Coleman Residence was far too extensive. It would take too long to walk to places that were a little further away, so

there were bicycles and electric scooters at every house. It was more convenient for them to ride around to the

other buildings.

Although it had been a long time since Dylan last rode a bicycle, he still knew how to do it.

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Initially, he fumbled around and his bicycle would swerve left and right. It looked as if he was about to fall at any


Ronnie was so alarmed that his hair stood on end as he followed behind on a bicycle of his own.

A few minutes later, Dylan got the hang of it again.

The two of them rode in single file.

Emily was walking with a tray in her hands. She had prepared a hearty, nutritious soup specifically for Kendall and

was bringing it to her. Fergus came along to keep her company.

"It's still early. I don't think Kendall's awake yet," Fergus piped up while walking. "All of you keep bringing her soup

every day. I think she's beginning to develop a phobia of soup. Didn't you notice that Dylan's been putting on weight

these days?"

"We need to go early to be the first. Once Kendall wakes up, she can have the soup I prepared for her, and as long

as she's well-fed, our granddaughter will be healthy too. People are always in good spirits when good things are

happening to them. Dylan's about to become a father, and since he's overjoyed, his appetite has improved as well.

It's not surprising that he put on some weight."

Despite saying so, Emily did not pay any attention to Dylan and had no idea whether he had gained any weight.

Ever since she found out that Kendall was pregnant, she had been focusing entirely on her daughter-in-law.

She disliked Kendall so much in the past, but now, everything had changed completely.

In fact, she would even be willing to wait on Kendall herself.

"Kendall's so busy all day. She must be exhausted, so we must ensure she's well-nourished."

Fergus paused before reminding, "Dear, regardless of whether Kendall gives birth to a boy or a girl, we're still going

to love our grandchild. Don't keep referring to the baby as your granddaughter in front of Kendall. She'll feel

pressured to have a daughter."

"All the women who marry Coleman men feel pressured to have a daughter," Emily retorted. "All the women out

there know that the Colemans prioritize daughters. Think about it. No daughters were born throughout the last five

generations of your family. Even when it came to Dylan's generation, there have been a total of fifteen sons. Ally's

the only girl. Everyone says that the Colemans are like a monastery. Now, I can empathize with your mother's

feelings when she yearned for a granddaughter back then."

Two bicycles whizzed past Fergus and Emily.

They halted instinctively.

Emily nudged her husband and asked, "I wasn't hallucinating, right, Fergus? Dylan was the one who just rode past

us on a bicycle, right?"

Fergus stared after the bicycles and replied, "I think it's Dylan and Ronnie."

"Dylan's riding a bicycle? Where's he riding off to so early in the morning?"

Emily was curious, but she chuckled and added, "The happier Dylan is, the happier I get too."

Then, she sighed. "I've no idea what I was thinking back then. Dylan's so happy when he's with Kendall, but I still

tried to break them up and looked down on Kendall for growing up in a rural village. As parents, shouldn't our

children's happiness be the only thing that matters?"

"It's still aarly. I don't think Kandall's awaka yat," Fargus pipad up whila walking. "All of you kaap bringing har soup

avary day. I think sha's baginning to davalop a phobia of soup. Didn't you notica that Dylan's baan putting on waight

thasa days?"

"Wa naad to go aarly to ba tha first. Onca Kandall wakas up, sha can hava tha soup I praparad for har, and as long

as sha's wall-fad, our granddaughtar will ba haalthy too. Paopla ara always in good spirits whan good things ara

happaning to tham. Dylan's about to bacoma a fathar, and sinca ha's ovarjoyad, his appatita has improvad as wall.

It's not surprising that ha put on soma waight."

Daspita saying so, Emily did not pay any attantion to Dylan and had no idaa whathar ha had gainad any waight.

Evar sinca sha found out that Kandall was pragnant, sha had baan focusing antiraly on har daughtar-in-law.

Sha dislikad Kandall so much in tha past, but now, avarything had changad complataly.

In fact, sha would avan ba willing to wait on Kandall harsalf.

"Kandall's so busy all day. Sha must ba axhaustad, so wa must ansura sha's wall-nourishad."

Fargus pausad bafora raminding, "Daar, ragardlass of whathar Kandall givas birth to a boy or a girl, wa'ra still going

to lova our grandchild. Don't kaap rafarring to tha baby as your granddaughtar in front of Kandall. Sha'll faal

prassurad to hava a daughtar."

"All tha woman who marry Colaman man faal prassurad to hava a daughtar," Emily ratortad. "All tha woman out

thara know that tha Colamans prioritiza daughtars. Think about it. No daughtars wara born throughout tha last fiva

ganarations of your family. Evan whan it cama to Dylan's ganaration, thara hava baan a total of fiftaan sons. Ally's

tha only girl. Evaryona says that tha Colamans ara lika a monastary. Now, I can ampathiza with your mothar's

faalings whan sha yaarnad for a granddaughtar back than."

Two bicyclas whizzad past Fargus and Emily.

Thay haltad instinctivaly.

Emily nudgad har husband and askad, "I wasn't hallucinating, right, Fargus? Dylan was tha ona who just roda past

us on a bicycla, right?"

Fargus starad aftar tha bicyclas and rapliad, "I think it's Dylan and Ronnia."

"Dylan's riding a bicycla? Whara's ha riding off to so aarly in tha morning?"

Emily was curious, but sha chucklad and addad, "Tha happiar Dylan is, tha happiar I gat too."

Than, sha sighad. "I'va no idaa what I was thinking back than. Dylan's so happy whan ha's with Kandall, but I still

triad to braak tham up and lookad down on Kandall for growing up in a rural villaga. As parants, shouldn't our

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childran's happinass ba tha only thing that mattars?"

Fergus smiled and said, "It's good that you've had a change of heart now. Two of our sons are still unmarried, but

you don't need to get involved in their relationships. Let them find the person they love themselves. Our boys are

good judges of character."

Emily side-eyed Fergus before continuing down the path to Dylan's residence.

"I'm not worried about the two younger ones. Yoseph and Jane are already engaged so we don't need to worry

about them. As for Matthew, there's no rush."

She hadn't been worried about Dylan's love life either back then. She had only started fretting after his accident.

Dylan had no clue what his parents were discussing behind his back and didn't care either. He continued riding the

bicycle to the animal compound.

All those who saw him were surprised.

Some of the household staff even smiled and cried out cheerfully. "I saw Young Master Dylan riding a bicycle! How

lucky of me. I'm going to buy a lottery ticket. I'm sure I'll win something."

On the other hand, the staff at the animal compound were shocked to see Dylan coming over.

They rushed out at once, and Alice came out after them. She was carrying a Persian cat in her arms.

"It's really you, Dylan!"

Alice thought the staff had given her the wrong information.

Why would Dylan come to the animal compound himself?

Kendall's pet was only allowed to enter Dylan's residence because of Dylan's love for her. Furthermore, he was the

one who gave it to her, so it was a sign of their love as well.

That set it apart from the other animals.

Dylan didn't go in.

"Carry on with your work," Dylan instructed. "I'm not going in."

The staff exhaled in relief and swiftly cleared off.

"That's a pretty cat you have there, Ally," Dylan remarked.

Alice brightened up. "This is a Persian cat, Dylan. It's pretty, right? It's so adorable too. I love it so much. I've got

quite a few Persian cats. Kendall likes them too. Why don't I give this to Kendall? You can take it back to her."

"No need. I just think it looks pretty. Kendall's pregnant right now. She shouldn't have too much contact with


"All the animals here have been vaccinated and are free of any diseases or parasites like fleas. They're very safe."

The staff working at the animal compound had some degree of veterinary knowledge. There was also a team of

veterinarians to ensure that all the animals were healthy and well taken care of.

"Young Master Dylan would like to buy one for Young Mistress Kendall himself," Ronnie stated boldly.